NDA violations are treated in accordance with the RoC just like any other infraction. However the 3 strikes policy is always at the discretion of the Mods. People have indeed been banned for first offences if its bad enough.
I agree with your sentiments.... though I myself have been guilty of it in the past
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com -+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I agree if they are really telling stuff about the game. Most of NDA violations are 'I'm in the beta'-messages. Warning is enough for that, but if they won't believe...
It effects any potential player of the game 'cos an NDA violation could well result in some key feature of the upcoming game being removed and/or modified, or maybe the game not being released at all.
'Leaked information' from beta/aphas are taken by the 'uninformed' as 'as is' when the game is released it deals to misinformation and complete confustion over the game..
For instance while the NDA was active in Dreamlords during the apha I could have told you the game lacked depth however just before the open beta the game was completely reformatted, so any info I would have given would be completely illrelivent on gold..
People should really learn not to go for betas/aphas anyway if they just want 'a free ride' it makes the point of it pointless (ie testing) and very rarly the game is 'as is' on gold, I've seen too many people go 'I WANT BETA KEY!' then within 5 mins of playing go 'This game SUX it's too buggy and nothing is here', which completely rattles my cage as it shows the 'wanting' people have no idea what beta/apha testing is...
So yea I do agree and pleased that NDA breakages aren't taken as lightly here as some places but I also would prefer if the act of 'key staring' during NDA times should be stapped apon too (for instance a 'please do not request keys' sticky on the open beta forum)
Originally posted by Ulujain It effects any potential player of the game 'cos an NDA violation could well result in some key feature of the upcoming game being removed and/or modified, or maybe the game not being released at all. Any further questions?
And when has that ever happened? "Sorry Brad, pL4y3R_l33t said the fighting is slow in Vanguard on a message board. Shut down the server and send everyone home, it's over."
Apparently I've violated every NDA I've been in and always will, I've heard that telling you're in a beta is a violation. When someone comes in and asks what I'm playing I tell them, not shut off the monitor immediately, curl into the fetal position and sob until they leave.
Originally posted by Ulujain When has that ever happened, it asks...and logically, because it thinks it hasn't happened, that's a carte blanche to keep violating NDA's.
"It"? Have you been eating lead paint?
And no it hasn't happened. You seriously think that a company is going to just toss the money invested because some tester doesn't like their game? I don't think many people base their entire decisions on the opinion of a random stranger on the Internet.
NDA is to hide the sorry state of a game, if it's going to be good it'll be good in beta :P games do not change that much from beta to release. WOW for example was great in closed beta, SWG however wasnt and it got worse from ebat to release lol. Dark and light aswel infact every game.
What if the revealed info compromised their game so much that it was no longer viable for the developer to keep at it? Their super new idea is suddenly public and the one big selling point they may have had is out in the open. It has happened many times in various industries, and who's to say it hasn't happened in the gaming industry? What makes you an authority to say it hasn't happened? Or won't happen?
The fact remains, a developer has trusted an individual not to blurt out info on their game. Doesn't cost the individual anything more than agreeing to something and downloading a few things. The developer, on the other hand, has a lot more to lose.
The developers aren't being Nazis, or anal, or meanies, or bullies or whatever, when they ask people not to disclose anything.
It's a simple and honorable enough thing to do and people should abide by them.
How about they should read the NDA sign up forms and choose better than the random crap they have now, its only their own fault. Do you work for any of these companies? Well if you do 1. i feel sorry for creating this sorry list of crap and 2. na u dont so shut up
What industry are you thinking? In mmorpgs if they have a "super new idea" they don't keep it as a surprise, they announce it at every opportunity to stand out from the competition.
And I agree with Era. The only time I've seen companies desperately try to enforce the NDA is when they are hiding how lousy their game is (Mourning, DnL) Most are not knocking themselves out trying to enforce it. Why should the mods here?
