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i believe ncsoft is the best company for mmo's. First off it has the lineages which have really good pvp. it has city of heroes and vilians which is different from the fantasy genre. it also has the best customization (for now) and bein a superhero or villian is just cool. it has guildwars which has no monthly fee and good pvp. dungeon runners is a good game to get some quick dungeon raiding in. also it is free. in the future it will get games like tabula rasa, a shooter mmo. also it will get aion, a game where you can fly and has good graphics. exteel is a robot game where you take your robot to fight other robots. it has other games but to go into all of them will take awhile
other companies cant come close to ncsoft. maybe soe right? sure it will with the matrix and star wars galaxies (sarcasm). agency looks kinda cool but it doesnt look as cool as tabula rasa. the only good game they really have is everquest2.
SoE is one of the most hated MMO companies around. You are making a poor comparison. Try Blizzard instead.
- Diablo 1 and 2
-Starcraft + Broodwar
-Warcraft 1, 2, and 3
-World of Warcraft
-That Vikings game
These games set the standard for others that follow and have actually influenced the language of gamers. "ZERG!"
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
I think it is safe to say that NCSoft and Sony are the two best when it comes to amount/variety of games they have, but as to who is the best in MMO's, I would say that is up to each person, I doubt we could all agree on one company.
I just wish NCSoft would offer an all access plan similar to SOE's
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To be honest, I really dislike City of Heroes. My opinion on that company is biased based on how disappointed I was when I played.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
CoH/V is fun for a time, but once that fun-threshold has been broken the game turns into a grind.
What's worse is that you aren't even grinding for anything in CoX. You get no new weapons, or equipment. PVP is a joke, and there is 0 end-game content. Thats how it was back when I used to play anyways.
Great idea, horrible application.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
Lineage 2 sucks. Guild Wars sucks. City of Heroes owns for customisation but sucks anyway. (I've played all three btw...)
So far I can only see Blizzard as being the best.
People see things differently, I played Lineage 1 and 2.... which began my dislike of NCSoft games, due to nerfs, huge grinds and quite truthfully, bad PVP.... (though L1 was much better than L2)
COH/COV... cute diversion, but no long term staying power..... Guild Wars, nice idea for broke people, (or who enjoyed the arena based pvp system) but not my cup of tea.....
No, so far I don't see NCSoft really having any great games (well, neither does SOE) but perhaps their future offerings will be more entertaining.....
As to best, I always liked Mythic (TOA expansion aside)......
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
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"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
NCSoft is definetly the best mmo exclusive publisher in the world. Now that Webzen, Gravity, and Hanbitsoft are expanding thier mmo repitioure, we could see some competition for NCSoft.
SOE has alot of games, but its limited market and unoptimized games really limit its success. When they start releasing games in the Philipinnes, Singapore, and the like it may start to see the revenue other companies get in these regions. But they would also have to make thier games playable on older systems and look good at those settings. They would also need to change thier business plan. I don't think SOE is capable of doing that.
Saying something sucks is almost like your imposing it as a fact when millions of people play those games and enjoy it. You are entitled to your opinion ofc, but theres no need to bash games you simply dont like. I played L2 for 2 yrs, CoX for one and i loved them both never tried GW as i didnt find it interesting enough for me.
Back to the OP if its strictly for MMOs then yes id say NC would win. Blizzard (though a legend in the gaming industry) only has one MMO, and even though its the hulking giant of the genre the fact remains that Blizzard only has ONE MMO so they obviously arent offering variety. Perhaps in the future they will have a couple (Starcraft MMO) which will add some variety to their lineup of MMOs. But The only other company that could hold a candle to NC in variety would have to be SOE. But even w/o SOE's reputation i find the NC lineup more varied and wholesome. I do hope they offer a station pass when AION comes out though.
I still don't understand why we are comparing SoE and NCSoft. The reputation of SoE is so horrid that no gamer on this site is going to honestly defend it over NCSoft who has yet to alienate a mass of gamers.
Like I said, compare NCSoft to Blizzard. Both are successful in the MMORPG and Non-MMO market.
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
The difference is Blizzard has only 1 mmo.
When Blizzard has more then one MMO (and no, the other games you listed are not MMO's) then you can include Blizzard. One successful games for the mainstream gamer does not make them the kings of MMO's.
