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Looking at EVE i always felt like the game has that sphere/event horizon like feel to it, its ashame the game developers wont add non ship exploration and PVE to the game like exploring huge creepy abandoned stations and what not.
Heart is in the cards.
It'd be cool, alot of players would like to be able to get out of their ship but would be more boring that way if you ask me
About more pve, I personally think it would be nice to, however that would go against what the game was designed to play as, a social pvp game, which they nearly perfected if you ask me.
Definently alot I wish the game did, but they want the game to play their way so I respect that
They'll swoop in like buzzards to let you know that EVE is the best MMORPG ever, you just don't know it yet because you aren't smart like they are.
Seriously though, EVE is one of the most repetitive games on the market. It's more repetitive then WoW and that's saying something.
Eventually, in like 10 years, they are supposed to have a magic update that will alow you to get out of your ship and walk around on the stations and stuff. I saw some animations for it and it looks really good, but I really don't see them implementing that stuff anytime soon.
And by anytime soon I mean not in the next year or so.
They'll swoop in like buzzards to let you know that EVE is the best MMORPG ever, you just don't know it yet because you aren't smart like they are.
Seriously though, EVE is one of the most repetitive games on the market. It's more repetitive then WoW and that's saying something.
Eventually, in like 10 years, they are supposed to have a magic update that will alow you to get out of your ship and walk around on the stations and stuff. I saw some animations for it and it looks really good, but I really don't see them implementing that stuff anytime soon.
And by anytime soon I mean not in the next year or so.
You're right about the repetetiveness. It's a lot like PreNGE SWG, with the generic, generated missions. Except I had fun grinding in SWG, but not in Eve. Go figure.
I've been playing eve for over a year now and the pve side is boring as shit. I haven't touched it since under a year ago. I love the pvp though because it's meaningful. I'd love to see what the op is talking about also. The magic expansion is due out the end of next year and the new graphics engine is out this year. They're talking about the 'magic' expansion being a purely social thing first of all. i.e. you get to wander about your ship and space stations and chat to people and go shopping, gamble, go to the pub, open a shop etc. No shooting at first. A new interview with the dev on the ambulation (magic expansion) project is on ten ton hammer.
What I'd like to see is if you're going to take over a hostile station fully you have to take down shields and security etc as you normally do, and to obtain full control you have board the station and fight it out inside and "capture the flag". You could do similar pve type things also, like the op was talking about. I think ccp would do it. They do listen to the community more than most mmorpg devs. But, there is alot of moaners that play eve and they'll complain that it's detracting from their playing side of things. I think ccp need to do it. You'll see a large growth of subs if they do. Some of the main reasons I hear from people why they don't want to play, or end up leaving eve, is, (1) they don't like being a spaceship and (2) the pve is crap. There's also the pvp and the skill training mechanisms, but that's a whole other topic. Anyway, sorting out these two things would make alot of people want to try out the game.
Sounds like a good idea. I do believe EVE was considering (or has already done) out of ship movement. It'd be nice to see some on-foot exploration.
Although,it wouldn't change the fact EVE requires 10 years of your life to be able to play seriously at all. Whoops!
You're right about the repetetiveness. It's a lot like PreNGE SWG, with the generic, generated missions. Except I had fun grinding in SWG, but not in Eve. Go figure.
I advise yu try reading the material on this and see what the devs say on this
let me guess Mission runner no PvP
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
It'd be a major bum for us if they added PvE content. A large amount of those of us who play are from games like WoW and felt the PvP in those games had a LOT to be desired. We play this game for the unmatchable gang strategies, politics and depth. PvE content would do harm to that.
Seriously, 1-2 years of constant skill training to reach the highest echelons of the game? And no one who plays the game regularly seems to think this is a bad idea. Not to mention the fact that you don't even have to play the game to train skills. What's worse is that people actually fel like they have accomplished something by "making progress" in EVE's skill system.
Delayed gratification is a great thing. EVE's skill training system is not delayed gratification.
And what game do you play then?
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
And what game do you play then?
First of all it really doesn't matter what game I play unless you want to turn this discussion into some infantile finger-pointing session.
To be perfectly honest with you, for the first time in about 8 years I'm not subscribed to any game.
Why? Because everything out right now is just lame repetetive crap filled with timesinks and grinds, timesinks and grinds.
I've played every single MMO that I can get my hands on. I live in the US and there are a few games that don't allow certain regions IP addresses which sucks, but what are you gonna do?
