u mighty hack& slash fans have no damn ideea what are you talking here
u play a little in beta and now u think to know the game, u should play it at the end now to see how it is
The game was/is AWESOME and yes there are people who like to play RPG in a car
the game have everything...adrenaline...everything i play mmorpgs for almost 7 years thats includes the bigest hits of the moment and i can say that noone of them give me more satisfaction then Auto Assault
graphics are good, sounds are good the game its good and people started to come to play BUT they announce they will close it and thats all
The fault its on NCSoft hands, they didnt bother to advertise that game at all, noone knows about it at all, look ar warcraft, eve,lotr, everywhere u go u see advertise with them...offcourse they are succes games when u make everyone knows about them
NCSOFT thought that if they are a big company players will fall from the sky just because that...
a lot of us like cars games, a lot of us play nfs, carmagedon, car wars and etc and yea we like to play an MMORPG with cars
we, the AA comunity , hope that NetDevil will take back AA and relaunch it like they did with Jumpgate and please this time, ADVERTISE THE GAME
I still have not figured out how they managed to make a game with cars and guns and screwed it up. Beta tested it until I could not force myself to log on anymore and with every session I was amazed at how "not fun" the game was after I had waited since Mad Max for a game with that concept.
played from beta all the way though till now (even quit guildwars and wow to play), low pop but no advertizing was done after the launch was pushed back the 1st time. hopfully netdevil takes it over like they did with jumpgate, it almost died too at one point. sad how very few non-fantasy mmos can survive in today's market. really sad i just bought a new 60 day timecard for ncsoft and the rest of their games suck
I was kind of hoping then in two, three years it will become really good game. Too bad.
But then there were not enough "driving" in it. So it didn't appeal to car games fans. At least I was excited about driving idea but then with AA, well you "were a car" but there was no "driving car" in it.
what the hell !!! it was an awesome game! why they dont make it FREE TO PLAY ?
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
what the hell !!! it was an awesome game! why they dont make it FREE TO PLAY ?
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
NCsoft doesn't support the free to play? Guild Wars isn't free to play?
i can't believe that they have spent years in developing this title, and now decide to close the doors definitely...
all that they have to do is to leave the servers up... is it impossible? other games such RFonline and Archlord have done this... why can't be the same for Auto Assault?
what the hell !!! it was an awesome game! why they dont make it FREE TO PLAY ?
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
NCsoft doesn't support the free to play? Guild Wars isn't free to play?
i can't believe that they have spent years in developing this title, and now decide to close the doors definitely...
all that they have to do is to leave the servers up... is it impossible? other games such RFonline and Archlord have done this... why can't be the same for Auto Assault?
If you feel that strongly about it, go over to the official forum and suggest it before the doors close. You are wasting your time talking about it here.
Make sure to tell them how you think they might make money with your plan.
Read the interview, they made it clear that they are trying to run a business, not operate a charity.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez" Bladezz (The Guild)
Sad to see this game go, I liked the Idea but it did not came through as good as it sounded. Still most MMORPGs are far worse than this game.
PLEASE List all of the MMORPG's that are worse than Auto Assault.
Auto Assault wasn't an MMORPG, it was an online MMO version of the early arcade game "Spy Hunter". It was a bad concept for a pay to play MMO. It might have done better if it had followed the free to play model of the "Battlefield" series.
I played it, and it played just like a cheap console video game.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez" Bladezz (The Guild)
This is just wild, crazy, uninformed, stupid observation, but maybe they planned on making a positive cash flow instead of a negative one when they designed the game. (ie. Their plan was to MAKE money, not lose it) Yes, I know this sounds like a stupid and naive observation, but hey, someone just HAD to say it.
Let's say you start a business making donuts that fails after a year. People just stop buying them. The donuts aren’t that tasty to the majority of people eating donuts, and your expenses now exceed your income. What do you do? Continue to make the donuts losing money, and stand on street corners and hand them out for free? (well, based on a number of comments I’m reading here, maybe that’s what a lot of you would do). No, a majority of business owners would cut their losses and gets out of Dodge while they can. If your choice is to stay open and can accept the loss in money, then more power to you. You will keep those few still eating the donuts happy, and the world is a better place.
