You'd enjoy a MMO where you one of the hundreds on each of those characters running around on the same server?
Think of LOTRO?
You mean the game where you don't play as one of the main characters from the book? Where you get to name yourself, customise your look with choices different to the main characters, and can do a little customisation with traits? Certainly not the most customisation in an MMO ever but not even close to playing as one of the main characters.
Well, I guess that 5 year olds with brain damage are interested in MMO's too, and I can think of no other theme for them to play than Naruto.
Actual ninjas: + Cool Costume + Incredibly Stealthy + Ruthless Killers + Massive arsenal of weapons + Serious about their trade + Spend their whole childhood in training
Naruto - Orange Jumpsuit with gigantic tiarra on his head - Loud and annoying - Have not seen him kill anybody ever - Have not seen him use any weapons - Serious about nothing - Spends no time training at all
In summary, nothing Naruto does resembles anything good about ninjas in any way.
I think if you're going to do an anime-based MMO, my personal preference would be Samurai Champloo. If you're going to do a strictly Ninja-based anime MMO, Ninja Scroll seems like a much better IP. If you just want a Japanese theme, Samurai Showdown online is still open for licensing.
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Well, I guess that 5 year olds with brain damage are interested in MMO's too, and I can think of no other theme for them to play than Naruto. Actual ninjas:
+ Cool Costume
+ Incredibly Stealthy
+ Ruthless Killers
+ Massive arsenal of weapons
+ Serious about their trade
+ Spend their whole childhood in training Naruto
- Orange Jumpsuit with gigantic tiarra on his head
- Loud and annoying
- Have not seen him kill anybody ever
- Have not seen him use any weapons
- Serious about nothing
- Spends no time training at all In summary, nothing Naruto does resembles anything good about ninjas in any way. I think if you're going to do an anime-based MMO, my personal preference would be Samurai Champloo. If you're going to do a strictly Ninja-based anime MMO, Ninja Scroll seems like a much better IP. If you just want a Japanese theme, Samurai Showdown online is still open for licensing.
Id heard somewhere that in fuedal japan corruption was pretty wide spread and a lot of assassinations were performed by pheasants indebted to criminal organizations, thus feeding into the ninja mystique. From what Ive read there werent many real ninjas when it was all said and done.
Our obsession with ninjas and samurai are only eclipsed by the Japanese love of cowboys and Elvis.
Originally posted by Arcken Id heard somewhere that in fuedal japan corruption was pretty wide spread and a lot of assassinations were performed by pheasants indebted to criminal organizations, thus feeding into the ninja mystique. From what Ive read there werent many real ninjas when it was all said and done.
Our obsession with ninjas and samurai are only eclipsed by the Japanese love of cowboys and Elvis.
Did you quote the wrong post? For one, I already knew this. For two, this does nothing to make the Naruto license any less idiotic.
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Id heard somewhere that in fuedal japan corruption was pretty wide spread and a lot of assassinations were performed by pheasants indebted to criminal organizations, thus feeding into the ninja mystique. From what Ive read there werent many real ninjas when it was all said and done.
Our obsession with ninjas and samurai are only eclipsed by the Japanese love of cowboys and Elvis.
Did you quote the wrong post? For one, I already knew this. For two, this does nothing to make the Naruto license any less idiotic.
Rambling...However I will say, I think stupid ninjas are great. Case in point "Beverly Hills NInja" enough said.
What I was driving at was the irony of saying Naruto isnt a real ninja when most ninja assassinations werent perpetrated by real ninjas.
Well, I guess that 5 year olds with brain damage are interested in MMO's too, and I can think of no other theme for them to play than Naruto. Actual ninjas:
+ Cool Costume
+ Incredibly Stealthy
+ Ruthless Killers
+ Massive arsenal of weapons
+ Serious about their trade
+ Spend their whole childhood in training Naruto
- Orange Jumpsuit with gigantic tiarra on his head
- Loud and annoying
- Have not seen him kill anybody ever
- Have not seen him use any weapons
- Serious about nothing
- Spends no time training at all In summary, nothing Naruto does resembles anything good about ninjas in any way. I think if you're going to do an anime-based MMO, my personal preference would be Samurai Champloo. If you're going to do a strictly Ninja-based anime MMO, Ninja Scroll seems like a much better IP. If you just want a Japanese theme, Samurai Showdown online is still open for licensing.
