to think that 1 person is going to make any kind of quality product is completely naive , i dont care if you ARE on crack and meth and tripping your balls off while consuming 50000 mg of caffeine a day; it cant be done. completely ignoring THAT obvious fact, it would take years (if not decades) to complete the game by which time you would be so sick of looking at/dealing with it there would be zero desire to actually play it (provided you even had the hands for it since you will definitely have crippling arthritis) . also in the end what you would end up making if you just took little bits a pieces that worked from other games you would be WoW, and nobody would be impressed. oh also in the gargantuan space of time it would take you to make said game you would have to do at least 3 hardware upgrades and probably spend several months each year bringing the game up to date with next years platforms.
more realistically tho is the fact that YOU paid for those shitty games!! you didnt look @ rappelz and say "free to play piece of trash"? by spending money on their games they (game companies) assume they are doing something right. i dont think i read anywhere that DIDNT compare lotro to wow, but you bought it ...thinking what?! "this is soo gonna rawk"? you are as much the problem as the companies. do you go around procreating (or even trying to) with fat chicks, retarded chicks, dead chicks, or total heinous sluts? if so, ok you got me on that one, but more than likely you dont because you know there is little if any pleasure in it (ok maybe the occasional dead chick). but sho' nuff you try games you have gotta know you arent going to get much out of.
i dont see what you have to complain about, also that is a REAL small list of games compared to your contemporaries, im betting you left the real garbage out.
in short stop buying trash games. theres only like 100000 sites that preview and review games, ever tried reading em? dont run out and just buy hellgate, steal it first and see if its even worth your time if you are that scared of wasting time and money. at least THAT way they dont get your $ and think to themselves "another satisfied customer, we will have to do this again next year".
not saying i have never bought a total garbage game, but fable was supposed to rawk!
to think that 1 person is going to make any kind of quality product is completely naive , i dont care if you ARE on crack and meth and tripping your balls off while consuming 50000 mg of caffeine a day; it cant be done. completely ignoring THAT obvious fact, it would take years (if not decades) to complete the game by which time you would be so sick of looking at/dealing with it there would be zero desire to actually play it (provided you even had the hands for it since you will definitely have crippling arthritis) . also in the end what you would end up making if you just took little bits a pieces that worked from other games you would be WoW, and nobody would be impressed. oh also in the gargantuan space of time it would take you to make said game you would have to do at least 3 hardware upgrades and probably spend several months each year bringing the game up to date with next years platforms. more realistically tho is the fact that YOU paid for those shitty games!! you didnt look @ rappelz and say "free to play piece of trash"? by spending money on their games they (game companies) assume they are doing something right. i dont think i read anywhere that DIDNT compare lotro to wow, but you bought it ...thinking what?! "this is soo gonna rawk"? you are as much the problem as the companies. do you go around procreating (or even trying to) with fat chicks, retarded chicks, dead chicks, or total heinous sluts? if so, ok you got me on that one, but more than likely you dont because you know there is little if any pleasure in it (ok maybe the occasional dead chick). but sho' nuff you try games you have gotta know you arent going to get much out of. i dont see what you have to complain about, also that is a REAL small list of games compared to your contemporaries, im betting you left the real garbage out. in short stop buying trash games. theres only like 100000 sites that preview and review games, ever tried reading em? dont run out and just buy hellgate, steal it first and see if its even worth your time if you are that scared of wasting time and money. at least THAT way they dont get your $ and think to themselves "another satisfied customer, we will have to do this again next year". not saying i have never bought a total garbage game, but fable was supposed to rawk!
You're entitled to your opinion, but 1 person can do a lot. The entire engine is near completion after nearly 2 years of development. I work part time overnights. I have 3 days off and an entire afternoon. I work on the game everyday of the week except 1 day that I have off. The next step is content development. This will take time and I plan to possibly hire on artists and writers, because i'm a programmer. Not an artist at heart. I can do 3D art, but not near as good as some of the folks out there. My spelling and such arn't so good either so a writer is a good idea. Runescape began as 2 people. Look at it now. You've got no idea what it's like untill you've done it. I thought the same thing at first, but I stopped doubting my self. Now i've got a nearly complete game engine. Updating isn't a problem either. I've updated it 3 times to catch up with technology. Each time only taking a few months maybe 3 if that, which isn't bad. It's also not peices of other games. I am using the IDEAS from other games that people liked and formulating my own idea from that. I'm using other good ideas as a BASE so to speak then advancing from there. So no it won't be the same.
