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The only reason people think runescape is bad is because of its graphics, other people say it sucks because of its a point a click and it graphics but there are alot of point and click mmos (example: hero online) with good graphics that never get critsized if runescape had better graphics no one could make fun of it with out makeing many other mmos.
thats the ONLY reason people hate runescape and i challenge any one who hates runescape to think of more reasons
The Hero 1000
you sure have the guts to impersonate the world population like that.
here's a few reasons more: it's ruined by gold/item selling, the community is horrible, other games just have so much more to offer.
you lost the bet. Don't make similar statements like that, especially when it's self explenatory that you're wrong to begin with.
I don't believe that's the only reason people have for hating Runescape (note I'm not a complete hater of it) I think it's the fact that it's classed as a massive 'multiplayer' game. While the game has many things that include team work (eg. Castle wars) there is no guild and party system. Also a good deal of the community is unpleasent (ie. I once had someone make racist comments about me once they found out I was from anouther country) and many people go around begging.
But there are good parts to the game I do not deny that. I did play the game for a while but have since moved on to other games. Although I must say that I only played it because some of my friends played it.
Anyway just voicing a few of my opinions about RS, I have many more ^^.
hmmm, i dont remember F2P servers ever being like that. ever. i log onto my former member acct about once a month to see if any old friends are online. and all i see on the server is " LOOKING FOR BF/GF!!" "NEED BF/GF!!!" "NEED FREE STUFF I GOT HACKED ON MY LVL 15!@!@!@" yea right.
I would love to be the one that's own's runescape. Im sure they are raking in afew bucks.
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
Im not prepared to discuss how rubbish the game is with a 13 yr old sorry!!
suffice to say when I left (after a long time) it was bad, everything you could possibly think of was bad and just got worse over time. Originally it was an "ok" game, but im talking 6 yrs ago. Thats 6 years of crap piled up.
the graphics arnt that bad for an online not 3-6 hour download and you dont buy the game to play u can play it anywhere but its a time waste also waste of money you dont get shit for the times you sleep lol in wow u get rest bonus and when i got game card the 60 days wasnt even in my mind when your a member in rs you days are counting omfg what i do quick think fast oh no too late you mmebrship has run out faking waste game but....
i got my new pc and only got 1024mb of ram and wow takes nealy all of it and more wtf just for a game i have to get rid of 1 year warranty of new pc to improve the ram to 4094mb anyone no good site i can buy 2 kit ram my pc is acer aspire t180
Gold/item selling is actually worse in a lot more games, eg WoW.
The community is awesome on members server.
I actually think Rs is near the best in terms of what to offer. Theres thousands of things to do in Rs, whereas in some mmorpgs the only thing to is fight or do quests where its kill "100" bears, which is basically fighting as well.
The graphics of runescape is so bad, it gave me nightmares the day I tried it.
Well seriously, people who play runescape have never played any other MMORPGs, otherwise they wouldn't play runescape.
No way you should require 4G ram for any MMO, but that's not your issue to start with...Windows Vista Home Premium is. "Integrated" vidio card is never a good option as well.
1st of all runescape has no party system as do other games...when u in wild u gotta add people as friends so they show as green on the map but in other games u dont have to do such..>.>..must i go on?
2nd of all There ARE NO GUILDS IN THIS GAME!!...i aint gonna explain for this one..
3rd of all u gotta pay for membership?...WASTING MONEY! aint even worth it..member worlds are the same they suck

like Martial Hero Online...good game i must say...BUT ATLEAST U CAN CURSE ON IT! jeez..
lastly (but i dont really think this is a reason cuz in other games i find people doing the same thing) people online date...>.>...and if your an online dater *one thing to keep in mind...>.>..U DONT KNOW THE PERSON..
...because seriously couples do play this game and 60+ year olds play it also...for all ic are u may be dating a granny...and that is DISGUSTING!!

SoF Main:Lvl 90 Snowster/Order Sword
9dragon Main:FC8 Munoo/Wu-tang Sword
Silkroad Main:Lvl 75 DAGZ/Sword
Rappelz Main:Lvl 50 Munoo/Kahuna/Jblvl 40
I don't mind sub-par graphics. I played Anarchy Online for about 2 years and it sure as hell wasn't because the graphics were tip-top. At least in that game you actually had to think a little about how to make a successful character for your specialisation, whether it be pvp or pve.
Two reasons that havn't been mentioned so far in this post:
1. It is unashamedly an ubar grind fest.
Go to some of the fan sites that have skill calculators and the level tables. Work out how many hours you can play per day/week then work out how long it will take you to get to level 99 in 4 or 5 skills. I was horrified the first time I was confronted with the plain, cold, hard facts of the math. I'm not a fan of macro's but anyone that levels skills to 99 in this game without one is a freaking moron or a sado-masachist imho.
2. The difficulty level is on par with a five year old's puzzle book.
Unfortunately, this second reason only compounds the first. I can live with a grind fest so long as there is some achievement in it to make it worthwhile, MMORPG's by definition have to have some sort of time-sink. However, the fact that I could train an ape to perform most of the repetitive tasks in runescape left me feeling like I had just wasted a few hours of my precious time that I'll never get back rather than achieving something to take pride in.
If you want to play runescape in your spare time then that's fair enough, I'm not gonna knock it or tell you that you shouldn't play. I do suggest that you play the field a little though and have your friends' do the same if that is the reason you play runescape. There are games with far greater challenges than Runescape on the market.
