As long as MMORPGs are on a computer monitor, the virtual sex of the toon or real sex of the player just does not matter.
People should help people in game that deserve a little help. I tend to help people as I cruise by and notice them getting pummeled and I ask if then need or want help. I do not help the whiny, spamming individual who can't seem to read the quest or ask politely for help.
I don't give items to toons based on anything more than a guildy needs something or I have extras that I give away to random people in game. Pretty much in WoW I would usually just mail the item to them so I never even saw their toon. In previous MMOs I would try and play a visually appealing character, and being a guy, that might be the slutty looking elf babe, or the dragon I had when I played Horizons, or the male Tauren Shammy (something about playing a female cow seemed odd) , currently I am looking over beta games and upcoming games to see what I want to play. No matter the game I plan on playing a toon I want to play be it male/female/fungus.
and no my NE elf hunter never did the stripper dance in her undies to get free stuff.
We are playing games to enjoy playing. They are not dating services, they are not for picking up children, they are entertainment. Have a good time, try and keep the game enjoyable for everyone else, and just maybe the game will be better for it, no matter what sex/race/mushroom you play.
As much as I'll like to proclaim myself free of any biasness towards any gender, I sometimes am more inclined to help a female, though I wouldn't go out of my way to do so and shower them with free gear. That being said, there isn't anything that I'll help a female with that I won't also help any other person.
NO.....and i find it fucking sad if ppl actually do give out "free items" to the female characters just because they think they are females irl... they probably think they gonna get laid if they do that or something..
Genders doesn't matter at all, players are roleplaying characters inside a game. Why would it matter in anyway, because no-one can ever known who's behind the character. Players can tell anything to other players and no-one can tell the difference.
Very much so. I'm a male and I have always played Male characters. However, I did level a Female Blood Elf Mage to 70 a few months back and I was treated WAY differently. I was given items and gold, and allowed to live instead of being ganked in a lot of occasions. A lot of the time the alliance would gesture that they would like to see me naked in exchange for letting me live. I complied. Either way, Females get it very easily in WoW and I doubt it's different elsewhere. Well, except EVE, but only someone who has played the game would understand why.
I'm certainly not about to make a female character. I tried it once, got her to about level 12. I loved the class (druid in WoW), her skills, and she was progressing nicely but just felt so wrong playing the image of something completely polar opposite of what I am.
As for treating girls differently in MMO's. I do find myself helping them out a little more just because I've always gotten along with girls a lot better. BUT IN ORDER FOR ME TO BELIEVE THEY ARE FEMALE, THEY MUST USE A VOICE PROGRAM.If there is no proof then they probably aren't a girl, and that is just weird. But yeah, I just help them with quests, or whatever if I'm not busy, I don't flirt or anything.. its the internet, only place that will lead to is 5 minutes of awkward cyber sex, and then annoyance whenever you log in to the game.
So I voted yes. Though chicks have equally as much of a chance of being hopeless newbs.
Doesn't really make a difference to me in-game. It used to be more important when I was a young and irritating gamer, but Diablo II helped to change that, since classes were set in a specific gender, and damned if Sorceress wasn't fun. Either it changed my thinking on the subject, or growing past the age of 12 did, but nowadays I'll generally assume a person is male, just from the odds, but I won't pursue that assumption.
I try to be helpful and kind to everybody, regardless of gender. I think people who knowingly treat (for example) females better or worse simply because they are females should really pause and reflect why they are doing that. There is no difference between men and women, both are equally capable of being kind, destructive, intelligent, stupid, annoying or helpful.
Originally posted by Phos I'll give you a stereotype about us men (particularly young men): They play a lot nicer (and act more mature) when they know there's a woman present! - Phos
You mean to say, when they believe that someone is female, because there is no way to know if some player is female or male.
if you regard an online game as part of your sexual activity.
so what i mean is that i have seen crittism from a guy, was the fear that a guy playing a girl may hit on him. this was apparently threatening. also the crossover between roleplaying and cybering has made people wary, defensive and abusive. amongst the corp alliance i play with, they don't really care and i beleive this is simply because they are mainly older with families and arn't trying to pick up every girl they find on the interweb.
Oh man, yes! All my male buddies are jealous of the free gifts I get. I've had dual samurai longswords tossed at me in L2, an ornate chain bridle offer in EQ, and more. I used to enjoy these giveaways and take em, but nowadays I have more fun turning them down.
I even had someone say they wouldn't PK me once in L2 because they couldn't hit girls.
Laura "Taera" Genender Community Manager
As long as MMORPGs are on a computer monitor, the virtual sex of the toon or real sex of the player just does not matter.
People should help people in game that deserve a little help. I tend to help people as I cruise by and notice them getting pummeled and I ask if then need or want help. I do not help the whiny, spamming individual who can't seem to read the quest or ask politely for help.
I don't give items to toons based on anything more than a guildy needs something or I have extras that I give away to random people in game. Pretty much in WoW I would usually just mail the item to them so I never even saw their toon. In previous MMOs I would try and play a visually appealing character, and being a guy, that might be the slutty looking elf babe, or the dragon I had when I played Horizons, or the male Tauren Shammy (something about playing a female cow seemed odd) , currently I am looking over beta games and upcoming games to see what I want to play. No matter the game I plan on playing a toon I want to play be it male/female/fungus.
and no my NE elf hunter never did the stripper dance in her undies to get free stuff.
