Go back too WoW before your brain implodes out of the complexity of eve. Have fun with mindless PVP and grind gear all day long for no purpose either than doing mindless pvp.
You know its mindless posts like this that gives the Veteran community of EvE its elitest reputaion. This post is a clasic troll post in my opinion.
Another thing i hate is in other mmorpgs veterans don't rule the game but in EVE they do and theres no way to beat them. Like BOB will probally be in power of EVE until the day the game dies or they have a civil war lol. Theres no way for a noob to ever catch them up or create anything powerful enough to fight them.
I spent most my month making money and in them 30 days i made about 280 million from agent missions and salvaging. Seemed like thats the only thing i could do as Trade routes were really boring and mining was boring and i couldn't PVP yet properly. However i am proud of the money i earnt and i bought all the zydrine i could buy with it and sold it for a higher price after the revelations 2 expansion.
Anyways all the money i earnt i gave to my corp which is Rona Midgard and bought some of my felow people battlecruisers and stuff.
vets are unbeatable? umm mabe if you had that type of defeatist additude. honestly SP don't mean all that much in eve if they did i couldnt beat my ceo (hes at 57 mill sp i only have 22 mill)
hes just better at ceratin things than i am... and viceversa...
I'm a better cruiser/hac pilot
hes better at frigs
i completely stomp him in the field of logistics
he annihilates me at EW
he can fly all 4 races bs, hacs, command ships, i can only fly gallente
were evenly matched dread to dread
sp doesnt mean your better just means you can do more. but even more important is personal knowhow and player skill
Another thing i hate is in other mmorpgs veterans don't rule the game but in EVE they do and theres no way to beat them. Like BOB will probally be in power of EVE until the day the game dies or they have a civil war lol. Theres no way for a noob to ever catch them up or create anything powerful enough to fight them. I spent most my month making money and in them 30 days i made about 280 million from agent missions and salvaging. Seemed like thats the only thing i could do as Trade routes were really boring and mining was boring and i couldn't PVP yet properly. However i am proud of the money i earnt and i bought all the zydrine i could buy with it and sold it for a higher price after the revelations 2 expansion. Anyways all the money i earnt i gave to my corp which is Rona Midgard and bought some of my felow people battlecruisers and stuff.
Dont listen to the trolls leaing eve is ok afterall therer is nothing worse than wasting time on a game you are finding unenjoyable. I really hope you do finda MMO thats good for you tho.
As for the beating of BoB thing thats not reall needed as there are 2 other options to that.
A. join BoB sometime.
B. live in low sec and hunt in 0.0 but dont get involved with 0.0 alliances [which is easy to do and can be fun with the right corp or one you make].
You know the funny thing with one of the posters advice was basically if you can't beat them then join them... Well I tried, yep I tired to join BoB and they wouldn't let me in either the main corp RKK or any of the sub allied corps. Tried the same with Goonswarm and RA or any of their allied corps they would not take any new character into their fold, paranoia runs deep in Eve even to the point of excluding people just wanting to get into the fray.
Sure there are plenty of other corps out there that are recruiting but why would I want any of the 5 or even 20 man corps, what would be the point of that? They are too small to have any sort of real effect in the larger scale activities and there aren't enough members to have any real backup when you need it most. So perhaps in a one on one battle you might, and I mean might have a chance against a Vet player but I would say that on the order of 8 times out of 10 hes gonna clean your clock and not even break a sweat.
Eve blongs to the Vet players and their corporations/alliances new players should just wait for the next game to come along or resign yourself to never being able to play in the major league.
You know the funny thing with one of the posters advice was basically if you can't beat them then join them... Well I tried, yep I tired to join BoB and they wouldn't let me in either the main corp RKK or any of the sub allied corps. Tried the same with Goonswarm and RA or any of their allied corps they would not take any new character into their fold, paranoia runs deep in Eve even to the point of excluding people just wanting to get into the fray. Sure there are plenty of other corps out there that are recruiting but why would I want any of the 5 or even 20 man corps, what would be the point of that? They are too small to have any sort of real effect in the larger scale activities and there aren't enough members to have any real backup when you need it most. So perhaps in a one on one battle you might, and I mean might have a chance against a Vet player but I would say that on the order of 8 times out of 10 hes gonna clean your clock and not even break a sweat. Eve blongs to the Vet players and their corporations/alliances new players should just wait for the next game to come along or resign yourself to never being able to play in the major league.
