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Could Fred Thompson be the one?


  • METALDRAG0NMETALDRAG0N Member Posts: 1,680


    Rarly have i seen a post so devid of maturaty and common sece at the same time.


    I cant even read the last pannel as the writing is so small even when zoomed at 400% its so blurry as to be unreadable.

    "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
    -- Jean Rostand

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360

    Funny. The democrat looks like Bobby Bouche (W-w-w-waterboy)

  • IbextoIbexto Member Posts: 277

    Sop what was the point of this post?

  • SamuraiswordSamuraisword Member Posts: 2,111

    Originally posted by Ibexto

    Sop what was the point of this post?
    Duh.... Discussing the viability of Fred Thompson as a serious candidate perhaps?

    Not that many posts in the off topic section have a point anyways mind you.


  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    Originally posted by Samuraisword
    Originally posted by Ibexto Sop what was the point of this post?
    Duh.... Discussing the viability of Fred Thompson as a serious candidate perhaps?
    Not that many posts in the off topic section have a point anyways mind you.

    No one told me you needed to have a point with your posts! I couldn't see what he said in the smaller box anyways.



  • arvainisarvainis Member Posts: 548

    He's got my vote if he really does punch hippies.

    "Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan

  • Sometimes a coworker plays liberal talk shows on the radio. They frequently take shots at Fred Thompson for playing some neo-Nazi in a movie years ago. How is that even relevant, do people actually think that an actor has anything to do with a character he plays? We'd better take out Viggo Mortensen, he played the Devil in the Prophecy.

  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918

    Originally posted by Sawtooth

    Sometimes a coworker plays liberal talk shows on the radio. They frequently take shots at Fred Thompson for playing some neo-Nazi in a movie years ago. How is that even relevant, do people actually think that an actor has anything to do with a character he plays? We'd better take out Viggo Mortensen, he played the Devil in the Prophecy.

    And Tom Hanks, his IQ is only 75 and he talks to a Volley Ball

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

  • ProdudeProdude Member Posts: 353


    Originally posted by Samuraisword

    hfl_fred_thompson1.jpg picture by Jorev_photos
     hfl_fred_thompson2.jpg image by Jorev_photoshfl_fred_thompson3.jpg image by Jorev_photoshfl_fred_thompson4.jpg image by Jorev_photos

    John Edwards, the "Breck Girl"? The one that gets $400 haircuts? The one that has his 'wife' blast Hillery?


    Obama,  the so called "magic Negro" ? The one who lets His wife bash "the Clintons" ? The one that can't directly respond to a direct question regarding ANY controversial issue in the quest for Democrat hopefuls?

    Oh OK it's a cartoon...I got ya lmao...good one!

  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657

    Fred Thompson is officially entering the Republican race tomorrow.

    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • Originally posted by grunty

    Fred Thompson is officially entering the Republican race tomorrow.

    Really? He's been so hands off so far, I honestly didn't expect him to actually enter. It will be wierd to see him actively campaigning...assuming he does so. You never know, he's odd.

  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267

    Fred Thompson official announcement video leaked:

    "I would do essentially what the president's doing [on Iraq]. I know it's not popular right now...."

    - Fred Thompson

    Yep. A vote for Fred Thompson is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • Originally posted by AlexAmore

    Yep. A vote for Fred Thompson is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

    That's a bit of a stretch, Thompson is alot prettier.

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360
    Originally posted by Sawtooth

    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    Yep. A vote for Fred Thompson is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

    That's a bit of a stretch, Thompson is alot prettier.

    And has smaller testicles.

  • PrecusorPrecusor Member UncommonPosts: 3,589

    Id vote for him if i was from the U.S

  • SamuraiswordSamuraisword Member Posts: 2,111

    Fred Thompson is more attractive than what you get when you vote for Hillary.

    Bill-and-Hillary-Clinton--24886.jpg picture by Jorev_photos



  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267

    Wow you guys have no idea what I meant. Fred Thompson supports the war in Iraq and would go about the war much like Bush is now. That means he has no chance to win against a Democrat like Hillary Clinton. A great majority of Americans want out of Iraq. That's why a vote for Fred is a vote for Hillary.

    It's so simple.

    Fred Thompson isn't that conservative anyways. He can't even debate without a Hollywood script, that's probably why he's been avoiding entering....he's a pussy!

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • abbabaabbaba Member Posts: 1,143


    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    Wow you guys have no idea what I meant. Fred Thompson supports the war in Iraq and would go about the war much like Bush is now. That means he has no chance to win against a Democrat like Hillary Clinton. A great majority of Americans want out of Iraq. That's why a vote for Fred is a vote for Hillary.

    It's so simple.

    Fred Thompson isn't that conservative anyways. He can't even debate without a Hollywood script, that's probably why he's been avoiding entering....he's a pussy!

    The Democrats have been pressing Bush to get out of Iraq because they know they can't..or don't have the do it themselves if they win the White House.


    Besides, the Democratic Congress's approval ratings are lower than Bush's and they've been trying to get the US OUT of Iraq. Iraq is not the seminal issue in this campaign.

    And there's over a year until the election...I guess time will tell regarding his debating skill.

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