Originally posted by erinys Originally posted by Sh337 Originally posted by erinys Well if anyone here doesnt wanna play anymore, send me your buddy key then
You're really desperate...
Well what do you expect :P i ordered the bloody games last monday, 2x with a store claiming they could send out right away, and neither did.. /sigh..
So now the weekend is here and i wanna play, but the trials seems WAY to limited to keep me busy all weekend
I know the feeling... I ordered EoF from AmazonUK... And the day it should arrive (today) is a holiday... So I have to wait until Monday at least. Keeping myself busy with Guild Wars in the mean time...
Roin, isn't it interesting that you chose to insult me when I was simply pointing out that "carebear" is wrong and giving him a taste of his own medicine. Especially when your posts are worse than anything I've said.
Nice job ignoring where my reply came from just so you can bash me personally.
Originally posted by Jorev I never suggested full looting was necessary in order for PvP to be considered realPvP. I know there are many hardcore PvPers who preach that, but I am not one of them. However, PvP needs to have significant risk or it becomes a joke, a zergfest where you have nothing or little to lose. By limiting the loot to carried items only, or inferior items, you create a safe environment for PvP which defeats the purpose and reality of real PvP. I can easily not carry any items in my inventory, or coin, and set out to PvP without any risk. That is a flawed design. I believe a 1-3 item random item drop of all items equipped, yes including the possibility of the very best items regardless of no drop, attuned etc tags, must exist, in order to keep PvP real. By establishing a safety net and guaranteeing protection of better items, you mock the concept of PvP.
You keep using the phrase "real PvP" as if there is some stipulation involved. PvP stands for Player vs. Player, nothing more. It has nothing to do with risk, looting or dying. It simply means you're competing against another player. How a game chooses to implement that mechanic is up to the devs, but the rules for one particular game have no bearing on what "real" PvP is. Chess, arm wrestling, football, or even American Idol all qualify for the title of PvP as much as any MMO.
Originally posted by Roin Originally posted by Moirae Originally posted by Jorev People who said EQ2 has PvP looting are wrong. Real PvP allows anything equipped to be able to drop, that does not happen in EQ2. The equipped items are protected and that is carebear. The best items are always equipped and they should be at risk.
Lay off the "carebear" comments. maybe I should start calling you a psychopathic killer because you're more concerned with killing everyone in sight and robbing them blind.
How does that feel? The OP's post was far from trolling. He took the time to list and even go into a bit of detail about the parts of the game he didn't like. Just because you are too narrow minded to accept someone elses opinion on a game you like. That does not instantly make him and/or her a troll. Most of the people that even bothered to reply to each of his points. Basically kept doing the same thing. Trying to insist that his opinion was wrong. Which isn't possible. Because an opinion is just that, an opinion. Someones personally feelings or thoughts on the matter. How are you going to tell him what he felt when playing the game is wrong? if it was a mere statement of opinion, then why imply that you wish to force it on others with a title such as "don't waste your money on EQ2". and if it's just opinion, then a line such as "i found the server i joined to be on the empty side, and the player count seemed less with each day" would be an opinion also. stating "the player levels ARE dropping" is making a statement, and one that is false.
------------------------------ Currently playing: Rift
former player of: DAoC, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, SWG (pre-NGE), WoW, Warhammer online, LotR:O
Originally posted by Syri if it was a mere statement of opinion, then why imply that you wish to force it on others with a title such as "don't waste your money on EQ2". and if it's just opinion, then a line such as "i found the server i joined to be on the empty side, and the player count seemed less with each day" would be an opinion also. stating "the player levels ARE dropping" is making a statement, and one that is false.
Look at the chart for subscribers above 70k. You will see that EQ2 has lost half of it's subscribers since release which proves what the OP said. You can disagree with the data but unless you show any similar 3rd party data which contradicts this chart, your statement is false.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Jorev, those numbers are only what the mmogchart person has personally thought he's seen, they aren't official numbers. When I see real numbers, then we'll discuss it. Until then, it's nothing more than hot air. The statistics people like to throw around are only as accurate as the person taking them. And companies don't generally announce their number of subscribers. Except for WoW, which is probably lying to make themselves seem bigger anyway because the numbers they announce are always in commercials and don't take into account multiple account households or much of anything else really anymore than mmogchart does.
I love EQ2. Graphics are great. Storylines are awesome. Gameplay is fast. Community seems more mature to me than WoW ever was. I see lots of players on my server.
Till Conan comes out, I think I will be stay right here.
I think EQ is a fantastic MMORPG.Even though I am a chinese player.I just loved it since it imported to china in 2003.
But I still agree with u.The game is just a game.One day when I leave EQ2 I just found out that I have so much time to do my rest things.But when I in EQ2 I cannot feel about this.There are an unbreakable relativity between virtual and real.But I think the more important thing obviously is reality.
On my server of permafrost, the game population has been gaining since the adventure pack fallen dynasty in june. Then it just exploded after EoF. I think people are noticing the new changes and the fact that its not full of kids like some others.
Some advice for potential customers for this product.
This is my advice based on my experience in order to save you the disappointment.
EQ2 sucks.
It's a raid centric game since the best items are achieved in raid content and they are non tradeable, so anyone who doesn't raid will be a second class citizen.
I have only raided one time in my EQ2 experience (played since day 1) and im doing fine. (Try crafting)
There is way too much zoning.
There is way too much zoning in the cities, but once you get further out, there becomes less and less zoning.
The ciities are bare, I mean empty and void of life.
Ever been to Qeynos Harbor or East Freeport?
Crafting is way too easy so it's hard to make any profit from the items you make.
Crafting requires paying attention to the crafting buffs, and I have not run into another game that even has craftingbuffs you need to watch.
The PvP is weak, no item looting.
I got a bunch of money and a spell upgrade yesterday, so yes there is item looting.
There is no significant death penalty making the game way too easy and non challenging.
I agree with you, the death is to easy right now, but its not game shattering.
The playerbase is shrinking, more and more people leaving daily so not a game that has a bright future.
There are also people coming everyday, especially since EOF came out. I think the only reason people don't want to play is that it has the words Everquest and SOE on it, this game is so far away from EQ1 that you wouldn't recognize it as a sequal if they renamed all of the continenets.
In conclusion, I think everyone should try EQ2 and see for themselves instead of listening to all of our reveiws. It has its own strengths and weaknesses.
It's a raid centric game since the best items are achieved in raid content and they are non tradeable, so anyone who doesn't raid will be a second class citizen.
You are not quite wrong in this. However, I suppose that if the only measure you have for yourself in the context of an MMORPG is "Uber" loot and "Phat" gains, that is to say that you see yourself (and determine your success) simply in terms of how much *stuff* you own, you will certainly be disappointed in EQ2, along with most other MMORGPS out there. It does pay to note that some people play MMORPGs for reasons *OTHER* than to simply collect better stuff than their neighbors have.
Peoples such as Afterlife, Fire of Heaven, Legacy of Sorrow, Legacy of Steel...
Should I go on? If you are happy been lame, don't ask everyone else to be. Doing so is only going to aggravated them. I have to DREAM about been good. And raid-centric game, removed that dreaming, completely. While they keep trying to promise a LOT, often blatantly lying. And after that, they wonder why peoples hate these games...well duh, peoples who care about uberness, they are doing the logical activity to bring that uberness, so if you put the reward into a foreign gameplay, you gonna be bashed...and the more you do it, the worser will the beating become.
Games that enforce raiding belong to the old gen. Next gen MMO with raiding-enforced? I think not!
Peoples telling you otherwise are trying to sell you something, but a raiding-enforced game is old gen.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
really? lol how come i see all kinds of people logged on right now :O and i played all weekend and they where so many people on. Just because u don't like soe don't mean eq2 is going to fail. It is a great game and new people are coming in all the time. Don't believe me then log on using the 7 day free pass and see for yourself.