Originally posted by End_of_a_era What do you care? How does it effect you? Geez why do you have to be goody 2 shoes :S
Im with you Who really cares if a nda is broken i mean your sheading alittle light on a game that is coming out. im so sick of people complaining about NDA infractions. Get over it everyone rules are made to be broken thats the way it is. i understand its against the law but isnt speeding and dont most of if not all of use speed? lets start banning people from driveing for speeding 5mph over the speed limit. I love it when people break the NDAs i feel as if im getting some info im not suppose to have Oh wait i am and well in my evil mind it makes me feel good hehehe.
The way I see it is, if the game companies want people to keep the NDA then start paying us to test your freakin software. We are doing them a favor by testing their games, yet they act like they are doing us a favor by letting us play their game, this is a trend that needs to end. People who beta test in a closed beta should be paid, I just never understood why we do it for free and act like it's a privlage.
Oh wait, that means we would have to close this site.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Originally posted by solareus time and time again people seem to not understand what the NDA means. Some people seem to think cause they arent playing a closed beta account anymore they can freely distribute information that is usaully a person biased uneducated opinon on why a game sucks. This is getting very old and I would like to see websites push harder to enforce NDA polices on there boards, if they know a title is in closed beta and a NDA is in place there should be zero discussion from anyone beta testing,or who has beta tested the title. For some people nothhing is good enoough and they quit the beta cause it sucks (for them). But there is alot of people who are enjoying a beta and they bide by the NDa . It is unfair to only have one side of a discussion when a closed beta is in session. Ban anyone who is in closed beta and dicussing on the forums, you dont even have to acknowlege this thread , just do it. Love this website but these forums get way out of hand to fast with flame after flame on games that are in closed beta.
I got a warning this week and my post was deleted because a mod felt i broke an NDA which he has no idea whether i'm actually subject too. It was for speculating on a release date too LOL. Most of the Mods here are good but there's obviously one that doesn't like me. I even received a ban for a 45 day old post that he obviously had to search for and then he took it completely out of context of the thread. He also had the nerve to question why i was still allowed to be a member of this community LOL i got a good laugh about that one. Clearly there's 1 mod here on a total power trip and i've heard other people complaining of him too. I like how when they send warnings they don't actually say which mod sent it either. Great to have anonymous power isn't it.
While i believe that people who go giving away info on games against the NDA are doing wrong i think it's also important to remember that Mods are people and with that comes prejudice. There is a gray area that isn't quite against an NDA and it should be respected. Afterall... what would these forums be without rumors? LOL
Originally posted by MMO_Man The way I see it is, if the game companies want people to keep the NDA then start paying us to test your freakin software. We are doing them a favor by testing their games, yet they act like they are doing us a favor by letting us play their game, this is a trend that needs to end. People who beta test in a closed beta should be paid, I just never understood why we do it for free and act like it's a privlage.
Well, to deviate a little from my lonesome crusade on this thread so far, I will agree with you. I've yet to be involved in a beta where the devs and PR folk didn't carry on like they'd just graciously allowed mere mortals to sample their wonderful product.
From their point of view, that's probably how it is too.
"I like how when they send warnings they don't actually say which mod sent it either. Great to have anonymous power isn't it. "
Cowards hide in the shadows. You can't even reply to a warning to discuss it.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Yep, I posted a couple of harmless pictures in a funny picture thread, and promptly got them deleted. Hell, they were PG-13 rated, if that. Got an anonymous PM warning me for being a naughty individual as well as an email to the addy I registered under all those years ago.
I considered it a case of lame moral panic censorship, so I emailed the admin about it only to see the entire thread go bye-bye.
Two ways of looking at it. 1. It's their website and they can do what they want yet 2. There's an implied invitation for the public to come here and post.
