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Korean grinders, why do people play them?

Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.

But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?


Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2

kill 15 mobs to gain level 3

kill 20 mobs to gain level 4

kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)



Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.

There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.

and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.



  • CleffyIICleffyII Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,440

    It's like playing any low-budget game.  Its gonna suck.


  • puma713puma713 Member Posts: 288

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    Actually, believe it or not, they're a good break from the games of the current MMO market.  I've only played maybe 1 or 2, but sometimes, instead of reading a quest book full of logs, then going and killing 10 rats, returning their tails and getting a bar of experience, you stay out in the field and grind.  Remember, before WoW changed the face of what MMO's used to be - EverQuest was EverGrind.  There were quests, but all it really was was groups sitting at a safe spot in the zone looking for groups.  It was neverending grind. 

    As was DAoC.  Sure, it had the RvR near endgame, and once they released Darkness Falls and teh battlegrounds, it was in midgame was well - but the PvE aspect was a grindfest.  Wall fins/leprechauns/pookas etc. for Hibernia - sure, it had quests as well - but quests didn't shoot you through a level.  It gave you a bubble, then you had to go out and grind the other nine.  To me, WoW is more dumbed down than Asian grind MMO's.  They're not as basic as you described them. 

    And, for what you said about the useless self buff that looks pretty, but does nothing:  I'd rather have a thousand buffs that look nice and do nothing than a handful of useful ones that look like crap.  Maybe I'm alone in this aspect of the gaming world, but I love watching spell graphics.  DAoC had amazing spells - EQ2's spells aren't bad.  The animations of Lineage II are pretty good as well.  I'd rather have those than have the nearly-nonexistant spell graphics in Vanguard and the split-second graphics in WoW. 

    You have to remember, before you post a question like this, that not everyone plays the same way you do.  Some of us like the grind.  Some of us would rather run around the world and kill groups of mobs, grouping with people rather than doing 4 quests a level solo and then waiting for raiding endgame.  That's playing a 1-player game and then deciding to log into the world around level 70 or so.  Back in the day, an MMO was just that - massively multiplayer - because if it wasn't, you couldn't get anything done. Now-a-days, if there isn't some part of the game that you can solo all the way through, people get turned off. 

    I love games that cater to the minority, not the masses.  Catering to the masses not only dumbs down the game, but destroys the community as well, no matter how many subs you have.


    /played: EQ, EQ II, DAoC, WoW, LoTRO, AoC, CoH/CoV, WAR, Aion, Tera, Wildstar and many others that don't merit listing

    /playing: Clash of Clans, Hearthstone

  • PicklefootPicklefoot Member Posts: 218

      Because people can get gold, and items easily via paypal or farming.


      Because the armor, and skill graphics are usually awesome.


      Because they don't require commitment, you can quit and come back when you want and you don't have to pay 15$ to figure out it was a stupid decision.


      Perhaps they just don't like to excel so easily compared to other types of games.


      Definitely because of the huge player populations at any given time. Though not helpful, it does make you feel like the game isn't going to be abandoned any time soon.


  • turnipzturnipz Member Posts: 531

    You talk as though western mmos like WoW take skill to play and require more than watching your guy auto attack while spamming a few skills.  Risk your life is the only game out there that seems to be above that and it looks and plays like crap.


    Anyways until darkfall, age of conan, or monster hunter frontier come out were stuck with the same crap whether its asian or not.

  • MythokiaMythokia Member Posts: 30

    Is it any different from games that are centered around quests, which tell you to kill x number of mobs, journey halfway across the world, and turn them into another guy? The only difference between the two is WHEN the XP is given to you. "Grind based" ones are immediate, you kill a mob, you get resonable xp from it. As for "quest based" ones, you kill a bunch of mobs which gives little xp, and then go back to the quest giver for the remaining bulk.

  • LilianeLiliane Member Posts: 591

    They are easy to make and players don't know any better games, because no-one offeres anything better.

    MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists

  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84
    Originally posted by Mythokia

    Is it any different from games that are centered around quests, which tell you to kill x number of mobs, journey halfway across the world, and turn them into another guy? The only difference between the two is WHEN the XP is given to you. "Grind based" ones are immediate, you kill a mob, you get resonable xp from it. As for "quest based" ones, you kill a bunch of mobs which gives little xp, and then go back to the quest giver for the remaining bulk.

