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Jess Lebow, the Content Director for Flying Lab Software's upcoming MMORPG, Pirates of the Burning Sea, takes some time to answer Jon Wood's questions about himself and the game that he has been working on. does one become a Content Director? How did you end up doing what you're doing?
Jess Lebow:I ask myself that question at least once a week, and I'm not sure there's a standard career path. I took a very circuitous route to get here to be honest. I started out with big dreams of becoming a famous writer and ended up with a creative writing degree when I came out of college. After several years selling beer for a living (which was neither famous, nor did it have anything to do with writing), I finally got my break at a publishing house where I edited the Magic: The Gathering novel line. From there I started writing again. One of my first books caught the attention of the folks at ArenaNet, and I eventually landed a job as the World Designer for Guild Wars. After writing two fantasy games and five fantasy novels, I decided I needed a change of genre, which landed me here at Flying Lab where I took over the reigns of the content team from a fellow writer, John Tynes. That's probably a longer answer than you were looking for, but you asked
Read the whole interview here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Ohh, that Elbow. Almost as handsome as me.
It's gonna be a good game, but the last paragraph about the low amount of loading screens made me chuckle. The game is instanced to death.
Smart guy like Joss Lebow working on a game that looks really good.
Shame what SOE is going to do to it.
And what, pray tell, is SOE doing to it? other than handling the distribution, the launcher, and advertising?
So wait no jumping?

To be honest, the more these devs talk the more I like the game. Very open and honest about their game and obviously very proud. Which is a nice change after all the standard clones out there, I can't wait now for this game and I was again one to say "NEVER COMING OUT!" ... well I have eat'n my own words , swallowed my pride and have change my tales, I am a POTBS fan and can't wait for the game to be released !
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Hey, guys,
I realize that PotBS does indeed have instances and as a result also has loading screens. I just posted a clarification on that topic over at our forums.
You can find it here:
Hope that gives you a better idea of what I meant with that answer.
Sorry for the confusion.
And what, pray tell, is SOE doing to it? other than handling the distribution, the launcher, and advertising?
Don't worry, I'll necro this thread in a year or so and we'll be able to finish this discussion.
And what, pray tell, is SOE doing to it? other than handling the distribution, the launcher, and advertising?
That sucks....
And what, pray tell, is SOE doing to it? other than handling the distribution, the launcher, and advertising?
That sucks....
Don't let the SOE Haters get you to avoid this game.
It's, simply put, a fresh breeze in the MMO industry... I'm going out today to pick up a pre-order box.
And, no, I'm not thrilled that they chose SOE as their publisher either but hey, business is business I guess. And it lets them focus on what they do best: Making quality games.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell