I've played WOW and GW and I have to say this is the best pking MMorpg Ever. First off when u pvp or pk in WOW there no sense of exitment because theres no risk, i mean bg is fun and all but ti gets repetetive. and Guild Wars just sucks balls in pvp or pking. Runescape is something else. First off theres always a thrill of exitment cuz u kill wat u keep. and also the wars are awesome yo. and also when u team with a random person its always a mexican standoff because u don't kno who's going to win
Lol thanks for the support for RS. Sadly I can't get involved in this thread too much, as I'm not really into PvP lol.
Best MMOs - RuneScape and WoW
Crappiest MMOs - Hero Online, SWG, DDO
MMO's played - RS, WoW, GW, EVE, AO, PlanetSide, Jumpgate, Face of Mankind, MapleStory, SO, Liniege 1 & 2, City of Villains, Flyff, Realm Online, SWG, Seed, Sims Online, City of Heroes.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
The death penalty is to harsh in RS. WoW might have it a little to light. But Id rather not lose everything I had doing a treasure trail or a quest. that leads to the wild. Before you talk bad about a game actually learn more than 5 hours of play. Ive done pking on both and ill tell you WoW has a lot better balance than RS where it is all dds and ancients. Bleh.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali
"It is in your nature to do one thing correctly; Before me, you rightfully tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe." ~Francis Dolarhyde
I didn't really understand your post, but what I did understand I thought was bullspit.
There isn't really any risk in RS. If you're close to dying, you just eat food or warp.
There is no thrill of "exitment" when I pvped in RS.
"You kill what you keep?" I don't get it.
*I dont know what you mean by "the wars", so I will make arguments against a group of people fighting and CW:
**CW can be fun, but it also gets repetetive.
**A group of people fighting: just random swings
*The "mexican standoff" thing i didn't understand either.
I personally think PvP in AO is better than that:
*I always feel excitement when I pvp somebody that won't die easily.
*A group of people fighting: Flurry of nanos and bullets
*I do admit there's not very much of a risk, but losing half your exp if you haven't insured yourself sounds pretty bad to me
*Don't forget about the 'mechs, either.(although personally I've never used one)
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Sure, if you kill someone there is always the chance that they will call a friend to come kill you. SO? Maybe he sits on your body a few times, maybe he kills you again, and then you both go home. You don't lose anything except a bit of time running back to your body. OMG you've risked so much. What a joke...
At least in Runescape you can make (or lose) a substantial amount of money for having the guts to go out there.