Originally posted by Jorev The spirit is dead. As a new player you wouldn't have the knowledge of early EQ1 pre Planes of Power to compare and make a judgement call.
The spirit of EQ is not in the game, is not coded in, is not paid for, is not provided by Sony. The spirit of EQ is within the player. Is the natural joy of virtual challenges, of discovery and social interactions.
EQ has changed.
The development team has changed - this changed the goals and direction of the game - not the spirit.
If the spirit of EQ is dead when you play, look within yourself and not within the game.
I know this sound metaphysical, but it's what I believe. As a long time player of EQ, I look at what it was and what it is to me, and to those who still play beside me and to those who left and many who return, what they say and how they say it.
The Spirit of EQ hasen't changed. Your spirit has.
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
Originally posted by Me The Spirit of EQ hasen't changed. Your spirit has.
Well, I was being alittle facetious, there. The game has changed. As the dev team changed, as the player base changed, as Sony changed - the game evolved, grew if you would. It's now older. The first years of EQ when the Devs had no idea what would happen, Sony expected the game to die any moment and the players had no idea what they would find inside - this was the Spirit of EQ.
Now, the game is mature. The player base has outside resources to tell them what is where. The Dev team has a solid history to build apon. Sony now knows that they can milk this cow freely. This is the spirit of EQ.
What I was so facetiously refering to as "the spirit" of EQ was not the game, but the feeling a new player had as they learned to travel through the game, explored it's dungeons and fought it's monsters. This is the spirit of virtual discovery, of challenge that most players seek to relive.
Is it gone? No. IMO. The player has evolved. Has become jaded and seeks ever greater thrills. The old toys no longer entertain. Have they changed? No. You have changed.
/shrug and thats it for my psych session. class again next Friday, bring your homework.
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
I played EQ1 for over 3 years from 1st day of launch and the spirit changed when the direction of the game changed. That became more evident with the release of Planes of Power, a raiding expansion, closely followed by the Dungeons expansion which was a forced grouping expansion and continued from there.
Prior to Planes of Power, EQ1 was all inclusive and welcoming of all playerstyles but their focus became more raiding and more forced grouping along a linear path. It was not like that the first few years where there was equal content for all playerstyles. There was much more freedom then. Hence the spirit died.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
agree there, PoP for me was the dagger to the heart of the game. Yet I am still fond of the game though despite all the changes and failed attempts to come back.
the only place your going to find anyone is at HIGH LVL zones where raiding is number 1, other then that they could just as well take out all the rest of the places
ROI got banned on Stromm or at least a lot of their players did for cheating during raids. Bet they are up to their old tricks, you guys watch yourselves.
If your going to start from scratch, I wouldn't play EQ. The game doesn't start until your level 70ish. Before that, you will have to search hard to find people your level. Without twinkage, your leveling will be slow.
Originally posted by Shoal For new players, it is a wasteland. For those who have high-level characters, it is still good. When you go to the starting areas now, 99% of the characters there are twinked alts of veteran players. You may get help, you may not. But, they will soon leave you in the dust. EQ1 is a lonely town for new players. WoW is much more friendly and accessible.
Truer words were never spoken about the late stage of EQ. I keep going back to the game, but can only log on for a few minutes at a time. A friend of mine called EQ "a bloated corpse".
ill have to agree with most people here. While eq is far from being truley dead, if you are not looking to driving towords "raid" type content this is honestly not the game to play. Myself like alot of people i play eq with have tried the other games and enjoyed them but the todays real catch in eq is the raiding 42-54 person raids requiring strong balance and teamwork. Honestly in the last few expansio soe has been catering more to the casual non raiders then the upper end raid content, raiding is still the drive that will keep eq alive.. I have also noticed eq tends to have a strong military and former military draw than any other mmo i have ever played. Once again this goes back to the raid structure the game has developed. Simply if you dont have 20 hours a week to play, you dont want to be part of a 50+ person team who must function as 1 unit to accomplish a task. And you dont like to force socialize to advance. EQ is not worth picking up at this point. There are many games out there much more firendly to the starting player and alot more forgiving while trying to learn. However if these goals work into what you are looking for there is still alot to be had from this game and has a strong future for at least a few mors years and will probably be around for another 8 years.
Yes the game is REALLY empty, there are less than 100,000, the servers have been consolidated from 2 to 1 . Hey, being a 7 year veteran of EQ I LOVED it, this is not a bash its just a fact, I never thought I would quit. I remember the days of being so scared to run across Dreadlands and hooking a ride with a guild bard to get there, Karnor so many many neat places that are totally vacant. God forbid you solo and die. There are Vet alts and very few real skilled players left of the old. The top guilds are mostly having to compromise players and the alts of the players that are still left, make up some of the players as well. Man, compared to 4 years ago, they would kick your ass for screwing up, yelled at you, you got tells like WTF, when you raided and didnt do things right. Its been a great ride for me but I have moved on to another game that suits me and it was trully hard for me to leave but it got boring, no incentive or adversity.
