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I must admit when my good friend said EVE had gate camping- well I originally thought well that game must be broke why they allow it?
Well, I'm still a nub in eVE and I am reading my combat training and it gives me strategies to camp gates. well, now I am intrigued by this. how does this exactly work? I mean, surely the victim is still spawning right so he helpless or does his game load before he comes out the gate? The combat tut says their chances of escape is pretty low lol.
jsut wondering did I misread? man this crazy all these tuts and it hasnt given me a mission I need to find a book, "EVE for dummies".
my friend has taught me much about EVE but he never told me how to get around. wish i knew what to train up for a gallente too
Basically when you jump through a gate you have a window where you are cloaked at the gate. This gives you time to think about what your going to do when you move. Now if your fast you can make it into warp before someone can put warp scram points on you. Now its the goal of the camper to lock you down before you can get into warp. in 0.0 this is usually accomplished by having a interdictor drop a warp bubble. Besides that interceptors with a fast lock time and and speed can usually get points on a enemy. Breaking a gate camp usually involves a coordinated strike designed to cause them to break off from the gate.
Most gate camping is not done for ganking but to deny reinforcements from entering a area of operation. Hope that answers your question
Actually that is very wrong, in all the gatecampings I have experienced there really have been only one reason... actually two.
1) Ganking (5 battleships against 1 cruiser ? or even another battleship).
2) Profit... (you would not belive what people are having in their cargo through from 0.0 or low sec.)
Mind you most of the gatecamps I have entered through have been by pirates or bored pvp'ers (go figure, gatecamping is mighty boring).
Only a few and this was in the old norad days and they held some ground (0.0) and could do some gatecamping.
most of the time it was just for ganking anyway.
Another way of escaping gate camps is to be really fast and to fly out of range of whatever is jamming you.
I jumped in to 0.2 space the other night after being told by my Corp it was clear not 5 minutes before.
I was in a Covetor, well fitted and within 10 secs of appearing I was warp scrambled, blasted and sent packing in my pod with losses totaling about 20 mil for the fittings alone, fortunately the ship was platinum insured.
Having said all that I dont have a drama with gate camping, its a legitimate tactic.
If my corp werent a bunch of blithering idiots I would have had an escort.... but thats one of the reasons Im solo again now

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Look at the bright least you weren't pod-killed....they must have been some nice guys
(since my character is wearing about 50 million in implants this is a great concern to me.....)
My corp actually controls an area of 0.0 however they strongly advise us new players who are training up to completely avoid low sec space....they won't help us if we break this rule.....
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Yeah once I was floating home... I said "thanks for not podding me" and the lead Rat was humouros enough to reply with "YW have a nice float home"
Its all good lol.....

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I always found the 0.0 gate campings less dangerous than the low sec (>0.0 & <0.5) ones.
1/ The main reason being that there are less players in 0.0, so most of the time you just have to wait a couple of hours or DT to see the campers logoff or going elsewhere.
2/ Unless you're some crazy dude, you always have allies in the areas who can patrol the area or even kick the campers out of the region
3/ Sometimes the campers are your allies
It is the problem with Eve, there is no REAL pvp. It's always some bored guys camping a gate etc.
I think this kind of thing is what puts most people off playing it for long.
You seem to be forgeting corp wars here nuff said.
Ok, so you might get to randomly gank people in other corps sometimes
Actually that is very wrong, in all the gatecampings I have experienced there really have been only one reason... actually two.
1) Ganking (5 battleships against 1 cruiser ? or even another battleship).
2) Profit... (you would not belive what people are having in their cargo through from 0.0 or low sec.)
Mind you most of the gatecamps I have entered through have been by pirates or bored pvp'ers (go figure, gatecamping is mighty boring).
Only a few and this was in the old norad days and they held some ground (0.0) and could do some gatecamping.
most of the time it was just for ganking anyway.
Then you've never really lived in 0.0... you've only been in lowsec or the immediately bordering 0.0 gates.... and even those 0.0 gates aren't usually camped for ganking/profit so much as territory control. 0.0 gatecamps are RARELY about ganking and far more often is an alliance defending territory. If you want profit in 0.0 you mine or rat or run complexes. You don't go out looking for PVP to make money
LOL Not gate-camping at any rate. Much more money to be made hunting down macro-miners or macro ratters.... love getting faction mods from ships named "1234ratter234" etc.
