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Resting In WoW!!!

viet_boy33viet_boy33 Member Posts: 395

     Well check the notes on world of warcraft homepage beta. They included resting which means that their are 4 levels. Well rested, rested, normal, and fatique. Well rested gets bonus exp, rested gets a smaller bonus exp, normal gets no bonus exp and fatique gets no bonus exp, but half of normal exp. So in order to get well rested again you have to sleep at an in or log off for 8 HOURS!!!! Yes real time. So you can play game normally, but if your fatique game play would be slowed by 1/2. Well actually thats not that bad if you want the game to last longer or you want a challenge. But hopefully they can make a server or option for if whether you want resting or no resting. But if you look at well rested you get a bonus exp about 200%, and rested gives you a 150% bonus though. So if you look at positives and negatives of this rested, its kind of good.

     Also your stage of well rested, and rested and other stages are based on how many exp you get. But if your a Super WoW fan and hardcore gamer people like you and me would still play in fatique unless you can't level because of it. But I just do quest if in fatique time and wait till tommorow to start leveling. But this is beta so hopefully something will be figured out.

I want to cast magic missle.
image go there for Naruto episodes!!



  • RobbgobbRobbgobb Member UncommonPosts: 674
    I like the fatigue and rested options. I think they are great. Really gives me a good reason to work on a second character if nothing else. This just means that I will probably be playing 3 characters consistently and learning how to play types I have never played and focus on making my favorite on getting better in the time that I have before fatigue sets in.

  • VassagoVassago Member Posts: 75

    I think there's a fifth level, which is exhausted that gives 1/4 xp.  And it doesn't take 8 hours every time, just 8 hours to go from fully exhausted to fully rested, with less time for anything in between. 

    I think it's a great idea to at least try out in beta to see if it works.  If done right it could help alleviate the boredom of the grind.  Keep in mind they are 'trying it out' and that it could change or even be completely thrown away if too many people object to it.


    Genetics loads the gun; lifestyle pulls the trigger.


    Genetics loads the gun; lifestyle pulls the trigger.

  • GnarledGnarled Member Posts: 566
    Hunh. I hadnt heard that. That should really help the casual gamer to keep up.

    "And by the way, did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like Garfield but run over and skinned and then someone threw an ugly Ferragamo sweater over you before they rushed you to the vet ?. . ."
    - Brett Easton Ellis, American Psycho

    Requiiem, Templar

  • AzzazzimonAzzazzimon Member UncommonPosts: 211

    Quest xp isn't affected by this, so it's not made so the casual player should be able to keep up, only reason to have this is because Blizzard don't think it's fun with lvl grind (killing same mobs over and over to lvl) so they want to force people to think same as them and not do it for long time.

    If you do quests you will still be able to play for a long time before you need to rest..

    To me it looks like a lame attempt to force people to do quests instead of letting people choose themselves what they want to do to lvl, if I was Blizzard I would change it in another way..

    1) Change so questing give you slightly more xp per hour than lvl grinding, balance with lowering xp on mobs, but it should still be high enough so it's worth just killing mobs IF you rather want that (nice when you are hungover to be able to kill mobs and chatting instead of running around doing quests)

    2) First hour you killing mobs you gain extra xp, bonus for thsoe casual gamers that only have short time so they can just log in and kill mobs for awhile (this idea is from UO and 'powerhour' resets every 24h)


    Number 1 will have same effect as Blizzard's 'rest' (more people will do quests instead of lvl grinding) but it doesn't force anyone to do quests just because Blizzard want it(1/4 xp gain is same as forcing people) and number 2 will give casual gamers abit extra bonus since they play so few hours each day (powergamers will ofcourse gain in that hour too, but it will be very little bonus if you count how many hours they play each day)


    This is only me speculating after what I have read in patch notes and forums, I havn't tried it myself so I can be totally wrong ofcourse.





  • RobbgobbRobbgobb Member UncommonPosts: 674
    If someone really wants to grind then I figure they are going to with any problems or not.  I keep hearing about features like this that force ppl to do things.  I don't see it that way but at least you don't need special party member to rest or travel to town.  I also figure that you are going to have to play a lot of hours to get exhausted anyways.

  • LotariousLotarious Member Posts: 85

    The more I think about it the more I like it.

    A very cool feature that makes me even more interested in WoW! ::::28::

    Killer 80%|Achiever 53%|Socializer 46%|Explorer 20%

  • MistiMisti Member Posts: 724

    Sounds like a great feature to me!  I dont understand why anyone thinks this will help the casual gamer or affect your exp at all though.  All you have to do is go to an inn and rest a few minutes right?  The logging off for 8 hours is just another option from the sound of it.

