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Take the top 2 things, people,or places you are most addicted to. If you had to give up one of those things forever which would it be?
My top 2 would be the internet games (mmorpgs and eve nthose stupid yahoo games) and junk food. Of course, I could never give up my games ;-) If I ever had my dream mmorpg made I would probably need to see Betty Ford to recover.
Dont go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. (Mark Twain)
The 2 things I am most addicted to are my laptop and cell phone.
I would give up my cell phone cuz it ain't worth s#!t compared to the best thing to ever grace my lap. ($1000>$100)
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Internet, and chocolate ice cream.
I'm not giving up either.
Change my mind so much I can't even trust it
My mind change me so much I can't even trust myself
*blush* addicted to me? hee-hee ^_^
Wow, u must be really good in bed... uh movie theaters*blush* addicted to me? hee-hee ^_^
Wow, u must be really good in bed... uh movie theaters *angry inhuman growling**blush* addicted to me? hee-hee ^_^
Wow, u must be really good in bed... uh movie theaters That's part of it, but not all.*blush* addicted to me? hee-hee ^_^
"I like to watch things die, from a good safe distance"
Creepy Tool quotes aside, There isn't really a thing I couldn't give up and live without that I would consider an addiction.
I suppose I could go with my semi-caffine addiction (One Coke a day, most days).
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
I am addicted to my RL community and to my nation.
Giving up on my community would be possible, but painful. Would rather die than give up on my nation, which is a pool to rebuild my RL community should I move or peoples move, change friends or whatever. Quebecers are just that great, in general! Of course, there are a few morons, like anywhere else. I usually get along better with english speaking persons on a regular basic, because limited exchanges means limited conflicts. I am spoiled, I know! You are all jealous, I can feel it!
Beside that I am addicted to games in general, and it would be impossible to actually give up on them. Gimme a ball and nothing else and I would still play with it, I am a player! So really, can't give up on this one without turning my brain off! I love more complex and detailed games, but, I wouldn't cry about losing any in particuliar, just be extremely annoying about it!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I would give up my computer first.
Wow, u must be really good in bed... uh movie theaters *angry inhuman growling**blush* addicted to me? hee-hee ^_^
Did you just fart? Bring it on down now.
Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Wow, u must be really good in bed... uh movie theaters *angry inhuman growling**blush* addicted to me? hee-hee ^_^
Bring it on down now.
Thats like your catch phrase. I didn't see you post in awhile and saw it and laughed.Change my mind so much I can't even trust it
My mind change me so much I can't even trust myself
Wow, u must be really good in bed... uh movie theaters *angry inhuman growling**blush* addicted to me? hee-hee ^_^
Bring it on down now.
Thats like your catch phrase. I didn't see you post in awhile and saw it and laughed. May I go buy a pair of glasses sometime?-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I'm addicted to drumming and my computer.
There are a few other hobbies that I wouldn't give up either, like crafting ( Drums, wood, models, LEGOs ) and learning music theory and stuff.