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so, i got on to think if i should renew my WoW subscription that expired few days ago...between EQ 2 and WoW, i was ganna get back on WoW, but then, to my dismay. i saw the new expation announcement.
o friggen yay, another 10 levels to get, another twinked class to have to deal with, more faction to get, new gear to achieve as my current gear will become obsolete over one night.
So, i level from 70-80 in the new place, hmmm, familiar...i reach lv 80, get some decent gear...and....o *** im right back where i started, with the same *** thing to do, play an alt...yay blizzard....
i just sold my priest, and im glad i did at this time, instead of fixing the massive inbalances between classes blizzard decided to just come out w/ another half-assed expansion, how do they deal w/ balancing another 10 levels when the first 10 was beyond their capabilities. end-game has become so easy post-bc that any retard can be fully epic'ed w/ 5man heroics and a few 10 man kz runs, and its pathetic
, granted i do appreciate that the raid encounters are more dynamic compared to the old boring ass 40 man raids pre-bc, but content is not very challenging, as many, many guilds have downed illidan and even more are already progressed inside bt, gg blizz they'll milk the last bits out of this game and then release sc2, then maybe a diablo3 mmorpg or something, and wait til those games slowly die out and just give up on them and go forward 
yea...guess its EQ 2 for me...
Just FYI, the Death Knight is a Hero Class, meaning you won't be able to pick it right from the start. You level your Char with another Class, and then you can decide to become a Deathknight.
But indeed, the new Expansion is yet another slightly bigger content update, nothing really new.
I just have to say this whole topic is ignorant, EVERY MMO no matter how advanced and better than another MMO it is, is the SAME THING. when an expansion comes out, you have to get new levels, new abilities, alternante advancement, and completely new armor, so your reaons for bitching about WoW is null, everquest 2 is the same way, but guess what? they come out with expansions far more often than blizzard, so you are going to have to do it twice or three times as much in EQ2 than if you would in WoW, EQ2 is the king of altdom.
I guess you didn't read up on EQ2 either, since they're adding another 10 levels in their next expansion.
Most people realized this was what would happen with WoW when they announced that the expansion would up the level cap.
Unfortunately, I was not one of them, so I ended up wasting 60$~ coming back just to feel like an idiot.
The only thing that's worse is they plan to release at least 2 more expansions after the next one. This is Blizzard's attempt to make an easy game hard. It doesn't seem to be working well considering leveling from 60-70 is easier than pre-60. Oh well.
No actually you don't become a Death Knight, they changed the whole idea of the Hero Class from what they originally said it would be way back. Now its going to be you lvl up a character to 80 do some quests and you unlock the ability to MAKE a Death Knight that will start out at lvl 55-70 they haven't decided that part yet. All classes and races can do the quests but they haven't decided on what races can be Death Knights once you're able to make one.
and yeah the lvl cap being raised sux.
Thats every game and the same thing with EQ2..... Like my mom use to say... if you keep complaining dont get on the ride.... we will have the fun with out you
99.00001% of the time I dont know what im saying
99.99% of the time I know I spelled the word wrong or repeated a sentence.. I did it so you can better your grammar
100.00% of the time if to many people post after my post very mad ill most likely with a 5% chance saying something like ....""
100.00% of the time I lack sleep and magical things come out of my head and type my posts for me? Please yell at the magical things not me... I am but a puppet
Yeah I agree. Stupid Blizzard giving us more things to do. doesn't Blizzard know we want to stay the same level forever? Doesn't Blizzard know that we never want new gear?
OP: EVERY mmorpg provides you with new content, and yes, stronger weapons and armor. What is the point of adding more quests when they don't provide any XP to increase your level? Why go search for new equipment when you already have the best equipment...forever, where is the fun in that?
World of Warcraft has always been about doing quests, increasing your level and getting new gear. If you don't enjoy those things, then why would you play WoW in the first place?