    But games like LOTRO, GW and WoW have a more dynamic and "spell based" combat system, where the focus is on spells and abilites and not on autoattack

  • METALDRAG0NMETALDRAG0N Member Posts: 1,680
    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Originally posted by Mythokia

    Is it any different from games that are centered around quests, which tell you to kill x number of mobs, journey halfway across the world, and turn them into another guy? The only difference between the two is WHEN the XP is given to you. "Grind based" ones are immediate, you kill a mob, you get resonable xp from it. As for "quest based" ones, you kill a bunch of mobs which gives little xp, and then go back to the quest giver for the remaining bulk.

    But games like LOTRO, GW and WoW have a more dynamic and "spell based" combat system, where the focus is on spells and abilites and not on autoattack

    Personally i dont like the autoattack features in games like WoW myself. As to why people paly Korean games well thats because they like them and they want to. What other reason do we need?

    "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
    -- Jean Rostand

  • TorakTorak Member Posts: 4,905

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    And that description is profoundly different from any western

    You forgot to add IMHO to everything you said.

  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84
    Originally posted by Torak

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    And that description is profoundly different from any western


    You forgot to add IMHO to everything you said.

    Because western mmos usaly have some kind of depth

  • CCDeathCCCCDeathCC Member Posts: 128

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.

    yes i agree with u all asian mmorpg has the same thing  but FFXI and The p2p games not like eath other!!

    Hey Everyone

  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84

    FFXI is really a great game, but its very different from the most other asian MMOs if you ask me. FFXI really have depth

  • RoinRoin Member RarePosts: 3,444

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Originally posted by Torak

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    And that description is profoundly different from any western


    You forgot to add IMHO to everything you said.

    Because western mmos usaly have some kind of depth

    Sure, keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.  More depth lol.

    In War - Victory.
    In Peace - Vigilance.
    In Death - Sacrifice.

  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84
    Originally posted by Roin

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Originally posted by Torak

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    And that description is profoundly different from any western


    You forgot to add IMHO to everything you said.

    Because western mmos usaly have some kind of depth


    Sure, keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.  More depth lol.

    Dont play stupid. Play Silkroad, then play Vanguard and try to say that Vanguard doesnt have more complex and indepth system.


  • METALDRAG0NMETALDRAG0N Member Posts: 1,680
    Originally posted by Torak

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    And that description is profoundly different from any western


    You forgot to add IMHO to everything you said.

    Yep thats exactly how you play Western MMO's the OP is just in denial.

    "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
    -- Jean Rostand

  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84
    Originally posted by METALDRAG0N

    Originally posted by Torak

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    And that description is profoundly different from any western


    You forgot to add IMHO to everything you said.

    Yep thats exactly how you play Western MMO's the OP is just in denial.



     No it isnt. Show me a asian MMO except FFXI with instances, PvP ranking/honor system and  a complex class and crafting system.

  • momodigmomodig Member UncommonPosts: 555

    CleftyII you do realize sword of the new world is a korean grinder game... lol looser

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Originally posted by METALDRAG0N

    Originally posted by Torak

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Seriously, i have played probably 20-30 different asian mmorpgs in my days, both Free to play and monthly fee ones.
    But now i just gotten enought, i cant really belive that some people actually enjoy playing them? what is fun in klicking around and literary sit and watch your character kill mobs, while you press a self buff once each 30 minute and press a potion each 4 second?
    Kill 10 mobs to gain level 2
    kill 15 mobs to gain level 3
    kill 20 mobs to gain level 4
    kill 25 mobs to gain level 5, and get a lame self-buff skille that actually have no use (but with a pretty animation)
    Not to mention that PvP is a total JOKE in these types of games. Whoever that runs out of potions first die.
    There is absolutley NO moment of skill or challange involved, just mind numbling, slow grinding. each class has about 3-4 skills total, and there is absolutley no depth, no class roles or anything.
    and all asian grinders are literary the same game with just different textures. Same screwed up echonomic, same dull skill system, same controllers and crappy menu system, same boring itemization, with just a new set each 3 or 4 level.
    And that description is profoundly different from any western


    You forgot to add IMHO to everything you said.

