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RagemasterRagemaster Member UncommonPosts: 131

For those who are interested, Stress test for Pirates of the burning sea are NOW open to all user, paid or otherwise, of fileplanet. If you dont have a fileplanet account go get a free one !


Servers and gameplay start at 6:00 pm EST today. GO !



  • CrazyfoolCrazyfool Member Posts: 151
    Originally posted by Ragemaster

    For those who are interested, Stress test for Pirates of the burning sea are NOW open to all user, paid or otherwise, of fileplanet. If you dont have a fileplanet account go get a free one !

    Servers and gameplay start at 6:00 pm EST today. GO !

    One more hour, can't wait. Just hope the insane amount of people logging on does not crash the servers!


  • LazzaroLazzaro Member UncommonPosts: 548

    I bet the servers will blow up.

  • GruntiesGrunties Member Posts: 859

    Didn't hear about it until after work, so I will still be downloading it when the servers go up :(

    Can't wait to hear general public opinions about the game during the event though! I'll be watching the boards ;)

    Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
    Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.

  • ajm563ajm563 Member Posts: 48

    Of course the servers will blow up.  That's what stress tests are for.

  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66
    Originally posted by Grunties

    Didn't hear about it until after work, so I will still be downloading it when the servers go up :(
    Can't wait to hear general public opinions about the game during the event though! I'll be watching the boards ;)

    I think its still under NDA so your not really supposed to hear anything but i doubt thats going to stop such a vast amount of people.

  • LazzaroLazzaro Member UncommonPosts: 548

    You have to agree to a NDA. So you're not "suppose" to say anything, but that doesn't stop people.

  • GruntiesGrunties Member Posts: 859

    Ah, first time I've seen a public stress test be still under NDA. But not a big deal. I'll be able to see it for myself so there is no real need to read other opinions anyway, and I have no particular urge to share mine :)

    But to everyone that gets a chance to play, I wish you an enjoyable experience!

    Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
    Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.

  • starstar Member Posts: 1,101


    10 minutes.

    And damn, the servers are going to implode. It's going to be hilarious.


  • premiereboripremierebori Member Posts: 249

    OK it's time, and I still can't log in.




  • RayanaRayana Member UncommonPosts: 525

    And it's open... Have fun all.


    Playing: Final Fantasy Online: ARR, Destiny
    Most memorable games for me: UO, GW1, LoTRO

  • LazzaroLazzaro Member UncommonPosts: 548


  • FarquaniaFarquania Member Posts: 120

    nice lol I am still on the waiting list for the download.


  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66




  • starstar Member Posts: 1,101


    Patch faster!!!


    Edit: Holy fuck. Patcher is saying 33 hours..

    Edit: Nevermind, down to 3 hours.


  • FarquaniaFarquania Member Posts: 120



    FilePlanet Download System

    Unable to add to line

    This server is currently full or not accepting new connections at this time.



    I was waiting for like 20 minutes and then this


  • project8sixproject8six Member Posts: 271

    didn't take long for the fls forums to go down hah. still 5 mins on my patcher... why do we need to patch to a 2 month old beta build? they gave fileplanet an even older file? i guess they were just lazy and didn't update the installer.


    edit* eh i guess they just having technical difficulties its up and down ~

    die. <3

  • CablespiderCablespider Member UncommonPosts: 272

    By the time I get this 4GB file off of fileplanet, beta weekend will be over!


  • jzuskajzuska Member Posts: 418


    I'm getting this too. Anyone know how to fix it?

  • Ravens0ulRavens0ul Member UncommonPosts: 51
    They should make this a Open Beta after the stress test weekend, to give players a chance to test the game before they decide to pre-order or not(like i am).
  • LazzaroLazzaro Member UncommonPosts: 548

    Pre Order begins Oct. 23rd, so there could be a chance.

  • DevalonDevalon Member UncommonPosts: 496

    I hope the stress test goes well. I'm still hoping for a late december release of this game.

    "Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow

  • RagemasterRagemaster Member UncommonPosts: 131

    Those that are having trouble logging in, or saying your beta key is invalid (in my case) I just read the official community site.

    ntermittent Downtime Announcement!

    10.04.07 by Aether

    and basicly the authorization server is having issues! So keep checking back.

    full announcement can be found here

  • Enforcer71Enforcer71 Member UncommonPosts: 780
    Originally posted by Ragemaster

    Those that are having trouble logging in, or saying your beta key is invalid (in my case) I just read the official community site.
    ntermittent Downtime Announcement!
    10.04.07 by Aether
    and basicly the authorization server is having issues! So keep checking back.
    full announcement can be found here

    Fixed it for you

    Out of every 100 men, 10 should not be there,
    80 are nothing but targets, 9 are the real fighters.
    Ah, but one, ONE of them is a warrior,
    and he will bring the others home.
    -Heraclitus 500BC

  • gerhard45gerhard45 Member Posts: 44

    Release is  Jan 22 08

  • vajurasvajuras Member Posts: 2,860

    thankls for this post im downloading right now this is so coo

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