You never even stated how many SP you charecter was or gave any details on his past and stuff. Ill tell yu know one essential thing in a 0.0 corp is to ahve rigorous screening of prospectiv new members due to the prolific number of Spy Alts.
What an awful example you people give of the EVE Online community. I wouldn't want to play with 90% of the posters in this thread, are you just a vocal minority or is this what it's like in the game too?
Thankfully those posters are the exeption [i even wonder if they are real eve players and not just fans of othergames spreading rumours of EvE's community] Most of the people in eve are friendly matre and helpfull as long as you do the following.
Dont use Leet spea [generally its not liked in eve]
Dont POST LIKE THIS its considered rude in eve.
Be polite and clear in your posting.
The following is not seen as a rule as such but its probably best you avid saying tings that could assosiate you with WoW as its seen as a imature game . Not completly true i know but there you are.
I had fun at first and yeah the game is well made but it just got really boring...
As has been said before, no game can be for everyone. Hope you have fun in whatever you move on to next.
- I hate the time training which makes me feel like i have to move at the games pace and not mine. What i also hate about it is the fact that you wont be able to quit the game and come back because you'll be behind everyone else and the game would have changed sooo much. With other mmorpgs your only like behind 10 levels and some gear which isn't really a problem, so in this case i dont want to comit my life to a game lol.
Actually this is one of my favorite features of the game for me. My only complaint is that you can't train any other character on the account except 1 at a time. Never liked that aspect of it. Other than that, however, I very much like the skill system.
In PVP games 10 levels is a LOT bigger difference than any difference, no matter how big, in EVE. A character 10 levels above another character in any other game will oblitterate 3-4 characters that far below him. Which is why games like wow have level restricted battlegrounds. But if you prefer a level system that's ok. In a skill based system it's not about who has more skillpoints. It's about who has more skillpoints *in the aspect of their character they are utilizing at that point in time*, better fittings, and a better knowledge of how to use the ship they're in against the ship their opponent is in. Trust me... killed more than my fair share of players far 'older' than me.
- I also hate the fact that i've ran outta things to do, i can't just go have fun and PVP in a battleground somewhere for meaningless fun and everything is sooo serious. I found myself just doing agent missions all the time and nothing else really to do. I did get myself into a corp and they were a good big corp but it doesn't really improve anything as a noob.
Now it really just sounds like the game isn't for you. EVE is a more 'serious' game. If you want 'meaningless' PVP then join a pirate corp. Sounds like you joined a large PVE corp which isn't really going to do much. Even a 0.0 corp isn't going to offer you a lot of "meaningless" PVP because 0.0 alliances ALWAYS have goals and strategies they are trying to advance, which has very little to do with 'meaningless' anything. EVE is a very focussed game at that level of play.
- I hated all the downtime and everytime i tried to play it was a patch downtime all day lol.
Err... what downtime? Other than the Revelations patch day we haven't had any downtime??
- Hate the massive amounts of lag
Get out of crowded systems in empire.... there are areas where there's no lag at all. Lag in EVE is usually directly related to the number of pilots in the system you are in....
- Too many people on one server and everywhere is really crowded, it doesn't feel like space at all. Don't understand why don't they open up 3 or 4 servers?
Hmm I'm currently online on my miner character... there is 1 other pilot in the entire solar system I'm in.... doesn't seem all that crowded to me. Both neighboring systems have less than 5 people in them... Yes, some systems are crowded... sounds, again, like you never got out of empire and, in fact, never left the newbie areas. NOTE: My miner is in a .6 security system (empire space). You really didn't give the game much of a chance.
That said, however.... it really just sounds like EVE isn't the game for you. Not that you're not good enough for it or anything silly like that. Just it's not the style game you would enjoy. I'd recommend WoW (PvP servers) or EQ2 (PVP servers) or better yet, GuildWars sounds more your type of game. (Meaningless PVP).
Good luck in whatever you decide to do next.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Go back too WoW before your brain implodes out of the complexity of eve. Have fun with mindless PVP and grind gear all day long for no purpose either than doing mindless pvp.
