Originally posted by Xeratix Well sey there boh pros, would a rogue have ore chance starting at stealth
In a duel? No.
The Hunter can open with flare and a trap, and keep them up at all times since the cooldown is shorter than the duration. The Rogue will have NO chance of getting the jump.
In open PvP in a world setting? Absolutely.
Part of the Rogue's power is his ability to pick and choose his fights. If the Hunter looks like he is prepared, then walk away. If not... start stabbing.
Originally posted by Xeratix WoW nice tip.... and last em What would you roll, personally for pvp and fun....(DOnt give an (it depends answer lol))
Each class has its ups and downs.
Rogues are fun with stealth, but they depend on being able to control the fight. If a battle gets out of hand, the Rogue is usually the first to back out (or get killed).
Hunters are awesome at ranged and can crank out the damage, but up close and personal they just can't stand toe-to-toe. Traps and a pet can help, but it's usually too late.
The list goes on and on. Each class has something that makes you go "oh, that's fun" but they also can be murdered with relative ease. It's all about playing your cards as they're dealt and handling the situation as it unfolds.
Actually, in a duel, yes the rogue can get the jump. Assuming they aren't hardware or connection challenged.
Shadowstep in the subtlety tree allows for a split second to open up. I've dueled many a hunter, since BC, and shadow step has been the only way to get the opener. If you're combat or assassin spec, you'll have an issue.
*edit* To answer the "what would you roll question"
It would be a toss up between a hunter or rogue.
The shaman has lacked in talent "progression" that a lot of the other classes have received.
Granted Resto is still an amazing spec for survivability, but you don't get the joy of "killing blows"
A subtlety rogue with 1800+ AP and 30% crit would definately own face.
Then again, a Marks spec hunter with over 1600 RaP would drop things nicely.
Even a survival spec hunter with 50% crit and those 2200 raptor hits would be fun.
I think we all know a Rogue could whip a Shammy, but could The Stealth Master also beat a Hunter???
What is this "we all know a Rogue could whip a Shammy" talk? You obviously haven't seen a good shammy at work! I will admit that rogue are better at PvP than a shammy but I've kicked many rogues trying to gank me (and in BGs/Duels) in my day and I definitely would not make that a "matter of fact."
No one class is better than another. If yu believe that you are easily duped. It boils down to:
1) Level
2) Gear
3) Spec
and that is it. If you want to add skill to inflate your ego but I can take a complete tard who is in a little better gear or little higher level and kick the crap out of you. It is all gear, spec, and level THAT IS IT!!!!!
No one class is better than another. If yu believe that you are easily duped. It boils down to:
1) Level 2) Gear 3) Spec and that is it. If you want to add skill to inflate your ego but I can take a complete tard who is in a little better gear or little higher level and kick the crap out of you. It is all gear, spec, and level THAT IS IT!!!!!
That's not true. You can't tell me that a mage has as much potential to be good at PvP than a rogue. Now you can say that no class is better than another in general. But when you're looking at specific aspects of the game certain classes were built to do certain things. Rogues are most definitely built for PvP. However, a mage can out-DPS a rogue in a party any day. Different classes were built for different purposes. This you cannot deny. After you get past that then yes it's based on LVL, Gear, and Spec. But when I did a lot of PvP on my shammy back in the day I could take on people 3-4 lvls above me easily. So, those are not the only factors.
No one class is better than another. If yu believe that you are easily duped. It boils down to:
1) Level 2) Gear 3) Spec and that is it. If you want to add skill to inflate your ego but I can take a complete tard who is in a little better gear or little higher level and kick the crap out of you. It is all gear, spec, and level THAT IS IT!!!!!
That's not true. You can't tell me that a mage has as much potential to be good at PvP than a rogue. Now you can say that no class is better than another in general. But when you're looking at specific aspects of the game certain classes were built to do certain things. Rogues are most definitely built for PvP. However, a mage can out-DPS a rogue in a party any day. Different classes were built for different purposes. This you cannot deny. After you get past that then yes it's based on LVL, Gear, and Spec. But when I did a lot of PvP on my shammy back in the day I could take on people 3-4 lvls above me easily. So, those are not the only factors.
-Benhamine If played correctly, rogues out-dps anyone by far on single targets, however multiple targets, they loose.
Actually it is. A rogue is only tough when they get the drop on you and can keep you stunned. Most ppeople do not have resistance to mages spells unless they have specific gear. I have seen fire mages decimate people in one or two hits so they are just as viable in PvP. Only problem is they burn out quick once they burn through their mana then they are useless where a rogue only has to wait on his energy to come back up which tkaes a lot less time. Again it is all spec, level, gear, and maybe oprotunity as far as who gets the drop on the other one. I hate to burst you pvp nuts out there but skill has little to do with it.
