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Adventurers are way too powerful!

aosniperaosniper Member Posts: 8

Adventurers as they stand currently are just unstoppable in PvP. They have evades so you cant perk them, heals that can be chained almost infinitely, immunity to roots and snares, enough runspeed to kite a fixer, and multiple high damage special attacks and perks. There is seriously something wrong with this picture and something NEEDS to be done about it. They have 3, yes count them 3 different perk lines that add evades, the biggest being acrobat. Combine that with bio cocoon, spatial displacement, resistance nanos, and heals and you are pretty much untouchable. My recommendation? Remove acrobat and spatial displacement from the adventurer perkset or just do something, anything really to bring them down to the standards of the other classes. Currently an advy can run into a blob of 15 or so people and come out alive, no other class can do that, and for good reasons.


  • gerry7gerry7 Member Posts: 53
    wow i might make an adventurer then... lol

    i havnt got the game but im thinkin about downloading it. by your post it seems like adventurers pwn in pvp, sounds like my type of class lol


  • aosniperaosniper Member Posts: 8
    Originally posted by gerry7

    wow i might make an adventurer then... lol

    i havnt got the game but im thinkin about downloading it. by your post it seems like adventurers pwn in pvp, sounds like my type of class lol
    I will find you in the game and destroy you! Nah jk...but yeah they made the adventurers way too powerful...if I had known this earlier I would have used the build instead.
  • CaniguaCanigua Member Posts: 233
    Originally posted by aosniper

    I will find you in the game and destroy you! Nah jk...but yeah they made the adventurers way too powerful...if I had known this earlier I would have used the build instead.

    LOL,so your real complaint is that you didn't know early enough they was powerfull,so you could make one yourself instead of your squizy NT or whatever you made?

    This is just another nerf whine.

    Why not be alittle constructive and produce some ideas of what abillitys/nano's/perrk's your character need to be competive,instead of this lame nerf calling,and that in a wayoff forum no FC people wander,lame

  • KrebulKrebul Member Posts: 46

    Well, there are some serious class balance issues in AO that cant be fixed.  How about the Agent who is basically a doctor with a rifle??  Have you ever seen an agent not in FP doc mode??  Massive Range DPS, Stealth, Unlimited chain healing.  Crazy..

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  • aosniperaosniper Member Posts: 8
    Well you know its feeling of darn...I should of started with that kind of character! I am bitter that I spent a lot of my time development the current I have. I think you know what I am coming from with this thought.
  • MchartMchart Member Posts: 42
    It really depends on what level you are PvPing. Trader is overall an extremely weak class, but if properly equipped at around level 100 they are excellent in PvP. My moderatly twinked 130 soldier can kick the snot out of any adventurer easily, same goes with agents. At those levels they are just not overall too very good. However, at level 220 adventurers, docs, and agents are easily the best. You don't even have to be a very good player and you will be able to easily win in PvP with a 220 doc.
  • -aLpHa--aLpHa- Member UncommonPosts: 852

    Lol adv are still too overpowered? i played the Game when Shadowlands came out and the first 220 started to spread out. They were really unstoppable same goes for Doctor btw.

  • Wardz7Wardz7 Member Posts: 8
    advys are FC's love child, but what bout agents at lvl 160/170, mimic doc+AS = owned
  • Stith16Stith16 Member Posts: 113

    those adventures can turn into birds, thats over powering!


  • MandyMandy Member Posts: 132


    Back when I was really into anarchy, Doctors were like kick ass! I could beat enforcers soldiers and about anyone else.  all of this was before shadowlands


    I stuck around a until A.I., then moved on. To this day I still think anarchy was the best MMORPG I played. but Maybe thats because it was me first. 

  • YeeboYeebo Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    Being able to turn into a parrot freaking rocked.  Healing yourself and being pretty good with pistols didn't suck either, as I recall.  I only played for a month, but AO was a pretty fun game.

    I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.

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