Sadly the game is too choppy for me anymore. I have done what I can on my end to reduce the choppy behaviour short of buying a new rig, but the game is still unplayable since update 6 (labelled update 7 when you launch). Sure I can do some stuff, or solo a melee character, but I was primarily playing a healer and a mage character which makes my timing extremely important. Hopefully Acclaim will get it squared away soon so I can get back to the grind that is 9Dragons, which for some reason I enjoyed.
yo dude they came out with update 8 on feburary 22nd, it fixed the lag and some other bugs
what u gotta do to not be bored, is join up in a active hero bando
message me or pigeongram me in game if u wanna join mine, the main one is full, but im making extensions in each one.
IGN = Jyles
Of course, if you want absolutely smooth character animation, you're not going to find that anywhere in an MMO. I got choppy framerates from time to time on every MMO I've ever played including CoVH and WoW.
Plus, remember, this thing is still in beta. It's not going to be perfect yet. Beta usually means you're going to have some sort of problem with it somewhere.
...but it's mostly playable right now.