I also don't have problems with my hands, because as a programmer I know hand and wrist exercises. This is a REQUIREMENT when going into such a field. I've seen people who use computers less have superior damage to their wrists, fingers, etc. I've got MINOR issues, but that's from my past when I played games nearly 24/7 and didn't know about the proper exercises. Sense then my wrists and hands have healed up nicely and have little to no damage. Google some exercises. It helps.
I didn't list all the games i've played that is true. I didn't feel like listing them all. The post was long enough as is and as said most are just clones of one another except for a "feature" here and there.
I never spent money on Rappelz. Never planned on it either. Possibly why customer service treated me like crap.
Now a days reviews are just churned out peoples arses. I don't want a full blown review. I just want suggestions, tips, or even to hear others experiences just as I did here. I've read plenty of reviews for "supposidly awesome" games and they were a total freaken flop. Money isn't a major issue. It's just annoying to have it go to waste for so little enjoyment.
I've followed the Diablo team for awhile waiting for them to rip out a new hit title and Hellgate is it. If they can do what they did with D2 then it'll be fine. If not. I'll ebay my account as i've done with all games. So i'm willing to put my money down up front. I can't say the same for games currently being developed. To many are so slow paced that it's just god awful boring doing the grind (All MMOs will have a grind. It's the business model. It stringers players a long to keep the payments rolling it. Either way you look at it. There will be a grind. It just needs to be done in an enjoyable fashion.)
The majority of the time I can make a profit just reselling my account. So like I said the money isn't the issue. It's primarly the time I wasted on a poor quality game.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
I was going to try it, but i'm on Satellite internet and hear bad things regarding lag with satellite. I could be wrong, but I don't know. I just searched the forums for some info.
It looks fun aside from the fact everyone looks the same, but the gameplay still looks cool.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
It's not that there are too many MMO's, it's just that there are too many clones, and clones of clones, and clones of the friggin clones of the clones!
Why is the free2play games making a entry on the market? Because the market is saturated by clones where the gameplay is 90% the same in all the games.. hack your way through 50-90 levels, raid some dungeons or loot your gear, go to battlefield and whack anyone weaker than you, preferably zerg em for points that you can get gear for...
In a market that consists of clones of clones of the same basic gameplay, where very few offers something thats new or at least different, why would you pay for a game and subscription, when you have 10+ free games that offers the same stuff as the one that want you to pay for it?
Not too many MMO's.. just not enough devs with visions, ideas of their own, and balls to stand up against the bu$ine$$uit guy who never played a game in his life.
whoa whoa whoa , hold on wolfmann. you make it sound like its JUST mmo's, gaming in general is dead! do we REALLY need new sports games every year ? i mean couldnt they just update the stupid rosters? or look at fps's , oooh cool kill the nazis, or kill the terrorists, in general kill the soldiers. like 20 DDR clones (that says the most about gaming to me, WAY too many mo's are playing). i could go on and on but im sure the point is clear. what has happened is what used to involve creativity is now formulaic, what used to affect a small core or niche is now homogenized so every mo' , retard, 12 year old, and his mommy can enjoy (no really look at wow since everyone lives to compare to it). you don't even feel emotion playing 90% of games anymore, well maybe anger at the controls or other players, spite toward the companies, and saddened by the state of it all. but that isn't the same as back in the day when you would feel through a game and care what was happening to your character/s as opposed to figuring out how long you will have to play the game before a decent one comes out. gaming much like comic books and movies is killing itself with repetition, maybe its a sign that we should be doing something more constructive with our time on earth than paying for crap we end up loathing .
There is no quality gaming in mmo's anymore it seems. After WOW, EQ1&2 and Lineage1&2 what is left to choose from ? It seems companies just copy what has been done before and add some minor adjustments to it. No innovation whatsoever in today's mmo market.
I had hopes for AOC but is this game ever going to meet its deadline ? They are shoving 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb bag and can't fix any of it on time.
Warhammer Online: Where is the wow factor in the game ? Meaning, what makes me say " hell yeah I want to play this game! " there is none unless you are a fan of warhammer.
