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If you vote who are you voting for!

xpowderxxpowderx Member UncommonPosts: 2,078

Please reply only if you plan on voting. If you are not voting I do not care! dont need a excuse as to why ect. make your own post for that.

If you are voting please feel fre to reply as to who you are voting for and why.



  • AstropuyoAstropuyo Member RarePosts: 2,183

    I'm wanting to Vote clinton.

    Now before I hear that I think woman can rule stuff, which obviously they can't, if the view hasn't proved that yet I don't know what does?

    What? Thousands of years of various women ruling countries? Pfft , could they light a fart on fire? I think not.

    Back on subject.

    I figure it's the best way to get rid of her period. Someones gonna gun for her once she becomes president, I just know it.


    I do wonder if Bush will pass some evil law like Palpatine.

    "I will make it legal"

  • ZorvanZorvan Member CommonPosts: 8,912

    Clinton. And I still want to be her intern.

    Obama is going to let the unions decide policy. And we all want the nations of the world to see our President walking picket lines while we taxpayers foot his bill.

  • abbabaabbaba Member Posts: 1,143

    Fred Thompson. And what's with all the weird places? Obama in Hawaii? Hillary in Illinois? *ah it's their places of birth, how wonderfully irrelevant.

  • CharslesTCharslesT Member Posts: 366

    Ron Paul.

    Boycott EA Games. RIP Sim City.

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410

    I'm a-votin' fer Jesus!!!


  • fulmanfufulmanfu Member Posts: 1,523

    ron paul, only logical choice.

  • CactusmanXCactusmanX Member Posts: 2,218

    I would vote for Kent McManigal, but he might not continue running and he has no chance in winning anyway, so I would vote for the next best one, Ron Paul.

    Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit

  • ViolertViolert Member Posts: 33

    I'm going to vote for Violert!

    Honestly, I don't want to vote for anybody. Although we all know Hillareeeeehh Clitton is going to win because of all the feminists.

    I don't want her back O_O nevarrr evereverever.

    I don't like any of these people, not even Georgie dearest.

    Politics suck. I wanna move to the UK.

    But I'm an idiot, so you've been warned <3

  • keltic1701keltic1701 Member Posts: 1,162

    Darth Vader is already Vice-President so I suppose the next logical step would be President....without the de-facto title.

  • keltic1701keltic1701 Member Posts: 1,162
    Originally posted by Violert

    I'm going to vote for Violert!
    Honestly, I don't want to vote for anybody. Although we all know Hillareeeeehh Clitton is going to win because of all the feminists.
    I don't want her back O_O nevarrr evereverever.
    I don't like any of these people, not even Georgie dearest.
    Politics suck. I wanna move to the UK.

    What makes you think that politics in the UK is any better?

  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267

    Ron Paul

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • JennysMindJennysMind Member UncommonPosts: 869

    Originally posted by xpowderx

    Please reply only if you plan on voting. If you are not voting I do not care! dont need a excuse as to why ect. make your own post for that.
    If you are voting please feel fre to reply as to who you are voting for and why.
    Are the places after the name of the candidate supposed to be where they are from? I believe Hillary lives in NYC,  Obama is  from Illinois, and McCain is a senator from Arizona.

    I really don't like any of the candidates listed and am actually disgusted with politics overall. I don't believe DC politicians really care about the welfare of the country in general and are more interested in pleasing special interests.

  • shamallshamall Member CommonPosts: 516

    Ron Paul

    The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave

  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194


    Although I am not American so my vote won't count

  • kel11kel11 Member Posts: 1,089
    Originally posted by keltic1701

    Originally posted by Violert

    I'm going to vote for Violert!
    Honestly, I don't want to vote for anybody. Although we all know Hillareeeeehh Clitton is going to win because of all the feminists.
    I don't want her back O_O nevarrr evereverever.
    I don't like any of these people, not even Georgie dearest.
    Politics suck. I wanna move to the UK.

    What makes you think that politics in the UK is any better?

    UK politics is just a myth!

    Change my mind so much I can't even trust it
    My mind change me so much I can't even trust myself

  • AkaJetsonAkaJetson Member Posts: 1,167

    anyone who isnt a republican.


  • Cabe2323Cabe2323 Member Posts: 2,939

    Ron Paul.


    Or Nader for the third time if he runs again. 


    And I might consider Bloomberg. 

    Currently playing:
    LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)

    Looking Foward too:
    Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)

  • UrdigUrdig Member Posts: 1,260

    I said Mickey Mouse because I'd like to vote for Biden; only because he's an advocate for broadening stem cell research, but other then that I don't really want him in office either.

    I honestly don't know who would be good.  Really don't trust any of them.

    Wish Darkfall would release.

  • BuzWeaverBuzWeaver Member UncommonPosts: 978

    Its to soon to tell.

    The Old Timers Guild
    Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
    All about the fun!
    An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett

  • gnomexxxgnomexxx Member Posts: 2,920

    Originally posted by Cabe2323

    Ron Paul.
    Or Nader for the third time if he runs again. 
    And I might consider Bloomberg. 
    What?!?!?!  Ron Paul or Nader????

    That's like saying you're either voting for Thomas Jefferson or Carl Marx.

    Ron Paul and Ralph Nader are a complete dichotomy. 


  • gnomexxxgnomexxx Member Posts: 2,920

    Ron Paul

    I don't care how fringe he is.  When a Constitutionalist candidate is called fringe, we are in trouble and it's time to stand up for ourselves!


  • seabass2003seabass2003 Member Posts: 4,144

    I just wish I could press reset and start over.

    In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.

  • Cabe2323Cabe2323 Member Posts: 2,939

    Originally posted by gnomexxx

    Originally posted by Cabe2323

    Ron Paul.
    Or Nader for the third time if he runs again. 
    And I might consider Bloomberg. 
    What?!?!?!  Ron Paul or Nader????


    That's like saying you're either voting for Thomas Jefferson or Carl Marx.

    Ron Paul and Ralph Nader are a complete dichotomy. 

    I just wanted a Party to get some good votes that wasn't Republican or Democrat.  I did not know a lot about Nader other then he worked hard to get a lot of the consumer protections in place. 

    I wouldn't necessarily vote for Bloomberg either without some more research.  Although I loved his quote in Time Magazine awhile back.  When asked if he was a hypocrit since he supports monetary caps on the amount of donations candidates can take in, yet he spent over 100 million on his NYC mayor campaign.  He stated that everyone who wants to run for office should go and become a Billionaire first.  I thought that was a pretty smart ass remark and sounded like something I would say.

    Currently playing:
    LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)

    Looking Foward too:
    Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)

  • modjoe86modjoe86 Member UncommonPosts: 4,050

    Originally posted by gnomexxx

    Ron Paul
    I don't care how fringe he is.  When a Constitutionalist candidate is called fringe, we are in trouble and it's time to stand up for ourselves!
    I agree wholeheartedly.


    And it's good to be back guys. 120 day ban is up!

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