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Sexiest Armor in a MMO {Part Deux}



  • KirithiaKirithia Member Posts: 18

    Originally posted by monkeyspy

    Originally posted by lordphycus

    Play L2, create de female, type: /social waiting, the discussion will be over.


    Wow, my arse is famous! lol Glad you guys liked the pic.


    Kirithia - 7X Phantom Ranger on the Bartz server

  • CCDeathCCCCDeathCC Member Posts: 128

    Guild Wars

    Hey Everyone

  • ScriarScriar Member Posts: 772

    none of them, whats sexy about game characters?

    btw the only one there that looks like armour is sun, then they ruined it by "forgetting" to add the middle part to the armour. The rest look like some nerd fetish inspired armour.

  • CPmmoCPmmo Member Posts: 309
    Originally posted by Scriar

    none of them, whats sexy about game characters?
    btw the only one there that looks like armour is sun, then they ruined it by forgetting to add the middle part to the armour. The rest look like some nerd fetish inspired armour.

    definitely none, but you are wrong about the armor.  Gods & Heroes looks the most realistic, as that type of armor is similar to what Gladiators would wear.  They didn't wear full covering armor because flexiablity and dexterity was more important to their type of fighting. 

    War Beta Tester

  • DeadeXDeadeX Member Posts: 170


    Originally posted by Scriar

    none of them, whats sexy about game characters?

    Some of them got nice female shapes, it's art .


    And art can be sexy, it's like saying a portrait of sum

    sexy girl aint sexy cause its drawned, and game and

    art is pretty much the same in some situations.

  • ScriarScriar Member Posts: 772


    Originally posted by CPmmo

    Originally posted by Scriar

    none of them, whats sexy about game characters?
    btw the only one there that looks like armour is sun, then they ruined it by forgetting to add the middle part to the armour. The rest look like some nerd fetish inspired armour.

    definitely none, but you are wrong about the armor.  Gods & Heroes looks the most realistic, as that type of armor is similar to what Gladiators would wear.  They didn't wear full covering armor because flexiablity and dexterity was more important to their type of fighting. 

     I agree looks realistic forgot to add that one as well, and sun looks fairly realistic especially if they added the torso armour, reminds me of oriental religious type armour they used for strictly for ceremonies.


    Edit: to the guy above me i agree art can be sexy etc, but game characters the way they are designed especcially in mmos i dont see in the same way at all.


  • Nicod3musNicod3mus Member UncommonPosts: 114

    Lineage 2 had the sexiest dark elfs contest.

  • mkpvpksmkpvpks Member UncommonPosts: 37
    Originally posted by monkeyspy

    Originally posted by mkpvpks

    I voted CoX because that pic is a horrible example of what the sexier costumes look like.


    Post a better pic and I'll replace it in the collage.

    Id post a better pic but I am not computer savy and do not know how to do that.  Anyone who is computer savy and can help me out would be much appreciated.


  • monkeyspymonkeyspy Member Posts: 196

    Originally posted by mkpvpks

    Originally posted by monkeyspy

    Originally posted by mkpvpks

    I voted CoX because that pic is a horrible example of what the sexier costumes look like.


    Post a better pic and I'll replace it in the collage.

    Id post a better pic but I am not computer savy and do not know how to do that.  Anyone who is computer savy and can help me out would be much appreciated.

    Just post a link to a good picture here in the forums and I'll edit out the one on the front page and replace it with the new one {you should be able to do that, you changed your profile picture so you can at least do that}. 


    And that goes for any of the games listed and shown at the top of this thread.  If anyone has a better picture they would rather have up on the first page of this thread post it and I'll replace it if it's better.

  • loke81loke81 Member Posts: 43

    Im pretty aware of CoX not having the best looking "armour" but atleast it deserved a lil better then what was showed, so i give you:

    Bird of Prey from the Virtue server 


    "Who am I to blow against the wind?"

  • OhaanOhaan Member UncommonPosts: 568

    This thread is as lame as the first time around...

    No wonder the MMO industry is in the state that it is.

  • MaeEyeMaeEye Member UncommonPosts: 1,108

    Originally posted by Ohaan

    This thread is as lame as the first time around...
    No wonder the MMO industry is in the state that it is.
    What's wrong with this thread? 


    It's actually more amusing than half the posts out there today.


    A++ post.  Will read again!


    Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
    Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds

  • DreadlichDreadlich Member UncommonPosts: 597

    Originally posted by Scriar

    none of them, whats sexy about game characters?
    btw the only one there that looks like armour is sun, then they ruined it by "forgetting" to add the middle part to the armour. The rest look like some nerd fetish inspired armour.

    That's right, erotic art is just for sad guys that live in basements. When do images of the female form become sexy to you? Anime/Manga/Hentai? Comics? Classical? Vintage (Vargas)? Fantasy artists (Boris or Royo)? Maybe you only accept photos? Pixelated or print? Maybe you're immune to the allure of the female form?

    No matter how you answer, you're a self-righteous ass.

    I vote for L2.

    MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR
    Playing: WAR
    Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online

  • KargorKargor Member Posts: 4

    Well, I guess it depends on what you want. Here's some screenshots I made for a similar thread elsewhere. Doesn't include endgame armors, though, since my mules can't wear them --- the last one is somewhat late, though --- it's not one of my chars :-)


    I still liked my Archer, though... even though she "lost" the skin-showing stuff while levelling up. I DO wonder how some of the armors can be called "armor", anyway... maybe it got mistyped as amour when they ordered the graphics?