The best defense in EVE is to not allow hostile/neutral ships into your territory. This is generally accomplished via gatecamps at entry points to alliance space.
Ways to survive jumping into a gatecamp:
1) Have a MWD fitted
2) Have warp core stabilizers fitted (if you're travelling just refit when you get where you are going)
3) Have Ewar ability to break their locks.
4) Have a ship that can just tank like mad.
When you jump in you have a couple options:
1) Run the camp... accomplished via warp core stabilizers and SPEED....
2) Get back to the gate: Accomplished by SPEED and/or a very heavy tank....
When you jump in you have ~30 seconds to make a decision. Your cloak effect will drop after that and you're toast at that point.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
There are actually two types of gate camps in EVE.
1. Illegal camps in empire space 1.0 to 0.1 space
Attacking anyone you are not at war with is against the Empire's laws. Depending on what sec the systems is concord (empire military) will respond to un-lawful acts in high sec or you will get a sec (security) hit in low sec. And the gate guns will fire at those breaking the law, however these can tanked allowing for low sec gate camps.
2. 0.0 space camps.
these are set up by whom ever is claming that system. As there is no law in 0.0 space anyone can setup a camp at a gate witout any NPC reprocussion.
Gate camps are actually one of those things that exist becuase they are the effect of broken game mechanics. CCP originally tried several things to try and deswade players from doing it. The problem is that removing gate camping from the game at this point in time would change what EVE has become.
As to avoiding gate camps, well really you cant. That is the only way to avoid a gate camp is to simply not travel that path. Oh you will hear things like use your scanner or a scout but the truth is, most gate campers us log on traps to bypass any sort of counter intelegence. You could open the map and look at a system and there is no one in a system you will be traveling through. As you travel there will be a scout that scans you and anounces on their voice com they have victim. At the next gate before you have time to relize that there are now 5-10 ships at the gate waiting for you (the logged on to catch you), you are waking up in your clone.
So don't travel anywhere until you can afford to.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
Gate camps are made for more reasons:
1.Main reason is that a corp or alliance want to keep intruders out of their system or better said attackers.
2.A corp/alliance is trying to setup a POS in the system and they do not wish for anyone to interfere.
3.A gang of players do you for profit,either they were tipped off a convoy heading their way or just doing it to make some isk.
4.Hi sec gate camps are usualy done by merc corps that have being hired to cut off their competitors acces to supplys from empire.
And ofcourse more petty things can cause gate camps,gate camps can easily be broken if you are smart,tho they are pretty hard if there is a interdictor around.
From my experience a good way to break a camp is baiting some of the fleet ,have 2-3 fast ships jump in the system and try to warp to a belt before they get scramed,some of the campers might give chase (note a covert ops in the system is a huge advantage),if those small fast ships managed to lure away some of the ships they need to atempt to stall them while your main group jumps in the system to fight the camp.The campers will either stand and fight or try to run off disorganized,if they stand and fight your "bait" ships must try to hold off the ships that followed for as long as posible,if the camp takes too much dmg those ships will usualy not come to reinforce since they think it would be a lost battle.This works if they dont have a interdictor.
There are actually two types of gate camps in EVE.
1. Illegal camps in empire space 1.0 to 0.1 space
Attacking anyone you are not at war with is against the Empire's laws. Depending on what sec the systems is concord (empire military) will respond to un-lawful acts in high sec or you will get a sec (security) hit in low sec. And the gate guns will fire at those breaking the law, however these can tanked allowing for low sec gate camps.
2. 0.0 space camps.
these are set up by whom ever is claming that system. As there is no law in 0.0 space anyone can setup a camp at a gate witout any NPC reprocussion.
Gate camps are actually one of those things that exist becuase they are the effect of broken game mechanics. CCP originally tried several things to try and deswade players from doing it. The problem is that removing gate camping from the game at this point in time would change what EVE has become.
As to avoiding gate camps, well really you cant. That is the only way to avoid a gate camp is to simply not travel that path. Oh you will hear things like use your scanner or a scout but the truth is, most gate campers us log on traps to bypass any sort of counter intelegence. You could open the map and look at a system and there is no one in a system you will be traveling through. As you travel there will be a scout that scans you and anounces on their voice com they have victim. At the next gate before you have time to relize that there are now 5-10 ships at the gate waiting for you (the logged on to catch you), you are waking up in your clone.