We are playing games to enjoy playing. They are not dating services, they are not for picking up children, they are entertainment. Have a good time, try and keep the game enjoyable for everyone else, and just maybe the game will be better for it, no matter what sex/race/mushroom you play.
male should play male and female should play female. if u dont u have serious mental issues!!!

Everything Happens For A Reason! "Shadowziel"
As much as I'll like to proclaim myself free of any biasness towards any gender, I sometimes am more inclined to help a female, though I wouldn't go out of my way to do so and shower them with free gear. That being said, there isn't anything that I'll help a female with that I won't also help any other person.
NO.....and i find it fucking sad if ppl actually do give out "free items" to the female characters just because they think they are females irl... they probably think they gonna get laid if they do that or something..
i long as you dont pretend your a girl (if your playing a female toon) or the other way around its fine with me...
i play female toons depending on the game....some games have really nice looking armors for females while the male version sucks etc...(l2 anyone? :P)
So you accept the fact that you are playing an orc or an elf or a dragon or a vampire or a cyborg but a <gasp> girl?? oh noes!?!
Genders doesn't matter at all, players are roleplaying characters inside a game. Why would it matter in anyway, because no-one can ever known who's behind the character. Players can tell anything to other players and no-one can tell the difference.
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists
Haha, I enjoy playing my shims! =D
but I don't think it really matters.
Very much so. I'm a male and I have always played Male characters. However, I did level a Female Blood Elf Mage to 70 a few months back and I was treated WAY differently. I was given items and gold, and allowed to live instead of being ganked in a lot of occasions. A lot of the time the alliance would gesture that they would like to see me naked in exchange for letting me live. I complied. Either way, Females get it very easily in WoW and I doubt it's different elsewhere. Well, except EVE, but only someone who has played the game would understand why.
I get free stuff all the time when I am playing my Male Tauren Warrior "Flower Boy".
I'm certainly not about to make a female character. I tried it once, got her to about level 12. I loved the class (druid in WoW), her skills, and she was progressing nicely but just felt so wrong playing the image of something completely polar opposite of what I am.
As for treating girls differently in MMO's. I do find myself helping them out a little more just because I've always gotten along with girls a lot better. BUT IN ORDER FOR ME TO BELIEVE THEY ARE FEMALE, THEY MUST USE A VOICE PROGRAM. If there is no proof then they probably aren't a girl, and that is just weird. But yeah, I just help them with quests, or whatever if I'm not busy, I don't flirt or anything.. its the internet, only place that will lead to is 5 minutes of awkward cyber sex, and then annoyance whenever you log in to the game.
So I voted yes. Though chicks have equally as much of a chance of being hopeless newbs.

Voice does not prove anything about gender. People could be using MorphVox.
Doesn't matter to me, I will be more helpful and generous to those that are nice to me regardless of gender.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
Doesn't really make a difference to me in-game. It used to be more important when I was a young and irritating gamer, but Diablo II helped to change that, since classes were set in a specific gender, and damned if Sorceress wasn't fun. Either it changed my thinking on the subject, or growing past the age of 12 did, but nowadays I'll generally assume a person is male, just from the odds, but I won't pursue that assumption.
Even if I do see them irl, they might be a Cylon in disguise!
I try to be helpful and kind to everybody, regardless of gender. I think people who knowingly treat (for example) females better or worse simply because they are females should really pause and reflect why they are doing that. There is no difference between men and women, both are equally capable of being kind, destructive, intelligent, stupid, annoying or helpful.
You mean to say, when they believe that someone is female, because there is no way to know if some player is female or male.
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists
Dark Elf females look less goofy, and I'm an MtF TG, so that's what I pick: DE female. Get over it. Geez, it's pixels!
-- Brede
None issue.
The Old Timers Guild
Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!
An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett
Gender doesn't matter to ME.
It does seem to matter to other people though.
assume everyone is male - even if they say they are female...
vent / TS or familiarity will reveal if they are really female or not... not that it matters at all
it depends.
if you regard an online game as part of your sexual activity.
so what i mean is that i have seen crittism from a guy, was the fear that a guy playing a girl may hit on him. this was apparently threatening. also the crossover between roleplaying and cybering has made people wary, defensive and abusive. amongst the corp alliance i play with, they don't really care and i beleive this is simply because they are mainly older with families and arn't trying to pick up every girl they find on the interweb.
Oh man, yes! All my male buddies are jealous of the free gifts I get. I've had dual samurai longswords tossed at me in L2, an ornate chain bridle offer in EQ, and more. I used to enjoy these giveaways and take em, but nowadays I have more fun turning them down.
I even had someone say they wouldn't PK me once in L2 because they couldn't hit girls.
Laura "Taera" Genender
Community Manager
Nobody gets free stuff unless I know them IRL or if we've been friends in game for a long time.
It doesnt matter to me because Im not starved for attention and have a mind strong enough to curb lust.
But I voted yes because not everyone has an unimpressionable mind.