Originally posted by End_of_a_era What do you care? How does it effect you? Geez why do you have to be goody 2 shoes :S
Im with you Who really cares if a nda is broken i mean your sheading alittle light on a game that is coming out. im so sick of people complaining about NDA infractions. Get over it everyone rules are made to be broken thats the way it is. i understand its against the law but isnt speeding and dont most of if not all of use speed? lets start banning people from driveing for speeding 5mph over the speed limit. I love it when people break the NDAs i feel as if im getting some info im not suppose to have Oh wait i am and well in my evil mind it makes me feel good hehehe. actually i dont speed. and i know several others that dont either. i dont care if you believe me(and i know you dont). and NDA violators should definitely be warned and/or banned. playing these betas IS in fact, a priveledge, and should be treated as such. they dont HAVE to let you into it. e.g. i want in the Vanguard beta, but i cant get in. to say that they should pay you to beta test it is just the stupidest thing ive ever heard. in fact, what usually happens when the game is released? you usually have to pay them to play it. kinda the opposite, eh? anyway, usually the only ones that think its ok to break the NDA are the same ones that think its ok to steal from Walmart, or outrun the cops, or hack other peoples accounts. very trustworthy, huh? sorry, but when i read a review from a NDA breaker, all i read is "blah, blah, im whining because i couldnt find enough ways to cheat, blah, blah, this game sux because im not godly in it." thats all i get out of it. btw, WOW did not rock while in beta, whoever said that shit didnt know what the hell he/she was talking about. WOW was barely subpar in beta. i would know. Hero Online rocked in beta, now that its released it sux. games change a hella lot from beta to release. hence the need for "beta testing" (aka working out bugs, lag, and such).
Originally posted by Jorev "I like how when they send warnings they don't actually say which mod sent it either. Great to have anonymous power isn't it. " /agree Cowards hide in the shadows. You can't even reply to a warning to discuss it.
lol, kinda like posting on a forum instead of saying it in person. if they ban you, youll just create a new account. lol, how you gonna accuse anyone of being a coward while posting on a public forum where you can say anything without fear of retribution? what a dumbass comment to make.
Originally posted by End_of_a_era What do you care? How does it effect you? Geez why do you have to be goody 2 shoes :S
Im with you Who really cares if a nda is broken i mean your sheading alittle light on a game that is coming out. im so sick of people complaining about NDA infractions. Get over it everyone rules are made to be broken thats the way it is. i understand its against the law but isnt speeding and dont most of if not all of use speed? lets start banning people from driveing for speeding 5mph over the speed limit. I love it when people break the NDAs i feel as if im getting some info im not suppose to have Oh wait i am and well in my evil mind it makes me feel good hehehe. actually i dont speed. and i know several others that dont either. i dont care if you believe me(and i know you dont). and NDA violators should definitely be warned and/or banned. playing these betas IS in fact, a priveledge, and should be treated as such. they dont HAVE to let you into it. e.g. i want in the Vanguard beta, but i cant get in. to say that they should pay you to beta test it is just the stupidest thing ive ever heard. in fact, what usually happens when the game is released? you usually have to pay them to play it. kinda the opposite, eh? anyway, usually the only ones that think its ok to break the NDA are the same ones that think its ok to steal from Walmart, or outrun the cops, or hack other peoples accounts. very trustworthy, huh? sorry, but when i read a review from a NDA breaker, all i read is "blah, blah, im whining because i could find enough ways to cheat, blah, blah, this game sux because im not godly in it." thats all i get out of it. btw, WOW did not rock while in beta, whoever said that shit didnt know what the hell he/she was talking about. WOW was barely subpar in beta. i would know. Hero Online rocked in beta, now that its released it sux. games change a hella lot from beta to release. hence the need for "beta testing" (aka working out bugs, lag, and such).
Just listen to the people who broke the NDA on this beta they're right :P It's crap.
Originally posted by PlanoMM Originally posted by Jorev "I like how when they send warnings they don't actually say which mod sent it either. Great to have anonymous power isn't it. " /agree Cowards hide in the shadows. You can't even reply to a warning to discuss it.
lol, kinda like posting on a forum instead of saying it in person. if they ban you, youll just create a new account. lol, how you gonna accuse anyone of being a coward while posting on a public forum where you can say anything without fear of retribution? what a dumbass comment to make.
