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I'm now a scared carebear

dacanbedacanbe Member Posts: 1

I stopped playing Eve online for many months, I gave my stuff to my corpmates and cancelled my sub. Lately I decided to resub and found myself alone in a station with a tiny frigate and a pilot with no clone (yeah I decided to take a break after my corp got massively asskicked in 0.0  I didn't bought a new clone ).

I would like to go back in low sec but I'm scared to loose my pilot and thousands of skillpoints. So I need to earn more than 20M Isk before putting a toe in lowsec.

What kind of advice could you give me ? I stopped for so long that I don't know what kind of safe activity is now providing the most money. I could sure spend months mining but low sec is where I really enjoyed the game. I know my question sounds stupid but here it is : what is the fastest way to make money in Hi-Sec ?



  • SoulfreeWSoulfreeW Member Posts: 34

    Missions if you dont wanna mine i guess.

  • damian7damian7 Member Posts: 4,449
    Originally posted by dacanbe

    I stopped playing Eve online for many months, I gave my stuff to my corpmates and cancelled my sub. Lately I decided to resub and found myself alone in a station with a tiny frigate and a pilot with no clone (yeah I decided to take a break after my corp got massively asskicked in 0.0  I didn't bought a new clone ).
    I would like to go back in low sec but I'm scared to loose my pilot and thousands of skillpoints. So I need to earn more than 20M Isk before putting a toe in lowsec.
    What kind of advice could you give me ? I stopped for so long that I don't know what kind of safe activity is now providing the most money. I could sure spend months mining but low sec is where I really enjoyed the game. I know my question sounds stupid but here it is : what is the fastest way to make money in Hi-Sec ?
    honestly, it depends on the skills you have.

    lvl 4 missions & trading are both quite lucrative, if you've got the skills for them.   exploration and lucking into some good sites would also be an option.

    oh wait, there was an eve-o post, let me find it.

    that has a few ideas.

    could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?

  • Stumpy26Stumpy26 Member Posts: 189

    LOL I love the title of your post

    I have some time this afternoon if you leave your ingame name here I can convo you and help you out if you wish.

    Welcome back to EVE btw

  • TaramTaram Member CommonPosts: 1,700
    Fastest way to get back on your feet:

    Sell a Game Time Code for Isk.  Perfectly legal, legit and sanctioned and supported by CCP

    Instant 150mil ISK or so.

    I've never done it but if I were in dire straights and didn't want to waste time recovering I'd certainly consider it.

    "A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell

  • RehmesRehmes Member Posts: 600

    Originally posted by laminblake <Mod edit>

    Those are the kind of actions that ruin games.
    To the OP:
    You can run some missions for a while, join a corp that is willing to help you out and in no time u can be experiencing the low sec life you once loved. Buying isk is only going to contribute to ruining the game you enjoy playing.

  • SnikesSnikes Member UncommonPosts: 76
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