As far as the game goes, I played in beta as well, and loved the concept, but there was no real hook to keep me playing. I was hoping to actually recapture the memories of a game I once played way back on my Commodore 64, I believe it was called Roadwar 2000. The whole post-apocalyptic thing where you could recover and fix up chassis of buses, 4x4s, etc and mount guns and other weapons. Fun times. However, this game, I’m very sorry to say, didn’t do it for me.
I very much agree with one comment from iller, where the real victim here is the diversity in the MMO industry. Any company that tries something different than swords, elves, and orcs deserves praise in my book. Here’s hoping the best for Tabula Rasa, Fallen Earth, and The Agency.
The fault its on NCSoft hands, they didnt bother to advertise that game at all, noone knows about it at all, look ar warcraft, eve,lotr, everywhere u go u see advertise with them...offcourse they are succes games when u make everyone knows about them
See, now this isn't entirely true. Warcraft came from a strong legacy of single player RTS games, LotRO of course has the strong book/movie franchise, EVE thrives by word of mouth and truly being a unique and interesting game that appeals to a loyal niche SCI-FI market.
AA has no such franchise to draw upon (maybe the game should have been called Mad Max, Return to Vengence?) so therefore was a tough sell. Couple that with a less than stellar launch (so many games fall victim to this) and player resistance to new concepts and you get no one interested in playing.
Regardless of what we want, people are far more comfortable with games that have humanoid avatars, EVE is even putting them in at player request because some folks just need to "see" their character, and manipulate him/her. Fantasy RPG's fill this need, which is one ( but certainly not the only) reason why they are successful.
For a new concept to be successful designers are going to have to bring to market an extremely well made and fun game, otherwise it will have no chance of being adopted. EVE is a great game, but remains in a niche because it doesn't cater to the desires of a larger segment of the gaming market.... AA apparently had even less appeal.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
I had high hopes for Auto Assault... played in beta.. had those hopes dashed. I got the feeling then, and nothing I've seen has changed my mind that a lot of other people felt exactly the same way. This could have been a huge runaway success, except for a couple issues:
First off, the launch/beta issues that have been catalogued and obsessed over by the devs really hurt the game's chances. If you drive away all the potential "early adopters" of a game, then somehow you've got to create buzz and survive on the casual folks who stumble across a game on the store shelves. You better have the best damn game in the universe if you try that approach.
Secondly, I think a lot of us who could get over all the early troubles, were hoping for more Interstate 76, and less Twisted Metal. Ultimately, I think a less arcade feel to the main experience would have served the game better. People like to say that no one wants to "be a car"... but plenty of games have given you a better feel for being in a car, without having a little model person sitting in it.
I'm sorry to see any game close its doors... just not sorry enough to spend the time and money being just one of the many many people necessary to keep it from happening.
I think they should give the game one more chance with a free to play model supported by in-game advertising. They should be able to draw in a decent amount of active players if free, and they could then make money via advertisements. This game would work fine with advertising without detracting from the atmosphere of the game. They could have billboards, name brand car parts, and even name brand manufacturers for the cars.
Release the source code and let the general population make it into something worthwhile. We're pretty good at mod'ing, let us have a crack at it. Maybe we could even add a better out-of-vehicle experience. Who knows...
Usually im burnout of MMO's; prefer scifi, not fantasy and was tired of the endless WoW-cloning out there. So i gave it a try to AA this weekend and found out that there is more than the betrayed SWG and EVE as options. I really like AA. And now i find myself with a closing door and MMO's diversity seriously damaged.
I understand this is a bussiness and if they are not getting the numbers then its all done with that, but anyhows is sad that a good game fades away.
And yes, its a good game, or at least i find it specially good and original. I cant stand more elven and dorfs. Blegh.
Plz, NCSoft, make Dungeon Runners p2p and convert AA to f2p!!!! It'd be a good move, sirs!
what the hell !!! it was an awesome game! why they dont make it FREE TO PLAY ?
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
Err Dungeon Runners ?
Whilst NcSoft have said this is an experiment it is F2P as is Guild Wars if you Exclude the regular Expansions.
I remember beta testing this game. It was nice, a good idea, but there just wasn't enough there for me to warrant a monthly fee. In the beginning the physics were way off, but the overall idea was ok. It just felt too much like EvE - target and auto-shoot. That got old very quickly (not that I have anything against EvE). Unfortunately, driving around a landscape, doing the same auto-attack thing just got too old, too quick for me. As a sandbox game, with the ability to make towns and outposts, and such, it might have been cooler.
