Hey, was wondering if someone would be kind enough to throw me an invite as well. I'm getting so friggin' tired of every MMO being the same game, just with a different name. This game appears to be my saving grace, so I've gotta try it out. So for the love of coconuts & taco's, please invite me >_<!
Chances are i will never get one but hey mite as well try
[email protected]
[email protected]
thanks so much
[email protected]
Invited Mikena, Finraviel, and Heocat. Thanks for my invite, let's keep them moving along.
PS Finraviel, i got the name wrong in your email for the invite, btw. Sorry! It's to you.
edit: got my invite, thanks much
Email - [email protected]
thanks for invite mikena i love you bro :P ill send invite to some random ppl here :P thanks alot
saving the fourth invite for an IRL friend once i get his email but once these guys accept i'll send out more.
Saving the fourth for my friend irl as well. Thanks again for the invite =D.
[email protected] is looking for an invite. Will be more than happy
to continue the chain and forward invites to the next people on the list.
Thanks in advance for the key!
[email protected]
Please and thank you!
edit: got my invite!! thanks much!
AM PROUD TO SAY THAT I HAVE INVITED : [email protected], [email protected]
glad i could be of some help!
email is:[email protected]
[email protected]
I got skipped
, pls don't forget me
Send to [email protected]
Boba Fett-"Reality doesn't care if you believe it."
invited those two.
Thanks for the invite Nate!
Sent invite to: [email protected]
and [email protected]
Woot, got my invite.
Thanks a ton Atomic, Ill keep the love alive.
See you all in the depths
Boba Fett-"Reality doesn't care if you believe it."
I would love an Invite:)
[email protected]
Thank you MUCh to whomever can assist.
[email protected]
Invite me and I'll mail you a banana.
Just kidding, but I would really like to try this one out.
[email protected]
Still in need of an invitation
[email protected]
Thank you!
I would love an invite to Dungeon Runners, thanks.
[email protected]