First of all it's a fictional story based on non-traditional ninjas with special powers (and some of them even have demons inside them!)... Why would you even compare Naruto to what a real ninja should be. There are ruthless killer ninjas in the story (Akatsuki, Gaara before he became Kazekage, and Orochimaru and his clan). Naruto and his friends happen to be the chill guys. He also does use weapons (kunai... i've seen it plenty of times) but doesnt specialize in them. He has also trained plenty of times. How did he learn to control his chakra to walk up trees, stand on water, kage bunshin, rasengaan, etc? It's obvious you have never watched the show. Yet you say this is for the 5 year olds? lol
Well, I guess that 5 year olds with brain damage are interested in MMO's too, and I can think of no other theme for them to play than Naruto. Actual ninjas:
+ Cool Costume
+ Incredibly Stealthy
+ Ruthless Killers
+ Massive arsenal of weapons
+ Serious about their trade
+ Spend their whole childhood in training Naruto
- Orange Jumpsuit with gigantic tiarra on his head
- Loud and annoying
- Have not seen him kill anybody ever
- Have not seen him use any weapons
- Serious about nothing
- Spends no time training at all In summary, nothing Naruto does resembles anything good about ninjas in any way. I think if you're going to do an anime-based MMO, my personal preference would be Samurai Champloo. If you're going to do a strictly Ninja-based anime MMO, Ninja Scroll seems like a much better IP. If you just want a Japanese theme, Samurai Showdown online is still open for licensing.
First of all it's a fictional story based on non-traditional ninjas with special powers (and some of them even have demons inside them!)... Why would you even compare Naruto to what a real ninja should be. There are ruthless killer ninjas in the story (Akatsuki, Gaara before he became Kazekage, and Orochimaru and his clan). Naruto and his friends happen to be the chill guys. He also does use weapons (kunai... i've seen it plenty of times) but doesnt specialize in them. He has also trained plenty of times. How did he learn to control his chakra to walk up trees, stand on water, kage bunshin, rasengaan, etc? It's obvious you have never watched the show. Yet you say this is for the 5 year olds? lol
I dont think its for 5 year olds. I dont even let my kids watch it, it has no redeeming qualities really.
well i see that naruto may have some potential as an mmorpg there would be some that could be changed instead of two other main characters you could just have a whole made up squad instead of having to choose from two other characters that would make the world some what repetitive with havin too much of the same characters running and jumping around but probably it is good other than that.
Originally posted by Arcken I dont think its for 5 year olds. I dont even let my kids watch it, it has no redeeming qualities really.
No redeeming qualities? It's a cartoon and some people find it entertaining, what big crime has it commited that require redeeming?
You could say the same thing about hentai. However that doesnt mean I deem that appropriate for little kids either.
No you couldn't. Hentai is cartoon porn. Naruto is sillyness, fights and explosions, it has more in common with a cartoons like Transformers or Teen Titans. That you can even try and claim Naruto is on the same level as hentai is just laughible.
This guy is just a naruto hater. He probably saw it on Cartoon Network and never gave it a fair chance. To all the people sleeping on this series... Watch it in it's original form without all the horrible voice dubs and edits. Also give it more than the first few episodes... the first season is pretty much a long intro (many characters, many sidestories). If not at least watch the first exam.
The very structure of the story and the world in general doesn't lend itself well to the MMO design for all the reasons that it does lend itself well to the 1v1 fighting game design. Everything about the Naruto setting is small - the villages aren't very large, the countries are only fairly big, the upcoming classes of genin are small, teams are small... are we grasping the theme here? The reason shinobi are such a big part of the Naruto world (and by extension, why the Naruto story is interesting enough to enjoy) is that there aren't that many of them and it makes sense that way.
Sure, I guess if you have no problem with thousands of McNinja ruining the verisimilitude of the game world, go right ahead... but I wouldn't play it.
I don't think it would be a good idea. The very structure of the story and the world in general doesn't lend itself well to the MMO design for all the reasons that it does lend itself well to the 1v1 fighting game design. Everything about the Naruto setting is small - the villages aren't very large, the countries are only fairly big, the upcoming classes of genin are small, teams are small... are we grasping the theme here? The reason shinobi are such a big part of the Naruto world (and by extension, why the Naruto story is interesting enough to enjoy) is that there aren't that many of them and it makes sense that way. Sure, I guess if you have no problem with thousands of McNinja ruining the verisimilitude of the game world, go right ahead... but I wouldn't play it.
i'm not going to say it's a particularly good idea since i'm not a big fan of the IP, but i don't see why it would be a particularly bad idea either.
