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I've tried this open beta called Dynasty Warriors BB a.k.a Shin Sangoku Musou BB in Japan. The graphics was awesome and the playability was awesome as well but the problem with this game is that you cannot understand the language other than that it is good.
If you want to try it out you must create an account with either BB-ID or GAMECITY, The website for the game is but you must have a help from a japanese person or if you know your japanese then go ahead and signup for an account.
Im a fan of this genre, has there been any talks about an english company taking this game up?
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
OMG if someone doesn't bring this game to the west I'll be pissed.
I watched the movie on the site, the only thing I understood was the letters MMO.
I always liked the Dynasty Warriors games, they got a little repetitive, but if this is an MMO, that might just give the much needed human element to the game.
Would be nice if they made this one in english.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
The fact that it revovled around the same story was the reason it got repritive, but with an online element, and some detailed character creation ill spend years playing this... Hell i still play dynasty warriors 4 from time to time.
Ive been waiting for something like this, i would actually be surprised if it didnt come in english, all the rest were in english at some point.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Wonder if it will be set at the end of the Han or later during the Three Kingdoms period.
Heh, I want to fight some Yellow Turban Rebels.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
I wouldn't mind seeing Dynasty Warriors Online come over to the West. I love the DW series (and the Samurai Warriors series also!) because they get a little bit better & different each time,and it's also good for a simple no-brainer game to pass the time. Then of course I just like walking into a crowd of enemy soldiers and making them go flying.
I'm not too sure whether it will transfer well to a MMORPG if they're just going to have 1-4 people doing mission 'runs' (it does get repetitive but that doesn't bother me),but meh. 4-player online co-op will be interesting enough to at least try....
do we have any one that could give us instruction to sign up for an open beta account? thanx in advance.
i dun think its ready yet...i only able to play the movie in the game...
I love Dynasty Warriors and I have been keeping a watchful eye on this game. Koei also made a MMO in Japan previous to this...Nobonaga's Something. Anyway I'm gonna get signed up and I'll see if i can get you guys a tutorial. I can read most Japanese.
I just watched a video of this GUY GETTING OWNED BY LU BU WHILE FARMING LOL.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-