Depends what you mean by multiple. If you mean facing 2 to 1 odds, the rogue has a better chance. If you mean in a mass melee the hunter is better at attacking multiple targets. He just needs to tab to change who he's fighting whilst the rogue needs to move up next to his intended target, despite any snares that may be put in his way.
Now i have only played a hunter to 28 and a rogue to 52. but personally i would say in open pvp. Shadowstep rogue > everything but Lock. my roommate plays his 1600 AP 70 SS rogue, and he has pulled out 3800 crit ambushes followed by 2200 backstabs. ON MAIL WEARERS. thats 6k damage within the first 3 seconds of the fight. if a rogue gets the jump on someone, ussually they win.
personnally i play a 61 mage now. lvl 70 spec is going to be 40/21/0. at 61 i have pulled out 5.6k damage with 2 pyros within 3 seconds of the first being in the air. but i cant stealth and im in cloth.
for rogues and hunters?i bet you five rogues are the best..but it doen't mean they are the best in overall...it depends on the owners strategy and skills actually
Jesus Christ, all classes are designed so that they can compete in PvP and PvE. If the player behind the character knows his tools and how to use them, every class stands a chance. If youre so much into statistics, the Damage Tiers on single target encounters are atm with T4:
Fire Mage>Combat Rogue>Affliction Lock>Mutilate Rogue - Tier 1
This may change drastically though with the upcoming T5 and T6 Sets where some classes scale a lot more to their equip than others. Weapon dependant classes will shine more than spellcasters since there is, given the necessary time and effort, more than 10 to 15 DPS single hand weapon damage to come which resembles a darn lot of +damage for casters that just isnt available at the current state.
PvP - It's as easy as this. Every class stands a chance against another because even the most pro gamers do not have the absolut equal equip/build and skill. Its about appropriate desicions in the right moment, and I am NOT talking about Battleground or Open-PvP (which is basically just ganking, you go for the enemy that looks weakest), im talking about Arena, where everyone comes up prepared and aware. In this setting, in my experience, in 2 vs 2, every single class combination can beat every other, you just need the right tactics, and i MEAN tactics.
Unfortunately, most of us dont have a very thorough understanding of how REAL fights work, half of it is psychology, even against high-skilled routine teams. And yes, you can beat a paladin and a offwarrior or the feared encounter of an lock and a shadow priest. Its all about separating.
Most teams just go in an hack n slash away, hoping that their burst damage is enough. That will lead to failure in many cases and give you some successes, even against good teams, because its a rock solid mediocre tactic. If youre lucky, lag helps, the opponent is not expecting it, it may even be a good tactic, BUT, using it all the time and making it the standard is VERY flawed.
So, well, I'm getting carried away I guess. What I wanted to say: NO class is automatically superior to another, in 1on1 duel situations some classes have extreme advantages, including the rogue or the mage, but in tactical 2v2, 3v3 or even 5v5 combat, every single class and specc can shine and make the day, from the holy priest to the affliction warlock.
I just know one thing, frost mages OWN a rogue if you know how to do it, if a rogue is stupid enough to go stealth around you, frost nova the retard when u think he is in range adn bam he is dead, and if u got chill or w/e its called, evertime u hit him with a frost spell or he hits u, he has a chance to get frozen in place, frost mages own and can do great crowd control, especially with freezing ppl in place with blizz or just running around shooting off arcane explosions while u run for your life, or blink out of stun n stuff. (I also think hunters if they have the right pet can own a rogue too, depends on the situation.)
Depends a great deal on who the Rogue and Hunter are, and the circumstances surrounding their fight.
Same goes for the Shaman. I wouldn't be so quick to say "we ALL know the Rogue will win every time."
In a duel? No.
The Hunter can open with flare and a trap, and keep them up at all times since the cooldown is shorter than the duration. The Rogue will have NO chance of getting the jump.
In open PvP in a world setting? Absolutely.
Part of the Rogue's power is his ability to pick and choose his fights. If the Hunter looks like he is prepared, then walk away. If not... start stabbing.
(DOnt give an (it depends answer lol))
Each class has its ups and downs.
Rogues are fun with stealth, but they depend on being able to control the fight. If a battle gets out of hand, the Rogue is usually the first to back out (or get killed).
Hunters are awesome at ranged and can crank out the damage, but up close and personal they just can't stand toe-to-toe. Traps and a pet can help, but it's usually too late.
The list goes on and on. Each class has something that makes you go "oh, that's fun" but they also can be murdered with relative ease. It's all about playing your cards as they're dealt and handling the situation as it unfolds.
Ok Im for rogues right now.... But rogues usally own alot but are they good at raid when fighting like.... say Dragons?
Actually, in a duel, yes the rogue can get the jump. Assuming they aren't hardware or connection challenged.