    Yep thats exactly how you play Western MMO's the OP is just in denial.



     No it isnt. Show me a asian MMO except FFXI with instances, PvP ranking/honor system and  a complex class and crafting system.

    With instances? Why the heck would you want to be taken OUT of the gameworld in a seperate gameworld?

    A pvp ranking honor system? No, most asian MMO's involve around clan politics and outside world pvp. Most of them don't rely on a honor ranking system, they have a little more depth to that.

    Complex class system?


    In Ro, the classes are just the basics. Its the only game I know where a priest can become a damage dealer if you wish to do so, a Paladin can become the main healer, or the damage dealer. This is all possible because of RO's stats, skill and equipment card customization. Its probably more deep then any other western MMO class system.

    Crafting, you're not going to find much of it in asian MMO's. I can point you to some, but you probably never have heard of them and you're unable to play in english.

  • GadorianGadorian Member Posts: 87

    lol can u please stop quote each other? it's getting hard to read posts


  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84


    In Ro, the classes are just the basics. Its the only game I know where a priest can become a damage dealer if you wish to do so, a Paladin can become the main healer, or the damage dealer. This is all possible because of RO's stats, skill and equipment card customization. Its probably more deep then any other western MMO class system.

    Heh, you do know that paladin is considered both a powerful tanking class and the main healer class in world of warcraft right? i play  paladin as my main in WoW and i am one of the "main healers" in my raiding guild.



    Priests, if specced shadow, are also considered to be the best damage dealer in the game (or somewhat second to warlocks)


    The reason i want instances is that i like the idea of progression throught a dungeon as a group, working thowards a final boss/challange. IMO its just way more exciting than the typcal asian "camp a outdoor zone with a group and repidialy kill the same mobs" setup

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261

    Only  Korean "grinders" I've played are Lineage 1/2...and I thought they were good games other than the fact I can't devote my life to reaching the upper levels which they seem to require. 

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90


    In Ro, the classes are just the basics. Its the only game I know where a priest can become a damage dealer if you wish to do so, a Paladin can become the main healer, or the damage dealer. This is all possible because of RO's stats, skill and equipment card customization. Its probably more deep then any other western MMO class system.

    Heh, you do know that paladin is considered both a powerful tanking class and the main healer class in world of warcraft right? i play  paladin as my main in WoW and i am one of the "main healers" in my raiding guild.



    Priests, if specced shadow, are also considered to be the best damage dealer in the game (or somewhat second to warlocks)


    The reason i want instances is that i like the idea of progression throught a dungeon as a group, working thowards a final boss/challange. IMO its just way more exciting than the typcal asian "camp a outdoor zone with a group and repidialy kill the same mobs" setup

    Not the way you can do it in RO. The fact you even try to compare it to WoW's paladin and priest is evidence you never played RO for a serious amount of time. you can do ANYTHING you want with your character in RO. WoW's class system is a lot more limited.

    If you enjoy doing instances so much...why not just play Phantasy Star Online, Guild Wars or Diablo?

    Although you can also do 1000's of "Go kill XX" quests in western MMO's. the depth is just overwhelming /sarcasm.

  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84


    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90


    In Ro, the classes are just the basics. Its the only game I know where a priest can become a damage dealer if you wish to do so, a Paladin can become the main healer, or the damage dealer. This is all possible because of RO's stats, skill and equipment card customization. Its probably more deep then any other western MMO class system.

    Heh, you do know that paladin is considered both a powerful tanking class and the main healer class in world of warcraft right? i play  paladin as my main in WoW and i am one of the "main healers" in my raiding guild.



    Priests, if specced shadow, are also considered to be the best damage dealer in the game (or somewhat second to warlocks)


    The reason i want instances is that i like the idea of progression throught a dungeon as a group, working thowards a final boss/challange. IMO its just way more exciting than the typcal asian "camp a outdoor zone with a group and repidialy kill the same mobs" setup

    Not the way you can do it in RO. The fact you even try to compare it to WoW's paladin and priest is evidence you never played RO for a serious amount of time. you can do ANYTHING you want with your character in RO. WoW's class system is a lot more limited.


