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Anarchy Online 3 year anniversary

CzeffyrCzeffyr Funcom Comm. ManagerMember Posts: 38

Anarchy Online has its 3 year anniversary this Sunday (June 27th 2004). This will of course be celebrated with a parade, parties, and competitions. For the official announcement and more details to come, check out the main news and community news on the Anarchy Online web site ( ::::28::

Thomas "Cz" Johnsen
Community Manager

Thomas "Cz" Johnsen
Community Manager


  • bhugbhug Member UncommonPosts: 944

    "Three year anniversary for Anarchy Online next weekend!

    In-game parties – Free accounts for active players – Competitions and phat loot

    Anarchy Online is turning 3 years on June 27th! Through the years Anarchy Online has evolved to become the highest ranking sci-fi MMORPG on the market, a feat made possible thanks to the commitment of our players. The invaluable aid and feedback given throughout the life-cycle of AO has made Rubi-Ka into an incredible planet, almost breathing and living on its own.

    In celebration of this considerable milestone, Funcom invites all players to join in the festivities. Parties hosted by Funcom, Advisors of Rubi-Ka and Gridstream will be held on Rubi-Ka, and hopefully player-hosted activities as well. It should be plenty of entertainment to go around, and if you are lucky you might even grab some exclusive Funcom sponsored prices.

    So, what can you exactly expect? The Advisors of Rubi-Ka (ARK) will be at location as participants in a grand parade, as well as Funcom representatives in various shapes and forms. On Sunday the 27th we reveal the winners of the AO Voice contents, and not the least, lots of additional competitions with cool prices, including a ATI 9800 Pro 256MB graphics card, prizes from Alienware, various autographed items, several Anarchy Online Alien Invasion T-shirts, Alien Invasion posters, Prophet without honor novels, Anarchy Online Soundtracks, Yalmaha paint jobs, Jobe Luxury apartments and several accounts for the Alien Invasion beta.

    If that wasn’t enough every active subscriber of Anarchy Online automatically receives three 30-days gamekeys in their mailbox around the anniversary date. These free keys give full access to Anarchy Online, Notum Wars and Shadowlands, but does not includes customers in a 7-day free trial. What you do with them are completely up to yourself whether you choose to create new accounts or give them away to friends. Please make sure you have a valid e-mail address registered with your account, and note that the offer will only be available for active accounts per June 27th.

    The celebrations will take place on both English speaking dimensions and be broadcasted by Gridstream Radio. Many prizes will be given out by the Fan operated radio station and as demand will be high, those planning to attend are advised to set up to listen well in advance. Details on tuning in are available So... who wants to party? Come join the fun and stay tuned at for locations and times.

    See you on Rubi-Ka next weekend" funcom.


  • UmbroodUmbrood Member UncommonPosts: 1,809

    Actually thinking of getting another month just to participate in this, sounds pretty awesome. I was there when it started and it would be a real shame not to be there for this.

    Big Kudos to FC for this.. (Hehe, i dont compliment FC that often, so nurture it :) )

    Originally posted by Jerek_

    I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.

  • Stith16Stith16 Member Posts: 113
    my account ends the 24th so Im wondering if i should buy another month just so i can get one free.  Im on the fence about continueing with this game atm.  Leveling at the level I am is boring and it wont change...  I just reroll new alts everytime one gets to high level for me to want to continue.



  • BronenekBronenek Member Posts: 240
    The fact that it says the next billing will be coming up soon is disturbing. As I know it now, all accounts will not be charged for 3 months, until Alien Invasion comes out. What should I do, should I leave my account running and hope that they dont charge me for the day they are stating and hope the 3 months no payment kicks in, or should I cancel my account, I dont understand how it works.