Shadowstep in the subtlety tree allows for a split second to open up. I've dueled many a hunter, since BC, and shadow step has been the only way to get the opener. If you're combat or assassin spec, you'll have an issue.
*edit* To answer the "what would you roll question"
It would be a toss up between a hunter or rogue.
The shaman has lacked in talent "progression" that a lot of the other classes have received.
Granted Resto is still an amazing spec for survivability, but you don't get the joy of "killing blows"
A subtlety rogue with 1800+ AP and 30% crit would definately own face.
Then again, a Marks spec hunter with over 1600 RaP would drop things nicely.
Even a survival spec hunter with 50% crit and those 2200 raptor hits would be fun.
{IT'S HERE}Tank and Spank: Two Gamers' Quest for a Good MMO{IT'S HERE}
No one class is better than another. If yu believe that you are easily duped. It boils down to:
1) Level
2) Gear
3) Spec
and that is it. If you want to add skill to inflate your ego but I can take a complete tard who is in a little better gear or little higher level and kick the crap out of you. It is all gear, spec, and level THAT IS IT!!!!!

{IT'S HERE}Tank and Spank: Two Gamers' Quest for a Good MMO{IT'S HERE}
-Benhamine If played correctly, rogues out-dps anyone by far on single targets, however multiple targets, they loose.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Now i have only played a hunter to 28 and a rogue to 52. but personally i would say in open pvp. Shadowstep rogue > everything but Lock. my roommate plays his 1600 AP 70 SS rogue, and he has pulled out 3800 crit ambushes followed by 2200 backstabs. ON MAIL WEARERS. thats 6k damage within the first 3 seconds of the fight. if a rogue gets the jump on someone, ussually they win.
personnally i play a 61 mage now. lvl 70 spec is going to be 40/21/0. at 61 i have pulled out 5.6k damage with 2 pyros within 3 seconds of the first being in the air. but i cant stealth and im in cloth.
Live, Breath, Cause. HaVoK
On my 4/5 T4 Resto Shaman, I've lost ONE fight to a rogue. This was an exceptional rogue, combat spec with thunderfury.
Even then, it was a long fight. To assume a rogue, in general, will beat a shaman... is idiocracy.
What about raids, and battlegrounds
Do Rogues still have fun fighting with a 70 player group against say Onyxia??
Or do they lack
Fire Mage>Combat Rogue>Affliction Lock>Mutilate Rogue - Tier 1
Destruction Lock>Trueshot Hunter>Ice Mage>Shaman>Offensive Warrior - Tier 2
Sub Rogue>Demonology Lock>Damage Paladin - Tier 3
This may change drastically though with the upcoming T5 and T6 Sets where some classes scale a lot more to their equip than others. Weapon dependant classes will shine more than spellcasters since there is, given the necessary time and effort, more than 10 to 15 DPS single hand weapon damage to come which resembles a darn lot of +damage for casters that just isnt available at the current state.
PvP - It's as easy as this. Every class stands a chance against another because even the most pro gamers do not have the absolut equal equip/build and skill. Its about appropriate desicions in the right moment, and I am NOT talking about Battleground or Open-PvP (which is basically just ganking, you go for the enemy that looks weakest), im talking about Arena, where everyone comes up prepared and aware. In this setting, in my experience, in 2 vs 2, every single class combination can beat every other, you just need the right tactics, and i MEAN tactics.
Unfortunately, most of us dont have a very thorough understanding of how REAL fights work, half of it is psychology, even against high-skilled routine teams. And yes, you can beat a paladin and a offwarrior or the feared encounter of an lock and a shadow priest. Its all about separating.
Most teams just go in an hack n slash away, hoping that their burst damage is enough. That will lead to failure in many cases and give you some successes, even against good teams, because its a rock solid mediocre tactic. If youre lucky, lag helps, the opponent is not expecting it, it may even be a good tactic, BUT, using it all the time and making it the standard is VERY flawed.
So, well, I'm getting carried away I guess. What I wanted to say: NO class is automatically superior to another, in 1on1 duel situations some classes have extreme advantages, including the rogue or the mage, but in tactical 2v2, 3v3 or even 5v5 combat, every single class and specc can shine and make the day, from the holy priest to the affliction warlock.
I just know one thing, frost mages OWN a rogue if you know how to do it, if a rogue is stupid enough to go stealth around you, frost nova the retard when u think he is in range adn bam he is dead, and if u got chill or w/e its called, evertime u hit him with a frost spell or he hits u, he has a chance to get frozen in place, frost mages own and can do great crowd control, especially with freezing ppl in place with blizz or just running around shooting off arcane explosions while u run for your life, or blink out of stun n stuff. (I also think hunters if they have the right pet can own a rogue too, depends on the situation.)
WoW addict.
Now Between Mage and Hunter which one should i roll?