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City of Heroes: Exploring Issue 9: Breakthrough

AdminAdmin Administrator RarePosts: 5,623

New writer David Murrieta explores the recent Issue 9: Breakthrough expansion that was released for City of Heroes / City of Villains and offers his insight into the addition. A preview of the article is below:

Breakthrough", the title for City of Heroes' ninth expansion, accurately describes the purpose and idea behind what Cryptic hopes to do: cracking their own original design models, once again, in order to present the playerbase with an innovative system to add to their game. I'm referring, of course, to the hugely hyped Inventions System, which are Issue 9's main addition. It caused, ever since it was announced, a considerable number of debates among players who believed, like the developers themselves once did, that loot and crafting were definitely out of the question in a game about superheroes and crime fighting. Almost inevitably, though, Inventions happened, and after a month of the expansion's release, we're starting to see the effects.

The economy that players in followed, in general, was the first thing to be affected directly, indirectly affecting other things like slotting options and build plans. While Base Construction with Issue 6 brought some changes to the way players earned and spent their Influence, the impact enormously decreased within little time, and heroes who created a balance between playing in Supergroup Mode or not stabilized their earnings back to numbers very similar to those they were previously used to. Taking that into account, will the same happen with this new Issue?

You can check out the full article at this link.

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The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.


  • AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

    Niak niak niak.  The writer is a "lier". 


    I belong to the group of peoples who: "Always play in SG mode (millions of prestige I earn, yes I did) and relly on their first character".


    However, I can afford the rarest stuff and pay premium prices, despite the fact I am constantly broken (lack of wisdom?).  I stop playing in SG mode since I9 and nobody will ever complain, they see the millions of prestige after all...and I earn between 5 to 10 millions of infamy every day in pure raw money + whatever I sell...I did sell 10 Nucleous for 8 millions a piece...and I am still broken!  I buy Numina unique a week ago or two for 22 millions, I also buy regen tissue unique for something like 10 millions quite a while back...and I also buy ton of stuff like KB protection, kismet + acc and so on.  As you see, buying Numina's unique is not even a week of work, and I buy other stuff in the same time and may even get some cool drops...the main problem is the availability of the Numina's unique...


    1 of my character is 90% completely decked...and another is about 50% completed...and 3 others are merely started.



    However, the writter babbles even longer then me...I am unsure he is aware of the following:  YOU EARN MORE SALVAGES IF YOU PLAY outside of the VG mode.  Yup, that is right, if you play in VG mode, you will get less salvages (actually, you will get base salvage more often, less salvages that are used in the invention system).


    PS: I would recommend that peoples get the cheap part first.  See, get the resist/defense sets, get the weird sets, get all the cheap stuff first, then move to Mako, Devastation, and the weird stuff like KB protection, then finally go to the healing.  Healing is overpriced atm and with players been /regen, they have to reconsider that on a design level.


    PPS: Stateman Task Force is EASIER then the RSF (villain counterpart), but take at least twice longer.  See, Heroes are stronger then Villains in team.  They also can single pull each and every AV with little troubles.  The hardest fight, Recluse himself, is still easier then fighting the 5 Vindicators (Malaise, Swan, Val, Lum and Mynx).  Nothing is even remotedly close to the challenge of the 8 heroes final fight the Villains have to face with weakers characters.  GW, Mako and Recluse are definitely stronger then any Heroes, comparing to Positron and Stateman, yet still slightly stronger then these fight recluse alone...and GW and Mako can be single even if they are harder then any single is easy to single pull them.  As I said, the Stateman TF is longer...much longer then the RSF, yet it is a LOT easier.  Any players who can bypass the Vindicators in the RSF will find little troubles to complete the STF if they pay attention to the particuliar challenges and aspect...if you have peoples who melee GW pointlessly (aka blasters), then you deserve to wipe.  But again, facing the Vindicators was at least an equal challenge then the hardest challenge of this TF.  Many guides are written, for example, to take Recluse himself, you only need 1 stoner, 1 healer for the stoner, and a group of 6 other that can deal damage to the pillar...which is quite easy when compared to facing the RSF.


    PPPS: The Hamidon encounter should be easier for Heroes...yet...they keep wiping and failing a lot...while Villains...the few who do it, they succeed.  Heroes are designed for TEAMS...they are stronger in teams and in raids...

