Theres no other reason why there are so many threads here putting down WAR, sad part is they have no actual facts or evidence to why they are putting it down, mostly the complaints are about "prove to me this game is good" or the inevitable game comparisons.
People, no one is forcing you to play WAR, if you don't like it go somewhere else. There is no reason for anyone to try and prove to YOU whoever YOU are that this game is worth playing. If you're so interested in WAR and whats great about it, then go look it up yourself.
Its fact that every game in MMO history has evolved off eachother borrowing whatever works and adding more Mythic is not "stealing" or "ripping off" other games since every game it could possibly take from has already taken that same thing from another game and another and another.
Theres hundreds of other MMO's for these type of people to troll, but they choose WAR, not because its actually bad in anyway but to the contrary they troll here because its going to be great and they're afraid of it, if they are planning to play a different MMO in 2008 they know WAR will take their subscribers, if they're playing a current MMO they know WAR will take their subscribers. By putting down WAR they feel more secure, almost trying to prove to themselves that the game will be bad so they will think that their own game is better, which is practically a case of self delusion.
I'm most positive people wont stop, and we'll see the same topics over and over like we already are, but i wish some would just take a step back and look at themselves and what their motives are before posting.
Yay! This is what I was thinking. Exactly my thoughts.
But you know, this is good if they are flaming and trolling this game, you know why? Because it will be more popular. It's almost like advertising.
So when I see someone blaming WAR I feel better since this game become popular because of it. It's just great
______________________________________ You Are Not Tifa, Cloud, Aeris, Barret, Red XIII, Vincent, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Sephiroth or even Cid. Not Any Other FF Character.
This is a WAR fan forum is it not? Why wouldn't you find fan boys here? It is like going to a home football(soccer) game and telling the home team their team sucks. It doesn't matter if they really do suck or not because Pride wont allow them to let you live any longer.
This is a WAR fan forum is it not? Why wouldn't you find fan boys here? It is like going to a home football(soccer) game and telling the home team their team sucks. It doesn't matter if they really do suck or not because Pride wont allow them to let you live any longer.
Please look at my sig.
______________________________________ You Are Not Tifa, Cloud, Aeris, Barret, Red XIII, Vincent, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Sephiroth or even Cid. Not Any Other FF Character.
Theres no other reason why there are so many threads here putting down WAR, sad part is they have no actual facts or evidence to why they are putting it down, mostly the complaints are about "prove to me this game is good" or the inevitable game comparisons.
People, no one is forcing you to play WAR, if you don't like it go somewhere else. There is no reason for anyone to try and prove to YOU whoever YOU are that this game is worth playing. If you're so interested in WAR and whats great about it, then go look it up yourself.
Its fact that every game in MMO history has evolved off eachother borrowing whatever works and adding more Mythic is not "stealing" or "ripping off" other games since every game it could possibly take from has already taken that same thing from another game and another and another.
Theres hundreds of other MMO's for these type of people to troll, but they choose WAR, not because its actually bad in anyway but to the contrary they troll here because its going to be great and they're afraid of it, if they are planning to play a different MMO in 2008 they know WAR will take their subscribers, if they're playing a current MMO they know WAR will take their subscribers. By putting down WAR they feel more secure, almost trying to prove to themselves that the game will be bad so they will think that their own game is better, which is practically a case of self delusion.
I'm most positive people wont stop, and we'll see the same topics over and over like we already are, but i wish some would just take a step back and look at themselves and what their motives are before posting.
History repeats itself.
Dinosaurs attacked humanity.
Religion attacked Science
Europe attacked the colonies
Communism attacked Capitalism
Sega attacked Nintendo
Mac attacked PC
EQ2 attacked WoW
AoC attacked WAR
But when the dust clears.......
See what I did there?
Wow, did I tell you how smart you are before?
Two of them are faulty: " Europe attacked the colonies" and "AoC attacked WAR", because of the simple rule of quality>>quantity.
Theres no other reason why there are so many threads here putting down WAR, sad part is they have no actual facts or evidence to why they are putting it down, mostly the complaints are about "prove to me this game is good" or the inevitable game comparisons.
People, no one is forcing you to play WAR, if you don't like it go somewhere else. There is no reason for anyone to try and prove to YOU whoever YOU are that this game is worth playing. If you're so interested in WAR and whats great about it, then go look it up yourself.