Obviously you are not aware of the resources available on the web. You are not anonymous. You can be found. It has happened in the past that people get so enraged over web postings that people use those resources to track down offensive individuals and punish them in person LOL.
There is no anonymity on the internet. NO matter how hard you try. If you think you can say anything in a forum without fear of retribution you are terribly under educated on the internet and should probably just stop posting.
Originally posted by Jorev "I like how when they send warnings they don't actually say which mod sent it either. Great to have anonymous power isn't it. " /agree Cowards hide in the shadows. You can't even reply to a warning to discuss it.
lol, kinda like posting on a forum instead of saying it in person. if they ban you, youll just create a new account. lol, how you gonna accuse anyone of being a coward while posting on a public forum where you can say anything without fear of retribution? what a dumbass comment to make.
Obviously you are not aware of the resources available on the web. You are not anonymous. You can be found. It has happened in the past that people get so enraged over web postings that people use those resources to track down offensive individuals and punish them in person LOL.
There is no anonymity on the internet. NO matter how hard you try. If you think you can say anything in a forum without fear of retribution you are terribly under educated on the internet and should probably just stop posting.
prove it, come to me house, i got a present for you.
EDIT: actually im quite educated on the topic, thanks. however, i was kinda referring to Jorevs posting on the forums. but in any case, most people are and feel pretty safe on the internet forums. otherwise, why would you give me any ideas, i could hunt you down just as easily as you can me. obviously, youre not too concerned about it either.
NDA violations are treated in accordance with the RoC just like any other infraction. However the 3 strikes policy is always at the discretion of the Mods. People have indeed been banned for first offences if its bad enough.
I agree with your sentiments.... though I myself have been guilty of it in the past

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
It effects any potential player of the game 'cos an NDA violation could well result in some key feature of the upcoming game being removed and/or modified, or maybe the game not being released at all.
Any further questions?
'Leaked information' from beta/aphas are taken by the 'uninformed' as 'as is' when the game is released it deals to misinformation and complete confustion over the game..
For instance while the NDA was active in Dreamlords during the apha I could have told you the game lacked depth however just before the open beta the game was completely reformatted, so any info I would have given would be completely illrelivent on gold..
People should really learn not to go for betas/aphas anyway if they just want 'a free ride' it makes the point of it pointless (ie testing) and very rarly the game is 'as is' on gold, I've seen too many people go 'I WANT BETA KEY!' then within 5 mins of playing go 'This game SUX it's too buggy and nothing is here', which completely rattles my cage as it shows the 'wanting' people have no idea what beta/apha testing is...
So yea I do agree and pleased that NDA breakages aren't taken as lightly here as some places but I also would prefer if the act of 'key staring' during NDA times should be stapped apon too (for instance a 'please do not request keys' sticky on the open beta forum)
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
And when has that ever happened? "Sorry Brad, pL4y3R_l33t said the fighting is slow in Vanguard on a message board. Shut down the server and send everyone home, it's over."
Apparently I've violated every NDA I've been in and always will, I've heard that telling you're in a beta is a violation. When someone comes in and asks what I'm playing I tell them, not shut off the monitor immediately, curl into the fetal position and sob until they leave.
When has that ever happened, it asks...and logically, because it thinks it hasn't happened, that's a carte blanche to keep violating NDA's.
"It"? Have you been eating lead paint?
And no it hasn't happened. You seriously think that a company is going to just toss the money invested because some tester doesn't like their game? I don't think many people base their entire decisions on the opinion of a random stranger on the Internet.
NDA is to hide the sorry state of a game, if it's going to be good it'll be good in beta :P games do not change that much from beta to release. WOW for example was great in closed beta, SWG however wasnt and it got worse from ebat to release lol. Dark and light aswel infact every game.
What if the revealed info compromised their game so much that it was no longer viable for the developer to keep at it? Their super new idea is suddenly public and the one big selling point they may have had is out in the open. It has happened many times in various industries, and who's to say it hasn't happened in the gaming industry? What makes you an authority to say it hasn't happened? Or won't happen?