Its a shame as it was a step in a different direction for mmorpgs involving racing and that. This will go on the dead mmo list with AC2 and E&B with no doubt people fondly reminescing AA when its gone.
Don't worry, SOE will buy AA and add it to the Station Pass......
Actually, the timing of this announcement on AA is probably tied in with the fact that NCSoft are looking to go live with their equivalent of the Station Pass (it's been talked about for months), and they wanted AA off the books before that happened. I guess they didn't feel that AA would have convinced many gamers to sign up to such a monthly rate if it was part of the package, and therefore would be getting an unfairly high cut from the proceeds of that subscription plan.
It's a shame, because I would have reinstalled AA if it was part of the plan. Ah well, hope ND have fun in LEGOland.
If they had made this game with real historic vehicle models instead of the futuristic crap then I think it would have done so much better. It should have been a giant Interstate 76/82 type of game.
I hope other companies out there don't get put off trying new things in MMO's like this one did, they just need to see what the market really wants first.
The game failed for one simple reason - it was bad. No other reason.
The physics were lousy and it was next to impossible to move your 'character/car'. They had a terrible, hard-to-control engine and yet the zones were designed with ditches and obstacles that could result in getting trapped for 5 minutes trying to move.
They say it's nearly impossible to kill a MMORPG. Matrix Online is still going. What does that say about this game?
Originally posted by korvass
I remember beta testing this game. It was nice, a good idea, but there just wasn't enough there for me to warrant a monthly fee. In the beginning the physics were way off, but the overall idea was ok. It just felt too much like EvE - target and auto-shoot. That got old very quickly (not that I have anything against EvE). Unfortunately, driving around a landscape, doing the same auto-attack thing just got too old, too quick for me.
Boring gameplay is the same as bad gameplay. The only thing that is surprising it why NCSoft didn't shut the game down before it was released instead of losing money on it.
If they had made this game with real historic vehicle models instead of the futuristic crap then I think it would have done so much better. It should have been a giant Interstate 76/82 type of game. I hope other companies out there don't get put off trying new things in MMO's like this one did, they just need to see what the market really wants first.
Going by that its easy to determine WoW clones are the way to go. MMORPG.com members isnt the market and for all of the people who whine about wanting something original the numbers point to same ol same ol. Unfortunately original ideas have historically been badly implemented but i dont blame devs for it...a lot of the problem stems from the fact that investors see the market and the market doesnt want new, original and fresh ideas. So original projects are highly dangerous ventures which few undertake and thus most of those projects are vastly underfunded. Im not saying AA was perfect or anything of the sorts, but it wasnt a horrible game imo. I enjoyed it for what it was.
I personaly would like to see more and more companies try something new and dare to be different. At some point one of them will get it right and they may get the genre some much needed variety. Nintendo has done this twice (DS/Wii) and they have shown that sometimes risky ventures can pay off and bring something new to the table. A hardcore gamer may not be in love with a Wii but they cant deny that its a fun machine to play in when you got some friends around and such.
I have tried all of NC SOFT's games and ive never had a gripe with them, the cancellation of AA will be my 1st, i really believe they could have tried another model or simply lower the monthly fee. I dont work for them so i dont know what really happened, but imo there were a lot of options to try before simply shutting down the game. Either way RIP AA.
The game failed for one simple reason - it was bad. No other reason. The physics were lousy and it was next to impossible to move your 'character/car'. They had a terrible, hard-to-control engine and yet the zones were designed with ditches and obstacles that could result in getting trapped for 5 minutes trying to move. They say it's nearly impossible to kill a MMORPG. Matrix Online is still going. What does that say about this game? Originally posted by korvass
I remember beta testing this game. It was nice, a good idea, but there just wasn't enough there for me to warrant a monthly fee. In the beginning the physics were way off, but the overall idea was ok. It just felt too much like EvE - target and auto-shoot. That got old very quickly (not that I have anything against EvE). Unfortunately, driving around a landscape, doing the same auto-attack thing just got too old, too quick for me.
Boring gameplay is the same as bad gameplay. The only thing that is surprising it why NCSoft didn't shut the game down before it was released instead of losing money on it.
Beyond Good and Evil and Riddick didn't sell A LOT or have a lot of players and neither really reached the high aclade of the players.