The OP has a valid point. What if I have a day off and I want to grind... I can't. I can't grind my skills. They just keep chugging along. PvP in EVE well lets just say its too serious. I just didn't like it. I like PvP, but when I mine or run agent missions to buy a cool ship and outfit it and then just get blown up, well where is the fun in that? A Corp makes it better but only a bit, yea a bit. So go back to EVE before you realize you wasted hours and hours and hours all to have it blown up.
You don't need intelligence to be successful Eve, you just need Isks. Stop touching your tiny weeny because you're an Eve player, that L33T attitude is just so lame among the Eve community. There are many ways of getting Isks in the game and intelligence is just one of them, you can rely on luck, brute force, corruption or just ripping people off. Whatever you do, Isk is the key. Eve is a game for gamers, I won't say hardcore gamers or nolifers, but it requires lots of involvement to be able to match with the veterans.
Eve is a great game but it is not casual friendly. People who pretend to be alt-tabbers are not what I would call casual gamers, they are "accidental" gamers. Unless there are overskilled players among alt-tabbers, I can't see how you can do kill mission, mining or hunting in low sec without being most of the time in the game. People who pretend to watch TV or surfing the internet while playing Eve are usually doing courrier mission or trade run in hi-sec. They are just looking for a way of having fun from time to time without having any concern for their character's achivements. The consequences being that your progress in the game will be extremely slow to not say frustrating for a casual gamer.
IMHO there are 3 points that are major issues for casual gamers and major assets for Eve fans : death penalty,full PvP and poor Pve content.
Death penalty : because as a casual gamer, you have to think twice before travelling in lowsec or engaging someone in PvP. If it took you months to buy your new HAC, you can have to spend months again to buy a new one after you broke your HAC after a 30 second fight in PvP. More over as your subscription goes, your character is gathering more and more SP, after 2 year of subscription your clone will probably cost 20 or 30 millions of Isk, that means that in case of a podkill you will better have 30 millions on your wallet if you don't want to take the risk of travelling without a clone.
Full PvP : even hisec is not 100% safe in Eve, you could be the victim of some kamikaze players who will get ganked by Concord just to destroy your millions worth cargo and allow his mates to loot the remains.
Poor PvE content : maybe it has changed since I left the game but the only PvE content were kill/courrier mission (go from X to Y, kill ship X in system Y) and dead space complexes. After a dozen of these, you have the feeling of doing the same things over and over. The only real fun in the game is PvP fight, which because of the death penalty, is not a casual friendly activity.
If you are a casual gamer , if you love PvE, Eve is not a game for you. If you are a PvPer and hardcore gamer, Eve is a bless for you.
Eve Online is a niche game, it will be the best game ever if it suits your needs or the worst game ever if not. I think that's why there are no moderate opinion about Eve, love it or hate it.
There are not many people in Eve who can pretend to rely on their intelligence to own the game. Most of them are relying on simple and efficient tactics most of the time found on dedicated forums or taken from another player (the smart one).
People in Eve are not smarter than in other games, I met my share of morons among the biggest 0.0 alliances. Of course you have some fleet leaders who are brillant and tactical genius, but what about all the asses who are ganking carebears at gates ? The ones who are only fighting when outnumbering the opponents and flee like chicken otherwise ? The ones who bought the ultimate fitting to solo high level missions or have multiple accounts ? Should I add the macro miners or the people who uses gold seller services ?
What's great in Eve is that it looks/sounds/tastes like real life : if you are rich, you are powerful and if you are powerful, you are rich. The key of everything is money.
I'm waiting for the usual "STFU", "go back to WoW", "you're just an ass" replies from the Fanboy Justice League.
You know its mindless posts like this that gives the Veteran community of EvE its elitest reputaion. This post is a clasic troll post in my opinion.
Another thing i hate is in other mmorpgs veterans don't rule the game but in EVE they do and theres no way to beat them. Like BOB will probally be in power of EVE until the day the game dies or they have a civil war lol. Theres no way for a noob to ever catch them up or create anything powerful enough to fight them.
I spent most my month making money and in them 30 days i made about 280 million from agent missions and salvaging. Seemed like thats the only thing i could do as Trade routes were really boring and mining was boring and i couldn't PVP yet properly. However i am proud of the money i earnt and i bought all the zydrine i could buy with it and sold it for a higher price after the revelations 2 expansion.