    My current char information. Trickster, Scions of Fate, Last Chaos, Flyff.

  • ElikalElikal Member UncommonPosts: 7,912

    Why not SWG? :(

    People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert

  • lilune666lilune666 Member Posts: 129

    Take it from someone who's spent two decades painting. the people who have the strongest objections to fantasy art like this, or contempt for the people who make it, almost invariably have a sexual complex. It's true. I've had criticism from every angle and all walks of life, though most of the people are positive about it.  I suppose the hang ups are less prevelant in the eastern world, and that's why you won't see the artist's there compromise.  It has nothing to do with the empowerment or objectification of women, it's just that most of the people that make art like this or are into it happen to be men, and the human form is a really appealing thing. This stuff sells!

    Also, lineage 2.  That is all.

  • OrcaOrca Member UncommonPosts: 629

    Originally posted by lilune666
    Take it from someone who's spent two decades painting. the people who have the strongest objections to fantasy art like this, or contempt for the people who make it, almost invariably have a sexual complex. 

    So with your education in art, you took an education in psychology aswell?

    Get real mate.

    Futilez - Mature MMORPG Community

    Correcting people since birth.

  • lilune666lilune666 Member Posts: 129


  • JinxysJinxys Member UncommonPosts: 488

    My vote is with Lineage 2 I just love the art style of Lineage 2,  both on male and female characters.







  • OrcaOrca Member UncommonPosts: 629

    Originally posted by lilune666

    I take it from your arrogance, that you haven't.

    Futilez - Mature MMORPG Community

    Correcting people since birth.

  • lilune666lilune666 Member Posts: 129

    What arrogance?  If I had said "In my opinion" would you have taken less offense?  Well, it is my opinion, and I only offered it for the sake of discusion.

    So basicly, does sound so strange that the people who are actually hostile toward sexuality in art have a motivation for reacting that way, based on their experience and judgement? 

  • BrenelaelBrenelael Member UncommonPosts: 3,821


    Originally posted by lilune666

    What arrogance?  If I had said "In my opinion" would you have taken less offense?  Well, it is my opinion, and I only offered it for the sake of discusion.
    So basicly, does sound so strange that the people who are actually hostile toward sexuality in art have a motivation for reacting that way, based on their experience and judgement? 

    Instead of arguing with him you should just take note that you hit him a little to close to home and move on. BTW I agree that people that act hostile toward any form of artwork with a sexual theme are either sexually repressed or have deep sexual complexes. It's not rocket science it's just common sense.


    Edit: Oh and Lineage II hands down.  




  • monkeyspymonkeyspy Member Posts: 196

    LOL, Chronicles of Spellborn is getting no love {0.0%}  Wish I could edit the poll to remove games that aren't doing so well and replace them with others.

  • ScriarScriar Member Posts: 772


    Originally posted by Dreadlich

    Originally posted by Scriar

    none of them, whats sexy about game characters?
    btw the only one there that looks like armour is sun, then they ruined it by "forgetting" to add the middle part to the armour. The rest look like some nerd fetish inspired armour.


    That's right, erotic art is just for sad guys that live in basements. When do images of the female form become sexy to you? Anime/Manga/Hentai? Comics? Classical? Vintage (Vargas)? Fantasy artists (Boris or Royo)? Maybe you only accept photos? Pixelated or print? Maybe you're immune to the allure of the female form?

    No matter how you answer, you're a self-righteous ass.

    I vote for L2.


    Seems like I insulted you somehow, i take it your the nerd that sits in a basement all day wanking over pixelated tits? or do you just get offended easily ?

    Anime, manga, and hentai is not sexy, it isn't even good art work any idiot can do it its a very simplistic art form.

    Comics falls under the same boat, its very over exaggerated simplistic and not at all sexy.

    classical, depends how its drawn, but whats that got to do with games? point out an mmo with good classical art/design, oh wait you cant because there are none.

    Fantasy, in mmos no because they are aimed at nerds, in some games yes because they have some style but not in this genre.

    Photos of course, but what does that have to do with games? oh wait nothing because you have no argument your just trying to insult me, lol

    And your last sentence, if your trying to imply I'm gay, I'm not, I'm very straight, seems like you are a very insecure person to me if you need to insult others by insinuating that they are of the opposite sexual preference.

    So why dont you go back to drooling over L2, instead of making yourself look like a complete and utter loser.

    edit: Nvm your 38 and posting on a thread about sexy in game characters, that speaks volumes tbh. edit2: one more thing this topic is about armour, armour is not sexy it can look good but it is not designed to look sexy because that would defeat its purpose of protecting the wearer even in fantasy, something that looks pratical is more believable thus more sexy than something that looks unbelievable like a supposed warrioress going into battle in a metal thong.

  • Beatnik59Beatnik59 Member UncommonPosts: 2,413

    I don't think the armor is sexy, Scriar.

    I do think the armor is lovely though.  It is very ornate, and flattering.  Perhaps not practical, but lovely things are oftentimes not practical.  Is a Ferrari practical?  Perhaps not, but it is lovely.

    We enjoy lovely things, and so therefore it's understandable that we are excited by them.  We desire sex, but we want the sex to be lovely too.  So while I'm not saying that we should confuse fact with fantasy, I will say that it is quite understandable--nay even healthy--to want sex to be lovely.

    "Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."

    "...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
    --Hellmar, CEO of CCP.

    "It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
    --Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE

This discussion has been closed.