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On September 21st, StarQuest Online announced that their beta phase had ended and that new players would begin paying the $9.99 monthly fee. The game is available for free download.
After a lot of discussion around here, and the loss of our main developer because of it, the open beta test phase of StarQuest Online is over as of 5:00 pm CST today, September 21 2007
All the bugs and issues are not fixed, and they never will be in a constantly growing and evolving game
Now hopefully a decision made in anger can be reconsidered (you know who I'm talking to )
More on StarQuest Online here.
First I heard of this game. Anyone know anything about it. Does not sound good when the main designer quits
, I looked at the site, but it did not have much information about the game.
That designer has returned from a vacation...not to fear Bardon is here :-)
this looks like something I could play on my acient Armstrad 464
I cannot believe money is beeing charged to play something like this
From StarQuest's Account Registration Page...
Thank you for becoming part of the StarQuest Online Universe !
Your Trial Account Will Be Valid For 7 Days
Your Trial Account Will Have 1 Available Character Slot
After the seven day trial period, go to the Player Account Management Page to upgrade your account.
I felt that this should be pointed out as I did not see it mentioned in the release announcement. You do have the option to try before you by. I encourage anyone who enjoys space type adventure games to give this a chance.
Would love to play a new space mmo's but 1985 CGA graphics are not appealing to me.
Wow, is it just me, or does that announcement have high school drama written all over it? That read as *so* unprofessional! Do these folks expect to be taken seriously? I don't need my games to come from suits, but it would be nifty if I thought they were over 15.
Hmmm, Um, No Thanks. You can keep your pocket graphics.
Funny how many poeple actualy care about the gfx....I dont know this game I installed it, but controls really suck and no guidence....gonna give it an other try after this though.
Much better than EVE Online
Downloaded it just waiting for confirmation... hope the gameplay is as good as some say.
Oh give it a break people, stop whining about the damn Graphics, please. When was the last tiem you ever had a game with no zones, 17,000 star systems with over 100,000 planets that not even a fraction has been explored for over 2 years. I played and started this game 5 months ago, and ever since, I call it better than Eve. I know the UI controls, GFX, and lag is a let down, but stop ranting about it when you can;t have the guts to even step up to a challenge. If the game is as bad as you say, then why is it we have over 40 - 60 dedicated players that play SQO every day?
So please, stop whining.
Yes, because 50 players is SUCH an achievement. /rolleyes
Oh give it a break, I dont remeber the last time I ever played a Space MMO that had anymore than 40 players at one time.
For example:
Vendetta online:
Star sonata:
All these two that practicaly went through the same length of beta and hadnt excedded 40 players playing at one time.
My point is, is that stop looking for the purrty, and dandy games. Soemtimes what you want isnt what you ee at first, but what you discover underneath.
Pay a monthly fee for that, i dont care how good the game play is when it looks like something from teh old Nintendo days.
ive seen better in the bargin bin for a buck
40-60? for real? Every time i logged into that pos game there wasnt 1 person on, LOL and yer comment about the lag, the ui controls and the grx are a let down, in other words your saying half the game is a letdown....
playing eq2 and two worlds
Framerate must be awsome, looks almost EGA. I'm sorry I can't even bring myself to check it out with the quality of the textures. I guess todays games have spoiled me for simpler fair.
Arioc Murkwood
Environment Artist
Sad but true.
help plz im noob , can my pc run tis game ?
quad core 3ghz
geforce 8800 ultra x2
4 gig ddr2
i need to know plz halp
No sorry. I'd rather stay with EVE. This surely looks good. .. For a Comodore64 game.
I'm not that enthusiastic about graphics. I even tried "Seed". But this is too little. Maybe they should port it for Mobiles? And 60 people playing it?
this post is a joke?
I can´t believe that´s a pay game.
at least try to allocate a decent GFX Team member ... the Game Concept reads great, butit looks like a Elite Clone, with the same Engine
, what about WireFrame Mode ...
I'm actually getting a kick out of these replies. People post a lot in Pub here at that they would prefer gameplay over graphics, but here I see nothing but complaints about the graphics.
I admit I'm one of those shallow ones who is distracted by something pretty but I hold equal that game play should also be just as pretty at least for me.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
I don't have a problem normally with below average graphics, i played Asheron's Call for years and graphics arent that great but the game rock. However there is a difference between below average graphics and 1985 graphics ! Come on now, what's next, an ASCII mmorpg ? And they charge peoples 10$ a month for that ?
I'll sometimes get that yearning to play Nethack or Moria. Both are great dungeon crawlers done in ASCII. But I don't think I'd pay a monthly fee for em.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't