Anyways all the money i earnt i gave to my corp which is Rona Midgard and bought some of my felow people battlecruisers and stuff.
vets are unbeatable? umm mabe if you had that type of defeatist additude. honestly SP don't mean all that much in eve if they did i couldnt beat my ceo (hes at 57 mill sp i only have 22 mill)
hes just better at ceratin things than i am... and viceversa...
I'm a better cruiser/hac pilot
hes better at frigs
i completely stomp him in the field of logistics
he annihilates me at EW
he can fly all 4 races bs, hacs, command ships, i can only fly gallente
were evenly matched dread to dread
sp doesnt mean your better just means you can do more. but even more important is personal knowhow and player skill
about the poorest excuse for leaving a game I have ever read. Glad your leaving.
As for the beating of BoB thing thats not reall needed as there are 2 other options to that.
A. join BoB sometime.
B. live in low sec and hunt in 0.0 but dont get involved with 0.0 alliances [which is easy to do and can be fun with the right corp or one you make].
Nehterless I honestly hope you have fun.
Dont Troll its not needed you know
What an awful example you people give of the EVE Online community.
I wouldn't want to play with 90% of the posters in this thread, are you just a vocal minority or is this what it's like in the game too?
You know the funny thing with one of the posters advice was basically if you can't beat them then join them... Well I tried, yep I tired to join BoB and they wouldn't let me in either the main corp RKK or any of the sub allied corps. Tried the same with Goonswarm and RA or any of their allied corps they would not take any new character into their fold, paranoia runs deep in Eve even to the point of excluding people just wanting to get into the fray.
Sure there are plenty of other corps out there that are recruiting but why would I want any of the 5 or even 20 man corps, what would be the point of that? They are too small to have any sort of real effect in the larger scale activities and there aren't enough members to have any real backup when you need it most. So perhaps in a one on one battle you might, and I mean might have a chance against a Vet player but I would say that on the order of 8 times out of 10 hes gonna clean your clock and not even break a sweat.
Eve blongs to the Vet players and their corporations/alliances new players should just wait for the next game to come along or resign yourself to never being able to play in the major league.
You never even stated how many SP you charecter was or gave any details on his past and stuff. Ill tell yu know one essential thing in a 0.0 corp is to ahve rigorous screening of prospectiv new members due to the prolific number of Spy Alts.
Dont use Leet spea [generally its not liked in eve]
Dont POST LIKE THIS its considered rude in eve.
Be polite and clear in your posting.
The following is not seen as a rule as such but its probably best you avid saying tings that could assosiate you with WoW as its seen as a imature game
. Not completly true i know but there you are.
As has been said before, no game can be for everyone. Hope you have fun in whatever you move on to next.
Actually this is one of my favorite features of the game for me. My only complaint is that you can't train any other character on the account except 1 at a time. Never liked that aspect of it. Other than that, however, I very much like the skill system.
In PVP games 10 levels is a LOT bigger difference than any difference, no matter how big, in EVE. A character 10 levels above another character in any other game will oblitterate 3-4 characters that far below him. Which is why games like wow have level restricted battlegrounds. But if you prefer a level system that's ok. In a skill based system it's not about who has more skillpoints. It's about who has more skillpoints *in the aspect of their character they are utilizing at that point in time*, better fittings, and a better knowledge of how to use the ship they're in against the ship their opponent is in.
Trust me... killed more than my fair share of players far 'older' than me.
Now it really just sounds like the game isn't for you. EVE is a more 'serious' game. If you want 'meaningless' PVP then join a pirate corp. Sounds like you joined a large PVE corp which isn't really going to do much. Even a 0.0 corp isn't going to offer you a lot of "meaningless" PVP because 0.0 alliances ALWAYS have goals and strategies they are trying to advance, which has very little to do with 'meaningless' anything. EVE is a very focussed game at that level of play.
Err... what downtime? Other than the Revelations patch day we haven't had any downtime??
Get out of crowded systems in empire.... there are areas where there's no lag at all. Lag in EVE is usually directly related to the number of pilots in the system you are in....