So don't travel anywhere until you can afford to.
I just wanna say that avoiding gatecamps is actually relativily easy. Learn to use the map. Check for ships destroyed/pilots in space/learn to avoid choke point system/etc. This ain´t of course 100% way but I like to fly solo often and it has been months since I last lost my ship to a gate camp. Also often inty/cov ops/etc. sitting on your out gate is good indication that there is a camp on the other side so always use scanner near the gate your about to jump through. Etc. there are plenty of signs you just need to learn to read them.Even if you do land in one all hopes isn´t lost you can always make run for the gate you came through and jump through if all the campers have agressed you they can´t immediatly follow you. Good strategy is if you are in ship that can tank them little bit is wait for everyone to shoot you and then jump through. Also if you are in very fast ship you can simply fly away from the gate and warp away.
The "most campers use logon traps" is complete bull I have never heard of anyone losing their ships because this kind of setup and I pvp daily with and against some of the best players in EVE. I dont doubt it has been done but its definetly not common. Just the kind of comment I´d expect from LeJohn who based on his posting has little to none pvp experience.
There are actually two types of gate camps in EVE.
1. Illegal camps in empire space 1.0 to 0.1 space
Attacking anyone you are not at war with is against the Empire's laws. Depending on what sec the systems is concord (empire military) will respond to un-lawful acts in high sec or you will get a sec (security) hit in low sec. And the gate guns will fire at those breaking the law, however these can tanked allowing for low sec gate camps.
2. 0.0 space camps.
these are set up by whom ever is claming that system. As there is no law in 0.0 space anyone can setup a camp at a gate witout any NPC reprocussion.
Gate camps are actually one of those things that exist becuase they are the effect of broken game mechanics. CCP originally tried several things to try and deswade players from doing it. The problem is that removing gate camping from the game at this point in time would change what EVE has become.
As to avoiding gate camps, well really you cant. That is the only way to avoid a gate camp is to simply not travel that path. Oh you will hear things like use your scanner or a scout but the truth is, most gate campers us log on traps to bypass any sort of counter intelegence. You could open the map and look at a system and there is no one in a system you will be traveling through. As you travel there will be a scout that scans you and anounces on their voice com they have victim. At the next gate before you have time to relize that there are now 5-10 ships at the gate waiting for you (the logged on to catch you), you are waking up in your clone.
So don't travel anywhere until you can afford to.
I've now lived in 3 totally different regions of 0.0 and been through/to dozens of them.
In my experience logon-traps are FAR less common than standard gate camps where a group of players (usually an alliance) has set up a number of ships with an interdictor or large bubble. Many times they don't have either and are relying on fast locking tackle ships to prevent folks from getting through the camp.
In camps without a bubble of any sort it's fairly easy to 'get away' as long as you are prepared.
In camps with a bubble it's still possible to get away but you will need to have a cloak, a fast ship, or a heavy tank (or a combination of 2 or 3 of those) as well as having warp core stabilizers fitted.
It's entirely possible to get through a gate camp. In a properly fitted ship it's really not that hard. Hell I've gotten through 0.0 gatecamps in a Badger II (whee now THERE is a hair-raising experience).... not easy but yes it's do-able.
Yes... login-trap gatecamps do happen... but they're both VERY rare and really not any worse than a 'normal' gate camp to be honest. Anytime you hit one your pulse will go faster and you'll be in danger of getting popped, regardless of what kind of camp it is. But the bottom line is that they are NOT un-beatable... I have flown 30-40 jumps SOLO through 0.0 before passing multiple hostile gate camps in properly fitted ships. As long as you can out-wit them you can get away. Eventually even if they try to chase you they'll give up if you're canny enough. Patience wins in EVE. I've had 30 ship fleets chase after me before... clever use of safespot tactics and always having a cloak if I'm 'just travelling' is essential
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
There are actually two types of gate camps in EVE.
1. Illegal camps in empire space 1.0 to 0.1 space
Attacking anyone you are not at war with is against the Empire's laws. Depending on what sec the systems is concord (empire military) will respond to un-lawful acts in high sec or you will get a sec (security) hit in low sec. And the gate guns will fire at those breaking the law, however these can tanked allowing for low sec gate camps.