    Seems like its just there to add another reason to gather at inns and socialize which is a great idea and even adds an element of roleplay.

  • OmolOmol Member Posts: 332

    Originally posted by Vassago

    I think there's a fifth level, which is exhausted that gives 1/4 xp.  And it doesn't take 8 hours every time, just 8 hours to go from fully exhausted to fully rested, with less time for anything in between. 
    I think it's a great idea to at least try out in beta to see if it works.  If done right it could help alleviate the boredom of the grind.  Keep in mind they are 'trying it out' and that it could change or even be completely thrown away if too many people object to it.

    Genetics loads the gun; lifestyle pulls the trigger.

    Actually, it is 8 hrs no matter what state your in, not just from exhausted to well rested. Flat rate that does not scale according to fatigue level.

    This punishes the power gamer for haveing extra time. Since they upped the amount of exp needed to level, with this fatigue system if your exhausted you need 8x the amount of exp as a well rested character, and 4x as much as a normal rested character.

    Blizzard is trying to hard to slow the power gamer down. It is not going to happen for the simple fact most if not all power gamers are number crunchers. They will find away around this system and make it benefit them. Casual players are still going to fall behind due to the simple fact is, they dont have the time to spend on the game like power gamers do. Power gamers will no where to get the best exp per hour and so forth.

    I think they need to take the penalty out and stop the fatigue system at normal rest (100%) and make it so it does not take 8 hours to fully rest no matter what fatigue level your in. Also make it so when you leave a inn it dont reset the fatigue timer.

    200%=well rested





    Omol da'Ox
    The Blooded

    Omol da'Ox

  • K2theKK2theK Member Posts: 67

    Doesnt bother me whether they keep it as it is or not.

    Doesnt affect me at all either way.

    I dont play to watch an experience bar and I dont play to see how quick I can level, in essence I really dont give 1 jot of buggery whether I get 1 experience point for a kill or 1 million. Thats not why I play mmorpgs and thats why it doesnt affect me either way.

    However, it does seem that some people are getting terribly upset by the whole resting issue, each to their own I guess.

  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379

    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.



    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • JiraiyaJiraiya Member Posts: 150
    Theres good points and bad points to this just have to actually try it out....after that you could decide whether its for you or its not. Many people in the WoW forums are just theorizing ways this feature could screw them over. Most important thing is to try it out first.

  • ObiyerObiyer Member Posts: 511

    Originally posted by Jiraiya
    Theres good points and bad points to this feature....

    I agree, there are good points and bad points!

    Good Points:

    1. Socializing
    2. Adding a realistic aura to the game play
    3. Casual gamers are given more for their time
    4. Less pressure balancing mobs, and players will be more spread out in the world. (Maybe because there are less of them?)
    5. Stops people from camping areas. (Somewhat, again because there are less of them)

    Bad Points:

    1. The more people play the game and gain XP from kills, the more they are punished.
    2. Forced to hunt in 4-8hr intervals.
    3. Actually inclining people to log off. (Why pay not to play?)
    4. Grouping is harder, if a person leaves because they are fatigued..
    5. Casual gamers who has free time only in the week-ends and play in bulk.
    6. Increasing the 'grind' length.
    7. Catering to one style of game play and actually inclining the others to stop playing.
    8. Realistic element is flawed in the idea a person is dead tired but then has the energy to go do trade skills/run across the continent , and or do infinite quests.
    9. Force people in different time zones not to not play together. (Destroying the world-wide feel to most MMORPG's)
    10. Force people to play alts

    Possible Solution(s):

    The more people who spend time in the exhausted/fatigue stages (below normal) gain a bonus to their statistics or skill damage (perhaps. As more experience is gained the better the bonus, such as:

    Four levels gained at 25% maybe: base stats * .12 + current modified stats = new stats

    Of course the resting will have to be equivalent, if a person spends more time in fatigued then the character will have to rest more.

    Make an engaging dynamic storyline, with lots of player interaction so the player does not feel he or she has to log off. Like having towns be raided by NPC's of other races or gigantic birds swooping into towns and taking people randomly etc. Something to make the world seem more alive, because if you plan to make an element realistic the world will have to change. Such as mobs sleeping etc. If the servers are coast based then people are still able to group and have a great time regardless of time of day. Make it so exp from kills are not important. Killing mobs should not be a character goal, but helping advance the story line like in a real RPG.

    Off Topic:

    Lol Jiraiya, you narutard you.


  • AzzazzimonAzzazzimon Member UncommonPosts: 211

    How can anyone say it's realistic to gain less xp when you are tired?

    Wouldn't it be harder to kill mobs then and even more skillful?

    It would be realistic if abilities went down by time, not xp.