I just have to say this whole topic is ignorant, EVERY MMO no matter how advanced and better than another MMO it is, is the SAME THING. when an expansion comes out, you have to get new levels, new abilities, alternante advancement, and completely new armor, so your reaons for bitching about WoW is null, everquest 2 is the same way, but guess what? they come out with expansions far more often than blizzard, so you are going to have to do it twice or three times as much in EQ2 than if you would in WoW, EQ2 is the king of altdom.
nope, granted i dont know this, but, im assueming, the expansion is going to hold very little for anyone below the lv of MAX. BC added no new leveling grounds, cept the newbie zone for new races. other that, it was South Shore, STV, arathi, feralas, crater/plague lands.same ole instances, all the way up to lv 60...same shit everytime, every alt...which is only 2....i ahve 3 chars max hehe
gameloading your awsome hehe. i will end up playin WoW again most likley, i know to many people that play it, even my grandpa plays it. so, i will most likley end up playing it till Super Smash Bro.s brawl comes out, or, the community dies down(prays).
This isnt sarcasm in anyway, but was thinking of coming back to the game. However, I see its not necessary to until the new expansion is released. Whats the sense of grinding for level 70 gear if its only going to be replaced by 80 gear.
I assume its a attempt to keep people playing due to the new mmo's that will be coming out. Especially seeing that Siege weapons are being added as well.. I wonder where they got that idea?
I see some positives to this expansion, but I see some negatives as well. Oh well, guess we will see what happens from here on out. What WoW has to do is update them graphics they are using, they are getting dated since this game was released in 2004. Maybe a new facelift would be cool to the game. But that will be the next expansion after this one in 2008.
Still the game is great for what it is, but I see no need to come back right now after hearing this new expansion.
I don't mind addin armor and quests, but more levels made me quit. why they just don't add new armor and dungeon on BC. and like i said on the others posts about wow, all we can do is wait for warhammer or age of conan.
How come it happens only in WoW?
I mean.. EVE just released their new expansion, Revelations II. it had new rigs, new ship types, bucketloads new skills, new areas. I do not see anybody going "oh noes... now I have to buy a new battlecruisers and get a new loads of stuff and inventions and tech 2 stuff and so many new skills to train! damn you CCP!!!"
Nor for the same EQ2? they rised level cap yes? they added high level areas only, or almost, with the first 2 expansions, yes? they have raids, yes???
So how come only WoW players come here whining about getting FREKKING NEW CONTENT!!?
Are you really so attached to your gear and is really your gear the ONLY reason you play that the prospect of *gasp* having to upgrade it with something better makes you whine like this?
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
well did all the old ships in EvE become obsolete? I doubt it tbh...
I just have to say this whole topic is ignorant, EVERY MMO no matter how advanced and better than another MMO it is, is the SAME THING. when an expansion comes out, you have to get new levels, new abilities, alternante advancement, and completely new armor, so your reaons for bitching about WoW is null, everquest 2 is the same way, but guess what? they come out with expansions far more often than blizzard, so you are going to have to do it twice or three times as much in EQ2 than if you would in WoW, EQ2 is the king of altdom.
nope, granted i dont know this, but, im assueming, the expansion is going to hold very little for anyone below the lv of MAX. BC added no new leveling grounds, cept the newbie zone for new races. other that, it was South Shore, STV, arathi, feralas, crater/plague lands.same ole instances, all the way up to lv 60...same shit everytime, every alt...which is only 2....i ahve 3 chars max hehe
actually they are also revamping the 1-60 grounds as well for the next expansion.No idea what they ment exactly by it tho, just new quests or changing the scenery/mobs or adding lower lvl out door pvp events idk
I think he's missing the point that if he does level from 70-80, that's 10 levels of new stuff and more fun that he's having.
Personally i would love to see solo instance, finish that instance and you can add points to your toon stats. They can even make use of old lvl 60 instances for that! But have some save points inside them.... Ah blizz dont let your old instances which many of us hvnt see goes waste!!!
