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I decided to give EQ2 Ago but I'm havin problems finding info on expansions.
Is there a way I can just buy the game and get them all included? Or do I have to hunt each one down?
Cause most of them aren't even sold nemore.....
Any advice would be great!
The EoF retail box comes with all three current expansions.
The Rise of Kunark retail box coming out in 2 weeks will also include the base game + all expansions, and it also includes all three adventure packs. If you can wait 2 weeks this is the way to go.
Ok will check GAME out in 2 weeks!
P.S Whats the game like for team play?
Gamestop says it comes out 11/9/07
So Only 3 days, and Im thinking bout starting up too seeing as only 40$ for ALL expansions
not a bad deal
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
Well, everyone that has not tried EQ2 and looking for a new mmorpg should really go for it, great deal, and a great game... i have a lvl 40 and one lvl 37.. and i have not seen 10% of the game yet.. its frigging huge and there is a great deal to do, maybe tho most content filled MMoRPG i've played.. (played most of them)
Its great for teamplay, currently waiting on my copy of RoK as well.
Their information is wrong. Release date is 13th.
Local store has told me it's £19.99 and released on 13/11/2007
So looks like I will go buy it when it comes out!
Whats it cost a month to play it?
Only 3 days to wait!
What classes etc are there? Mage? Summoner?
I used to play EQ2...sometime still think of going back. It's a really good game and there is definitely loads to do. I actually can't think of anything bad to say about it.
Damn it...I think you've talked me into it..........
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Neil Thompson
Staff Writer
I'm gonna play it too but need to wait til 13th of this month for new expansion box so I got all in one deal hehe
I've tried like 9 times to get into this game.. don't really know why I can't, maybe its just the graphics the landscape is pretty barren looking.
I seriously have like 9 or 10 SOE eq2 trials and 4 of those are former active accounts
I even got that "every expansion for free and free play time" deal and still couldn't get into it.
I guess I'll give it ago!
What kinda graphics will I get with these specs?
CPU Type: DualCore Intel Pentium D 820, 2800 MHz (14X200)
System Memory: 2048MB
Graphics Card: RADEON X600 256MB Hyper Memory Secondry)256mb)
Graphics Card #2: RADEON X600 256MB Hyper Memory(256MB)
CPU Speed: 2800MHz