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Roma-Victor, anyone play?

I was thinking of purchasing roma-victor.
Anyone play it? give me some insight.
Is it worth the cash?


  • GungaDinGungaDin Member UncommonPosts: 514

    Its complete Junk.   Don't even bother.

  • PolrpgPolrpg Member Posts: 71

    Originally posted by GungaDin

    Its complete Junk.   Don't even bother.



  • max2008max2008 Member Posts: 91
    Game plays like its in alpha at best.Nowhere near even beta quality .
  • frkhot97frkhot97 Member Posts: 393

    I would like to like it -- but I can't force myself to log in. but keep it on your radar, maybe one day it'll become the game of your dreams. Currently it's not worth your money...

  • RanddRandd Member Posts: 409
    I've been closely watching several forums for this game. Its getting better, but alot more slowly then anyone hoped. I'm figuring it will be playable with most of the features in about 6 months. If they can hold together that long.

  • MMO_ManMMO_Man Member Posts: 666
    I will agree with the others and say don't buy it.

    I sleep with a pillow under my gun.

  • ExpatriateExpatriate Member Posts: 202

    Great idea, sad execution.

    We hyped, we hoped, we tried, we cried.

    Watch the latest episode of "The Guild" and other Pwnage videos from around the net--also post your own:

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Its dead Jim

  • MaldachMaldach Member Posts: 399
    Hey now. They have trees and shirts ingame now. Big hype in the Roma Victor forum. You know, because trees and shirts are the start of something big...image
  • sempiternalsempiternal Member UncommonPosts: 1,082

    If you are looking for a medieval type MMOG that focuses on realism, Roma Victor is it.  I don't know of anything else like it.

    However, the development team is very small and as a result there are frequently bugs to be fixed and progress is slow.

    Those that are posting it's "complete junk" don't seem to tell you why, but it's likely because they don't want to deal with bugs, development is slow, there is a lot of content to be added, and because they are used to the pretty polished MMOGs produced by large corporations for mass markets; games which are usually not very challenging, giving everything away to everyone, in order to make a quick return on investment.

    I am sure Roma Victor is making very little money.

    There is no monthly fee.

    So why are the developers doing it?

    Because the game is their passion and they have been working on it for five years.

    And that should make the difference in the long run if they don't sell out or if something better does not come along.

    If you are looking for the realism and challenge of an historically authentic MMOG, if like the idea of not paying a monthly fee, if you are looking for a game to play for the long-term or several years at least, if are willing to deal with bugs, crashes and slow development, then there is nothing else out there like the Roma Victor virtual world.

  • MMO_ManMMO_Man Member Posts: 666

    Originally posted by sempiternal
    If you are looking for a medieval type MMOG that focuses on realism, Roma Victor is it.  I don't know of anything else like it. However, the development team is very small and as a result there are frequently bugs to be fixed and progress is slow. Those that are posting it's "complete junk" don't seem to tell you why, but it's likely because they don't want to deal with bugs, development is slow, there is a lot of content to be added, and because they are used to the pretty polished MMOGs produced by large corporations for mass markets; games which are usually not very challenging, giving everything away to everyone, in order to make a quick return on investment.

    Yep that sums it up nicely. If you don't like games that have almost zero content, tons of bugs, very very slow dev team, then you wont like RV. image

    I sleep with a pillow under my gun.

  • sempiternalsempiternal Member UncommonPosts: 1,082

    More exaggeration.  What does "tons of bugs" mean?  These are posts of haters.

    If you want to see much of the content that is already in take a look at the public wiki:

    "almost zero content" is a lie.

  • KaptainZergKaptainZerg Member Posts: 322

    Roma-Victor was reviewed by, a number of registered users of
    this site commented. Have a look

    Sounds pretty bad! lol

  • SaftwearSaftwear Member Posts: 124
    The thing about RV is that once you buy the client, it's F2P. Yes the game has it's flaws and there are tons of things that need fixing/implementation but if you play it you will see why some people love it and why some people hate it. To say that there is no content is exactly what I love to see. I love coming up with my own content alla UO. This game is very realistic in design not graphics, and it probably appeals to a older player rather than the kids that cry untill they get everything they want now.

    The community is very unique and the ideas in this game is what keeps me logging back in.

    I think in 4-5 months you should probably pick this one up.

  • JorevJorev Member Posts: 1,500

    First off, has not reviewed RV yet, they have only previewed it. It would be nice if they did review it, but obviously Redbedlam doesn't want anyone reviewing their craptastic game. PC Zone UK has though and gave it 8 out of 100 and rated it one of the worst games ever.

    Second, RV is not free to play since you have to buy the initial game. Anyone stating it as free to play is therefore a liar. It is subscription free, but since Redbedlam sells in game coin(sesterces) for real money, it isn't even expected to be free after you pay for the client. Obviously the revenue system and game would fail and close down if no one was buying in game coin, yet people never admit to buying any. Wonder why? Must be embarrassed about it and of course the fanbois want to convince themselves and others that it's free to play.


    "We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
    Brad McQuaid
    Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
    Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes

  • GorukhaGorukha Member Posts: 1,441

      Roma Victor is a medieval game ?...................

    2 Thumbs down all the way down, 0 out of 100 points, bad game dont buy it.

    It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.

  • MW2KMW2K Member UncommonPosts: 1,036

    Originally posted by sempiternal
    If you are looking for a medieval type MMOG that focuses on realism, Roma Victor is it. I don't know of anything else like it.

    The Antonine era of the Roman Empire that RV is based in pre-dates the "medieval" era by a good 1100-1200 years.

    There's nothing medieval about the Roman Empire, and that's by definition.

    Jeez, Sempiternal, you're the card-carrying fanboi of this game and you didn't know that? tut tut...

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