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Given the forced overhead it possible to get a view thats fairly close to your character ? I would like to be able to see the full effects of the new graphics...and not "watch" my character from a longer distance like I see in many screenshots of player videos.
You can always tell who the young mmo'er is. Everything is Wow standards. I believe in KR you can zoom into your char but its only from top view. Thats the way UO has always been and should be. If it not what your looking four theres always the other 100ish games that do zoom in for you.
Ummm...I'm not really a young mmog player. Started to play UO a few weeks after its launch..and played for a year and a half or so until the pk'rs get to far out of hand.Never had a mmog with the fond memories I had from that game and probably never will.I am looking for a game to play until AOC and WAR and was thinking of revisiting an old "friend"
Well if you quit because of pker's then you would love UO in its current state.
EA, for the love of Mike, make a pre-tram shard!!!
Try the new client - the KR client
It is still buggy, though give it a try with a trial account
Yeah you can only zoom in and out with the new Kingdom Reborn Client.