2. 0.0 space camps.
these are set up by whom ever is claming that system. As there is no law in 0.0 space anyone can setup a camp at a gate witout any NPC reprocussion.
Gate camps are actually one of those things that exist becuase they are the effect of broken game mechanics. CCP originally tried several things to try and deswade players from doing it. The problem is that removing gate camping from the game at this point in time would change what EVE has become.
As to avoiding gate camps, well really you cant. That is the only way to avoid a gate camp is to simply not travel that path. Oh you will hear things like use your scanner or a scout but the truth is, most gate campers us log on traps to bypass any sort of counter intelegence. You could open the map and look at a system and there is no one in a system you will be traveling through. As you travel there will be a scout that scans you and anounces on their voice com they have victim. At the next gate before you have time to relize that there are now 5-10 ships at the gate waiting for you (the logged on to catch you), you are waking up in your clone.
So don't travel anywhere until you can afford to.
I've now lived in 3 totally different regions of 0.0 and been through/to dozens of them.
In my experience logon-traps are FAR less common than standard gate camps where a group of players (usually an alliance) has set up a number of ships with an interdictor or large bubble. Many times they don't have either and are relying on fast locking tackle ships to prevent folks from getting through the camp.
In camps without a bubble of any sort it's fairly easy to 'get away' as long as you are prepared.
In camps with a bubble it's still possible to get away but you will need to have a cloak, a fast ship, or a heavy tank (or a combination of 2 or 3 of those) as well as having warp core stabilizers fitted.
It's entirely possible to get through a gate camp. In a properly fitted ship it's really not that hard. Hell I've gotten through 0.0 gatecamps in a Badger II (whee now THERE is a hair-raising experience).... not easy but yes it's do-able.
Yes... login-trap gatecamps do happen... but they're both VERY rare and really not any worse than a 'normal' gate camp to be honest. Anytime you hit one your pulse will go faster and you'll be in danger of getting popped, regardless of what kind of camp it is. But the bottom line is that they are NOT un-beatable... I have flown 30-40 jumps SOLO through 0.0 before passing multiple hostile gate camps in properly fitted ships. As long as you can out-wit them you can get away. Eventually even if they try to chase you they'll give up if you're canny enough. Patience wins in EVE. I've had 30 ship fleets chase after me before... clever use of safespot tactics and always having a cloak if I'm 'just travelling' is essential
You do relize that the OP is a new player, andis asking a specific question. Not: are the gate camps in 0.0 space, nor did he ask how to get away from one, he only made the comment that he tought it would be hard for his victim to get away.
Also, they may be Rare in 0.0 but are SOP in empire and heavly used in empire wars.
The "most campers use logon traps" is complete bull I have never heard of anyone losing their ships because this kind of setup and I pvp daily with and against some of the best players in EVE. I dont doubt it has been done but its definetly not common. Just the kind of comment I´d expect from LeJohn who based on his posting has little to none pvp experience.
Sigh... You must not read the EVE-O forums or you would have seen wads of post on both sides of the fence, those that believe it a good tactic and those that beleve it's a metagaming cheat. While it may not be that commen in 0.0 space it has been used for years in empire wars and now that freighters drop loot has become an epedemic for the freighter gank squads. I make no bones that I am an empire resedent as I moved back from 0.0 a few years ago so when I post anything I am refering too how they relate to empire. If I discuss 0.0 then I actually mention 0.0, if I don't I am discussing empire.
Now as to my PVP experince, I love PVP and will admit that when I am #1 and have the gold star in BF2 or CS, MW4 etc.. I will take a screen shot for my collection of top scores dating back to DN3. And in EVE I do get into battles, I would bet that I have destroyed more players ships than you have. I know I have probly lost more ships than anyone else in the game but that has more to do with me chasing down people in indys/barges that annoyed me than my lack of understanding of how to fight in EVE (until late last year I averaged loosing 1 ship a week since 03, but thats because anyone can do a LVL3 mission in low sec in a BS+, try doing it in a destroyer
) .