Phantom Crash as well, an awesome game for the Xbox just before live hit, but again not many went out and bought it, or played it.
So in other words, a game doesn't fail because it's bad, it fails because it doesn't attract the right numbers.
less talking rot please thank you !
The company in this case were at least semi-bright in shutting down the game, rather than doing an SoE and keeping crap games going and going. At least this will make sure that they'll work on a new game with the full team and have the knowledge not to make the same mistake twice.
If only Codemasters and SoE had a few brain cells and did this with some of their games
"The game failed for one simple reason - it was bad. No other reason."
That's your opinion man, and you're entitled to it.
However, I will always continue to say that: "I love Auto Assault!"
It is a thrilling, fun game imao, and I will continue to look for similar games to it any day, over those games that have you walk up to an elf, smack him until dead, then rinse and repeat. *yawn* I know most of the people here who are jumping up and down on AA's grave seem to like that kind of game play, but if they had experienced the thrill of 20 vehicles piled on top of each other trying to kill each other, then maybe they would be singing a different tune on these boards.
I have no regrets for playing Auto Assault over the past year. I have loved every minute of it, and am very sad to see it go.
My question for those who like to just come here and yell 'I told you so', why aren't you on the forums of your favorite MMO singing it's praises, rather than come here and tell me that I shouldn't have wasted my time on Auto Assault?
I will always love Auto Assault, and I will always cherish the months of excitement, fun and the pure adrenaline rush that AA always gave me whenever I played it. The vehicles were easy to drive imao, and the gameplay was non-stop action.
Yes, it had a low population base, but the friends that I have made in the game I will keep as friends for years to come. How many close friends can you honestly say you've made in a game where you are just considered a statistic - no more than a number?
Well, that's my 2 cents ne ways.
Thanks for all the great times Auto Assault! Rock on!
u mighty hack& slash fans have no damn ideea what are you talking here
u play a little in beta and now u think to know the game, u should play it at the end now to see how it is
The game was/is AWESOME and yes there are people who like to play RPG in a car
the game have everything...adrenaline...everything i play mmorpgs for almost 7 years thats includes the bigest hits of the moment and i can say that noone of them give me more satisfaction then Auto Assault
graphics are good, sounds are good the game its good and people started to come to play BUT they announce they will close it and thats all
The fault its on NCSoft hands, they didnt bother to advertise that game at all, noone knows about it at all, look ar warcraft, eve,lotr, everywhere u go u see advertise with them...offcourse they are succes games when u make everyone knows about them
NCSOFT thought that if they are a big company players will fall from the sky just because that...
a lot of us like cars games, a lot of us play nfs, carmagedon, car wars and etc and yea we like to play an MMORPG with cars
we, the AA comunity , hope that NetDevil will take back AA and relaunch it like they did with Jumpgate and please this time, ADVERTISE THE GAME
I still have not figured out how they managed to make a game with cars and guns and screwed it up. Beta tested it until I could not force myself to log on anymore and with every session I was amazed at how "not fun" the game was after I had waited since Mad Max for a game with that concept.
I miss DAoC
played from beta all the way though till now (even quit guildwars and wow to play), low pop but no advertizing was done after the launch was pushed back the 1st time. hopfully netdevil takes it over like they did with jumpgate, it almost died too at one point. sad how very few non-fantasy mmos can survive in today's market. really sad i just bought a new 60 day timecard for ncsoft and the rest of their games suck
Sad that is.
I was kind of hoping then in two, three years it will become really good game. Too bad.
But then there were not enough "driving" in it. So it didn't appeal to car games fans. At least I was excited about driving idea but then with AA, well you "were a car" but there was no "driving car" in it.
Anyway too bad for AA.
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
bummer, should have activated the account this weekend to get a little bit in. ah well.
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
NCsoft doesn't support the free to play? Guild Wars isn't free to play?
i can't believe that they have spent years in developing this title, and now decide to close the doors definitely...
all that they have to do is to leave the servers up... is it impossible? other games such RFonline and Archlord have done this... why can't be the same for Auto Assault?
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
NCsoft doesn't support the free to play? Guild Wars isn't free to play?
i can't believe that they have spent years in developing this title, and now decide to close the doors definitely...
all that they have to do is to leave the servers up... is it impossible? other games such RFonline and Archlord have done this... why can't be the same for Auto Assault?