MMOs going towards solo content is nothing new. the teams in Naruto traditionally work in groups of 3, sometimes 4. in the current MMO environment that kind of grouping is good. you are still capable of doing stuff with other people while not necessarily being forced to wait for large groups. you can also create raid-like content which would require multiple groups to participate at the same time.
the world itself can be created to fit multiple play styles. there are no classes but they do have a pretty clear distinction between ninjutsu and hand-to-hand techniques (ex: Rock Lee).
characters can start in the 5 major villages at the Genin level, they can take on assigned missions from their village (quests), they can come across unassigned missions from anywhere. by completing missions they can participate in the rank up exams and continue their advancement to higher ranks. they can register to join with the medical ninjas for access to some of the more advanced healing jutsus that others can't learn. as they progress they can opt to join ANBU which will have their own set of designed tasks.
for a more sandbox feel players can opt to abandon their villages. afterwards they can choose to join up with another major village or simply wander. wanderers may come with benefits such as being able to meet other NPC wanderers that will teach different techniques. at the extreme sandbox level, players can establish their own smaller villages or clans within a major village.
a couple of thousand ninjas per server dispersed among multiple towns isn't really going to destroy the world.
Its true that Naruto didnt kill anyone, but he Fuuton Rasenshurikened Kakuzu wich is far more brutal then just killing (millions of little needles destroying the whole body) then Kakashi finished him with his Raikiri. And the only one that Sasuke has killed is Orochimaru. And i would realy love to see a Naruto has alot potentiel i mean you could pick a village and all that stuff ^^ (I'd go with Amegakure since the Akatsuki Leader (Pein) is from there)
Oh and the Naruto anime isnt THAT good i agree, but the manga is just awesome.
Yea it your idea sounds pretty good but you should make it to where you do hand signs by pressing different keys so that it would really be about skill and speed. Like press A for one hand sign and S for another. Then you would press D for the last to do the justsu. That way you can really get the ninja feeling. And at the same time skills like sharringan could let you search through the attacks everytime your opponet press a key there will be a list which naarrows down with each handsign. Then it will tell you the justsu if you have learned it or you can mock.
I would try this game out but they need to have customization other than that i think it would be a good mmo good style of attacks, varity of skills, and many quests.
Think of LOTRO?
You mean the game where you don't play as one of the main characters from the book? Where you get to name yourself, customise your look with choices different to the main characters, and can do a little customisation with traits? Certainly not the most customisation in an MMO ever but not even close to playing as one of the main characters.
Well, I guess that 5 year olds with brain damage are interested in MMO's too, and I can think of no other theme for them to play than Naruto.
Actual ninjas:
+ Cool Costume
+ Incredibly Stealthy
+ Ruthless Killers
+ Massive arsenal of weapons
+ Serious about their trade
+ Spend their whole childhood in training
- Orange Jumpsuit with gigantic tiarra on his head
- Loud and annoying
- Have not seen him kill anybody ever
- Have not seen him use any weapons
- Serious about nothing
- Spends no time training at all
In summary, nothing Naruto does resembles anything good about ninjas in any way.
I think if you're going to do an anime-based MMO, my personal preference would be Samurai Champloo. If you're going to do a strictly Ninja-based anime MMO, Ninja Scroll seems like a much better IP. If you just want a Japanese theme, Samurai Showdown online is still open for licensing.
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Id heard somewhere that in fuedal japan corruption was pretty wide spread and a lot of assassinations were performed by pheasants indebted to criminal organizations, thus feeding into the ninja mystique. From what Ive read there werent many real ninjas when it was all said and done.
Our obsession with ninjas and samurai are only eclipsed by the Japanese love of cowboys and Elvis.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
Rambling...However I will say, I think stupid ninjas are great. Case in point "Beverly Hills NInja" enough said.
What I was driving at was the irony of saying Naruto isnt a real ninja when most ninja assassinations werent perpetrated by real ninjas.
First of all it's a fictional story based on non-traditional ninjas with special powers (and some of them even have demons inside them!)... Why would you even compare Naruto to what a real ninja should be. There are ruthless killer ninjas in the story (Akatsuki, Gaara before he became Kazekage, and Orochimaru and his clan). Naruto and his friends happen to be the chill guys. He also does use weapons (kunai... i've seen it plenty of times) but doesnt specialize in them. He has also trained plenty of times. How did he learn to control his chakra to walk up trees, stand on water, kage bunshin, rasengaan, etc? It's obvious you have never watched the show. Yet you say this is for the 5 year olds? lol
First of all it's a fictional story based on non-traditional ninjas with special powers (and some of them even have demons inside them!)... Why would you even compare Naruto to what a real ninja should be. There are ruthless killer ninjas in the story (Akatsuki, Gaara before he became Kazekage, and Orochimaru and his clan). Naruto and his friends happen to be the chill guys. He also does use weapons (kunai... i've seen it plenty of times) but doesnt specialize in them. He has also trained plenty of times. How did he learn to control his chakra to walk up trees, stand on water, kage bunshin, rasengaan, etc? It's obvious you have never watched the show. Yet you say this is for the 5 year olds? lol
I dont think its for 5 year olds. I dont even let my kids watch it, it has no redeeming qualities really.
oh well... like I said you must not have watched it.