Its fact that every game in MMO history has evolved off eachother borrowing whatever works and adding more Mythic is not "stealing" or "ripping off" other games since every game it could possibly take from has already taken that same thing from another game and another and another.
Theres hundreds of other MMO's for these type of people to troll, but they choose WAR, not because its actually bad in anyway but to the contrary they troll here because its going to be great and they're afraid of it, if they are planning to play a different MMO in 2008 they know WAR will take their subscribers, if they're playing a current MMO they know WAR will take their subscribers. By putting down WAR they feel more secure, almost trying to prove to themselves that the game will be bad so they will think that their own game is better, which is practically a case of self delusion.
I'm most positive people wont stop, and we'll see the same topics over and over like we already are, but i wish some would just take a step back and look at themselves and what their motives are before posting.
History repeats itself.
Dinosaurs attacked humanity.
Religion attacked Science
Europe attacked the colonies
Communism attacked Capitalism
Sega attacked Nintendo
Mac attacked PC
EQ2 attacked WoW
AoC attacked WAR
But when the dust clears.......
See what I did there?
Dinosaurs attacking humanity. Interesting. Were you watching Land of the Lost during science class? Or maybe you were using the pages of your natural science textbook to roll joints? Both religion and science are still around today despite their often adversarial relationship. It can be argued that quality of life in Europe is much higher than we have here in the States. Not quite sure what position you're trying to take here, but I'd definitely like some of what you're smoking, man.
I am not afraid of WAR. Hell, I might even play it when I want my PvP fix.
I'm not going to specualte that WAR will or won't be an enjoyable game. I have no proof either way. But I will say it isn't going to "kill" anything. Well, maybe DAOC but that is a different discussion. For each player I know that will gravitate towards a RvR game, there are 3 more waiting in the wings that don't want anything to do with that type of environment. PvPers are the minority (highly vocal minority) in the gaming community. A game built on mainly pvp will not be able to compete with the WoWs , EQs and LOTRs of the world. It will fill a niche for the pvpers that have been clamoring for something like this and will have average subscription numbers.
DISCLAIMER: These are my OPINIONS, hence they are not statements of fact. There is no right or wrong attempting to be proven here.
Theres no other reason why there are so many threads here putting down WAR, sad part is they have no actual facts or evidence to why they are putting it down, mostly the complaints are about "prove to me this game is good" or the inevitable game comparisons.
People, no one is forcing you to play WAR, if you don't like it go somewhere else. There is no reason for anyone to try and prove to YOU whoever YOU are that this game is worth playing. If you're so interested in WAR and whats great about it, then go look it up yourself.
Its fact that every game in MMO history has evolved off eachother borrowing whatever works and adding more Mythic is not "stealing" or "ripping off" other games since every game it could possibly take from has already taken that same thing from another game and another and another.
Theres hundreds of other MMO's for these type of people to troll, but they choose WAR, not because its actually bad in anyway but to the contrary they troll here because its going to be great and they're afraid of it, if they are planning to play a different MMO in 2008 they know WAR will take their subscribers, if they're playing a current MMO they know WAR will take their subscribers. By putting down WAR they feel more secure, almost trying to prove to themselves that the game will be bad so they will think that their own game is better, which is practically a case of self delusion.
I'm most positive people wont stop, and we'll see the same topics over and over like we already are, but i wish some would just take a step back and look at themselves and what their motives are before posting.
History repeats itself.
Dinosaurs attacked humanity.
Religion attacked Science
Europe attacked the colonies
Communism attacked Capitalism
Sega attacked Nintendo
Mac attacked PC
EQ2 attacked WoW
AoC attacked WAR
But when the dust clears.......
See what I did there?
Dinosaurs attacking humanity. Interesting. Were you watching Land of the Lost during science class? Or maybe you were using the pages of your natural science textbook to roll joints? Both religion and science are still around today despite their often adversarial relationship. It can be argued that quality of life in Europe is much higher than we have here in the States. Not quite sure what position you're trying to take here, but I'd definitely like some of what you're smoking, man.
Nah, he was trying to do a parody of Jeff Goldbloom's one phraser from Jurassic Park that goes along the lines of "God creates dinosaur, God creates Man, Man makes dinosaurs...etc,etc"...not a very smart one at that.
~~Internet gaming is not for the faint of heart or the dumb of mind.~~
Nah, he was trying to do a parody of Jeff Goldbloom's one phraser from Jurassic Park that goes along the lines of "God creates dinosaur, God creates Man, Man makes dinosaurs...etc,etc"...not a very smart one at that.