  • MistiMisti Member Posts: 724

    Ah ok, thanks Dracius I didnt realize you had to log for 8 hours regardless of going to an inn.  I thought that going to the inn for a bit was a substitue. 

    If you have to log for 8 hours very often that doesnt make much sense to me.  I dont really care for any approach that brings real time elements into a mmorpg.  This makes me think of games where they have talked about your character leveilng up or aging in real time whether your playing or not.  Different ideas obviously but just an example of why I dont like mixing real time with a game world.

  • DarktongueDarktongue Member Posts: 276

    I was under impression that  this rest / xp thing was only for mob killing and not for quests as well. Maybe im wrong tho.

    I would take the other stance on tiredness and exp tho than above. If i was exhausted and swinging my axe around ,staggering and  with no energy and managed to kill a creature, i dont think i would remember much or learn much from the fight ,which is what exp is after all.

    Also if the usual hardcore gamers that race thru lvls and then complain about everything ,are held back a little and forced to actually enjoy the game i see not down side really. Right now they are trying to balance xp etc as it is still beta remember :)  Most "normal" players will log for the night and  not leave their chars logged on in a guild group to leech exp and get  power lvld,so again np really .


    Still overall its not too bad an idea really

  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379


    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.



    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • ObiyerObiyer Member Posts: 511

    Originally posted by Dracius
    Correct you are Darktongue, you DON'T have to log for 8 hours.

    Fact 1 : The 8 hour time is the time it takes an inn to take you from the most tired you can be, to the highest level of well rested. (Personaly, and just imo, I think it should be speed up to at LEAST 4 hours)
    Fact 2 : You will still recover from your rested state while doing anything OTHER than PvE. You can quest, you can do PvP, you can even work on crafting or gathering resources.
    Fact 3 : This will encourage people to find other things to do in the game besides PvE, if you're well rested you'll grind for xp because of the bonus, odds are many ppl won't play once they're getting less than 100% of their potential xp, so they will find either trade skills to work on, or go do PvP, or work on their quests (so they're still getting xp) or even log onto another character.

    You see, this isn't really realistic. A person is too tired to kill enemies but the avatar isn't too tired to do an unlimited amount of trade skills or to run unlimitedly. There is no such thing as stamina in WoW, and their whole reasoning seems like an excuse. There is also the fact where if you step out of the Inn, the timer resets - so you can see frustrating it can be and how a person can feel forced to stay. I don't really mind it all either, but Blizzard PR's should not lie to the testers as to why they did it. Even a delapidated monkey stoked up on ether can see why they did it, but Eno shouldn't have mired it with words such as 'realism'. When in fact they were simply trying to cater to a type of game style.


  • AzzazzimonAzzazzimon Member UncommonPosts: 211

    Originally posted by Dracius

    Correct you are Darktongue, you DON'T have to log for 8 hours.
    Fact 1 : The 8 hour time is the time it takes an inn to take you from the most tired you can be, to the highest level of well rested. (Personaly, and just imo, I think it should be speed up to at LEAST 4 hours)
    Fact 2 : You will still recover from your rested state while doing anything OTHER than PvE. You can quest, you can do PvP, you can even work on crafting or gathering resources.
    Fact 3 : This will encourage people to find other things to do in the game besides PvE, if you're well rested you'll grind for xp because of the bonus, odds are many ppl won't play once they're getting less than 100% of their potential xp, so they will find either trade skills to work on, or go do PvP, or work on their quests (so they're still getting xp) or even log onto another character.
    So I see nothing wrong with this resting, other than the time it takes to rest needs to be shortened. Yet with the faith I've aquired in Blizz from watching this game progress and seeing many potentialy annoying features either tweaked or removed (IE the real time night-day cycle) there's no doubt in my mind that they will shorten the time it takes to become well rested, as opposed to moving it out entirely.
    Personaly this will free up more time for me in game, usualy in mmorpg's if I can level grind, I do, and get bored of it really fast, but I like to level fast and reach level cap ASAP. So I usualy avoid doing quests that only give items, or working on any trade skills. However like I stated above, I may find my time better spent in game doing other things besides PvE.

    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.

    I think you got it abit wrong... (or I missunderstod your post)


    Fact 1: It takes 8 hours from ANY state to get back to full rested, even if you still are full rested you have to wait 8 hours in an inn to get back to fully full rested.

    Fact 2: You have to be inside the inn or have logged inside the inn to recover, you can't leave the inn for a sec because then timer reset and you have to wait another 8 hours.

    Fact 3: It doesn't encourage people, it annoy people because Blizzard want to decide what they should do when they are online.



