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anyone else feel the same? Ok I've been playing MMO's for a while now, but I've gone through WoW, Guild wars + expos, Coh/Cov, and they just don't interest me anymore. What is the NEXT BIG THING?!?! Please don't mention any Korean MMO's because they are all tiime-wasting mindless grindfests with absolutely ZERO innovation.
Ok so i'm thinking Pirates of the Burning Sea might be a possibility, maybe even Pirates of the Caribbean Online. I don't think Huxley is coming out anytime cuz it got delayed again.
What do you guys think is going to be the next big thing??? Is there life after WoW?
Yep i feel exactly the same. The only mmo´s im looking forward to at this time is PoTBS and Spellborn others like AoC and WAR holds no interrest to me at all. Im looking most forward to PoTBS of the two i mentioned
Try take a look at EvE online after the next big patch comes out in November sometime the new graphics look very sweet with walking in stations and faction warefare coming early next year. Besides that I cant really help you out, good luck though :P
See how TR is a couple of weeks after release?
For games already on the market id say Eve or LOTRO: Eve is a nice change of pace as it doesn't 'require' you to 'do' XYZ before you can do anything plus PVP is nice and harsh for noobs and vets and LORTO as it's slightly more mature then WoW, simular gameplay however the differences are shown resently as it does have a little more detph then it may seen as long as you don't expect to power level for the 'good' content, it's not one of those games, it's far more casual then that..
For the future look at PotBS, Spellborn, TR, WAR and AoC those games look to be very good (or very bad) but they do try and break this 'WoW cloning' issue in their own way (and before you say it WAR is a DAoC type NOT a WoW type)
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
Yeah im in the same boat.
DAoC was the game that started it all for me, but since leaving i have had trouble finding a game that can hold my interest for any decsent length of time (well very few). I think life was better before WoW. New games these days just aren't made w/ the same depth they once had imo.
Im currently playing EVE online and i wish i had tried it earlier as i find it to be a great game. I think im getting the EVE bug lol, and it was just supposed to be something else to try before PotBS came out.
I too think PotBS could be the next best thing.
I have been waiting for PotBS w/ much anticipation, and i hope it will live up to mine and others expectations, offer some depth that i have been hanging for, and bring something new to the mmo world that is new and exciting. ATM, avatar combat looks simplistic compared to ship combat but not bad enough to ruin a personally will have to see what happens in the next couple of months before release.
I might be dissapointed upon PotBS release, but i still think it will do well amongst the community despite what my experiences may end up being...... Its a new idea.
EvE is great game but only if you have a time. Slow pace game.
Its worth noting Tabula Rasa game. Very promising game but still in closed beta and need to wait after some 1st few patches how this game work.
Played FFXI for about over a year. It was a great game but it sure was a super haul to get to end game content. I tried WOW, it was fine until BC came along then the lands of Azeroth became a ghost town which kind of ruined my gaming experience there. Guild Wars for 2 years, I still play it but it getting too repetitive now and I need something truely different fromt he classic MMO scene. I was thinking about trying Tabula Rasa but I am not so sure it warrants the 15 bucks a month fee that comes with it. AOC looks pretty good but somewhow I get the feeling Funcom is just shoving 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb bag and well quite frankly they mihght be promising too much. Warhammer ? Not sold on the game. Anyone else got any suggestions ?
The Chronicles of Spellborn looks good.
