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Poll, coollest race from horde (scroll down for new poll)

Poll :)


  • creidcreid Member Posts: 31
    i think tauren is the coolest one..umm may i ask what's your character in wow??
  • wolffinwolffin Member UncommonPosts: 193
    i would have voted but blood elves werent listed

  • pinguinopinguino Member Posts: 3

    Lol, Am a tauren druid, 66



    Btw shal i place new poll? =p (forgot bloodelf haha)

  • theratmonkeytheratmonkey Member Posts: 684

    Orc and undead for me.



  • wolffinwolffin Member UncommonPosts: 193
    Blood Elf

  • theratmonkeytheratmonkey Member Posts: 684

    Why is everyone suddenly in love with the Blood Elves? I mean, don't get me wrong, they're a pretty cool race, but I would rather play an orc or an undead.

    My biggest urk about the BElves is the fact that I feel like I'm playing Final Fantasy everytime I make one.


  • End_of_a_eraEnd_of_a_era Member Posts: 527
    BE's are bringing all the aliance players to horde.


  • creidcreid Member Posts: 31
    Originally posted by theratmonkey

    Why is everyone suddenly in love with the Blood Elves? I mean, don't get me wrong, they're a pretty cool race, but I would rather play an orc or an undead.
    My biggest urk about the BElves is the fact that I feel like I'm playing Final Fantasy everytime I make one.

    i think you've got a point..but its their what is your real character in wow??
  • Hitash_LevatHitash_Levat Member Posts: 43
    Originally posted by End_of_a_era

    BE's are bringing all the aliance players to horde.

    Well I would say that it isnt true... but it kinda is.

    Undead Pwns All Horde races!


    HitashLevat (Tortured Soulz) Lvl 33 NE Hunter  <Lightning Hoof>

    ShroudedMoon (Tortured Soulz) Lvl 14 NE Rogue <Lightning Hoof>

    Hitash (Tortured Soulz) Lvl 18 Undead Warlock <Emerald Dream>

    HitashLevat (Tortured Soulz) Lvl 5 BE Hunter <Emerald Dream> 


    Yeah I know the same guild name on both sides but its cause its my guild :P and I made the BE hunter cause i wanted to see if the abils they get are helpful to Hunters in PVP. 


    BTW I am 21 :P I get anoyed by everyone saying Alliance is just a bunch of kids.  I recently stopped playing as much on my Alliance chars cause I have always liked being the bad guy

  • TaushaTausha Member Posts: 4

    For me it is definently the trolls and taurens there is the best races in horde side...i just love them

    (dwarf and elve in allie side)

  • KnightblastKnightblast Member UncommonPosts: 1,787
    BEs.  Nice looking, much more fun zones than other Horde starting areas and they get to play as Paladins. 
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