RIP Orc Choppa
I just have to say this whole topic is ignorant, EVERY MMO no matter how advanced and better than another MMO it is, is the SAME THING. when an expansion comes out, you have to get new levels, new abilities, alternante advancement, and completely new armor, so your reaons for bitching about WoW is null, everquest 2 is the same way, but guess what? they come out with expansions far more often than blizzard, so you are going to have to do it twice or three times as much in EQ2 than if you would in WoW, EQ2 is the king of altdom.
nope, granted i dont know this, but, im assueming, the expansion is going to hold very little for anyone below the lv of MAX. BC added no new leveling grounds, cept the newbie zone for new races. other that, it was South Shore, STV, arathi, feralas, crater/plague lands.same ole instances, all the way up to lv 60...same shit everytime, every alt...which is only 2....i ahve 3 chars max hehe
actually they are also revamping the 1-60 grounds as well for the next expansion.No idea what they ment exactly by it tho, just new quests or changing the scenery/mobs or adding lower lvl out door pvp events idk
if they are revaping that would be kick ass and give me a reason to play...why not add events too ya know? like, the gnomes make an attempt over an orc town so that they can have there own "place" again and the orcs get shoved out, or something along those lines.
was awsome in EQ when froglocks kicked trolls out of there own home
World of WarCraft Wrath the litch of the king
this game will be better than twice burning crusade and WoW i think its can take good place in the list of games!
may it crush EQ2 but from 1 year ago i say WoW better than EQ2 but they are two great!
Hey Everyone
For me the end game play is pretty repetitive. It gets boring quick. Difficulty can't be measured just by repetition or time sink. Once a guild figures out the bosses the first time, it's pretty much just repetition and time to get gear for everyone. The fun part is supposed to be the time before you can beat all the bosses because then it's not the same, you're trying new and different things. Ironically more of the guild would be absent on learning nights than on nights when a boss strategy was already mastered. People don't want "hard" they just want mindless repetition to get gear.
My answer to the boss encounters would be to make them totally dynamic. I'm not sure how hard the AI for that is to code, but with 9 million players, I'm sure bliz has the income to figure it out. Maybe allow players to queue up to take over bosses of raid instances so they can control them. I dunno.
Anyway, one thing that WOW is lacking that EQ2 has is a good tradeskill system and housing. Those are both things that give games playability at end game. People want a world to live in, not to log into for a raid then log out. PvP is great, but everyone needs a break from that too.
Now I've played EQ2 to lvl 70 also but I prefer WoW simply because SoE just makes it TOO obvious that they are trying to just waste your time. Quests that make you run everywhere, but you can't go over that low no you have to run 15 minutes out of the way to get around to the next part of the quest...and instance lockouts....I can't believe those. You wipe for any mistake in an instance and you are locked out of some of them for up to 7 days...even ones that don't drop great loot.
Right now I'm casual into both eve (for the end game playability/"ownership") and WoW (for the pvp) until WO comes out. We'll see how that goes.
Haha, good one
WAR is coming, are you prepared?
If you think this is any different to other MMOs you're sadly mistaken.
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
I just have to say this whole topic is ignorant, EVERY MMO no matter how advanced and better than another MMO it is, is the SAME THING. when an expansion comes out, you have to get new levels, new abilities, alternante advancement, and completely new armor, so your reaons for bitching about WoW is null, everquest 2 is the same way, but guess what? they come out with expansions far more often than blizzard, so you are going to have to do it twice or three times as much in EQ2 than if you would in WoW, EQ2 is the king of altdom.
nope, granted i dont know this, but, im assueming, the expansion is going to hold very little for anyone below the lv of MAX. BC added no new leveling grounds, cept the newbie zone for new races. other that, it was South Shore, STV, arathi, feralas, crater/plague lands.same ole instances, all the way up to lv 60...same shit everytime, every alt...which is only 2....i ahve 3 chars max hehe
actually they are also revamping the 1-60 grounds as well for the next expansion.No idea what they ment exactly by it tho, just new quests or changing the scenery/mobs or adding lower lvl out door pvp events idk
if they are revaping that would be kick ass and give me a reason to play...why not add events too ya know? like, the gnomes make an attempt over an orc town so that they can have there own "place" again and the orcs get shoved out, or something along those lines.
was awsome in EQ when froglocks kicked trolls out of there own home
Yeah i know i have alts i wanna lvl up but can't stomach doing STV again. and yeah it would be great if one faction booted another out, like on EQOA the orcs raided Freeport and tried to take over, didn't work but was fun as hell fighting them