The fact remains, a developer has trusted an individual not to blurt out info on their game. Doesn't cost the individual anything more than agreeing to something and downloading a few things. The developer, on the other hand, has a lot more to lose.
The developers aren't being Nazis, or anal, or meanies, or bullies or whatever, when they ask people not to disclose anything.
It's a simple and honorable enough thing to do and people should abide by them.
What industry are you thinking? In mmorpgs if they have a "super new idea" they don't keep it as a surprise, they announce it at every opportunity to stand out from the competition.
And I agree with Era. The only time I've seen companies desperately try to enforce the NDA is when they are hiding how lousy their game is (Mourning, DnL) Most are not knocking themselves out trying to enforce it. Why should the mods here?
So breaking trust is all right with you? Even if you're of the opinion you're doing the world some marvellous altruistic favour?
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
Ban the EULA violaters!
Oh wait, that means we would have to close this site.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
I got a warning this week and my post was deleted because a mod felt i broke an NDA which he has no idea whether i'm actually subject too. It was for speculating on a release date too LOL. Most of the Mods here are good but there's obviously one that doesn't like me. I even received a ban for a 45 day old post that he obviously had to search for and then he took it completely out of context of the thread. He also had the nerve to question why i was still allowed to be a member of this community LOL i got a good laugh about that one. Clearly there's 1 mod here on a total power trip and i've heard other people complaining of him too. I like how when they send warnings they don't actually say which mod sent it either. Great to have anonymous power isn't it.
While i believe that people who go giving away info on games against the NDA are doing wrong i think it's also important to remember that Mods are people and with that comes prejudice. There is a gray area that isn't quite against an NDA and it should be respected. Afterall... what would these forums be without rumors? LOL
Make a difference!
Well, to deviate a little from my lonesome crusade on this thread so far, I will agree with you. I've yet to be involved in a beta where the devs and PR folk didn't carry on like they'd just graciously allowed mere mortals to sample their wonderful product.
From their point of view, that's probably how it is too.
"I like how when they send warnings they don't actually say which mod sent it either. Great to have anonymous power isn't it. "
Cowards hide in the shadows. You can't even reply to a warning to discuss it.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Yep, I posted a couple of harmless pictures in a funny picture thread, and promptly got them deleted. Hell, they were PG-13 rated, if that. Got an anonymous PM warning me for being a naughty individual as well as an email to the addy I registered under all those years ago.
I considered it a case of lame moral panic censorship, so I emailed the admin about it only to see the entire thread go bye-bye.
Two ways of looking at it. 1. It's their website and they can do what they want yet 2. There's an implied invitation for the public to come here and post.
Bah, get this thread back on track.
actually i dont speed


actually i dont speed
Just listen to the people who broke the NDA on this beta they're right :P It's crap.
Obviously you are not aware of the resources available on the web. You are not anonymous. You can be found. It has happened in the past that people get so enraged over web postings that people use those resources to track down offensive individuals and punish them in person LOL.
There is no anonymity on the internet. NO matter how hard you try. If you think you can say anything in a forum without fear of retribution you are terribly under educated on the internet and should probably just stop posting.
Make a difference!
Obviously you are not aware of the resources available on the web. You are not anonymous. You can be found. It has happened in the past that people get so enraged over web postings that people use those resources to track down offensive individuals and punish them in person LOL.
There is no anonymity on the internet. NO matter how hard you try. If you think you can say anything in a forum without fear of retribution you are terribly under educated on the internet and should probably just stop posting.
prove it, come to me house, i got a present for you.
EDIT: actually im quite educated on the topic, thanks. however, i was kinda referring to Jorevs posting on the forums. but in any case, most people are and feel pretty safe on the internet forums. otherwise, why would you give me any ideas, i could hunt you down just as easily as you can me. obviously, youre not too concerned about it either.