  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142

    This is getting really confusing, I have 2 questions,

    a) where are the people with the 2 radically different views getting their info from?   Is it from playing Beta, or the WoW homepage or another WoW site?

    b) If it is from Beta, and some of the few quotes I have seen are from people playing on the Beta boards, how likely is it to be this way during the actual game.  Surely if it was as Draconian as 'log for 8 hours or get miserable exp' they would lose too many players, they can only change it if they have any hope of keeping the players happy.

    A quick poll, please answer the lightest level of rest requirement that would make you find another game

  • ObiyerObiyer Member Posts: 511

    Originally posted by Viridia
    This is getting really confusing, I have 2 questions,
    a) where are the people with the 2 radically different views getting their info from? Is it from playing Beta, or the WoW homepage or another WoW site?b) If it is from Beta, and some of the few quotes I have seen are from people playing on the Beta boards, how likely is it to be this way during the actual game. Surely if it was as Draconian as 'log for 8 hours or get miserable exp' they would lose too many players, they can only change it if they have any hope of keeping the players happy.


    Answer: The official information comes from here.


    Opinion: My uninformed intuition tells me a modified version of the system will be placed in the retail version of the game.

    -Hope It Helps


  • ViridiaViridia Member Posts: 142

    Thanks so much for the link, it does seem a bit clearer now, in a way both people are right.   You do have to log out at an inn to get rested, but you can go around doing tradeskills or quests after you become tired and get no exp loss, but no rest either.   That makes sense I guess.   Basically anyone who sleeps for 8 hours a night and doesn't mind questing or tradeskills or PvP is no worse off.   But it is still going to annoy a few people.  Especially on weekends for people who work full time in the week and want to binge play.   Although I guess if the bother to go back to the inns at night, and play a few hours a day in the week too they will actually get more out of this than they lose.... kinda.

    It still seems very pushy though, and the uninterrupted thing, knowing you have to let your character rest for 8 hours or lose all the benefit of any downtime really does seem harsh.    If they want to make it more realistic they need to make it more flexible too.

  • ObiyerObiyer Member Posts: 511

    Originally posted by Viridia
    If they want to make it more realistic they need to make it more flexible too.

    Yeah, if you look on the previous pages I commented on how unrealistic it was for people to be too tired to kill but aren't too fatigued to do quests and tradeskils infinitely - plus still have the ability to run anywhere they want. It sounds as if the word 'realistic' in itself was just a cop out.

  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379


    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.



    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • AzzazzimonAzzazzimon Member UncommonPosts: 211

    Originally posted by Dracius

    2nd, Azzazzimon, READ the faq again, READ the beta tester forums. They CLEARLY say you don't have to be in an inn, and that it's 8 hours from worse state to most well rested state, not any state.
    Finaly, I NEVER post anything on these threads unless I am posative about it, and make very sure to be able to validate my posts. I wouldn't think it would be an issue since all I've really done is sum up the patch notes that you should take the time to read more carefuly.


    I have followed every single thread about the rest state on WoW forum and every single post from players saying that it resets if you leave the inn, so you have to stay there for fully 8 hours. Would be interested where you have read that they CLEARLY state that you don't have to be in an inn. It is 8 hours from any state, that includeds from worse to most well rested ofcourse. Read again, that's the official thread, I read all 20ish pages before I posted first time since I don't want to post incorrect info either.

    Some quotes from that thread:

    EnoYls (Blizzard employee): To become well rested and start earning bonus experience from killing monsters again, players must either log out or rest online at an Inn (see below) for several hours.

    QSTarran: What I am NOT ok with is the fact that it takes 8 hours to rest to full REGARDLESS of your previous rest state.

    Bandicoot: Ok then, can we get an offical statement on the fact that it takes 8hrs to get back to fully rested no matter what state you log out in? Even if you are just rested, it still takes 8hrs.

    bobsky: why cant i partially rest?
    if i can only play for like an hour or two before i have to leave for a couple hours (longer than i played), and then i come several hours later and i have not rested off the 1 hour ive been playing? not only does that not make sense, but it is uncalled for


    I havn't played WoW beta myself so I have no first hand experience, but since every single post I have read state the same, can you please give me the link that saying you can get to well rested without being in an inn and also there players(that have played) saying that you can go in and out from the inn without resetting timer Dracius?




  • OmolOmol Member Posts: 332

    You do not receive a bonus to exp. Since they raised the amount of exp to level, raised the exp curve and so forth. 100% was the norm (Old system) and now the new norms is 200% (New system). Anything less is a penalty.

    Like stated earlier, it takes you 8 hours no matter what rest state your at. It is a flat rate that covers ALL states of fatigue no matter how tired you are.

    Omol da'Ox
    The Blooded

    Omol da'Ox

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