If you feel that strongly about it, go over to the official forum and suggest it before the doors close. You are wasting your time talking about it here.
Make sure to tell them how you think they might make money with your plan.
Read the interview, they made it clear that they are trying to run a business, not operate a charity.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
Auto Assault wasn't an MMORPG, it was an online MMO version of the early arcade game "Spy Hunter". It was a bad concept for a pay to play MMO. It might have done better if it had followed the free to play model of the "Battlefield" series.
I played it, and it played just like a cheap console video game.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
AA has no such franchise to draw upon (maybe the game should have been called Mad Max, Return to Vengence?) so therefore was a tough sell. Couple that with a less than stellar launch (so many games fall victim to this) and player resistance to new concepts and you get no one interested in playing.
Regardless of what we want, people are far more comfortable with games that have humanoid avatars, EVE is even putting them in at player request because some folks just need to "see" their character, and manipulate him/her. Fantasy RPG's fill this need, which is one ( but certainly not the only) reason why they are successful.
For a new concept to be successful designers are going to have to bring to market an extremely well made and fun game, otherwise it will have no chance of being adopted. EVE is a great game, but remains in a niche because it doesn't cater to the desires of a larger segment of the gaming market.... AA apparently had even less appeal.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
I had high hopes for Auto Assault... played in beta.. had those hopes dashed. I got the feeling then, and nothing I've seen has changed my mind that a lot of other people felt exactly the same way. This could have been a huge runaway success, except for a couple issues:
First off, the launch/beta issues that have been catalogued and obsessed over by the devs really hurt the game's chances. If you drive away all the potential "early adopters" of a game, then somehow you've got to create buzz and survive on the casual folks who stumble across a game on the store shelves. You better have the best damn game in the universe if you try that approach.
Secondly, I think a lot of us who could get over all the early troubles, were hoping for more Interstate 76, and less Twisted Metal. Ultimately, I think a less arcade feel to the main experience would have served the game better. People like to say that no one wants to "be a car"... but plenty of games have given you a better feel for being in a car, without having a little model person sitting in it.
I'm sorry to see any game close its doors... just not sorry enough to spend the time and money being just one of the many many people necessary to keep it from happening.
I think they should give the game one more chance with a free to play model supported by in-game advertising. They should be able to draw in a decent amount of active players if free, and they could then make money via advertisements. This game would work fine with advertising without detracting from the atmosphere of the game. They could have billboards, name brand car parts, and even name brand manufacturers for the cars.
Don't worry, SOE will buy AA and add it to the Station Pass......
Currently Playing: DAOC Uthgard
Previously Played: UO, DAOC, Shadowbane, AC2, SWG, Horizons, COX, WOW, EQ2, LOTRO, AOC, WAR, Vanguard, Rift, SWTOR, ESO, GW2.
Release the source code and let the general population make it into something worthwhile. We're pretty good at mod'ing, let us have a crack at it. Maybe we could even add a better out-of-vehicle experience. Who knows...
- Mal
Usually im burnout of MMO's; prefer scifi, not fantasy and was tired of the endless WoW-cloning out there. So i gave it a try to AA this weekend and found out that there is more than the betrayed SWG and EVE as options. I really like AA. And now i find myself with a closing door and MMO's diversity seriously damaged.
I understand this is a bussiness and if they are not getting the numbers then its all done with that, but anyhows is sad that a good game fades away.
And yes, its a good game, or at least i find it specially good and original. I cant stand more elven and dorfs. Blegh.
Plz, NCSoft, make Dungeon Runners p2p and convert AA to f2p!!!! It'd be a good move, sirs!
It is a question of fangs.
While I'm not positive on this, I don't believe NCSoft supports the free to play model..... Nor is there any real evidence that investing money in such a system would pay out in the long run....
Err Dungeon Runners ?
Whilst NcSoft have said this is an experiment it is F2P as is Guild Wars if you Exclude the regular Expansions.
I remember beta testing this game. It was nice, a good idea, but there just wasn't enough there for me to warrant a monthly fee. In the beginning the physics were way off, but the overall idea was ok. It just felt too much like EvE - target and auto-shoot. That got old very quickly (not that I have anything against EvE). Unfortunately, driving around a landscape, doing the same auto-attack thing just got too old, too quick for me. As a sandbox game, with the ability to make towns and outposts, and such, it might have been cooler.