You are confusing understanding with need. For example, I understand exactly how gate camps work and even did a run through stain in my tricked out probe a last year to hand off some large sec cans I had to my corpmates. Yes we were in an alliance (kicked out becuse were too small) for years down there. I blew through several bubble camps before the guys camping had time to react. See it's not that i do not know how to fight, it's that I do not fight for no good reasion. If you attack me (or gang) in empire, depending on what system it's in I will jump into a min BC up to a Dred and come after you once I am destroyed (Initally I will charge you with the barge or indy). On the other hand if you are minding your own business even in lowsec and you have a -neg I will not bother you, because attacking you serves no purpose. War targets are a diffrent matter, but simply being another player is not justification to me.
Now, let me explain one other thing because some one once asked if we were playing the same game because he was so hardcore fighter that he could not understand why I wasn't. So I had him come to one of my bases and asked him what equipment he needed. he said he need a BS, guns, some ECM equipment etc. So I put to gather a package and gave him everything he asked for as well as a full set of Crystle implants. The I showed him this in the trade screen. And told him, if he helps any of my corp or allies I would build him (and his corp) anything he needs for the mats and supply all of his ammo while they were in the region. And he did get it, we were playing the same game but he was not in the same league.
Which goes back to My understanding of PVP, There was a small group of us that used to move the so called PVPers around like pawns. We were playing an intergallactic game of risk but it got old and the bickering just became annoying so I handed off the reins and moved back empire to dabble. See it's not that I don't know how to fight in EVE, there is simply no point for me. When I came back the last time I had one of my avatars in A1 Icon, my old stomping grounds. I sold off eveything that would not fit in the cargo hold and put a couple dozen BPC in a sec can in the hold. I undocked and was instantly podded loosing 6-100 run BS BPCs, 5-100 run Indy BPCs, 7-cruser and 5-frig BPCs (had each races) as well as mods, weapons and all the ammo BPCs a load of zed and meg and a full set of crystle implants, While the guys that podded me hit the jackpot all it did was set me back all of the 15 min it took to replug in my implants and climb in to another ship. (yes before undocking I asked in local who was in charge of the area and that i was renewing afterbing gone and who did I have to pay) See fighting in EVE may be exciting to those that it can actually hurt. The reasion I will chase down a BC in a best armed with only a T2 rail is because loosing it means nothing.
After you have waged war and taken and lost ships for a while you will come to the relization that what you call PVP is pointless and a waist of time at which time you will return to empire to play the rest of the game.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
I lived most of my time either in low sec (pirate infested Placid region) doing mission or production and general corp work in the other end of the galaxy.
I did however travel some through 0.0, hunting some in 0.0 (belive it or not.. we where out for some pvp and found nobody in 0.0 that wanted to fight).
Did low sec gatecamping for pirates (Turby in placid) only to kill one cruiser (felt kind a bad for him hehe), and get surprised by even number of turby battleships wich made our camp .. lets say... panicing :-P
I never where part of 0.0 alliance politics, I where a freelancer and so where my corp, we roamed wherever we wanted and paid nobody to enter their space.
Well we could lend our forces to alliances that wanted our hands.
Not long before I quitted the game I lost a Raven (mission setup with some named mods and some T2 gear), I had that raven for over a year and did run right into a Turby gatecamp with 3 battleships.
So they scrambled me and blasted on my ships and I really had no way out of there, so I took up the fight even if I knew I would loose the ship.
Now I never used to insure ships, infact I had minerals and everything needed to build from reprocessed items from missions and had always enough minerals to new ships.
So after loosing the ship the pirates hold my pod and try to ransom me, it was not the 100 million isk ship, or the mods they felt I might care about, it was the possibility that I might have my head full of expensive implants that they was out after.
So they demanded 100 million to let me go and I just said ... no way, just kill me and get over with it.
After I wake up, I just put a new raven into production and pick up the modules I needed, price on the named launchers had dropped to like half so all in all I think I paid like 30 million isk to replace the new ship (40 million isk from the insurance you get that is the basic one you don't pay for).
That part actually pays the zydrine and megacyte you needed to build a new ship and if you had the rest .. no problem.
Later that day when I was going back to my mission system, belive it or not... I ran into the same campers !!!! only this time I had my travel-kit on so I could mwd back to the gate and save the ship.
Oh .. and this time they where prepared to ransom my ship instead (according to a convo with one of the turby pirates).
so mimatar good at escaping the gate camp???
edit- lol not sure why I asked I went gallente for the drones. they sounded cool
Actually that is very wrong, in all the gatecampings I have experienced there really have been only one reason... actually two.