Originally posted by zakk_ Originally posted by TheICE Just because u don't like soe don't mean eq2 is going to fail. erm..it failed 2 years ago.right now it's a dinosaur looking up at the shiny red thing hurtling toward it It is a great game and new people are coming in all the time. Don't believe me then log on using the 7 day free pass and see for yourself.
nah thx Then you have no right to make claims that you know nothing about.
Actually if you have preconceptions, it may not do anything for you to log in. Often people are set in their ways and would not give something a chance even if it was the best thing in the world. Many people judge EQ2 on how it was in the beginning. I would say the majority seem to fit into this category from what I have seen from input in various threads. There are those that are content with the notion that things don't change.
Originally posted by fawdown Actually if you have preconceptions, it may not do anything for you to log in. Often people are set in their ways and would not give something a chance even if it was the best thing in the world. Many people judge EQ2 on how it was in the beginning. I would say the majority seem to fit into this category from what I have seen from input in various threads. There are those that are content with the notion that things don't change.
Well said, those people are called stubborn. Wont admit it that EQ2 is better now or are too stubborn to try it again at all.
Originally posted by Flem Originally posted by fawdown Actually if you have preconceptions, it may not do anything for you to log in. Often people are set in their ways and would not give something a chance even if it was the best thing in the world. Many people judge EQ2 on how it was in the beginning. I would say the majority seem to fit into this category from what I have seen from input in various threads. There are those that are content with the notion that things don't change.
Well said, those people are called stubborn. Wont admit it that EQ2 is better now or are too stubborn to try it again at all. Indeed, I play EQ2 from the start now and its improved alot. I loved it when it started, i love it even more now.
You can be the gamer you want to be in EQ2. If you want the be a hardcore Raider, you can, there are enough RAID oppurtinities. If you want to be the roleplayer, you can. The Tons of Lore, Voice-overs and RP guilds (like my own, Truewatch on Splitpaw server) make it possible to roleplay alot. if you want to just play casual and have fun, its also possible. Enough things todo, Live events and stuff like Mentoring make it very easy to group with everybody AND if you are the tradeskiller you can have a nice challenge with the crafting system
Anyway, lots of people i know started EQ2 and they love it. Spread the virus ^^
Can I be a hardcore soloer and earn the best gear because I am skilled?
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Originally posted by Jorev "You can be the gamer you want to be in EQ2." Can I be a hardcore soloer and earn the best gear because I am skilled?
heh,if you are online you will group,and you will like it...11 eq2 players and 4 dndonline players can't be wrong
it was a laugh following the development of these games.the devs spouting how there will be no solo,the community saying but sometimes we like to solo,the devs replying stfu we know what were doing
guess they're soloing all the way down to the welfare office right about now
Well what do you expect :P i ordered the bloody games last monday, 2x with a store claiming they could send out right away, and neither did.. /sigh..
So now the weekend is here
and i wanna play, but the trials seems WAY to limited to keep me busy all weekend 
I know the feeling... I ordered EoF from AmazonUK... And the day it should arrive (today) is a holiday...
So I have to wait until Monday at least. Keeping myself busy with Guild Wars in the mean time...
Nice job ignoring where my reply came from just so you can bash me personally.
How does that feel?
The OP's post was far from trolling. He took the time to list and even go into a bit of detail about the parts of the game he didn't like. Just because you are too narrow minded to accept someone elses opinion on a game you like. That does not instantly make him and/or her a troll. Most of the people that even bothered to reply to each of his points. Basically kept doing the same thing. Trying to insist that his opinion was wrong. Which isn't possible. Because an opinion is just that, an opinion. Someones personally feelings or thoughts on the matter. How are you going to tell him what he felt when playing the game is wrong?
if it was a mere statement of opinion, then why imply that you wish to force it on others with a title such as "don't waste your money on EQ2". and if it's just opinion, then a line such as "i found the server i joined to be on the empty side, and the player count seemed less with each day" would be an opinion also. stating "the player levels ARE dropping" is making a statement, and one that is false.
