the game client haven't release yet. just be patient, once the Close Open Beta (Character Wipe) Released i guess many player will come along and play this game.
and some updates, i get this link from offical forum perfect world.
it should be released today but i dont think that they will do it ! there are several probs with the client as they said in the offi forum. Some ppl say it will release today and some say it will be next week
This is a very cool game. Played a bit of it and will definitely will be moving over to the PW-MY(EN) server that comes up soon. I too have played a lot of MMO's, free and p2p, this takes the cake for F2P games.
Its really looks quite promising MMO (particularly the character creation screen) but like another commenters i have to add, do we want another asian theme kinda game?
As i said it could be a hacked client or they are using alot of the textures and resource from WoW.
But it is definatley suspicious.
My Reasons are. From a couple of images it seems Textures are taken from World of Warcraft including Ground/Grass textures. For a Free MMORPG, the engine seems to be constructed rather well compared from what i normally see on a Free MMORPG. The Text in one of the videos () When he goes into a new location, is the Exact same Font, Size and Color of whats in World of Warcraft, its also displayed the same. The User interface in this video is slightly modified to a different version i saw in another video, which Both are almost exact as what is in WoW - Its easy to Mod User interfaces, as Wow had many customisations. The Mini Map and Interface bars(That comes up when you use a spell, the cast time) Is Exatly the same as world of Warcraft. Another little thing is the Loot animation where its glowing lights streaming up from the corpse, is Exact. Other Little parts seem to have similarities, like the floating Islands, they look pretty simlar (Apart from the buildings on them) to what appeared in a Patch last year for World of Warcraft. Theres acouple of other things, like above, but so many little ones theres not much point in mentioning as its just little parts. One part that stands out for me is the Panda Character and the Tiger Character, The Panda more than anything, anyone who plays World of Warcraft will know what i mean when i say Panda. Basically for ages there's been references to Pandas in world of Warcraft, you can have a baby pet panda, and in the origonal model database there is *Speculation* but a Model for a Panda Character, wether or not it made it into the game or not is beyond me as ive not played in about a year now.
Coming to think of it after writing that out.... There is a Program that you can get that lets you see any model thats in the world of warcraft game, all you need is the game itself. You use the external program you can put armour onto Characters, customize them, weapons, and also run animations, even at any speed. Also the Game is pretty loose as far as MMO's go, because ever since its been out there have been hacked servers for Wow, so its easy to manipulate the whole game. Im not saying this game is a complete WoW rippoff, but theres definatley a Homage to Wow in this Game.
Research a bit before you spew slander like this. The game is run using their own Element Engine. If you've ever played the game, it's more like GW than anything else. The textures are not WoW at all and the trees and grass actually move. The textures have much more DPI than in WoW. The character models are the only things that look remotely similar and that's because of their build but anyone can customize how they wish and those are only a few characters. This has so many more features than WoW it's crazy. That's not to say it's better though.
Yes, as already posted, the game has a very advanced siege and war system already implemented. Search "Perfect World siege" on Youtube to watch a video.
About time. Finally something decent to kill time while waiting for Darkfall.
Having briefly played the MY version under translation,I have high hopes for this one to be a worthy time-filler MMORPG. Plus you can carry people! That's cool! Even if it is restricted to male carrying female only.
This game is run by such a second rate company.First up NONE of the download links work.Secondly ,when i went to the register site i got an error stating that keycrypt did not install properly and that my security info was not being protected.
That's a great way to start off an introduction to a game lmao..nice job.I also noticed that they are claiming to use NGUARD,wich from my past experiences with silkroad is a totally USELESS piece of crap that couldn't protect anything.These games that use item malls are totally ruined by the fact there is almost zero GM support,wich means that there will be MEGA gold farmers advertising gold on the servers.What this does is totally ruin any integrity of the game by jacking up prices on items,by ridiculous margins.From the long lag times i got trying to log into that site i would imagine it's the same lag/server issues also realized playing silkroad.They were and are quite unbearable,as you will die many times over when you realize the 5 second lag spikes that occur quite often.