Honestly, I think the biggggest mistake was building expansions that werent done and turning them out with bugs and unfinished product. NOT rebuilding the already great lands of Norrath that are literaly lonely, we already had and not to the point either where you dont even recognize them like Freeport, add new things to the same places, like dungeons and special content for solo and raiding players. Dreadlands is a VAST wasteland, Frontier Mountains = wasteland, Omen = Wasteland and so many other places where there is noone in the areas. At the very least 3 of the expansions were worthless and noone ever goes to them anymore. They should have forced them to go by rebuilding a bad expansion or revamping the badness of the expansion at least, thats exciting. The one, Legacy, particularly with frogloks was a total waste of money and time for developers. The bottom line is improving what you have, making things better and more challenging or even putting a different spin on players, the ones that only add few attributes to the game, umm mages for one that you NEVER improved much, you made them totally worthless.
Maybe the developers have too many deadlines that they cant or couldnt meet or better yet there arent enough to make things happen. I am a true believer in making do with what you have (if it aiint broke dont fix it) and then adding to it in some form and I am not talking a completely different zone unless its like 1 year apart. What happened here is you made the game way too easy now for everyone in most ways and you went in the wrong direction with this game, you should have put more thought into how to keep the game alive. THE VERY best expansion was PoP, I am sure all of us agree on that. Was a great time, who goes to Vah Shar city, Grimling, who goes to Ssra, really, I mean we used to race/RIP across Scarlet Desert or Mons to get to the Empereor, those were great days. We used to camp in VT at the first blob to beat out another guild, great days. Getting to Plane of Sky and man oh man camping there too because you couldnt make it all in one day. And there are so many more memories of EQ I treasure.
Anyway, I really miss the good ole days but its too much of a time sink and before I left it was alts getting the gear in Time, Anguish, Demi Plane & of course that ever unfinished or broken PR etc. Its just too much of a time sink for me now to wait around for people to log on, to recruit and deal with adequacy.
I play SR now and am very self sufficient in every way and theres lot of real neat stuff to do, whether your a quester, have a job and soon they will have a new expanded area too but they waited a long time before they did it. Yes, yes its simple but there are alot of perks you cant see when you first start. There are still newbies leveling up and they are still adding more servers, so what does that tell ya. Their system works I think but thats me. Sorry so long winded but I really did love that game.
When the "hottest" servers show a saturday afternoon scan of less than 9 clerics at top level, with correspondingly low numbers of other classes that normally wouldn't be anonymous, you know there's trouble.
I'm a '99 fanboy, too. Just recently paid the two-year sub option.
If you like grinding alone in a grouping game all the way to 75 so you can raid with ever-dwindling numbers, this game is for you.
PoK over the last few months went from 140+ on a freshly combined server (Xegony Zebuxoruk) to 120, 89, 60, and even as low as 32 last week. More server merges aren't going to help - only delay the inevtiable. Sony learned well from Verant: "screw everyone else's ideas, you're in our world and this is the way we're running it."
Note, those same idea-makers are making Vanguard.
Games: WAR, LotRO, AO, GW, EQ, EQ2, AC, AC2, Vanguard, CoH, EVE, HZs, SO, MxO, SWG, DAoC, WoW, WWIIOL --------------------------------------
There's a world behind the world, Professor Robinson. Lie once, cheat twice and everything becomes clear. Do not mistake my deception for a character flaw. It is philosophical choice, a profound understanding of the universe. It is a way of life. - Doctor Smith
I quit the game before the new expansion. Even at lvl 70 there was no groups to be had. You're only hope is to lvl to 70-75 solo, then join a raiding guild. The group game is dead. Too bad. It used to be the best.
I'll add this. If you love to raid, then EQ is your game, and its never been better. I think EQ has the best raiding system, yet the worst. The best because you can continue to upgrade your character almost infinetly, and farm lesser mobs that single groups can't even do. The worst because it ruins the group game, and its takes about 5-10 hours a day to do with about 6-9 month investment to be able to "afford" the gear.
I remember the days of being so scared to run across Dreadlands
lol so true.
I loved when i first started the game when kunark came out. that was still when the tunnel was still being used and always a happening place. its got a few years in it though i think.
Originally posted by Iceman12321 I remember the days of being so scared to run across Dreadlands
lol so true.
I loved when i first started the game when kunark came out. that was still when the tunnel was still being used and always a happening place. its got a few years in it though i think.
Well to be scarred of running accross a zone you need a few keys factors:
1- It must be possible to accomplish it.
2- It must be in real time and the reaction of your character must be relatively good, without aggravating lag.
