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Science or God

sadeissadeis Member Posts: 152

Is it better to have hope and belief???  Or just believe that science will be the answer to it all??



  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    I hope you're not trying to start a religious discussion?



  • seabass2003seabass2003 Member Posts: 4,144

    I believe in both.

    In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.

  • hotpiehotpie Member Posts: 191



    want a debate? ?

  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267
    Originally posted by sadeis

    Is it better to have hope and belief???  Or just believe that science will be the answer to it all??

    This clearly has one correct answer.

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • pyrofreakpyrofreak Member UncommonPosts: 1,481
    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    Originally posted by sadeis

    Is it better to have hope and belief???  Or just believe that science will be the answer to it all??

    This clearly has one correct answer.

    The correct answer is clearly to not directly respond to the OP.

    Now with 57.3% more flames!

  • AirspellAirspell Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,391

      Laws of the universe clearly are the answer to all.  Whether there is an invisible santa claus remains to be seen, but is clearly not out of the realm of Possibility ,  Probability .... a little less :P


  • wyvexwyvex Member UncommonPosts: 346

    in my opinion i choose science over faith


  • hotpiehotpie Member Posts: 191

    meaning you haven't Him? ?

  • METALDRAG0NMETALDRAG0N Member Posts: 1,680
    Originally posted by sadeis

    Is it better to have hope and belief???  Or just believe that science will be the answer to it all??

    2/10 for effort.

    "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
    -- Jean Rostand

  • rebirth1629rebirth1629 Member Posts: 113

    The answer is out there....=P

    But i belief in both as long u have the knowledge of both

  • bhagamubhagamu Member Posts: 425


    and bye.

    I swear, if anyone seriously answers this, I will cry.
    Gore '08

  • petrickopetricko Member Posts: 84

    Since it's so hard to prove how life truely began, and not very possible we all just sprouted out of the ground one day. Why would it be so hard to accept that maybe all of gods power and devine work, went into creating the initial spark of life on this planet a billion years ago to create what we see and live today.


  • nurglesnurgles Member Posts: 840

    Originally posted by sadeis

    Is it better to have hope and belief???  Or just believe that science will be the answer to it all??
    your question is hoplessly naive and in a way quite insulting. the assumption that a lack of belief in god denies hope is apalling.

    also science is a tool, not a beleif system. Anyone who is interested in what the use of the tool of science has led people to beleive would know that the universe seems to be structured in a way that it can never be completley understood, always alowing for the excitment of discovery and the oportunity to hope for a better future.  

    you seem to be under the misaprehention that the science is an assault against hope and personal beleif, tied in with the common misconception that science takes all of the mysteries (romance) and hope out of living. Many atheists say the oposite, that the idea of an eternal afterlife itself denies hope for the lives we live.


  • AthlAthl Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 159


    Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity.

  • BobCrazytonBobCrazyton Member UncommonPosts: 2,117


    What if God was a scientist? Like, this whole universe was created by some other advanced form of life. No magic powers. Just science.

    ......but then what created them.....?

    Damnit, my brain hurts....

  • MadAceMadAce Member Posts: 2,461

    Both have merit.


    And they're not antagonists for pete sakes.

  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918

    Need they be exclusive to one another?  Well...I guess modern science has decided that something is not a valid scientific explanation if it's not there's more to answer than some people are letting on...even though I don't think the OP was really after an intelligent discussion.

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

  • 8hammer88hammer8 Member Posts: 1,812

    Originally posted by nurgles

    Originally posted by sadeis

    Is it better to have hope and belief???  Or just believe that science will be the answer to it all??
    your question is hoplessly naive and in a way quite insulting. the assumption that a lack of belief in god denies hope is apalling.


    also science is a tool, not a beleif system. Anyone who is interested in what the use of the tool of science has led people to beleive would know that the universe seems to be structured in a way that it can never be completley understood, always alowing for the excitment of discovery and the oportunity to hope for a better future.  

    you seem to be under the misaprehention that the science is an assault against hope and personal beleif, tied in with the common misconception that science takes all of the mysteries (romance) and hope out of living. Many atheists say the oposite, that the idea of an eternal afterlife itself denies hope for the lives we live.


    Ohes fell for it...

    Don't show any emotion to this thread and maybe it will go away...

    People should believe in whatever makes them feel or religion or both.

    Sadeis...Metaldragon was nice to give you 2/10 effort on this one...try again

    "It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)

  • TsollessTsolless Member Posts: 448

    Science explains religion, and religion explains science. Unless it's Scientology, then it's just stupid.

  • AelfinnAelfinn Member Posts: 3,857

    Originally posted by Draenor

    Need they be exclusive to one another?  Well...I guess modern science has decided that something is not a valid scientific explanation if it's not there's more to answer than some people are letting on...even though I don't think the OP was really after an intelligent discussion.
    Not to drag this out into one of those excellent debates we used to have but can't anymore...

    Modern science has done nothing of the sort. Certain scientists are of that viewpoint, but an entire group can't be held accountable for a few of its members, otherwise religion would be poked full of holes by now :p

    In any case, I will most certainly agree that the two are not at all mutually exclusive. There isn't a thing in Judeochristian religion or science that directly contradicts or "disproves" anything in the other. Both tenets simply involve a different way of viewing the world around you. Most of the great thinkers of the scientific world were/are religious, and quite comfortable in their faith and how it relates to their view of the world, from Charles Darwin to Stephen Hawking. Heck, Darwin was reportedly overawed at God's insight in creating the complex system of evolution.