These gaming sites that advertise to north americans are showing no respect to them by offering asian only servers.Gameplay on asian servers is a joke as the lag is unbearable , you will find yourself pulling your hair out or just exiting the game from furstration.300 pings is the normal acceptance for lag but these servers often hit pings well over 3k+ and beyond.This gaming sight is linked to all the other item mall games that have little to no integrity.Cheap games thrown out to the item mall masses ,that can operate with little to no GM support.It seems to be the new marketing wave that obviosly reaches alot more people by offering a blanketed [free gameplay].
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
i'm suprise with the statement you gave. first of all are you sure that you using the correct link to download the client?
2nd. to register account please kindly click on my siggy.. it will auto direct you the the registeration link.
3rd. i never heard about they will implement Nguard on Perfect World, i think your totally . most of my friends are experience delay 1 - 3 sec. compare to your statement.
4th. if you don't like the game, u can walk away and leave it. no one pointing a gun at your face to play this game. furthermore, this current release are Close Open Beta. anyone can play when you register an account.
I'm seeding it right now, so the more people download and seed, the faster everyone gets it. If any one has the full English 1.26 client and wants to help, simply .rar the client and use tracker
Cubinet Interactive is proud to announce that the Perfect World English Edition (Closed Beta) will launch on the 28th of September 2007!
The Game Client is now available for download via BitTorrent.
In conjunction with Closed Beta and to help us better test the Client and Server, Cubinet will be holding a leveling competition.
7:30am , 28th September 2007 till 4am, 12th October 2007(+8GTM)
Notes: There are 24 major rewards (1st to 3rd place for each class, 6 classes) and an unlimited number of minor rewards of 3 million in game coin for each player that attains lv 49 or higher. Note that a player may receive one reward only, thus a recipient of a major reward may not also claim a minor reward. All rewards will be delivered to the account holder during Open Beta.
can somebody tell me which download link actually work? i want to check this game, however all links seem to block after some time.
the game client haven't release yet. just be patient, once the Close Open Beta (Character Wipe) Released i guess many player will come along and play this game.
and some updates, i get this link from offical forum perfect world.
the link show some screenshot on the Elf, Human and Beast armor, weapon also flying device.
Welcome to My Blogs <--- Click The Red.
Whats the news
Its the 31st... isn't the english clint suppose to be available today?
it should be released today but i dont think that they will do it ! there are several probs with the client as they said in the offi forum. Some ppl say it will release today and some say it will be next week
wanna play !!! now !!!!
This is a very cool game. Played a bit of it and will definitely will be moving over to the PW-MY(EN) server that comes up soon. I too have played a lot of MMO's, free and p2p, this takes the cake for F2P games.
Job Vacancy
Seeing that on the PW-MY-English site is not very promising. Probably gonna be a bit longer before it comes out.
Just another asian potion shop game... Why bother?
Research a bit before you spew slander like this. The game is run using their own Element Engine. If you've ever played the game, it's more like GW than anything else. The textures are not WoW at all and the trees and grass actually move. The textures have much more DPI than in WoW. The character models are the only things that look remotely similar and that's because of their build but anyone can customize how they wish and those are only a few characters. This has so many more features than WoW it's crazy. That's not to say it's better though.
Can u guys give a
brief description of Perfect World, I can't understand the tons of
pouring in messages 
Perfect World Client
P/s: eh~ please use torrent to download the files.
for more information, kindly use this link to get your answer.
Welcome to My Blogs <--- Click The Red.
I'll be downloading this today, hope it wasn't over-hyped!
Almost feels like its not true! Heeh!
*starts to scan the pages - Muuust download!*
Ty for the headsup, i had almost given up
This is a repost from Devil's (PW My-En staff) sticky in the official forums, to add more confirmations as previously posted by PerfectDevil here.
Dear Player,
To Download Perfect World MY-EN. Please Copy the link.
The Close Beta will start
Date: 28. September.2007
Time: 7.30am until 8.00am (+8 GMT) [Game Time Release]
The close beta are avaliable for 14days only and then it will shut down for 1 weeks.
Add On: There will be an Event during Close Beta. Please Aware about it.