I've been a very avid online gamer for years and I have to say that the genre is at an all time low. Sure more people are playing, but the quality of the games is horrendous.
Not to mention the quality of most of the communities: rampant griefing and exploiting, people doing outlandishly rude things and hiding behind the anonymity of being online, lazy developers who release games too early and try to "fix" things as they go, prickish developers that disregard player feedback and adopt the my way or the highway mantra, sadomasicistic players that demand that the games be more like a job and less like a game, people that think it's "hardcore" to play a videogame for 24/7.
So for the first time in a long time I'm not subscribed to anything and it's because right now the genre sucks.
It's pretty bad seeing as how at one time I was on the Station access, WoW, CoX, and DDO at the same time.
Well Im happy to tell you that they do plan on implementing ambulation (which is their fancy word for WALKING). Yep, youll get an avatar, clothing all that stuff. Player run stores, you can walk thru your ships, stations, etc. Itll be awesome. Sorry but I dont know where that link is for the article. have fun
Have you seen the movie Sunshine?
Futilez - Mature MMORPG Community
Correcting people since birth.
that would be insane boarding stations to take over. That would just be amazing. Like youd have people running to get to their ships and get out..
And I know someone said 'dont let the eve fanbois tell you its better after a while' or something like that well i hate to break it to you, it is. It doesnt take long. I played for about 2 months and I was already right into the pvp and having a blast (no pun intended
). if you can get into a good corp, and get going fast then you could be ready to go in under a month and a half. its just that 2wks-1 month isnt really enough to prepare yourself for EVEs Pvp. Its intense, and the costs are high, make sure your prepared. Alot of new players just slap a few guns on their frigate and run into low security and expect to come out alive.
I'm honestly tired of defending a game I love against blatant trolling against it. It seems like every day or two there are a couple new threads and posts by the same few people saying "This is why EvE sucks.." But when you read the reasons stated in those posts, it's obvious that the person didn't even -try- to get into the game. It's obvious that most people bashing it did nothing but mission running, and never got into -real- PvP. They weren't involved in politics, or pirate corps, merc corps.. nothing of the sort. It's obvious that they did nothing but missions almost 99% of the time, and then decided to form an opinion about the game based on their experiences doing that for a month or two.
If that is the case, then YES.. you will get bored. You did the same pointless thing for months and never got into the guts of the game. Congrats on coming here and bashing the game without actually reading up before hand and doing research.
As many have said before, EVE is a sandbox game. It doesn't hold your hand or tell you what to do. It let's you do whatever YOU want to do, but people don't seem to understand this. People think they're going to be told by the game where to go and what to do. There are no raids like in normal MMOs. Instead, there is PvP. And if you don't care for larger scale tactical PvP and prefer to be solo.. guess what, you -can- do that. But don't expect to be a god at the game within your first month. It's no different than having a level 30 character in WoW after a month and expecting to run across the land killing everyone in sight. You're going to be killed by people who have been playing for longer than you in ANY game. Stop acting like EVE is the only game where more experienced people kill you.
Within a month or so of proper character building, you can get involved in a decent corp who will introduce you to small scale PvP, or mining operations.. whatever you want. There are corps for everything. Become a pirate if you want out in low sec. Go join a merc corp in 0.0. It will be hard, but if you've done your homework you should be able to understand things about the game better. But DON'T expect everything to just fall into your lap. It seems like everyone who doesn't like the game just didn't get it. They expected everything to be given to them like in typical MMOs.
It's not that EVE players think they are better than anyone (well some do, but I don't), it's just that people who bash the game 99% of the time simply haven't done any research or -tried- to make their experience better. I mean christ, I've barely played the game much and I read enough on forums and articles and guides to know a lot more than the typical new player.
I've played the game for a few months was apart of Big Blue, camped at gates with cropmates, got into stratgey discussions, then quit for awhile, and then came back for a few more months before I quit playing again.
I've been involved with large scale and small scale PvP and yeah the interaction between corpmates is very fun, but that is in no way shape form or fashion related to how the game plays. Community is a totally different thing than game mechanics.
The politics in EVE are annoying at best. Everyone thinks someone else is a spy from another corp. It's kind of sad that people take that game that seriously.
I can see why some people love the game, but it's just not for me.
Furthermore, I understand that everyone has a unique perspective on things and therefore have differing opinons, maybe you should try it sometime instead of calling people who have a different view a troll and making generalized blanketed assumptions about how they played the game.