Its always interesting to see people read into things. I have seen Jurassic Park a long time ago but that line never even occurred to me. If there was a similarity between the two it was purely coincidence.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Nah, he was trying to do a parody of Jeff Goldbloom's one phraser from Jurassic Park that goes along the lines of "God creates dinosaur, God creates Man, Man makes dinosaurs...etc,etc"...not a very smart one at that.
Its always interesting to see people read into things. I have seen Jurassic Park a long time ago but that line never even occurred to me. If there was a similarity between the two it was purely coincidence.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
~~Internet gaming is not for the faint of heart or the dumb of mind.~~
Nah, he was trying to do a parody of Jeff Goldbloom's one phraser from Jurassic Park that goes along the lines of "God creates dinosaur, God creates Man, Man makes dinosaurs...etc,etc"...not a very smart one at that.
Its always interesting to see people read into things. I have seen Jurassic Park a long time ago but that line never even occurred to me. If there was a similarity between the two it was purely coincidence.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
Agreed. I'm chomping at the bit for WAR. Whatever argument the poster was trying to make with that post about Adam vs. Eve and Autobots vs. Decepticons just wasn't very clear and I was trying to get to the root of it. Something doesn't need to be an offical document or a doctoral thesis to make a clear, concise argument. The peeps who try to put down WAR because they are AoC fans aren't gonna make their game any better by doing so, and vice versa. Just like science doesn't invalidate the core philosophies of religion or vice versa. It's all good.
Nah, he was trying to do a parody of Jeff Goldbloom's one phraser from Jurassic Park that goes along the lines of "God creates dinosaur, God creates Man, Man makes dinosaurs...etc,etc"...not a very smart one at that.
Its always interesting to see people read into things. I have seen Jurassic Park a long time ago but that line never even occurred to me. If there was a similarity between the two it was purely coincidence.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
Agreed. I'm chomping at the bit for WAR. Whatever argument the poster was trying to make with that post about Adam vs. Eve and Autobots vs. Decepticons just wasn't very clear and I was trying to get to the root of it. Something doesn't need to be an offical document or a doctoral thesis to make a clear, concise argument. The peeps who try to put down WAR because they are AoC fans aren't gonna make their game any better by doing so, and vice versa. Just like science doesn't invalidate the core philosophies of religion or vice versa. It's all good.
Nah, he was trying to do a parody of Jeff Goldbloom's one phraser from Jurassic Park that goes along the lines of "God creates dinosaur, God creates Man, Man makes dinosaurs...etc,etc"...not a very smart one at that.
Its always interesting to see people read into things. I have seen Jurassic Park a long time ago but that line never even occurred to me. If there was a similarity between the two it was purely coincidence.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
My apologies, I know by quoting your post I made it sound like I was referring to you throughout my whole reply but really the only thing I was responding to you personally about was the Jurassic Park thing (the first paragraph). The rest of it was more directed at the other negative responses.
I would say fear is definately the wrong word but thats your opinion just as I am going to give you my opinion. I do not see anything War is bringing to the gaming world that deserves such a high amount of hype. Their is only one thing this game is even doing that tweaks my interest and that is the tier system they are using, other then that its just another game and like it or not all the people so high up on this game will eventually start bitching and moaning after they have played it for a while just like what happens in every game that has ever come out. I dont draw into the hype as I have learned over the years thats all it is...hype. Some people are gonna get so hyped on this game then when they actually get to play it they will be disappointed and then, well, here comes the bitching and crying. Just like once people start getting to end game and see after a while its the same thing over and over. Or when someone does the number crunching and starts to figure out the FOTM, hmm shall I say it, oh what the hell more whining and bitching. Basically what I am saying is this is a fact in the gaming world and people just need to understand not everyone is going to like the same game you like and vice versa. What needs to be done more around here (forums as a whole) is stop trying to convince every damn body about a game, instead be productive and tell people why it is a game you prefer and you know what, you may actually then find the types of players you would like to see in the game because you pointed out things in the game that they were also looking for.
Very well said. Hype is a major turn off for almost any product to me these days. My current plans are to try this game.
Also, I am looking forward to having CD in this game.