    No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918

    Originally posted by Aelfinn

    Originally posted by Draenor

    Need they be exclusive to one another?  Well...I guess modern science has decided that something is not a valid scientific explanation if it's not there's more to answer than some people are letting on...even though I don't think the OP was really after an intelligent discussion.
    Not to drag this out into one of those excellent debates we used to have but can't anymore...


    Modern science has done nothing of the sort. Certain scientists are of that viewpoint, but an entire group can't be held accountable for a few of its members, otherwise religion would be poked full of holes by now :p

    In any case, I will most certainly agree that the two are not at all mutually exclusive. There isn't a thing in Judeochristian religion or science that directly contradicts or "disproves" anything in the other. Both tenets simply involve a different way of viewing the world around you. Most of the great thinkers of the scientific world were/are religious, and quite comfortable in their faith and how it relates to their view of the world, from Charles Darwin to Stephen Hawking. Heck, Darwin was reportedly overawed at God's insight in creating the complex system of evolution.

    A theory or model in science is not acceptable to be widely used unless it is a naturalistic try winning over the paleontology community by telling them that the mass extinction that suposedly happened 200 million years ago was a result of God flooding the entire world.

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

  • CactusmanXCactusmanX Member Posts: 2,218

    I don't replace my lack of faith in a diety with faith in science.  Science is just a tool, I no more put faith in it to solve mysteries of the universe than I put faith in mathmatics to balance my check book.  It is the people using the tools that get things done. I believe in man's ability to invesigate, learn and solve problems, I believe in the potential of myself and others to gather knowledge and improve life for everyone.

    Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit

  • modjoe86modjoe86 Member UncommonPosts: 4,050



    Sorry, I couldn't resist. Science and Religion aren't mutually exclusive, as it's been said earlier.

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  • Jimmy_ScytheJimmy_Scythe Member CommonPosts: 3,586

    Science or God?

    Why the ultimatum? Why does it have to be either / or?

    Personally, I'm a Deist. God does not love you and is not going to keep your spirit on a shelf when you die because God had bigger things than you in mind when it made the universe. I know this because of Epicurus's Question That goes something like this:

    Is God willing and able to prevent evil? Then Whence cometh evil?

    Is God willing but unable? Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is God able yet unwilling? Then he is malevolent.

    is God neither willing nor able? Then why call him God?

    The typical answer is that God gave us freewill, but that denies omnipotence. If God knows all that was, is, and will be, then everything is predetermined and therefore freewill cannot exist. Furthermore, God made us knowing the way that we would turn out and why. If everything is predetermined according to God's plan, then the holocaust, Unit 731, the Manson murders, and uncountable atrocities throughout history were all part of God's plan therefore making God accountable for all.

    More than likely, God created the Universe and we are just a very minute and insignificant byproduct of that act. While God is certainly capable of seeing us, it's rather unlikely, given the sheer size of the Universe, that we are that important to God's ultimate purpose for creating the Universe.

    Think of the Universe as a Watch. Once you've made a watch, you leave it to perform its function and only intervene when that function is interrupted. When you remove worn or damaged parts, you don't keep them around and reward them for their good service, you dispose of them permanently. It is unlikely that humanity will ever be able to disrupt the machinery of Universe, so it's unlikely that God will ever have need to take notice of us.


  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918

    Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe

    Science or God?
    Why the ultimatum? Why does it have to be either / or?
    Personally, I'm a Deist. God does not love you and is not going to keep your spirit on a shelf when you die because God had bigger things than you in mind when it made the universe. I know this because of Epicurus's Question That goes something like this:
    Is God willing and able to prevent evil? Then Whence cometh evil?
    Is God willing but unable? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is God able yet unwilling? Then he is malevolent.
    is God neither willing nor able? Then why call him God?
    The typical answer is that God gave us freewill, but that denies omnipotence. If God knows all that was, is, and will be, then everything is predetermined and therefore freewill cannot exist. Furthermore, God made us knowing the way that we would turn out and why. If everything is predetermined according to God's plan, then the holocaust, Unit 731, the Manson murders, and uncountable atrocities throughout history were all part of God's plan therefore making God accountable for all.
    More than likely, God created the Universe and we are just a very minute and insignificant byproduct of that act. While God is certainly capable of seeing us, it's rather unlikely, given the sheer size of the Universe, that we are that important to God's ultimate purpose for creating the Universe.
    Think of the Universe as a Watch. Once you've made a watch, you leave it to perform its function and only intervene when that function is interrupted. When you remove worn or damaged parts, you don't keep them around and reward them for their good service, you dispose of them permanently. It is unlikely that humanity will ever be able to disrupt the machinery of Universe, so it's unlikely that God will ever have need to take notice of us.

    I'm glad you think that something smart and powerful enough to create all life and matter would also be tied down to some inane equation made up by a mere creation of said diety.

    "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS"

    -1 Corinthians 3:19

    Any diety, no matter the religion, would have to be incredibly wise to create the universe around us, don't be so self absorbed to think that you would ever have the ability to know the mind of God. 

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

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