  • OnnidrahOnnidrah Member Posts: 56
    They just gave u 3 months free so when i am you dont cancel and play for 3 months and after that u most go pay again

    Onnidrah- Horizons
    Onnidrah- Neocron
    Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
    Onnidrah- Ryzom
    Onnidrah- SWG (trail)
    Onnidrah- Runescape
    Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
    Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
    Onnidrah- Anarchy Online

    Onnidrah- Horizons
    Onnidrah- Neocron
    Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
    Onnidrah- Ryzom
    Onnidrah- SWG
    Onnidrah- Runescape
    Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
    Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
    Onnidrah- Anarchy Online

  • BronenekBronenek Member Posts: 240

    Originally posted by Onnidrah
    They just gave u 3 months free so when i am you dont cancel and play for 3 months and after that u most go pay again

    Onnidrah- Horizons
    Onnidrah- Neocron
    Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
    Onnidrah- Ryzom
    Onnidrah- SWG (trail)
    Onnidrah- Runescape
    Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
    Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
    Onnidrah- Anarchy Online

    But thats where your wrong, because they just emailed me with details about it. All exsiting accounts only recieve serials to create NEW accounts which have the 3 months free period. So they gave me 3 serials, which means I can create 3 accounts all with 3 months free, up to september 1st.



  • HighttowerHighttower Member UncommonPosts: 19

    If you've never played Anarchy online, you are missing out. The AO Anniversary party was the BOMB!
    To my surprise, I really had FUN! Rimor was the server that was jumpin! My day started by getting dressed from my bountyfull selection of cool threads. I spun around to get a good look at myself. Patted my tight @ss fro. Then left my deluxe apartment in the sky. Took my Yalmaha (newly painted hot Red), then flew over to Reet's Retreat. Small crowds of people where in there clickish groups, said whats up to a few people by waving my hand. The environment had some kinda buzz in the air you could feel it. People all Dressed up in there party gear. Dude the Chicks were HOT!!! Most were down to there Thongs!!!! No joke Bro. The other ladies had respectable evening gowns, NICE!
    Well shoot, I made my way through the crowds and walked in the door. I tuned to the party station then BLAM!!! The DJ was hookin it up, pushin the Techno Vibe. I then made my way to the main area, as I looked up at the glass floor above me, a gang of Rubikanians dancing in Celebration of AO's 3rd year. I had to go to the bar first and grabbed me a 40oz to a drink, then walked up with the bottle in hand to the dance floor. (So wish they made an emote of me patting my fro) I was blown away, the party seemed non stop! Laser lights flashin, music bumpin, people dancing, pimpin clothes. Funcom members where there gettting there boogie ON! How many other games that you know of have this kinda online social involvement? I know what you might be saying...dude get a life! many hours a week do you spend online?


  • OnnidrahOnnidrah Member Posts: 56

    ow sry but does any one know if inactive accounts gots serials to coz i have on but didnt pay since 8-2003

    Onnidrah- Horizons
    Onnidrah- Neocron
    Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
    Onnidrah- Ryzom
    Onnidrah- SWG (trail)
    Onnidrah- Runescape
    Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
    Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
    Onnidrah- Anarchy Online

    Onnidrah- Horizons
    Onnidrah- Neocron
    Onnidrah- Shatterd Galaxy
    Onnidrah- Ryzom
    Onnidrah- SWG
    Onnidrah- Runescape
    Onnireg- Earth & Beyond
    Regnerus2- Anarchy Online
    Onnidrah- Anarchy Online

  • GetsomeGetsome Member Posts: 52
    I got the email with 3 keys and I've been inactive for over 8 months.

  • diegofrgcdiegofrgc Member Posts: 451
    Nooooo!!!!! I couldn´t assist the event!!!!!!!!!!!how was it?i play on Rimor, everyone says how great it was............what happened??????Prizes?Raids?Dance?

  • PfexPfex Member Posts: 21

    The party on Rimor wa !!!!!!!!!SUPER!!!!!!! I have won a job apartment::::20::::::20::::::20::::::20::::::20::::::20::

    The music was gr8, the Dj was uber. I got pics with Cz, an test char ( lvl 300 shade with meta tier 3 backpack ::::08::::::08::::::08:: ), the all known helpbot and a lot of other nice ARK's.

    Hope we will do a party soon.

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