Is there actually a point to these jiant time wasters?... i have to admit that there are some pretty cool games out there and that i have gotten hocked on some of them, but i have a life so i stopped.
, so that i wouldnt end up like cartman in that southpark spisode make love not warcraft, if u havent seen it download it off limewire or something, its hillarious and totaly true.
It's not a problem to "have a life" while still enjoying video games.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
To imply that those people that take playing mmorpg's ( ie.." video games") have no life is a very narrow minded view. Most often, viewpoints such as this are born out of ignorance.
What's the point of baseball then?, soccer, golf...ect
What's the point of watching TV?....Tv isn't real ya know...even the news is so twisted by political bias I wouldn't consider that real either.
What's the point behind reading books of fiction? ....or a magazine?
What's the point behind watching a NASCAR race? ...seriously....what IS the point there? ...I don't get that one either...I think it's to wait for the car crashes...anyways....
What's the point of asking a bunch of " no life" having gamers why they play video games?
I am a 35 year old ...father of 3 ...happily married a full time job ..making good money that allows me enough time off to enjoy my time online as well as enjoy my family. Sometimes they play online too....sometimes not. Always their needs are greater than my desire to kill dragons in a fictional world.
The South Park image of a group of guys on LAN playing WoW in mom's basement who won't even get up to take a crap because they are too into the simply not true.
I have members in my guild who have led a full life...retired...have plenty of money..married...grandfathers even who love to play online.
I have members in my guild who are very ill...some barely have enough energy to leave the house on most days. To them...the ability to playing a game online and build relationships with other gamers is priceless. It is their only real connection to the outside world on a public level. I played with one guy for a couple years in Horizons who had severe heart conditions....he died...I had the honor of getting to know him and sharing his gaming world for the last two years of his life....I was in a position as guild leader to help him forget about his troubles a bit and almost feel like a normal person for awhile...what's the point of that???
You should ask those people ( there are more than you think ) what is the point of gaming online? or gaming in general even?
This is probably just a flame bait thread...but I felt the need to respond anyways.
The world is changing...the way people interact is changing very quickly. This is all part of it. My kids have no idea of what life was like without the internet. It is simply impossible for them to imagine....much like I have difficulty imagining what life was like before television, cars, even.
What's the point...behind asking...whats the point ?
The sad fact is that I somewhat believe that sentiment. People have endless ways of creating drama and conflict.
That is so true. It's like...without pain and/or misery..they don't feel alive. Many need others to join them in order to justify their own thoughts towards a subject matter.
Maybe in a few thousand years we can ( myself included..I'm not innocent either ) evolve beyond this.
I think much of the drama and such that we all create is born out of having too much time on our hands really. I was watching this movie that accurately depicted what life was like back in the pioneer days of America. Now those pioneer folks...THEY had it rough. They had to build their own house, protect them and their families by any means necessary, get their own food. There was no " job " ..there was only survival. If you didn't do what you had to died...your family died..simple as that. Even if you did everything perfect...many still died.....why? for a chance to live in a new land. They took unbelievable risks just to be free. So their kids and grandkids can be free....and / or have a better life.
I bet it would change my perspective on life if I had to wake up at 5am...go hunting for a day..knowing..that if I didn't find something to kill and family would not have anything to eat that night...this is neither here nor there....just something to chew on.
Entertainment? Recreation? Fun? Amusement? Enjoyment?
Nah, couldn't be any of those. Fun is for losers. Only people with no life have time for any sort of recreational activities, like playing video games, or posting on webforums, or watching South Park.
Why did you watch that episode of South Park you referenced in your post? What was the point? Was it a religious experience? Did you get paid for it? Was it required viewing for a college course? You didn't watch it just for fun, did you? Shame on you, wasting your time like that.
Well OP its very clear to me that you have absolutely no apprehension of what gaming is about for most people.
Its about having fun.
"I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said..Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?...No, but i served in a company of heroes"
Sgt. Mike Ranney E-company 506PIR 101'st airborn
though in many mmorpg players seem to have forgotten that part, as illustrated by the OP
*Brain down for upgrade, don't try to understand my logic, I don't...*
Any hobby or entertainment has a tendency for us to overdo them, just because we are human and humans like comfort (who doesn't?). I doubt you'll find anything fun to do in "your real life" if this point of view persists...
Same as the point of films.
You are correct.
You should stop playing them.
* Go back to school
* Learn to spell
* Learn to compose
* Learn English
* Learn to think
'Nuff said.
I enjoy vid games SO much more than TV or movies they aren't even in the same galaxy. However I enjoy walking the dogs, tennis, hiking, Geocaching, board games with my kids, working in the yard more than video games. They are just one more pleasent aspect of this wonderful life I have been blessed to wander into. Many of the current grind/raid MMORPG do end up feeling like work and that is when I quit them.
Currently I'm playing Planetside 3-4 hours a night with my 8 year old (after homework and outdoor play) and we are having a blast! He loves playing and even does alot of imaginative play in real life using terms from the game.
Currently Playing: Everything but MMORPGs
Cancelled: L2, FFXI, VSoH, LotRO, WAR, WoW
Looking Forward To: SW:TOR
Gaming is about selling accounts in e-bay! Nothing else! If someone tells you otherwise, ILLUMINATE THEM WITH THE TRUTH!
Or a flashlight. And then run away.