    - "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren

  • Originally posted by Anofalye

    Niak niak niak.  The writer is a "lier". 
    I belong to the group of peoples who: "Always play in SG mode (millions of prestige I earn, yes I did) and relly on their first character".
    However, I can afford the rarest stuff and pay premium prices, despite the fact I am constantly broken (lack of wisdom?).  I stop playing in SG mode since I9 and nobody will ever complain, they see the millions of prestige after all...and I earn between 5 to 10 millions of infamy every day in pure raw money + whatever I sell...I did sell 10 Nucleous for 8 millions a piece...and I am still broken!  I buy Numina unique a week ago or two for 22 millions, I also buy regen tissue unique for something like 10 millions quite a while back...and I also buy ton of stuff like KB protection, kismet + acc and so on.  As you see, buying Numina's unique is not even a week of work, and I buy other stuff in the same time and may even get some cool drops...the main problem is the availability of the Numina's unique...
    1 of my character is 90% completely decked...and another is about 50% completed...and 3 others are merely started.
    However, the writter babbles even longer then me...I am unsure he is aware of the following:  YOU EARN MORE SALVAGES IF YOU PLAY outside of the VG mode.  Yup, that is right, if you play in VG mode, you will get less salvages (actually, you will get base salvage more often, less salvages that are used in the invention system).
    PS: I would recommend that peoples get the cheap part first.  See, get the resist/defense sets, get the weird sets, get all the cheap stuff first, then move to Mako, Devastation, and the weird stuff like KB protection, then finally go to the healing.  Healing is overpriced atm and with players been /regen, they have to reconsider that on a design level.
    PPS: Stateman Task Force is EASIER then the RSF (villain counterpart), but take at least twice longer.  See, Heroes are stronger then Villains in team.  They also can single pull each and every AV with little troubles.  The hardest fight, Recluse himself, is still easier then fighting the 5 Vindicators (Malaise, Swan, Val, Lum and Mynx).  Nothing is even remotedly close to the challenge of the 8 heroes final fight the Villains have to face with weakers characters.  GW, Mako and Recluse are definitely stronger then any Heroes, comparing to Positron and Stateman, yet still slightly stronger then these fight recluse alone...and GW and Mako can be single even if they are harder then any single is easy to single pull them.  As I said, the Stateman TF is longer...much longer then the RSF, yet it is a LOT easier.  Any players who can bypass the Vindicators in the RSF will find little troubles to complete the STF if they pay attention to the particuliar challenges and aspect...if you have peoples who melee GW pointlessly (aka blasters), then you deserve to wipe.  But again, facing the Vindicators was at least an equal challenge then the hardest challenge of this TF.  Many guides are written, for example, to take Recluse himself, you only need 1 stoner, 1 healer for the stoner, and a group of 6 other that can deal damage to the pillar...which is quite easy when compared to facing the RSF.
    PPPS: The Hamidon encounter should be easier for Heroes...yet...they keep wiping and failing a lot...while Villains...the few who do it, they succeed.  Heroes are designed for TEAMS...they are stronger in teams and in raids...


    AAAHHH so you are one of them that drive up the prices on the market!!!


    i am just thankful I outfitted my toons w/ Hammi's Pre-issue 9.. since i dont thave the time for a "new Style" Hammy raid these days.  On my villians, ack the'll never get them unless i Lowball and win on the BM lol



  • I'm not bothering with inventions now. I purchased everything to slot a lvl 40 Sting of the Manticore for my lvl 41 blaster and the whole set did less damage and had less accuracy than just slotting two acc and 3 dam SO's but cost me 8 million for everything through the auction house.  I would love to run the task forces and trials to earn the items necessary for the "Epic" IO"s but...

    1. I don't have the time

    2. When I do have the time I'm never able to find a team doing the TF/Trial

    3. The rewards are random so I may not get what I need/want anyway.

  • DrowNobleDrowNoble Member UncommonPosts: 1,297

    I am enjoying I9 but am not going out of my way to get every possible IO for my toons.  If I happen to get lucky and find a nice recipe great, if not my SO's are working just fine.  I have equipped my under 20 toons with mostly IO's as the basic ones are still a bit better than a DO.

    As for the taskforce opinion varies really.  Some have sworn the STF is ridiculously hard, while others said they had no trouble.  *shrugs*  Probably due to more the makeup of the team and the skill of the players.

  • TARDISjunkieTARDISjunkie Member UncommonPosts: 60

    I'm actually having a really good time with the new expansion.  Inventions was precisely what CoX needed to become interesting again--and this is coming from someone who had serious concerns regarding the introduction of an "economy" to what had been an economy-less game.  Granted, the prices on the market are utterly and completely borked right now--but they're already less borked than they were when the system went live.  Pieces that were selling for 1+ million are now averaging around 500k.  My lvl 25 Mastermind has roughly the same amount of Influence/Infamy as my lvl 43 Blaster, so I'm a right happy bastard. :p  Costume piece drops are ultra ultra ultra super duper extremo RARE, which I think needs to be stepped up; even the apparently-least-desired pieces, like Rocket Boots and Winged Boots, are going for just shy of 2 million.  That's really my sole complaint with the situation thus far, and I imagine that within a few months, things will stabilize even further and things will become moderately more affordable (read: wait for all the 50's to get all their characters outfitted).  Additionally, while I've never been much for raids--or TFs, for that matter--the new Statesman's TF and the revamped Hami raid sound very appealing.  The one Hami raid I tried to get in on was an unmitigated disaster.  By the time I managed to get a response out of anyone about what I needed to be doing (bear in mind there were easily 100 f***ing heroes standing around, and none of them responding), I had already taken one (1) hit and died.  In other words, ANY change to a Hami raid is a good thing.  Also, anything that reduces the status of a rad/rad defender from "MUST HAVE" to "yeah, that'd be cool" is a grand advancement.

    In short, while I had some severe concerns regarding I9, I'm overall pretty pleased with it.  Having just earned my 33-month vet reward in April, this was exactly the breath of fresh air CoX needed.  With the announcement of new Scrapper powersets coming out soon(tm), things are only continuing to look up.

  • ArcAngel3ArcAngel3 Member Posts: 2,931

    I'm really liking the invention system.  I was concerned about the price of some enhancement recipes I wanted, but this concern went away when I randomly looted some rare salvage.  I didn't need it for anything so I sold it and immediately had enough to buy 2 of the recipes I was looking for to complete a set ^_^. 

    For anyone discouraged about price, the same thing could happen to you.  You may get a rare piece of salvage or a rare recipe drop that you don't need at any time.  Either could sell for a few million bucks, and then you can shop 'till you drop lol.  Btw one of the recipes I bought is only found in a trial.  Because I was able to sell my salvage and buy the recipe, I didn't have to do the trial--pretty cool.

    I'm getting one of my heroes all outfitted with Invention Ehancement sets, then I'll start on another.  My favourite set so far is the sniper "Sting of the Manticore."  I'm liking the bonuses I'm getting to all of my powers from completing the set.

    My health point regen is up 12%, my accuracy for all powers is up 7%.  I also recover endurance faster, and all powers recharge faster as well, all from invention enhancement sets.  The bonuses are sweet.


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