Can a mod move this to PW's own section and start locking the redundant "Malaysian" version related topics there?
About time. Finally something decent to kill time while waiting for Darkfall.
Having briefly played the MY version under translation,I have high hopes for this one to be a worthy time-filler MMORPG. Plus you can carry people! That's cool! Even if it is restricted to male carrying female only.
Well, since the game was Open Close Beta, it's just avaliable for those oftenly browse the main officiall website.
Anyway thanks correct my previous post.
Anyone that having problem with downloading the client, are able to download it at here
Download the Client by FileFront
Anyway, enjoy the games.
Welcome to My Blogs <--- Click The Red.
This game is run by such a second rate company.First up NONE of the download links work.Secondly ,when i went to the register site i got an error stating that keycrypt did not install properly and that my security info was not being protected.
That's a great way to start off an introduction to a game lmao..nice job.I also noticed that they are claiming to use NGUARD,wich from my past experiences with silkroad is a totally USELESS piece of crap that couldn't protect anything.These games that use item malls are totally ruined by the fact there is almost zero GM support,wich means that there will be MEGA gold farmers advertising gold on the servers.What this does is totally ruin any integrity of the game by jacking up prices on items,by ridiculous margins.From the long lag times i got trying to log into that site i would imagine it's the same lag/server issues also realized playing silkroad.They were and are quite unbearable,as you will die many times over when you realize the 5 second lag spikes that occur quite often.
These gaming sites that advertise to north americans are showing no respect to them by offering asian only servers.Gameplay on asian servers is a joke as the lag is unbearable , you will find yourself pulling your hair out or just exiting the game from furstration.300 pings is the normal acceptance for lag but these servers often hit pings well over 3k+ and beyond.This gaming sight is linked to all the other item mall games that have little to no integrity.Cheap games thrown out to the item mall masses ,that can operate with little to no GM support.It seems to be the new marketing wave that obviosly reaches alot more people by offering a blanketed [free gameplay].
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
2nd. to register account please kindly click on my siggy.. it will auto direct you the the registeration link.
3rd. i never heard about they will implement Nguard on Perfect World, i think your totally
. most of my friends are experience delay 1 - 3 sec. compare to your statement.
4th. if you don't like the game, u can walk away and leave it. no one pointing a gun at your face to play this game. furthermore, this current release are Close Open Beta. anyone can play when you register an account.
Welcome to My Blogs <--- Click The Red.
I have just uploaded the client to for torrent download, so anyone that wants to start grabbing it, head over to
I'm seeding it right now, so the more people download and seed, the faster everyone gets it. If any one has the full English 1.26 client and wants to help, simply .rar the client and use tracker
Perfect World - Close Beta Competition
Cubinet Interactive is proud to announce that the Perfect World English Edition (Closed Beta) will launch on the 28th of September 2007!
The Game Client is now available for download via BitTorrent.
In conjunction with Closed Beta and to help us better test the Client and Server, Cubinet will be holding a leveling competition.
7:30am , 28th September 2007 till 4am, 12th October 2007(+8GTM)
Notes: There are 24 major rewards (1st to 3rd place for each class, 6 classes) and an unlimited number of minor rewards of 3 million in game coin for each player that attains lv 49 or higher. Note that a player may receive one reward only, thus a recipient of a major reward may not also claim a minor reward. All rewards will be delivered to the account holder during Open Beta.
Major Rewards:
Highest (1st place) level player for each class will receive 10 million in game coin & 1500cubit
Next highest (2nd place) level player for each class will receive 8 million in game cold & 1000cubit
3rd highest (3rd place) level player for each class will receive 6 million in game coin & 500cubit
Minor Rewards:
Any character that reaches or surpasses lv49 will receive 3 million gold.
*** All Rewards Will be recieve during Open Beta ***
Welcome to My Blogs <--- Click The Red.
Level 49 for 3 million coins? I'm there man. Recluse Mode Activate!
I am a connoisseur of fine wine and fine pixels
the game is alreadu out, dont know why people keep saying 28th :S
The client is available, servers are not up for players until the 28th.