Hmm I'm currently online on my miner character... there is 1 other pilot in the entire solar system I'm in.... doesn't seem all that crowded to me. Both neighboring systems have less than 5 people in them... Yes, some systems are crowded... sounds, again, like you never got out of empire and, in fact, never left the newbie areas. NOTE: My miner is in a .6 security system (empire space). You really didn't give the game much of a chance.
That said, however.... it really just sounds like EVE isn't the game for you. Not that you're not good enough for it or anything silly like that. Just it's not the style game you would enjoy. I'd recommend WoW (PvP servers) or EQ2 (PVP servers) or better yet, GuildWars sounds more your type of game. (Meaningless PVP).
Good luck in whatever you decide to do next.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
The OP has a valid point. What if I have a day off and I want to grind... I can't. I can't grind my skills. They just keep chugging along. PvP in EVE well lets just say its too serious. I just didn't like it. I like PvP, but when I mine or run agent missions to buy a cool ship and outfit it and then just get blown up, well where is the fun in that? A Corp makes it better but only a bit, yea a bit. So go back to EVE before you realize you wasted hours and hours and hours all to have it blown up.
You don't need intelligence to be successful Eve, you just need Isks. Stop touching your tiny weeny because you're an Eve player, that L33T attitude is just so lame among the Eve community. There are many ways of getting Isks in the game and intelligence is just one of them, you can rely on luck, brute force, corruption or just ripping people off. Whatever you do, Isk is the key. Eve is a game for gamers, I won't say hardcore gamers or nolifers, but it requires lots of involvement to be able to match with the veterans.
Eve is a great game but it is not casual friendly. People who pretend to be alt-tabbers are not what I would call casual gamers, they are "accidental" gamers. Unless there are overskilled players among alt-tabbers, I can't see how you can do kill mission, mining or hunting in low sec without being most of the time in the game. People who pretend to watch TV or surfing the internet while playing Eve are usually doing courrier mission or trade run in hi-sec. They are just looking for a way of having fun from time to time without having any concern for their character's achivements. The consequences being that your progress in the game will be extremely slow to not say frustrating for a casual gamer.
IMHO there are 3 points that are major issues for casual gamers and major assets for Eve fans : death penalty,full PvP and poor Pve content.
Death penalty : because as a casual gamer, you have to think twice before travelling in lowsec or engaging someone in PvP. If it took you months to buy your new HAC, you can have to spend months again to buy a new one after you broke your HAC after a 30 second fight in PvP. More over as your subscription goes, your character is gathering more and more SP, after 2 year of subscription your clone will probably cost 20 or 30 millions of Isk, that means that in case of a podkill you will better have 30 millions on your wallet if you don't want to take the risk of travelling without a clone.
Full PvP : even hisec is not 100% safe in Eve, you could be the victim of some kamikaze players who will get ganked by Concord just to destroy your millions worth cargo and allow his mates to loot the remains.
Poor PvE content : maybe it has changed since I left the game but the only PvE content were kill/courrier mission (go from X to Y, kill ship X in system Y) and dead space complexes. After a dozen of these, you have the feeling of doing the same things over and over. The only real fun in the game is PvP fight, which because of the death penalty, is not a casual friendly activity.
If you are a casual gamer , if you love PvE, Eve is not a game for you. If you are a PvPer and hardcore gamer, Eve is a bless for you.
Eve Online is a niche game, it will be the best game ever if it suits your needs or the worst game ever if not. I think that's why there are no moderate opinion about Eve, love it or hate it.
There are not many people in Eve who can pretend to rely on their intelligence to own the game. Most of them are relying on simple and efficient tactics most of the time found on dedicated forums or taken from another player (the smart one).
People in Eve are not smarter than in other games, I met my share of morons among the biggest 0.0 alliances. Of course you have some fleet leaders who are brillant and tactical genius, but what about all the asses who are ganking carebears at gates ? The ones who are only fighting when outnumbering the opponents and flee like chicken otherwise ? The ones who bought the ultimate fitting to solo high level missions or have multiple accounts ? Should I add the macro miners or the people who uses gold seller services ?
What's great in Eve is that it looks/sounds/tastes like real life : if you are rich, you are powerful and if you are powerful, you are rich. The key of everything is money.
I'm waiting for the usual "STFU", "go back to WoW", "you're just an ass" replies from the Fanboy Justice League.