I know exactly how you feel.. the game that brought me into the wonderful world of intense Mmorpg gaming was SWG back on 2003.. still today i belive there is no game that can even remotely compare to how much this game rocked (atleast until SOE screwed it all up with the CU and NGE).. but since the decline of the original SWG, for the past 2 years iv been hoping for a very Good mmorpg to come out thats worthy of attention, that rises my intentions and fulfill my expectations as SWG did back in 2003-2004. i'v been keeping an eye on PoTbS but due to recient news about SOE joining them, even tho they state they have no development rights. after what i went through in SWG it still makes me doubt and hessitant. the next line of game in my ranking was FFXI yea it has a few flaws.. the concept is great but due to its nature is Group based dont get me wrong its not a bad thing, but it lacks gameplay for those solo(loners). sometime it takes a couple hours to just get a party/group going, allthough im a intense mmorpg gamer and i put in the nessasary hours to accomplish my feats and goals, its just my game play hours are late night and for a US player its pretty tough in FFXI. DAOC was great all around no complaints much there except for the recient announcement of soon to be release Warhammer has pretty much put DaoC into devistation.. of coarse i try almost all new Released Mmorpgs that have high promise and expectations from players from around the world.. but i'm still looking myself to find another home for myself in the mmorpg realm like i did when i played SWG in 2003-2004, for those of the SWG vets that played back when i did Beta-2004 they understand what im talkign about. and if any of my fellow gamers that knows the Original SWG gameplay and loved it, if yall find a new game you love just as much send me a message sometime cause i would love to try it out......
The next 'big thing' (in terms of overhyped garbage) is WAR. Hence it's constantly top of the site's hyped list. But I heard it's been delayed so expect a longer wait into 2008.
PotBS? The moment the words' SoE' entered,it became one to avoid. Isn't one 'Vanguard' enough to get the hint folks? Avoid unless you like disappointment on day one,and a resolution months later by which time you'll be off.
Age of Conan is probably my pick of the 'overhyped' games. Some resemblance of gory,skillful combat with some manual aiming. Go with that.
I'd personally recommend Perfect World & Darkfall,but then OP you said no 'asian MMORPG's' (even though PW has been described as "the asian WOW" and is actually decent for a F2P MMORPG) or 'good MMORPG's that aren't the next "big thing" but will pwn much like how EVE began in silence and emerged as a MMORPG giant these days!" (minus EVE's 'lifetime commitment skill policy' to play seriously though!)
Also try Fiesta Online. I like it as a decent time-filler.
to the OP:
Being that you said you've played WoW, Guild Wars, and Coh/CoV....
First I'd say give EQ2 a try. I did and I'm really enjoying it. I hear the end-game kind of sucks, but the leveling process is fun and interesting. I downloaded the demo, played it through, and was itching for more so I bought the digital download. I'm only level 13, I've been playing it very, very casually (when I'm not playing Halo 2 to practice up for Halo 3 on Tuesday.)
Give it a whirl, might as well try it right? I tried the demo years ago and absolutely hated it. I dunno what changed, if it was EQ2 or if it was me, but I really like it now.
Besides that...
WAR, AoC, and Spellborn are probably the most "up your alley" if you liked WoW, GW, and CoH/CoV
My pick of the bunch would be WAR simply because the IP looks so fun and interesting (never played tabletop) and no one can hype a game quite like Paul....
but Spellborn just might be the "sleeper hit" that is new and innovative enough to really grab a lot of people and take the world by surprise.
Pirates of the Burning Sea will be the next big thing. It seems to be like an EVE Online but in the Caribean Sea.
AoC and WAR will be the latest games of the current-gen, they won't be next-gen games because they have a lot in common with WoW and other games. Anyway, both games seem interesting, the first one for the housing system and the combos, and the second one for the massive PVP.
PS: I think i will play PotBS and AoC, and maybe, i will try WAR
PS: But hell, i need a game to play until they are released
I'm the same, I've tried very nearly every MMO out there and I can't find one that I enjoy enough to play for more than a few weeks. I want to be addicted again
I miss that feeling.
I'm really just waiting for WAR or Darkfall at the moment, but neither are going to be released in the near future.
dont hold your breath for potbs, trust me
id try eve, plus in november the revIII expansion has a lot of new stuff including a new graphics engine..
WAR around march 08.
Before that PotBS may be good.
And daoc , but i played it too much.
I advise you to buy a fps game, a new verions of hl 2 with TFC 2 is coming out soon and wait for WAR.