1) Ganking (5 battleships against 1 cruiser ? or even another battleship).
2) Profit... (you would not belive what people are having in their cargo through from 0.0 or low sec.)
Mind you most of the gatecamps I have entered through have been by pirates or bored pvp'ers (go figure, gatecamping is mighty boring).
Only a few and this was in the old norad days and they held some ground (0.0) and could do some gatecamping.
most of the time it was just for ganking anyway.
Then you've never really lived in 0.0... you've only been in lowsec or the immediately bordering 0.0 gates.... and even those 0.0 gates aren't usually camped for ganking/profit so much as territory control. 0.0 gatecamps are RARELY about ganking and far more often is an alliance defending territory. If you want profit in 0.0 you mine or rat or run complexes. You don't go out looking for PVP to make money
LOL Not gate-camping at any rate. Much more money to be made hunting down macro-miners or macro ratters.... love getting faction mods from ships named "1234ratter234" etc.
The best defense in EVE is to not allow hostile/neutral ships into your territory. This is generally accomplished via gatecamps at entry points to alliance space.
Ways to survive jumping into a gatecamp:
1) Have a MWD fitted
2) Have warp core stabilizers fitted (if you're travelling just refit when you get where you are going)
3) Have Ewar ability to break their locks.
4) Have a ship that can just tank like mad.
When you jump in you have a couple options:
1) Run the camp... accomplished via warp core stabilizers and SPEED....
2) Get back to the gate: Accomplished by SPEED and/or a very heavy tank....
When you jump in you have ~30 seconds to make a decision. Your cloak effect will drop after that and you're toast at that point.
ah good stuff thanks
camping is not fun, you use the scanner to find out which belts people are hiding at, then you tell your friends to jump in and everyone warp to that belt... that's how you gank.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
if I were to kill a titan tomorrow and no CCP employees showed up to say grats I would petition it.
Waiting for: the next MMO that lets me make this macro
if hp < 30 then CastSpell("heal") SpellTargetUnit("player") else CastSpell("smite") end
There are actually two types of gate camps in EVE.
1. Illegal camps in empire space 1.0 to 0.1 space
Attacking anyone you are not at war with is against the Empire's laws. Depending on what sec the systems is concord (empire military) will respond to un-lawful acts in high sec or you will get a sec (security) hit in low sec. And the gate guns will fire at those breaking the law, however these can tanked allowing for low sec gate camps.
2. 0.0 space camps.
these are set up by whom ever is claming that system. As there is no law in 0.0 space anyone can setup a camp at a gate witout any NPC reprocussion.
Gate camps are actually one of those things that exist becuase they are the effect of broken game mechanics. CCP originally tried several things to try and deswade players from doing it. The problem is that removing gate camping from the game at this point in time would change what EVE has become.
As to avoiding gate camps, well really you cant. That is the only way to avoid a gate camp is to simply not travel that path. Oh you will hear things like use your scanner or a scout but the truth is, most gate campers us log on traps to bypass any sort of counter intelegence. You could open the map and look at a system and there is no one in a system you will be traveling through. As you travel there will be a scout that scans you and anounces on their voice com they have victim. At the next gate before you have time to relize that there are now 5-10 ships at the gate waiting for you (the logged on to catch you), you are waking up in your clone.
So don't travel anywhere until you can afford to.
I've now lived in 3 totally different regions of 0.0 and been through/to dozens of them.
In my experience logon-traps are FAR less common than standard gate camps where a group of players (usually an alliance) has set up a number of ships with an interdictor or large bubble. Many times they don't have either and are relying on fast locking tackle ships to prevent folks from getting through the camp.
In camps without a bubble of any sort it's fairly easy to 'get away' as long as you are prepared.
In camps with a bubble it's still possible to get away but you will need to have a cloak, a fast ship, or a heavy tank (or a combination of 2 or 3 of those) as well as having warp core stabilizers fitted.
It's entirely possible to get through a gate camp. In a properly fitted ship it's really not that hard. Hell I've gotten through 0.0 gatecamps in a Badger II (whee now THERE is a hair-raising experience).... not easy but yes it's do-able.