Aion: Graphics look great but gameplay matters most and this game may cater more to the kids and casual gamers but hey this game may turn out ok. If anything atleast players can fly :P
Tabula Rasa: Well I think Richard Garriot has the right idea here. Lots of action, fasted paced that might keep gamers interested and busy. With the right fixes the game might turn out better than most expect but is it really worth the 15 bucks a month ? Probably not and no I won't be gving NCSoft my 15 bucks a month
The best games of the year won't even be mmo games to show the mmo market is majorly lacking. Halo 3, Bioshock, Crysis and Hellgate London will by far out perform many mmo's on this site in 2007. MMO companies need to stop rushing games just so they can get their 15 bucks a month from gamers. Start producing quality games instant of quantity please ?
agree with above excepting screw halo 3 and its hype, 7 hours on legendary...had to piss twice.
also i would put bioshock in the same category as prey, its a brilliant game but do you really think anyone will still be playing it in a year (or even 6 months).
people are still playing phantasy star online and ultima, thats pretty amazing. i dont see too many games coming out (or that have come out lately) that have a prayer of people playing for near a decade (could include unreal also but its not a rpg).
There aren't to many mmo's at all... there are to many mmo's that are pretty much reskins of the same game.
IMO AO is ass. *shrug* Hated that game since beta and have tried it 4 times since... never made it past playing about a week before tossing my hands up in frustration and going "Bleh!" It's sad but since the NGE it's the best sci-fi game on the market O_o
lol no mmo u not try it i dont have any game for you sorry but u try the best games!
Hey Everyone
to think that 1 person is going to make any kind of quality product is completely naive , i dont care if you ARE on crack and meth and tripping your balls off while consuming 50000 mg of caffeine a day; it cant be done. completely ignoring THAT obvious fact, it would take years (if not decades) to complete the game by which time you would be so sick of looking at/dealing with it there would be zero desire to actually play it (provided you even had the hands for it since you will definitely have crippling arthritis) . also in the end what you would end up making if you just took little bits a pieces that worked from other games you would be WoW, and nobody would be impressed. oh also in the gargantuan space of time it would take you to make said game you would have to do at least 3 hardware upgrades and probably spend several months each year bringing the game up to date with next years platforms.
more realistically tho is the fact that YOU paid for those shitty games!! you didnt look @ rappelz and say "free to play piece of trash"? by spending money on their games they (game companies) assume they are doing something right. i dont think i read anywhere that DIDNT compare lotro to wow, but you bought it ...thinking what?! "this is soo gonna rawk"? you are as much the problem as the companies. do you go around procreating (or even trying to) with fat chicks, retarded chicks, dead chicks, or total heinous sluts? if so, ok you got me on that one, but more than likely you dont because you know there is little if any pleasure in it (ok maybe the occasional dead chick). but sho' nuff you try games you have gotta know you arent going to get much out of.
i dont see what you have to complain about, also that is a REAL small list of games compared to your contemporaries, im betting you left the real garbage out.
in short stop buying trash games. theres only like 100000 sites that preview and review games, ever tried reading em? dont run out and just buy hellgate, steal it first and see if its even worth your time if you are that scared of wasting time and money. at least THAT way they dont get your $ and think to themselves "another satisfied customer, we will have to do this again next year".
not saying i have never bought a total garbage game, but fable was supposed to rawk!
I also don't have problems with my hands, because as a programmer I know hand and wrist exercises. This is a REQUIREMENT when going into such a field. I've seen people who use computers less have superior damage to their wrists, fingers, etc. I've got MINOR issues, but that's from my past when I played games nearly 24/7 and didn't know about the proper exercises. Sense then my wrists and hands have healed up nicely and have little to no damage. Google some exercises. It helps.
I didn't list all the games i've played that is true. I didn't feel like listing them all. The post was long enough as is and as said most are just clones of one another except for a "feature" here and there.
I never spent money on Rappelz. Never planned on it either. Possibly why customer service treated me like crap.
Now a days reviews are just churned out peoples arses. I don't want a full blown review. I just want suggestions, tips, or even to hear others experiences just as I did here. I've read plenty of reviews for "supposidly awesome" games and they were a total freaken flop. Money isn't a major issue. It's just annoying to have it go to waste for so little enjoyment.
I've followed the Diablo team for awhile waiting for them to rip out a new hit title and Hellgate is it. If they can do what they did with D2 then it'll be fine. If not. I'll ebay my account as i've done with all games. So i'm willing to put my money down up front. I can't say the same for games currently being developed. To many are so slow paced that it's just god awful boring doing the grind (All MMOs will have a grind. It's the business model. It stringers players a long to keep the payments rolling it. Either way you look at it. There will be a grind. It just needs to be done in an enjoyable fashion.)