RPGs for the ps2-3 etc.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I'm a professional Lead game designer with fifteen years experience. I'm just as bored with MMORPGs as you are. However, I have dealt with some of the biggest publishers in the industry, and I know what the reason is behind the lack of innovation.
Publishers are just not generally willing to take any risks with their money. It's that simple. WoW has 9 million subscribers... that's over a billion dollars in revenue a year. A BILLION. Other publishers look at that and drool. They think that if they make a better WoW they will get all those people (and money), for little risk.
Because that game model has made money, they don't consider that a risk. If you change that model, make a new type of game, there is no 'proof' that it can be done, so they won't risk it. I've seen this in countless meetings where I proposed new and innovative games to these companies and they are afraid the new technology isn’t possible, or that the game play won’t 'work' or that player's just won’t like the game. And most importantly, they fear you will fail to make what you promised, on budget, and on time. And the bigger the promise, the less likely they are to believe you can do what you claim.
But fear not! Occasionally in innovative game can get made if something extraordinary is done. It's just getting harder as budgets for games climb and the risks climb with them. MMOs can cost around 70 million and up to make; and this a big risk for a publisher. So, they continue to clone WoW, spending millions and then have their clones fail or barely make money. This leads to further fear on their part. They don’t realize that there is a risk in cloning an MMO. Players have established characters they have worked on for months, or even years in a game like WoW. Unless the new game offers something FAR superior (and a clone is never going to be that) then the players will keep playing their established WoW characters. The MMO market is in a rut, and the first publisher to take a risk on an innovative game will reap the rewards.
I realized all this several years ago, and when I left my Lead Designer job at another game company I decided to break this MMO mold. In order to accomplish this I had to take all the risks for a new type of MMO game away from the publishers. So, I gathered a core group of professional game developers with similar frustrations, and we set out to create a new MMORPG experience. This game has been in development for three years now, in utter secret. But the time for complete secrecy is coming to an end. We have constructed a new game engine from scratch, designed to handle a new type of MMO experience. And though the technology behind this engine is cutting edge, technology really isn't the most critical part of the project.
It’s the nature of the game that is crucial. So we set out to change it all. First and foremost, we built an MMO world where nothing is static; it is a living place with constant change. The game world changes every day, just like a real world. There is even a published newspaper to keep players abreast of the recent happenings in the world. There are heralds running through the streets at times, telling of events happening at that very moment… and players can join those events. Or, they might be talking to an NPC in town when it is suddenly overrun by an enemy force.
NPCs live in this world; they don't stand on the same street corner every day. They have jobs, lives, and do different things on different days. World history is made every day as time marches on. There is a war going on in the land, and territories change hands, battles are fought, and you can go there while any of this is happening.
Your character has a unique story and life. You don't do exactly what everyone else does. No two player’s journey through this world will be the same. Quests are NEVER grocery lists… of the ‘bring me 10 rat tails’ variety. They are full, interesting, and exciting quests based on the player’s personal history and current events in the game. These quests tie into the ongoing life of your character, weaving a unique story of your own.
This is an extraordinary world where each time you visit a particular village, different events may be transpiring. Monsters and opponents in this game have their own agendas; there are no ‘grid’ monsters as this is not a ‘grind’ world, it’s a living world. You may run into a troop of marauders, or an ambush on the road ahead by your personal enemies. You never know what to expect even if you have traveled this same road many times. The world is alive and very personal for each player. I can't really go into all the innovations in this game in a post like this, as they are too numerous.
We have been building this game with our own small team in a day and age where that is nearly impossible, but this is no garage game. The core team members are all professionals. The idea is simple, take the MMORPG where it has never gone before, give players a deeper and richer experience, change nearly EVERYTHING about MMOs… break the mold.
But the problem was that no publisher would bankroll this game... at least as a concept. It has WAY too many innovations (read ‘risks’). I even understand their fear. So, we just had to take away the scary part, we just built the damn thing without them. We created the new technology to show it works. We tacked the problems with making a dynamic world functional. We redesigned the entire idea of how a Quest is made, and played in an MMO, and it works. And when the full game play experience can be play tested to prove that players like it and want more from their MMO experience, we will have reduced the final risk for the publisher. We shouldered the risk, now they can cash in on the rewards. At least, that's the idea. Because, yes, we still can’t finish it without a publisher. They can afford the needed advertisement, servers, shelf space, etc.
