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This game i can spot many KSer that ks without reason...........The Ingame Comunity is cold hearthed and i can said is when i ask question about in game system they won't reply. Most of them just do their own thing and ksing of course.
The high lvl player ks low lvl player mobs.........
on top of that i can see many botter hanging around the place.........
Player in this game is Greed For money..........they selling useless item for for a very high price....
not much player in 1 server and i can say this game has no potential at all to be the top mmorpg..............
Due to the less player in the server and the reason i think this game is not suitable for me at all.........
most of the game function is bugged...........e.g quest and kungfu learning.
if yet the community havent change i think this game will not last long........They might as well go bankrupt.
The gameplay is fun but the server comunity spoiled the whole game and the bugs as well.
awful game for a player 2 play althought it is free.
..............................................................................Comment first then backstap the game
who cares about english grammar
anyway this game won't last long either
1. " ask question about in game system they won't reply" --- I'm not high level, only OC7.
But the majority of the questions I get asked are things that can be located in the game's online guide and forums. Granted you have to do some searching sometimes and the information can be incomplete, but it's there if you dig. I myself have posted a short little bit about how to become a WuTang student. It's just plain laziness for those who want to ask someone in combat a question and then whine when they don't get an answer (and never looked in the guide). However I do know where you're coming from because when I first started out, I couldn't get an answer either. But that depends on the person you're asking. I try to answer what I can when I'm not in combat, but I also refer them to the game guide whenever possible. I was however able to get some questions answered when I finally became a student about the different roles from the players.
2. "high lvl player ks low lvl player mobs" ---- that can be because theyr'e trying to collect items for resource collecitons that aren't available except lower level...also maybe because they're tyring to work a skill. There are 2 stages of blue con enemies. You can still gain weapon xp off the light blue. They might be trying to help you out if thought you were overwhelmed. There are times I will go after something I can gain experience on then get swarmed by these low-level things. There are folks who are just jack-xxxxx t
though and I've met my share of them. There have also been times when someone else started whacking on the same thing I was..if I was there first I'm not leaving. there have been times that I ks'd by accident, especially when crowded amongst a bucnh of mobs but I've also tried to help people who look like in trouble. You do realize that you have to do the majority on the damage to get the xp and items. 
3. There are alot of botters, I will long as they stay away from teh combat mods I have no problem with them. But you also dont' see me coming to their aide when they're swarmed by a mob.
Take a breath friend. The game is free.
This is a good game. Its free and you can live with the commercials. It has good grafics and a growing player base. It needs to develop the comunity, but that will grow in the future as more palyers come to join. There is a lot of quest and some items generation that I have not seen before.
I great game in my eyes, try it and enjoy it, it wont cost you a thing. - Browser based mmorpg
Second: "Hearted" is how it's spelled. Not "Hearthed." A hearth is place where you put fire to warm yourself. A heart is a muscle that gives your whole body . There's a BIG difference there.
Third: The game is free. You're going to find noobs and such. I mean, look at RuneScape!
Practice what you preach...
"I sounding mad, but reading stuff looks this frustrating!"
WTF is that?
man if your computer is that messed up you need to torch it lol it must be possessed
man if your computer is that messed up you need to torch it lol it must be possessed
Yeah... Too bad it's not exactly mine... And my dad's the one who screwed it up... I can't wait till I get a laptop...
Well, there's nothing in the game's build to stop KSing. Matter of fact, it seems to encourage KSing. And I am going to paint this positive, in a way. In other games, if something attacks you that you cannot defeat, you have to call out for help, thros a flag up or do something to give another player permission to attack the monster you're attacking. With 9 Dragons, if you get aggroed, all you have to do is call for help and someone can come right along and help you out in a jiffy.
In time, I know I'm not going to come to regret KSing in this game. I am going to get saved many times because of KSing.
This game is one of the best mmorpg's i played, its graphics is awesome, it hardly lags.. (i bet most people who say it lags, has a weak connection) nice skill, nice pvp system, i give it a 9/10 since its still in beta
!~~ looking forward for its progress
If your interested in an active heroband: Message / Pigeongram me in game: IGN = Jyles
Mmm let's see...Free? Am I right? Well most "FREE" games out there, people doesn't really care about you. All the care about is to griding and level up.
My ZBoard merc makes the game much easier to play also. Got to love the hand pad on the left of it. Makes for much easier playing.
I've already made a couple acquaintances in game that we never grouped, but we helped eachother with advice and help for the 1st 12 levels. And then after I hit GC1, I was lucky enough for a Hero Band to talk me into joining. Originally I wanted nothing to do with Hero Bands (Since I'm a proud officer of an established Guild in another game that's formed a family-esque relationship) but the guy who invited me insisted on it since I was new to the game and they were all about helping eachother.
The game has drastically gone up in value with me. Having people who know the game offer assistance and advice has made it a bit more enjoyable. This is far from being "the perfect game" but I'm starting to be really happy with it.
It also made me realize why people are probably so quiet: They're either using the in-game messenger with their friends, or the Hero Band channels, so we never see anyone speaking outside in public chat.
So...I'm just wanting to confirm there IS a community of good people hanging around.
As it is, I say something to someone and suddenly I have someone beating on me and it takes me a second to realize chat is still on, and all my commands to defend or attack have been going to the chat box. It's very frustrating.
So I just solve the problem and don't chat with anyone I'm not grouped with, and then only when I'm not surrounded by targets.