No redeeming qualities? It's a cartoon and some people find it entertaining, what big crime has it commited that require redeeming?
well i see that naruto may have some potential as an mmorpg there would be some that could be changed instead of two other main characters you could just have a whole made up squad instead of having to choose from two other characters that would make the world some what repetitive with havin too much of the same characters running and jumping around but probably it is good other than that.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Sir Blasts Alot
No redeeming qualities? It's a cartoon and some people find it entertaining, what big crime has it commited that require redeeming?
You could say the same thing about hentai. However that doesnt mean I deem that appropriate for little kids either.
No redeeming qualities? It's a cartoon and some people find it entertaining, what big crime has it commited that require redeeming?
You could say the same thing about hentai. However that doesnt mean I deem that appropriate for little kids either.
No you couldn't. Hentai is cartoon porn. Naruto is sillyness, fights and explosions, it has more in common with a cartoons like Transformers or Teen Titans. That you can even try and claim Naruto is on the same level as hentai is just laughible.
This guy is just a naruto hater. He probably saw it on Cartoon Network and never gave it a fair chance. To all the people sleeping on this series... Watch it in it's original form without all the horrible voice dubs and edits. Also give it more than the first few episodes... the first season is pretty much a long intro (many characters, many sidestories). If not at least watch the first exam.
I don't think it would be a good idea.
The very structure of the story and the world in general doesn't lend itself well to the MMO design for all the reasons that it does lend itself well to the 1v1 fighting game design. Everything about the Naruto setting is small - the villages aren't very large, the countries are only fairly big, the upcoming classes of genin are small, teams are small... are we grasping the theme here? The reason shinobi are such a big part of the Naruto world (and by extension, why the Naruto story is interesting enough to enjoy) is that there aren't that many of them and it makes sense that way.
Sure, I guess if you have no problem with thousands of McNinja ruining the verisimilitude of the game world, go right ahead... but I wouldn't play it.
i'm not going to say it's a particularly good idea since i'm not a big fan of the IP, but i don't see why it would be a particularly bad idea either.
MMOs going towards solo content is nothing new. the teams in Naruto traditionally work in groups of 3, sometimes 4. in the current MMO environment that kind of grouping is good. you are still capable of doing stuff with other people while not necessarily being forced to wait for large groups. you can also create raid-like content which would require multiple groups to participate at the same time.
the world itself can be created to fit multiple play styles. there are no classes but they do have a pretty clear distinction between ninjutsu and hand-to-hand techniques (ex: Rock Lee).
characters can start in the 5 major villages at the Genin level, they can take on assigned missions from their village (quests), they can come across unassigned missions from anywhere. by completing missions they can participate in the rank up exams and continue their advancement to higher ranks. they can register to join with the medical ninjas for access to some of the more advanced healing jutsus that others can't learn. as they progress they can opt to join ANBU which will have their own set of designed tasks.
for a more sandbox feel players can opt to abandon their villages. afterwards they can choose to join up with another major village or simply wander. wanderers may come with benefits such as being able to meet other NPC wanderers that will teach different techniques. at the extreme sandbox level, players can establish their own smaller villages or clans within a major village.
a couple of thousand ninjas per server dispersed among multiple towns isn't really going to destroy the world.
Its true that Naruto didnt kill anyone, but he Fuuton Rasenshurikened Kakuzu wich is far more brutal then just killing (millions of little needles destroying the whole body) then Kakashi finished him with his Raikiri. And the only one that Sasuke has killed is Orochimaru. And i would realy love to see a Naruto has alot potentiel i mean you could pick a village and all that stuff ^^ (I'd go with Amegakure since the Akatsuki Leader (Pein) is from there)
Oh and the Naruto anime isnt THAT good i agree, but the manga is just awesome.
I would try this game out but they need to have customization other than that i think it would be a good mmo good style of attacks, varity of skills, and many quests.
1st i not have any idea how the game make's but really i need Naruto game like evry good game we see
like WoW and 2moon's and kalonline , like more game's
and it can be like a vallige's with Nenja's Academy in evry vallige and you choise with witch Academy you will be on
and evry vallige have the defrant skillz like Rock lee skill , and naruto skill
somsthing like that all i need to say , we need this game
and about the Idea it's not bad it's cool we must try it
thank's for reading my word's and bye
The community would blow....too many snot nosed kids would play...