So yes I’m with you… I'm bored with current MMO games, but I'm doing something about it. Be patient, (or not, either way you'll have to wait until we're finished) and we will release something new, and if nothing else, I promise it will be nothing like WoW or any of the other MMORPGs currently out there. I'm breaking all the rules to make a game that I want to play, and hopefully, so will you. Interested? We will start releasing more information about the game soon, but you have to realize that we don't want to let all the innovations out quite yet. Everything has its time and place. There is only a splash screen at the website currently, but we will start some news and blog information on the CoS site in the very near future and then some screenshots and game discussion to follow. Eventually, there will be forums and Beta tester signups, etc. If you are interested, check by the site once in awhile and stuff will start to appear shortly.
The title of the game is Citadel of Sorcery.
OP, I know what you mean and I think it is linear grind games with no hope of anything but getting better gear in a game world with fixed stories, fixed paths, and fixed, well, everything. I think you should try some sandbox games like Eve but the one I'm really waiting for is POTBS which should have an release date announcement in the first week of October. Player run economy, fully conquearble game world, and every action you make in PvP and PvE has an affect on the game world. The best place for info I found and a great overview of POTBS is here:
Happy Hutning.
If you can pull this off and I am sure you underatand my doubts, you will win my loyalty. Been grinding MMO's for 13 years (Archmage and Meridian 59) and nothing out is playable and nothing coming out interests me in the slightest and I am in a few beta's to boot. I have to see this to beleive it and your website has been duly noted.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
If you can pull this off and I am sure you understand my doubts, you will win my loyalty. Been grinding MMO's for 13 years (Archmage and Meridian 59) and nothing out is playable and nothing coming out interests me in the slightest and I am in a few beta's to boot. I have to see this to beleive it and your website has been duly noted.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
At least LoTR is visually appealing, and you can imagine that you're (somehow) part of something larger - not just another "thud and blunder" graphic display. It is somewhat interesting to see how other folks envisioned locales and events that we all (or almost all) share from the books.
Not that many other MMORPGs can claim to support such a large and rich historical background - AoC also comes to mind as one of the few and could also work out well.
Wasn't Sony (or someone) at one point talking about building a MMORPG based on Harry Potter as well?
..... Someone please save us from the overly milked franchises and grindfests?.....
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
The next big thing? Warhammer Online. Meanwhile? Guitar Hero (and beer, of course)!
AOC or WAR, my vote is AOC, brings alot of new ideas, give it a look.
Just my 2c :
* Forget AoC. Funcom never bothered to really fix AO, why would one expect better from a 'new' MMORPG from them. In addition, with the addition of 'Sex for Buffs' (also known as Prostitution), I expect they will be slapped with an 'M' or even 'Adult' rating. They seem to be making bad decisions of an historic nature. Do not hold your breath on this one.
* WAR seems to hold the most promise as a MMORPG with a shift in gameplay. It is the one I will probably buy to try.
* Forget Tabula Rasa. Releasing to early, with to many bugs, with to little content. It has *one* and only one gimmic to sell it. The ability to use cover from fire. Wears old very fast. Very frantic gameplay. Might as well be playing BF2142, which is really a better run 'n gun game. At least it has Vehicles; only foot soldiers in TR. Not thanks. Pass on this one.
* EVE Online is tempting. But check their Tech-Support and bug forums first. Since the sell-out to WhiteWolf, there have been major problems. And the servers are half a world away. So ping will never be good from here. Best FFA PvP game on the market, though. If that's your thing.
* For something to do until WAR, try EQ2. Pretty polished now and lots of content. But also a standard MMORPG.
Good Hunting
Aion is about to come out and if u dont like grind then Stargate world is near future to