You can call it fear if you want, but I don't think anyone here is afraid of a video game. I would call it disgust. Disgust that the last few years of this genre have been nothing more then same rehashed garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator. There is plenty of basis to much of the criticism leveled at WAR, you choose to not read it or be objective enough to consider it. People are digusted with devs who keep recycling the same MMO and slapping a new franchise name on the box, and stupid hype campaigns that try to make you feel warm and fuzzy like Paul Barnett and Brad McQuaid's "vision". People keep making claims about this game, most of which have never played it. If we judged every game by what the dev's hype and spin doctors describe it as, there wouldn't be any MMO failures and the market would be overwhelmed and saturated with viable AAA titles. History has shown that this is not the case, and honestly you're going to just have to suck it up if everyone doesn't take a big swallow of the BS spewed out by the likes of fanbois and PR people.
I wish I could quote this to every game currently over-hyped and in development right now. Such truth deserves some recognition.
By the way,WAR is going to suck. I've played WOW-type games before,got bored of them and I don't need another one under a different name.
I think a lot of Guild Leader and there Co-workers are thinking about there future gaming caerrer. In the next couple of months there will released new mmorpg to the masses. This could in worst case ruinen a a well found guild. Lets say its a common WoW (OMG) guild. half the guild enjoy PvP and want a prober system will choice Warhammer, the other half enjoy PvE so they will maybe leave to join Age of Conan. Some other of the guild wanna try a hole third mmorpg. That is a major issue for any guild there still wanna control and hold on there guild. So if there is any person there should be affraid or fear a mmorpg its them. This could be the doom for many guilds.
Well I am one that is not going to call foul at this point, from what I have seen in the past few years I still going to stick to my guns and call this mmo and winner by all means. Even despite EA entry in this game.
I will not go into details because what else is there to say until it comes out. I am one of the believers in this mmo. The only reason this game wont be a success is if its not released.
I am not looking for a WoW Killer, I am just looking for a new game with new ideas and enjoyment. And I think this game will deliver, even with all the HYPE around it.
Ugh what's that like the 5000th forum thread about how everyone needs to rag on about how much EA sucks? I will agree though some of their games are down right terrible now, but ya, we all know it .
People are ragging on WAR because they're afraid of it? Afraid it'll take away their subs from whatever they're currently playing? That's why they're ragging on it? Yeah that makes sense... That must be why people were ragging on VG too... Making fun of vanbois cuz VG promised the sun and the moon. And look at the WoW killer THAT turned out to be... (/sarcasm off).
Actually... people are still afraid of VG... but for different reasons this time.
And now that I think about it, that comparison I made really isn't fair cuz IMHO WAR is still head and shoulders and chest and waist and knees and ankles above VG.
So far this game looks like someone took that wonderful lore of warhammer, and took a big steaming dump in it.. then got very excited that they had managed to produce so much poop!
I like that the developer's are enthusiastic about their product. However, they are fucking up the lore something royal.
Theres no other reason why there are so many threads here putting down WAR, sad part is they have no actual facts or evidence to why they are putting it down, mostly the complaints are about "prove to me this game is good" or the inevitable game comparisons.
You can call it fear if you want, but I don't think anyone here is afraid of a video game. I would call it disgust. Disgust that the last few years of this genre have been nothing more then same rehashed garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator.
You got to laugh at this when you read the poster's sig. Seasoned veteran of just about every MMO going and yet he thinks they're garbage, appealing to the lowest common denominator. Talk about self-loathing!
Yay! This is what I was thinking. Exactly my thoughts.
But you know, this is good if they are flaming and trolling this game, you know why? Because it will be more popular. It's almost like advertising.
So when I see someone blaming WAR I feel better since this game become popular because of it. It's just great

You Are Not Tifa, Cloud, Aeris, Barret, Red XIII, Vincent, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Sephiroth or even Cid.
Not Any Other FF Character.
"Seasoned Veteran of EQ, AC, AC2, DAOC, AO, PS, RF, FFXI, WoW, EQ2" - Paragus1
Are you serious? "Seasoned veteran" of mmos? Anyone who puts that in their sig deserves to be ridiculed.
This is a WAR fan forum is it not? Why wouldn't you find fan boys here? It is like going to a home football(soccer) game and telling the home team their team sucks. It doesn't matter if they really do suck or not because Pride wont allow them to let you live any longer.
Please look at my sig.

You Are Not Tifa, Cloud, Aeris, Barret, Red XIII, Vincent, Yuffie, Cait Sith, Sephiroth or even Cid.
Not Any Other FF Character.
History repeats itself.
Dinosaurs attacked humanity.