    If you enjoy doing instances so much...why not just play Phantasy Star Online, Guild Wars or Diablo?

    Although you can also do 1000's of "Go kill XX" quests in western MMO's. the depth is just overwhelming /sarcasm.

    Being able to stack upp certain gear/stats to make your priest a damage dealer doesnt make an intresting class system to me.  however, to be able to spend talent points in a talent tree to gain acess to intresting and unique spells and abilites designed for doing damage as a priest, that is pretty exciting if you ask me.



    Secondly, if you played wow, wich i assume that you have done, you must somewhat agree with me when i say that doing a good instance run with a nice group is far more stimulating than camping some random mobs in a outdoor zone in Flyff.

     but yes, even the western MMOs contain elements of grinding and "kill 100 xxx" quests. the thing is that in Western MMOs, this is just one part of the game, while this usally is ALL there is in a korean MMO.


    WoW has a Arena system, nice dungeons, Good Crafting system and grind. Korean games have grind and FFA PvP. see my point?

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182


    Originally posted by Olle.k.90

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Olle.k.90


    In Ro, the classes are just the basics. Its the only game I know where a priest can become a damage dealer if you wish to do so, a Paladin can become the main healer, or the damage dealer. This is all possible because of RO's stats, skill and equipment card customization. Its probably more deep then any other western MMO class system.

    Heh, you do know that paladin is considered both a powerful tanking class and the main healer class in world of warcraft right? i play  paladin as my main in WoW and i am one of the "main healers" in my raiding guild.



    Priests, if specced shadow, are also considered to be the best damage dealer in the game (or somewhat second to warlocks)


    The reason i want instances is that i like the idea of progression throught a dungeon as a group, working thowards a final boss/challange. IMO its just way more exciting than the typcal asian "camp a outdoor zone with a group and repidialy kill the same mobs" setup

    Not the way you can do it in RO. The fact you even try to compare it to WoW's paladin and priest is evidence you never played RO for a serious amount of time. you can do ANYTHING you want with your character in RO. WoW's class system is a lot more limited.


    If you enjoy doing instances so much...why not just play Phantasy Star Online, Guild Wars or Diablo?

    Although you can also do 1000's of "Go kill XX" quests in western MMO's. the depth is just overwhelming /sarcasm.

    Being able to stack upp certain gear/stats to make your priest a damage dealer doesnt make an intresting class system to me.  however, to be able to spend talent points in a talent tree to gain acess to intresting and unique spells and abilites designed for doing damage as a priest, that is pretty exciting if you ask me.



    Secondly, if you played wow, wich i assume that you have done, you must somewhat agree with me when i say that doing a good instance run with a nice group is far more stimulating than camping some random mobs in a outdoor zone in Flyff.


    You also have to select unique skills and abilities in RO. the difference with RO is you can truly customize your character to your liking. you're always restricted in WoW because the set up level up stats.


    Comparing WoW to Flyff is just silly. WoW is a high budget western game with high production values, Flyff is a cheap free to play MMORPG. If you want to compare, compare WoW to Lineage 2. A good instance run is fun, but imo, instance runs are so predictable. In a game like Lineage 2, when I'm grinding in a dungeon, a lot can happen because of its pvp system. if enemies of a rival alliance find me and my group, there is going to be a pvp clas. And ofcourse there are the castle sieges which involve hundreds of players at the same time. things like that.

    The difference between WoW's pvp and L2's PVP is that L2's pvp has a big effect on the world. in doesn't have any effect on the outside world (Yet)

  • ArdusArdus Member Posts: 84

    The difference between WoW's pvp and L2's PVP is that L2's pvp has a big effect on the world. in doesn't have any effect on the outside world (Yet)

    But wow have a very well designed arena ladder system, wich puts very much competition and prestigue(spelling?) into the PvP. Blizzard even host Tournament Events where people play live and win prizes.


    In WoW you can also Gear up your character throught PvP.


    Not the mention the frequent use of Potions in most asian MMORPGs make 1on1 pvp totaly pointless. its whoever runs out of potions first who lose.

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