Currently playing: Rift
former player of: DAoC, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, SWG (pre-NGE), WoW, Warhammer online, LotR:O
Look at the chart for subscribers above 70k. You will see that EQ2 has lost half of it's subscribers since release which proves what the OP said. You can disagree with the data but unless you show any similar 3rd party data which contradicts this chart, your statement is false.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Till Conan comes out, I think I will be stay right here.
I'm going to go out, buy the game and spend time playing it. Just because you told me not to.
I think EQ is a fantastic MMORPG.Even though I am a chinese player.I just loved it since it imported to china in 2003.
But I still agree with u.The game is just a game.One day when I leave EQ2 I just found out that I have so much time to do my rest things.But when I in EQ2 I cannot feel about this.There are an unbreakable relativity between virtual and real.But I think the more important thing obviously is reality.
Yeah, EQ2 has all the goods - but I am always up for improvements.
I have been on a break for a while, making money can crafting in the real world
Some advice for potential customers for this product.
This is my advice based on my experience in order to save you the disappointment.
EQ2 sucks.
It's a raid centric game since the best items are achieved in raid content and they are non tradeable, so anyone who doesn't raid will be a second class citizen.
I have only raided one time in my EQ2 experience (played since day 1) and im doing fine. (Try crafting)
There is way too much zoning.
There is way too much zoning in the cities, but once you get further out, there becomes less and less zoning.
The ciities are bare, I mean empty and void of life.
Ever been to Qeynos Harbor or East Freeport?
Crafting is way too easy so it's hard to make any profit from the items you make.
Crafting requires paying attention to the crafting buffs, and I have not run into another game that even has craftingbuffs you need to watch.
The PvP is weak, no item looting.
I got a bunch of money and a spell upgrade yesterday, so yes there is item looting.
There is no significant death penalty making the game way too easy and non challenging.
I agree with you, the death is to easy right now, but its not game shattering.
The playerbase is shrinking, more and more people leaving daily so not a game that has a bright future.
There are also people coming everyday, especially since EOF came out. I think the only reason people don't want to play is that it has the words Everquest and SOE on it, this game is so far away from EQ1 that you wouldn't recognize it as a sequal if they renamed all of the continenets.
In conclusion, I think everyone should try EQ2 and see for themselves instead of listening to all of our reveiws. It has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Peoples such as Afterlife, Fire of Heaven, Legacy of Sorrow, Legacy of Steel...
Should I go on? If you are happy been lame, don't ask everyone else to be. Doing so is only going to aggravated them. I have to DREAM about been good. And raid-centric game, removed that dreaming, completely. While they keep trying to promise a LOT, often blatantly lying. And after that, they wonder why peoples hate these games...well duh, peoples who care about uberness, they are doing the logical activity to bring that uberness, so if you put the reward into a foreign gameplay, you gonna be bashed...and the more you do it, the worser will the beating become.
Games that enforce raiding belong to the old gen. Next gen MMO with raiding-enforced? I think not!
Peoples telling you otherwise are trying to sell you something, but a raiding-enforced game is old gen.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Then you have no right to make claims that you know nothing about.
Indeed, I play EQ2 from the start now and its improved alot.
I loved it when it started, i love it even more now.
You can be the gamer you want to be in EQ2.
If you want the be a hardcore Raider, you can, there are enough RAID oppurtinities.
If you want to be the roleplayer, you can. The Tons of Lore, Voice-overs and RP guilds (like my own, Truewatch on Splitpaw server)
make it possible to roleplay alot.
if you want to just play casual and have fun, its also possible. Enough things todo, Live events and stuff like Mentoring make it very easy to group with everybody
AND if you are the tradeskiller you can have a nice challenge with the crafting system
Anyway, lots of people i know started EQ2 and they love it.
Spread the virus ^^
Don't Call me CrAzY or I'll go CrAzY
"You can be the gamer you want to be in EQ2."
Can I be a hardcore soloer and earn the best gear because I am skilled?
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
it was a laugh following the development of these games.the devs
spouting how there will be no solo,the community saying but sometimes
we like to solo,the devs replying stfu we know what were doing
guess they're soloing all the way down to the welfare office right about now