Its a shame as it was a step in a different direction for mmorpgs involving racing and that. This will go on the dead mmo list with AC2 and E&B with no doubt people fondly reminescing AA when its gone.
It's a shame, because I would have reinstalled AA if it was part of the plan. Ah well, hope ND have fun in LEGOland.
If they had made this game with real historic vehicle models instead of the futuristic crap then I think it would have done so much better. It should have been a giant Interstate 76/82 type of game.
I hope other companies out there don't get put off trying new things in MMO's like this one did, they just need to see what the market really wants first.
The game failed for one simple reason - it was bad. No other reason.
The physics were lousy and it was next to impossible to move your 'character/car'. They had a terrible, hard-to-control engine and yet the zones were designed with ditches and obstacles that could result in getting trapped for 5 minutes trying to move.
They say it's nearly impossible to kill a MMORPG. Matrix Online is still going. What does that say about this game?
Boring gameplay is the same as bad gameplay. The only thing that is surprising it why NCSoft didn't shut the game down before it was released instead of losing money on it.
Going by that its easy to determine WoW clones are the way to go. MMORPG.com members isnt the market and for all of the people who whine about wanting something original the numbers point to same ol same ol. Unfortunately original ideas have historically been badly implemented but i dont blame devs for it...a lot of the problem stems from the fact that investors see the market and the market doesnt want new, original and fresh ideas. So original projects are highly dangerous ventures which few undertake and thus most of those projects are vastly underfunded. Im not saying AA was perfect or anything of the sorts, but it wasnt a horrible game imo. I enjoyed it for what it was.
I personaly would like to see more and more companies try something new and dare to be different. At some point one of them will get it right and they may get the genre some much needed variety. Nintendo has done this twice (DS/Wii) and they have shown that sometimes risky ventures can pay off and bring something new to the table. A hardcore gamer may not be in love with a Wii but they cant deny that its a fun machine to play in when you got some friends around and such.
I have tried all of NC SOFT's games and ive never had a gripe with them, the cancellation of AA will be my 1st, i really believe they could have tried another model or simply lower the monthly fee. I dont work for them so i dont know what really happened, but imo there were a lot of options to try before simply shutting down the game. Either way RIP AA
Boring gameplay is the same as bad gameplay. The only thing that is surprising it why NCSoft didn't shut the game down before it was released instead of losing money on it.
Beyond Good and Evil and Riddick didn't sell A LOT or have a lot of players and neither really reached the high aclade of the players.
Phantom Crash as well, an awesome game for the Xbox just before live hit, but again not many went out and bought it, or played it.
So in other words, a game doesn't fail because it's bad, it fails because it doesn't attract the right numbers.
less talking rot please
thank you !
The company in this case were at least semi-bright in shutting down the game, rather than doing an SoE and keeping crap games going and going. At least this will make sure that they'll work on a new game with the full team and have the knowledge not to make the same mistake twice.
If only Codemasters and SoE had a few brain cells and did this with some of their games
"The game failed for one simple reason - it was bad. No other reason."
That's your opinion man, and you're entitled to it.
However, I will always continue to say that: "I love Auto Assault!"
It is a thrilling, fun game imao, and I will continue to look for similar games to it any day, over those games that have you walk up to an elf, smack him until dead, then rinse and repeat. *yawn* I know most of the people here who are jumping up and down on AA's grave seem to like that kind of game play, but if they had experienced the thrill of 20 vehicles piled on top of each other trying to kill each other, then maybe they would be singing a different tune on these boards.
I have no regrets for playing Auto Assault over the past year. I have loved every minute of it, and am very sad to see it go.
My question for those who like to just come here and yell 'I told you so', why aren't you on the forums of your favorite MMO singing it's praises, rather than come here and tell me that I shouldn't have wasted my time on Auto Assault?
I will always love Auto Assault, and I will always cherish the months of excitement, fun and the pure adrenaline rush that AA always gave me whenever I played it. The vehicles were easy to drive imao, and the gameplay was non-stop action.
Yes, it had a low population base, but the friends that I have made in the game I will keep as friends for years to come. How many close friends can you honestly say you've made in a game where you are just considered a statistic - no more than a number?
Well, that's my 2 cents ne ways.
Thanks for all the great times Auto Assault! Rock on!