Religion attacked Science
Europe attacked the colonies
Communism attacked Capitalism
Sega attacked Nintendo
Mac attacked PC
EQ2 attacked WoW
AoC attacked WAR
But when the dust clears.......
See what I did there?
Wow, did I tell you how smart you are before?Two of them are faulty: " Europe attacked the colonies" and "AoC attacked WAR", because of the simple rule of quality>>quantity.
I am afraid of WAR.
An RvR MMORPG will be wicked fun and I predict many, many sleepless nights in front of a glowing monitor.
~ Ancient Membership ~
History repeats itself.
Dinosaurs attacked humanity.
Religion attacked Science
Europe attacked the colonies
Communism attacked Capitalism
Sega attacked Nintendo
Mac attacked PC
EQ2 attacked WoW
AoC attacked WAR
But when the dust clears.......
See what I did there?
Dinosaurs attacking humanity. Interesting. Were you watching Land of the Lost during science class? Or maybe you were using the pages of your natural science textbook to roll joints? Both religion and science are still around today despite their often adversarial relationship. It can be argued that quality of life in Europe is much higher than we have here in the States. Not quite sure what position you're trying to take here, but I'd definitely like some of what you're smoking, man.
I am not afraid of WAR. Hell, I might even play it when I want my PvP fix.
I'm not going to specualte that WAR will or won't be an enjoyable game. I have no proof either way. But I will say it isn't going to "kill" anything. Well, maybe DAOC but that is a different discussion. For each player I know that will gravitate towards a RvR game, there are 3 more waiting in the wings that don't want anything to do with that type of environment. PvPers are the minority (highly vocal minority) in the gaming community. A game built on mainly pvp will not be able to compete with the WoWs , EQs and LOTRs of the world. It will fill a niche for the pvpers that have been clamoring for something like this and will have average subscription numbers.
DISCLAIMER: These are my OPINIONS, hence they are not statements of fact. There is no right or wrong attempting to be proven here.
History repeats itself.
Dinosaurs attacked humanity.
Religion attacked Science
Europe attacked the colonies
Communism attacked Capitalism
Sega attacked Nintendo
Mac attacked PC
EQ2 attacked WoW
AoC attacked WAR
But when the dust clears.......
See what I did there?
Dinosaurs attacking humanity. Interesting. Were you watching Land of the Lost during science class? Or maybe you were using the pages of your natural science textbook to roll joints? Both religion and science are still around today despite their often adversarial relationship. It can be argued that quality of life in Europe is much higher than we have here in the States. Not quite sure what position you're trying to take here, but I'd definitely like some of what you're smoking, man.
Nah, he was trying to do a parody of Jeff Goldbloom's one phraser from Jurassic Park that goes along the lines of "God creates dinosaur, God creates Man, Man makes dinosaurs...etc,etc"...not a very smart one at that.
~~Internet gaming is not for the faint of heart or the dumb of mind.~~

I'm just gong to have to disagree with you on this...
How many of you like football? How many have a favorite team. How many have a most hated team?
It comes down to human nature, we root for who we like, we boo and jeer those we feel are a threat.
Does this mean we are afraid of them? No
But many see WAR(the new quarterback) as a threat to WoW ( The grizzaled olf veteran quarterback, who not everybody loves, but gets the job done)
So they will boo and hiss to try to throw the new guy off his game.
Honestly go check out OLD threads from all the competing games, right before WoW came out, you would have thought it was the digital Anti-Christ...
(excuse my analogies..I know nothing about football but figure its a fairly easy simile to make)
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
~~Internet gaming is not for the faint of heart or the dumb of mind.~~

No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
Agreed. I'm chomping at the bit for WAR. Whatever argument the poster was trying to make with that post about Adam vs. Eve and Autobots vs. Decepticons just wasn't very clear and I was trying to get to the root of it. Something doesn't need to be an offical document or a doctoral thesis to make a clear, concise argument. The peeps who try to put down WAR because they are AoC fans aren't gonna make their game any better by doing so, and vice versa. Just like science doesn't invalidate the core philosophies of religion or vice versa. It's all good.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
Agreed. I'm chomping at the bit for WAR. Whatever argument the poster was trying to make with that post about Adam vs. Eve and Autobots vs. Decepticons just wasn't very clear and I was trying to get to the root of it. Something doesn't need to be an offical document or a doctoral thesis to make a clear, concise argument. The peeps who try to put down WAR because they are AoC fans aren't gonna make their game any better by doing so, and vice versa. Just like science doesn't invalidate the core philosophies of religion or vice versa. It's all good.