Yes... login-trap gatecamps do happen... but they're both VERY rare and really not any worse than a 'normal' gate camp to be honest. Anytime you hit one your pulse will go faster and you'll be in danger of getting popped, regardless of what kind of camp it is. But the bottom line is that they are NOT un-beatable... I have flown 30-40 jumps SOLO through 0.0 before passing multiple hostile gate camps in properly fitted ships. As long as you can out-wit them you can get away. Eventually even if they try to chase you they'll give up if you're canny enough. Patience wins in EVE. I've had 30 ship fleets chase after me before... clever use of safespot tactics and always having a cloak if I'm 'just travelling' is essential
After you have waged war and taken and lost ships for a while you will come to the relization that what you call PVP is pointless and a waist of time at which time you will return to empire to play the rest of the game.
No offense.... already did the empire crap... I find it boring. I much prefer fighting and holding territory in 0.0. You enjoy your part of EVE
I enjoy mine.
As to Empire wars: I've been in at least 10... frankly I've lost count. From privateers to Revelations to MC to Smash/Roadkill to Blind Beavers and several other corps and alliances over the past years... fought all of them in both 0.0 and in Empire.... Again never saw very many (don't even honestly remember seeing 1) logon traps so I'm not sure where you say they are 'common' even in empire wars. As to freighter gank squads either you haven't played since the Rev2 patch or you weren't paying attention but the freighter gank camps are much less common now that concord stops drones.
Besides... a logon trap isn't really any more deadly/dangerous or difficult to avoid than a more standard gatecamp. You just need to keep an eye on 'number of pilots killed in the past hour' and watch for areas that light up and avoid them if possible. If not possible to avoid either contract your work out to another player using the contracts system or use an alt to take care of your business which isn't at 'war' with your enemies. Then move the goods somewhere you can get to them with your main.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Actually that is very wrong, in all the gatecampings I have experienced there really have been only one reason... actually two.
1) Ganking (5 battleships against 1 cruiser ? or even another battleship).
2) Profit... (you would not belive what people are having in their cargo through from 0.0 or low sec.)
Mind you most of the gatecamps I have entered through have been by pirates or bored pvp'ers (go figure, gatecamping is mighty boring).
Only a few and this was in the old norad days and they held some ground (0.0) and could do some gatecamping.
most of the time it was just for ganking anyway.
exactlyfrom .4 through .1 gate gamping is basically for ganking - period
lordy - what a boring way to "play" a game
even at a fairly busy gate - pirates are just plain sad people - RL or otherwise
There are actually two types of gate camps in EVE.
1. Illegal camps in empire space 1.0 to 0.1 space
Attacking anyone you are not at war with is against the Empire's laws. Depending on what sec the systems is concord (empire military) will respond to un-lawful acts in high sec or you will get a sec (security) hit in low sec. And the gate guns will fire at those breaking the law, however these can tanked allowing for low sec gate camps.
2. 0.0 space camps.
these are set up by whom ever is claming that system. As there is no law in 0.0 space anyone can setup a camp at a gate witout any NPC reprocussion.
Gate camps are actually one of those things that exist becuase they are the effect of broken game mechanics. CCP originally tried several things to try and deswade players from doing it. The problem is that removing gate camping from the game at this point in time would change what EVE has become.
As to avoiding gate camps, well really you cant. That is the only way to avoid a gate camp is to simply not travel that path. Oh you will hear things like use your scanner or a scout but the truth is, most gate campers us log on traps to bypass any sort of counter intelegence. You could open the map and look at a system and there is no one in a system you will be traveling through. As you travel there will be a scout that scans you and anounces on their voice com they have victim. At the next gate before you have time to relize that there are now 5-10 ships at the gate waiting for you (the logged on to catch you), you are waking up in your clone.
So don't travel anywhere until you can afford to.
hm, it appears EVE is a lot more complex then I could have imagined this willb e interesting. I'm liking this time based skill gain better then i thought. gives me a reason to at least log on for a minute and choose the skills I want trained.
update: Well last night I felt like I truly appreciated the gate camp. im still not a vet but last night we made a run to 0.0 to escourt our corpmates expenships ships and hardware to our player owned station. I felt so good when we jumped into our region and saw our alliance camping the gate.
when you're at war with another alliance man you dont want them coming through your gate, harassing all your miners and nubs like myself who doesnt even have a BC or BS yet. we're at war with anothwer corp who viciously intrudes into our space to make war.
It appears to be an important and viable strategy to protect your space from what I gather so far
This man couldn't have said it any better.