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I've won the beta key but neither the signup page or the download page is working.
I guess they are having some issues? Is it only me or did any1else had this problem?
I won a beta key also. I was able to activate the beta key but the link to dl the client is not working
Played: SWG 2.5 years, WoW 4 years
Tried: RF Online, Ryzom, Daoc, CoH/CoV, Lotro, Vanguard, Guild Wars
Beta Tested: SWG, RF Online, Lotro, Potbs, Tabula Rasa, G&H, Perfect World
on the client they told the beta testers things will be offline till sometime wednesday
Ahh that will be it then.
No problems signing up with my beta key, however download page for teh client was down/unavailable or none existant (from teh reports i kept getting when trying to go there LOL).
Thx you put me at ease for a while.
Had hoped to download it while i went to work, guess i'll try to download again when i get back from work then..
Yay! I got in aswell, activated account without problem but apparently they haven't released the file yet, get a File not Found error.
After clicking alot and searching for the signup issue, I believe I found it
The thing is that the website they give us to register in the email isnt in https and its resulting in an endless loop when you agree the terms of services, the same page keep coming back. I had to go through the normal website to signup thats all.
As for the download, I hope it'll be available soon
I have same problem, but its also asking me to add payment options..... dont wanna do that for a beta....
same with me all the way... and i have this under my GnH subscriptions:
Gods and Heroes: Beta Replacement
You are not subscribed to this game
You can play the game until: September 18, 2008 7:23:01 PM PDT
you can play this game untill then? thats what i like put in my key wth
Yup thats exactly like mine....
Mine says September 19 which is today, when I was given the beta key!!!
A Voice From Within
Yeah I also created a petition so hopefully it will be resolved quite soon
Yup thats exactly like mine....
Mine says September 19 which is today, when I was given the beta key!!!
Look at the year.
Yup thats exactly like mine....
Mine says September 19 which is today, when I was given the beta key!!!
Look at the year.
So can we play this like 1 year for free or is that some kind of type error or somthin? Because if its not then i'll say hell yae
"To live in the world becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books."
I'm guessing it is a placeholder number, as they probably don't know how long the closed beta will last. So basically it's an "Until further notice" setup. Also, keep in mind that in most all closed betas, the people who are in closed beta usually get instant access to the open beta as well, where as people who are just signing up have to fight to get in if the number of slots is limited.
If you can't download the client, do what you did and send a petition to support.
I read in another post that the link that was placed in the beta letter was no good, but that if you wrote to support, that they would send you an email with a client link that was good.
Good luck guys.
Hope I get in too.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
Well back from work
Just tried to d/l again no succes ofcourse, went to their webbi to submit a petition like you guys, when i pressed submit this from F.A.Q. caught my eye:
We will be performing a series of maintenance updates and test on the Content Deliver Network (CDN) over the weekend beginning immediately. The CDN is the file delivery system we use to host the full and multi-part client downloads for Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising. While the CDN is down for maintenance the game client will NOT be available for download.
Your current client will continue to function and allow you to log into the game and patch to the current version, you will also be able to reinstall if needed using the client download if you still have it on your PC. You will just not be able to download the client during the maintenance period.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We will post an update when the CDN becomes available after the maintenance.
Thank you.
Submitted the petition anyways, from what i make of this the download wont be back up till after their maintenance Over the weekend
aye, no point in all of us submitting a petition. Just hope people who get info can post up to inform the rest of us here.
Careful, already slapped me with a warning for saying exactly what you just said. Apparently if you win a Beta key from and say you are in, you have then violated the NDA that they think they have to enforce and they will send you mean emails. lol Kinda ironic since they posted everyones name that won one.
I think you better post a petition.
If anyone posted a link to the beta client here, that would certianly be a big NDA violation, and would promptly be a deleted post.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
i also activated my acct beta key today, but i also have to use my credit card and still cant DL the game? what gives
Once you setup an account and you get to the payment part it alrdy says you dont have to use a valid cc, you can just cancel that part^^
and after a good night of sleep, still waiting for an answer to my petition, will let you guys know the outcome.. if their will be any lol
I got my account all set... just waiting for the download link to work....
imagine when it will get to work... i mean, if they call for a client download on a single server (like the single link on the website)... we probably will be playing this game 2 weeks from now... so those guys better just find a way to let other servers to have the client avaiable to download... are those guys new in this game industry thing or it´s just me that can´t wait for it and instead just play another game while waiting?
--------------Gamer for life.--------------