Actually my use of the word troll was very warranted, in that you are trolling. It's not that you have differing views, but that you choose to speak your views in a way that is demeaning to anyone who disagrees.
Edit: To further reiterate the point, your posts are not simply disagreeing with points. They are just outright bashing of the game. Before your above post, the only bit of discussion you were adding was explaining why everything you mentioned about the game was absolutely trash. Trolling in an attempt to get people to argue with you so that you could keep mentioning more things, which you did.
Every time someone like you quits, its a failure for CCP (as they no longer get your money), but a success for the game (as noone else is forced to interact with you). It's a wonderful thing.
I would rather it take everyone the same amount of time (or less, or more depending on what you take before taking certain skills) to get to a certain point, than just grinding to make max level in a month or two and being no different than anyone else who is max level. The best part about EVE is that even high skill-point characters might still use frigate class ships in certain situations fitted with certain modules that they have mastered. Where another of equal skill points might use a battlecruiser class ship instead, fitted with completely different modules.
This, in my opinion, is better than any raid-based games because at max level there are only 'tiers' of gear that they can get, and practically everyone of the same level is just competing to get the higher up tiers of gear. Two people with 10 million skill points might be as different as night and day.
Ok so calling me a Troll isn't demeaning?
I frequent alot of gaming forums and this is the only forum where pro EVE posters ,that are so biased they can't stand for anyone to not like the game, come crawling out of the wood works like cockroaches to name call and throw insults like you and your buddy that thinks I was "forced" to quit.
The game is boring to me. It's not hard, it's not complicated, it's not engaging. Yes this my opinion.
Originally, I was just making a snide joke about the EVE fanbois on this site, then it turned into a mud slinging argument because I don't like the game.
There are two sides to every coin and they never see eye to eye.
I'm not trying to convince you to not like the game.
I'm not insulting you or calling you names, or trying to demean anyone in any shape form or fashion.
However, I've been trashed talked to and called a Troll, but you say I'm the one that is demeaning people.
How's that for irony.
It is cool that people with tons of skill points still slum it and use frigates and such. I think one of the main reasons for that is because frigs are cheap and don't sting if you lose them.
The raid analogy can also be applied to EVE though. Instead of exp grinding, you're time grinding skills, and the tiers are alot more pronounced in EVE. You have to not only have the pre req skills to fly a big ship in EVE, but you also have to have skills that are high enough to fly it decently to be able to actually use it and not get it blown up.
And yeah, 2 people with 10 million skill points might be as different as night and day, but that's because EVE is skill based and not lvl based. There's no basis for comparison because the only other popular skill based game, SWG, got turned into a lvl based game.
If you'll notice there aren't any skill based raiding games out. Hell... there's hardly any skill based games out.
I love skill based games.
I love sandbox games.
The main reason why I don't like EVE is because it's too much like an RTS in that there is absolutely no twitch skills involved in playing the game. It's all about micromanagment.
Another big factor for me is that every sector looks just like the last sector. There's little to no differentiation from one system to the other.
Granted, I haven't played with the newest graphics update so I don't know if they added anything new in that regard.
And c'mon... you have to agree that after all this time they could have fixed or done something about the flying through planets and space stations when you activate your warp drive to travel.
Not to mention that the devs are always trying to keep people by showing clips of updates that won't come for a year or more. Remeber atmospheric flight? They even went as far as to show a clip of it. What happened? It never happened.
I'm sure they will implement walking on the stations and ships, but it's not going to be anytime soon, and even when they do it'll be a totally social thing. That's great and all, but who wants to pay a monthly sub for avatar chat?
Don't get mad, don't name call, and don't try to insult me.
I know you'll probably disagree with alot in this post. Simply post what you disagree with and why, and I'll do the same.
The main thing i agree on is how every ststem ahs so littel in the way of variation also i find the nebulas so bright at times that i cant see my hud buttons well enough to tell if tey are activated or not.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
I found a topic on eve that may interest you concerning what the community of eve wants done to eve.
Its an interesting read.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
If they add some joystick controls I'd resub the day it went live if for no other reason than to try it out.
I play lots of FPSs and action games and some edge of your seat, fast flying dog fights would be an awesome game. If I could have so heavy action based piloting coupled with a skill based ground game, I'd be perfectly content.
I like Sci Fi alot more than Fantasy. I wish I liked EVE as much as many people on these boards seem to. Oh well.
Hopefully, Huxley or Tabula Rasa will be worth playing for more than a few months.