The majority of the time I can make a profit just reselling my account. So like I said the money isn't the issue. It's primarly the time I wasted on a poor quality game.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
try out 2moons
It looks fun aside from the fact everyone looks the same, but the gameplay still looks cool.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
You can only do so much to a cookie to make it look different, but at the end of the day, no matter what shape this cookie is, it's still a cookie.
That is your basic MMORPG. No matter what you do to it, it's still a MMORPG and there's not much you can really change.
It's not that there are too many MMO's, it's just that there are too many clones, and clones of clones, and clones of the friggin clones of the clones!
Why is the free2play games making a entry on the market? Because the market is saturated by clones where the gameplay is 90% the same in all the games.. hack your way through 50-90 levels, raid some dungeons or loot your gear, go to battlefield and whack anyone weaker than you, preferably zerg em for points that you can get gear for...
In a market that consists of clones of clones of the same basic gameplay, where very few offers something thats new or at least different, why would you pay for a game and subscription, when you have 10+ free games that offers the same stuff as the one that want you to pay for it?
Not too many MMO's.. just not enough devs with visions, ideas of their own, and balls to stand up against the bu$ine$$uit guy who never played a game in his life.
whoa whoa whoa , hold on wolfmann. you make it sound like its JUST mmo's, gaming in general is dead! do we REALLY need new sports games every year ? i mean couldnt they just update the stupid rosters? or look at fps's , oooh cool kill the nazis, or kill the terrorists, in general kill the soldiers. like 20 DDR clones (that says the most about gaming to me, WAY too many mo's are playing). i could go on and on but im sure the point is clear. what has happened is what used to involve creativity is now formulaic, what used to affect a small core or niche is now homogenized so every mo' , retard, 12 year old, and his mommy can enjoy (no really look at wow since everyone lives to compare to it). you don't even feel emotion playing 90% of games anymore, well maybe anger at the controls or other players, spite toward the companies, and saddened by the state of it all. but that isn't the same as back in the day when you would feel through a game and care what was happening to your character/s as opposed to figuring out how long you will have to play the game before a decent one comes out. gaming much like comic books and movies is killing itself with repetition, maybe its a sign that we should be doing something more constructive with our time on earth than paying for crap we end up loathing .
There is no quality gaming in mmo's anymore it seems. After WOW, EQ1&2 and Lineage1&2 what is left to choose from ? It seems companies just copy what has been done before and add some minor adjustments to it. No innovation whatsoever in today's mmo market.
I had hopes for AOC but is this game ever going to meet its deadline ? They are shoving 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb bag and can't fix any of it on time.
Warhammer Online: Where is the wow factor in the game ? Meaning, what makes me say " hell yeah I want to play this game! " there is none unless you are a fan of warhammer.
Aion: Graphics look great but gameplay matters most and this game may cater more to the kids and casual gamers but hey this game may turn out ok. If anything atleast players can fly :P
Tabula Rasa: Well I think Richard Garriot has the right idea here. Lots of action, fasted paced that might keep gamers interested and busy. With the right fixes the game might turn out better than most expect but is it really worth the 15 bucks a month ? Probably not and no I won't be gving NCSoft my 15 bucks a month
The best games of the year won't even be mmo games to show the mmo market is majorly lacking. Halo 3, Bioshock, Crysis and Hellgate London will by far out perform many mmo's on this site in 2007. MMO companies need to stop rushing games just so they can get their 15 bucks a month from gamers. Start producing quality games instant of quantity please ?
Just my 2-2.5 cents of thought
agree with above excepting screw halo 3 and its hype, 7 hours on legendary...had to piss twice.
also i would put bioshock in the same category as prey, its a brilliant game but do you really think anyone will still be playing it in a year (or even 6 months).
people are still playing phantasy star online and ultima, thats pretty amazing. i dont see too many games coming out (or that have come out lately) that have a prayer of people playing for near a decade (could include unreal also but its not a rpg).
There aren't to many mmo's at all... there are to many mmo's that are pretty much reskins of the same game.
IMO AO is ass. *shrug* Hated that game since beta and have tried it 4 times since... never made it past playing about a week before tossing my hands up in frustration and going "Bleh!" It's sad but since the NGE it's the best sci-fi game on the market O_o