I also think it is safe to say that sony has done fairly well in the non- MMO market with that weird thing they call Playstation. Ok maybe not so well with the PS3.
I have to agree with you there, especially with the lineup they're bringing, of course since GW and dungeon runners are on a different bus. model they wouldn't be available.....Well DR could be added to it i guess, if youre paying about $30 a month for lin2, CoX, TR and their others they should throw in DR too.
World of Warcraft is comparable to City of Heroes.
Diablo 2 is comparable to GuildWars.
They are totally the same kind of company
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
No way!!!! Blizz rulzzz!!!
If GuildWars is an MMORPG then Diablo 2 is an MMORPG
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
World of Warcraft is comparable to City of Heroes.
Diablo 2 is comparable to GuildWars.
They are totally the same kind of company
Are you seriously comparing Diablo 2 online play to an MMO? Diablo online play is compareable to that of any free korean PAC games.
NCsoft failed by cancelling Auto Assault as well as failing to get a competing all in one package out there to compete with sonys package.
AION looks just ok. Lineage 2 in NA is meh. And Coh/Cov is pretty nichey. Other than guildwars they dont really have any true hits in the western market. Thats the whole reason theyre making Guild Wars 2. Lets hope they can learn to correct their own mistakes.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
World of Warcraft is comparable to City of Heroes.
Diablo 2 is comparable to GuildWars.
They are totally the same kind of company
Are you seriously comparing Diablo 2 online play to an MMO? Diablo online play is compareable to that of any free korean PAC games.
GW isnt a free korean game?
Futilez - Mature MMORPG Community
Correcting people since birth.
despite most peoples negative opinions about GW
i must say that that game was really a unique game and probably the best pvp i have ever experienced.
i say that because.. it honestly is the best pvp you can get hands down.. its teamwork, its skill, its not about who grinded more, its about the vast amounts of builds you can make with the professions given.. as compared to most games where you have like 4 attributes that are like common to every class.. and most the time you just up 2 attributes and have like 5 skills lol..
theres just this whole teamwork aspect taht you get with gw that you cant get anywhere else
and i think probably the coolest thing in that game.. is interrupts XD
you can interrupt spells yo thats damn good. haha
Even the skills have teamwork in mind, for example, certain skills doing extra dmg or imposing some debuff if a certain condition usually met by teammate is met. Or skills that do more when you're buffed by certain professions. That really does open the door for extremly strategic play.
If guildwars is such a piece of shit, as some of you seem to think it is, then explain to me why blizzard stole its pvp idea of arenas and put it into WoW?
surely blizzard wouldnt put something with terrible or boring pvp into their game.
Arenas or small instanced battlegrounds werent invented by guildwars.
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Saying something sucks is almost like your imposing it as a fact when millions of people play those games and enjoy it. You are entitled to your opinion ofc, but theres no need to bash games you simply dont like. I played L2 for 2 yrs, CoX for one and i loved them both never tried GW as i didnt find it interesting enough for me.
Back to the OP if its strictly for MMOs then yes id say NC would win. Blizzard (though a legend in the gaming industry) only has one MMO, and even though its the hulking giant of the genre the fact remains that Blizzard only has ONE MMO so they obviously arent offering variety. Perhaps in the future they will have a couple (Starcraft MMO) which will add some variety to their lineup of MMOs. But The only other company that could hold a candle to NC in variety would have to be SOE. But even w/o SOE's reputation i find the NC lineup more varied and wholesome. I do hope they offer a station pass when AION comes out though.
How about you let a person form their own opinions without mommygoating them.He said they suck, he's not inposing anything, did he have to add "in my opinion" when every post is pretty much an opinion anyhow?
I think NCsoft is going to make it soon, they publish alot games, but they also publish games like Auto Assault, which had three people or so play during release.
i guess ill talk a little about blizzard some to. it has wow. well thats enough of blizzard lets talk about wow.
wow is a pretty good game i will admit. the only problem is you are gonna have to have a good amount of free time to see that it is a good game. in order to enjoy a raid you are gonna have to have 4-6 hours of free time. that is ridiculous. also it lacks GOOD pvp. wow pvp is a bunch of guys hopin around each other hopin they hit someone. plus there is no tactics or stradegy to it. you pretty much know who won by lookin at the other guys equipment. if his is better you lost. this is stupid since you are required to pve just to stand a chance in pvp.
the bottom line is the ones who have no life rule the world of warcraft.