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Hello all !
Is this game realyy so cool ? My friend played it so much , but tell me something about .. alooooot of farming , its the worst side of games . Nothing special to do and only grind and grind . People want to have fun , and u see all not much fun form only killing mobs:)
Grind really isn't that bad, I've played games with much loooooooooooooonger grinds. The ability to control the intake of overall exp vs skill exp makes it fun and challenging at times. Managing which to prioritize first or choosing to grind both is the key. If all else fails buy boost for your exp, that will make it move a little quicker.
Gamewise, it's a very fun game, pleasant to look at, laggier now with so many bo.. i mean people.
Start a char a get to lvl 20. At lvl 20 you will have the ability to perform job skills such as a merchant. Do a few trade runs to make some money to break up the grind if it becomes too much.
Grind Isn't dat bad..... but it does get boring sumtyms... with seein da same mobs ova and ova again... when u grind.... but....
grinding for new skills and job... make it exciting sumtyms soo.... grind sumtyms can be good.....
but i do agree it does get very boring/.....
but doing bit by bit helps aswell

Was that supposed to be English?
no not farming u mean botters botter full the servers all time crowded cuz this i want to tell u this is the wrost side of the game (botters)
also the game hard to lvl up because of this people using botter
Hey Everyone
I dont think so.
all the on-line game has its own special things.
We may understand what they want for us.