I completely agree 100%.
No.. I was just throwing out some example of different groups that fought at one point or another and that its usually the ones that do the attacking that end up falling short for whatever reason. The dinosaur thing was very silly I admit, but it got the point across in that dinosaurs are now extinct and humans are the dominant species.
Religion as someone said is definitely still around, however I do not think I am being extreme to suggest that people put more stock in science on average than religion. How many believe in creationism vrs evolution for example? Religion said world was flat, science said it was round, etc etc.
Really, there is no reason to pick this all apart. I threw some silly things in there and people get all uppity. You act like I am publishing some official study when I was just some random person throwing some things in a post. Really, can the cryers grow up a little?
History does repeat itself. You want to attack my post, well you are doing it for the same reason that people attack WAR. Cause you are afraid that it will actually come to pass. I hear the exact same insults and criticism now that I heard from EQ2 fans when WoW was in development. Whether you like it or not... it is happening again. And flaming someone on a message board isn't going to change that.
Lol your funny, the only thing i ripped you apart for was the stupid quote..i wasn't ripping at everything else you said. To be honest when you and that other guy got into it I just stopped reading and skimmed over most of the posts you two were doing. I can't wait for WAR to come out and I'm an avid WAR fan. I'm flaming you, but not for defending WAR..just for using that very silly analogy.
My apologies, I know by quoting your post I made it sound like I was referring to you throughout my whole reply but really the only thing I was responding to you personally about was the Jurassic Park thing (the first paragraph). The rest of it was more directed at the other negative responses.
Also, I am looking forward to having CD in this game.
I wish I could quote this to every game currently over-hyped and in development right now. Such truth deserves some recognition.
By the way,WAR is going to suck. I've played WOW-type games before,got bored of them and I don't need another one under a different name.
People Fear What They Don't Understand
I think a lot of Guild Leader and there Co-workers are thinking about there future gaming caerrer. In the next couple of months there will released new mmorpg to the masses. This could in worst case ruinen a a well found guild. Lets say its a common WoW (OMG) guild. half the guild enjoy PvP and want a prober system will choice Warhammer, the other half enjoy PvE so they will maybe leave to join Age of Conan. Some other of the guild wanna try a hole third mmorpg. That is a major issue for any guild there still wanna control and hold on there guild. So if there is any person there should be affraid or fear a mmorpg its them. This could be the doom for many guilds.
Well I am one that is not going to call foul at this point, from what I have seen in the past few years I still going to stick to my guns and call this mmo and winner by all means. Even despite EA entry in this game.
I will not go into details because what else is there to say until it comes out. I am one of the believers in this mmo. The only reason this game wont be a success is if its not released.
I am not looking for a WoW Killer, I am just looking for a new game with new ideas and enjoyment. And I think this game will deliver, even with all the HYPE around it.
Hmmm that is a cause for concern and why Im afraid of warhammer. But it wont stop me buying the game.
Whilst looking for BF patch info and feedback:
Hmmm that is a cause for concern and why Im afraid of warhammer. But it wont stop me buying the game.
Whilst looking for BF patch info and feedback:
Ugh what's that like the 5000th forum thread about how everyone needs to rag on about how much EA sucks? I will agree though some of their games are down right terrible now, but ya, we all know it
People are ragging on WAR because they're afraid of it? Afraid it'll take away their subs from whatever they're currently playing? That's why they're ragging on it? Yeah that makes sense... That must be why people were ragging on VG too... Making fun of vanbois cuz VG promised the sun and the moon. And look at the WoW killer THAT turned out to be... (/sarcasm off).
Actually... people are still afraid of VG... but for different reasons this time.
And now that I think about it, that comparison I made really isn't fair cuz IMHO WAR is still head and shoulders and chest and waist and knees and ankles above VG.
You know what... forget I said anything.
So far this game looks like someone took that wonderful lore of warhammer, and took a big steaming dump in it.. then got very excited that they had managed to produce so much poop!
I like that the developer's are enthusiastic about their product. However, they are fucking up the lore something royal.
You can call it fear if you want, but I don't think anyone here is afraid of a video game. I would call it disgust. Disgust that the last few years of this genre have been nothing more then same rehashed garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator.
You got to laugh at this when you read the poster's sig. Seasoned veteran of just about every MMO going and yet he thinks they're garbage, appealing to the lowest common denominator. Talk about self-loathing!