And then I made a str pure and this lvl 45 comes and gives me full iron and a str ammy and some lobsters.
I suppose you go into the wrong worlds :P
Or maybe it's because I'm a girl. lmao
But I'm an idiot, so you've been warned
Ok so RS isnt trhe best game in the world, but why criticise? Its free with a p2p option but nevertheless you can max out a f2p acc. Ok so the graphics suck, the community sucks and its full of autoers and macroers but nevertheless Free. Ok so i dont like Rs but im not gnna put it down. After years of plaing i realised it really does suck but i suppose its a good beginners MMO.
Hope This Helps
FlaxenFairy 2007
1: they are actually making a party system, and if it troubles you SO much then download SwiftSwitch, its a legal world switcher that has a chatroom at the bottom.
2: Isnt this similar to the first one? but anyway fair enough
3: First you said you gotta pay for membership no you dont its optional, and they arent near the same there is way much more things to do with 3 times the map size of f2p worlds.
4: Well maybe thats because if you could, all the immature people who want to swear like you will cause havoc which will lead to many people stopping playing.
5: Just think for one second, if it showed the age of people, it would be heaven for phedofiles, since as you haters seem to say there are many kids playing.
lol they're making a party system!?....AHAHAHAHAHAHA its prolly gonna suck....
....i dont download thing that people onlien that i dont know say its good and stuff cuz u might be tryign to hack me for all i care
anyway heres another reason for why runescape stinks...>.>...THEY'RE SKILLS ARE HORRIBLE!!...
they dont have good skills as do another games have and when ur in wild u need to eat in able to heal yourself and not die as in other games u have healing pots or u can just mediate to heal
also in runescape u know how in other games u can sit down and when ur character laughs it actually makes a laughing noise...
Runescape doesnt have that
and one last thing in other games u can ride horses and such to get around places faster in RS u cant
SoF Main:Lvl 90 Snowster/Order Sword
9dragon Main:FC8 Munoo/Wu-tang Sword
Silkroad Main:Lvl 75 DAGZ/Sword
Rappelz Main:Lvl 50 Munoo/Kahuna/Jblvl 40
They are also working on coming out with mounts. >_>
But I'm an idiot, so you've been warned
lol has any of u guys ever recognized that nobody cares what u say?
i mean , of course there are some posts with a point in it, but whats the point of saying "zomg i got nightmares of playing Rs"?
nobody cares bout that, and nobody needs that.
i understand if anyone says the graphics is bad, the community suXX and so on.
(at this point i even have to agree,
but i think the posts who say" the guys who play it are dumb......" and so on, just should be deleted.
Most of the things you said there would make the game easier, not better.
The skills arent horrible, some of them are repetitive but some mmorpgs dont even have skills.
To the horses part, you can teleport or take a flying carpet around.
Last thing then stop with this general is getting stupid
TRUE TRUE TRUE u can teleport but only if u got runes..
in other games u need no runes to teleport u can just easily teleport and if u got a horse its permanent...
its not like in Silkroad Online where u get off horse and it goes bye bye..
SoF Main:Lvl 90 Snowster/Order Sword
9dragon Main:FC8 Munoo/Wu-tang Sword
Silkroad Main:Lvl 75 DAGZ/Sword
Rappelz Main:Lvl 50 Munoo/Kahuna/Jblvl 40
1. I just talked to a moderator just yesterday...and he told me that Jagex has banned just about 1300 accounts in the last few days. WIth there new engine, they can track macroers and hackers way easier. So its a lot better in that aspect I hear.
2. They are trying to improve the graphics..They are a lot nicer now than ever before. Even though they aren't even close to the standards for todays graphics, they are getting better. The reason for the bad graphics is because they are coding the game in Java. Most big games are made in C++. The Java language cannot implement graphics..and if you can than its super hard to. They can only use mathematics and such to start off any graphics. With C++ you can use 3d modelers to make your graphics.
3. I'm not sure if there ever gonna do anything about buying money online...that's probably one of the worst things in runescape. They have way to many sites doing this and it's gets quite annoying when you find out that your fighting someone that just bought all his gear with some birthday money...
4. The community in my experience was quite horrific. Most of the people that I have encountered are little kids that call you noobs and such, and are VERY imature.
5. PvP and PvE are also one of the games worst points. You basically take turns hitting...which is quite unrealistic and not very fun. There is no guild system setup, and also no grouping system setup. The system for skills and such are not very exciting and all together pretty darn boring.
Now..I'm not standing up for Runescape. I used to play this game alot with some friends, but just like a lot of other people that used to play this game, I found out how much better other games were. I'm just trying to explain to some people that do not know why the graphics are so bad. I think Jagex is trying there best...but until they get a REALLY improved graphics engine, deal with buying money online, and fix there combat system, than they will never be one of the huge MMORPG's out there.
I think the worst thing about runescape is the lack of GMs, the Player Mods are a joke.
I've said it before, they let the monkeys run the circus.
Trump 2016
2nd you have to pay for most games
The Hero 1000
I think he means the sort of guilds that are formed in game and that are official like it says what guild you are in on top of your body.
But yeah there are a hell load of clans/guilds just go Also in this game you'd expect more people coming to a clan/guild war/raid. I once went to a war the clans were Damage Inc vs Dark Slayers there were about 300 between only those two.