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EQ2 Advice & Help!

Leedsboi86Leedsboi86 Member Posts: 25


I decided to give EQ2 Ago but I'm havin problems finding info on expansions.

Is there a way I can just buy the game and get them all included? Or do I have to hunt each one down?

Cause most of them aren't even sold nemore.....


Any advice would be great!


  • lomillerlomiller Member Posts: 1,810

    The EoF retail box comes with all three current expansions. 

    The Rise of Kunark retail box coming out in 2 weeks will also include the base game + all expansions, and it also includes all three adventure packs.  If you can wait 2 weeks this is the way to go.

  • Leedsboi86Leedsboi86 Member Posts: 25

    Ok will check GAME out in 2 weeks!



    P.S Whats the game like for team play?

  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    Gamestop says it comes out 11/9/07


    So Only 3 days, and Im thinking bout starting up too seeing as only 40$ for ALL expansions

    not a bad deal :p

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • Alle90Alle90 Member Posts: 83

    Well, everyone that has not tried EQ2 and looking for a new mmorpg should really go for it, great deal, and a great game... i have a lvl 40 and one lvl 37.. and i have not seen 10% of the game yet.. its frigging huge and there is a great deal to do, maybe tho most content filled MMoRPG i've played.. (played most of them)

  • PyrostasisPyrostasis Member UncommonPosts: 2,293

    Its great for teamplay, currently waiting on my copy of RoK as well.

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871
    Originally posted by iMMORPG

    Gamestop says it comes out 11/9/07
    So Only 3 days, and Im thinking bout starting up too seeing as only 40$ for ALL expansions
    not a bad deal :p

    Their information is wrong.  Release date is 13th.

  • Leedsboi86Leedsboi86 Member Posts: 25

    Local store has told me it's £19.99 and released on 13/11/2007

    So looks like I will go buy it when it comes out!

    Whats it cost a month to play it?

    Only 3 days to wait!


    What classes etc are there? Mage? Summoner?

  • The_Boo_CatThe_Boo_Cat Staff WriterMember UncommonPosts: 157

    I used to play EQ2...sometime still think of going back.  It's a really good game and there is definitely loads to do.  I actually can't think of anything bad to say about it.

    Damn it...I think you've talked me into it..........

    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the reviews of or its management.

    Neil Thompson
    Staff Writer

  • Leedsboi86Leedsboi86 Member Posts: 25

    I'm gonna play it too but need to wait til 13th of this month for new expansion box so I got all in one deal hehe

  • SymoneSymone Member Posts: 277

    I've tried like 9 times to get into this game.. don't really know why I can't, maybe its just the graphics the landscape is pretty barren looking.


    I seriously have like 9 or 10 SOE eq2 trials and 4 of those are former active accounts I even got that "every expansion for free and free play time" deal and still couldn't get into it.


  • Leedsboi86Leedsboi86 Member Posts: 25

    I guess I'll give it ago!

    What kinda graphics will I get with these specs?


    CPU Type: DualCore Intel Pentium D 820, 2800 MHz (14X200)

    System Memory: 2048MB

    Graphics Card: RADEON X600 256MB Hyper Memory Secondry)256mb)

    Graphics Card #2: RADEON X600 256MB Hyper Memory(256MB)

    CPU Speed: 2800MHz

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