3- Death must mean something...debts work for casuals, but for hardcore even XP lost wasn't enough. Lives per month would make any hardcore care about dying...without affecting casuals who can't run out of lives.
4- There must be a good reason to run accross that zone in such a way.
Most MMOs fail in 1 or more aspect to make such a travel dangerous. That's been said, travel as dangerous could be fun, but it may also become tedius (which was 99% of the travel in EQ). In general, if you have the dangerous + tedius or instant teleport, instant teleport require less work and make players more happy and you can get to focus on other aspects of the game. Maybe you can "enforce" travels only sporadically, not always and not on every zone...maybe "teleports" could work, but not inside the X zones of your appropriate level.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Right on Anofalye! Actually all travel accomplished in EQ1 was no one went anywhere without a dr00d. Or you boxed a dr00d as I did. So it cost an extra account and computer, not a cost I and most others are willing to bear anymore.
As far as idiots not liking my signature, please, the dr00d was the biggest joke character of almost any game I have ever played. Even a moron could level one easily and even in early EQ. Then you could PL any character with one, so you were just dumb if you took weeks to level in early EQ even. My dr00d died maybe once between level 14 and 45 because of the imbalance caused by SoW, thats sad.
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
Originally posted by Anofalye In general, if you have the dangerous + tedius or instant teleport, instant teleport require less work and make players more happy and you can get to focus on other aspects of the game. Maybe you can "enforce" travels only sporadically, not always and not on every zone...maybe "teleports" could work, but not inside the X zones of your appropriate level.
The original concept, as I understood it, of EQ zone transportation was the size of the world. As it was explained to me, the player "felt" the Virtual world of Norrath was huge, if it took you appx 30 realtime minutes to run from Qeynos to Freeport. It was designed to give a video game, the feeling of real size and dimensions. A side effect of this was forcing players to depend on other players and to travel through areas that might be more of a challenge than others.
Your alternative to running this, was player support. You either boxed your own teleporter or you were forced (as the game was designed) to find another player who could teleport.
While EQ is a item intensive game, adding in PoK teleporting books, open to any level of player, contributed greatly to the abandonment of many lower level zones. Travel was now instant and easy for any player, no matter what level or how equiped.
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
Originally posted by sebbonx Right on Anofalye! Actually all travel accomplished in EQ1 was no one went anywhere without a dr00d. Or you boxed a dr00d as I did. So it cost an extra account and computer, not a cost I and most others are willing to bear anymore. As far as idiots not liking my signature, please, the dr00d was the biggest joke character of almost any game I have ever played. Even a moron could level one easily and even in early EQ. Then you could PL any character with one, so you were just dumb if you took weeks to level in early EQ even. My dr00d died maybe once between level 14 and 45 because of the imbalance caused by SoW, thats sad.
So you cheated and circumvented game design by multiboxing, because you couldn't handle the challenge of playing a single character and relying on it's individual skills. Congrats for you.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
I felt POK was just another nail in the EQ coffin. First, Shadows killed trading in EC, then the POK POS killed porters and fun, what a lame move. I guess they were trying to appeal to the mass's ala Blizzard, and stopped thinking content, ala Blizzard. Just logged into WoW with my 60 Hunter after the latest debacle of a patch and the game doesn't even feel the same, it has that feeling of logging into DAOC after three years and realizing what a POS it really is.
Started to play eq on Bristlebane in 99 and Stoped playing eq late in 2004 after the gates of discord expantion.
Started to play wow a few weeks ago and love the soloing. Fast mana regen and hp regen. I was wondering how is the soloing in eq now? like how is the mana regen and hp regent like ? Soloing used to be dreadfull in eq. I heard that the mana regen is faster. Can we now solo all the way up ?
Good thread, I enjoyed reading up on the goings in EQ land and not having to enter my credit card number:) The funny part is (and this is embarrassing but true) I was reading "Jorev's" posts and nodding aling in agreement but somehow mistook his banner or advertisement as a signature. Probably because we all used to have elaborate sigs. Then he says "5I played EQ1 for over 3 years from 1st day of launch and.." and i am thinking wtf?? this is one of the original developers and he is anouncing he played from launch etc..?? Yeah, I would hope he did, I mean it's his game lol...About then I realized my error and lol.:)
My 2cents on this topic for those with stamina Sorry it is way to long winded....insert link isnt workin so cut-n-paste to get there if ya like.
I just came back to Everquest myself. I was really bored with World of Warcraft. I had to buy the Titanium Pack because my old discs were all scratched and EQ wasn't installed on this computer. I'm just missing two expansions now. I restarted on my old server, Erollisi-Marr(Morrel-Thule). The tutorial zone, the gloomingdeep mines isn't empty at all. It still has some newbies (perhapes twinks?) running around inside. The tutorial is ok, you can get to lvl 11 in there. Afterwords I was sent to Pok, I left a bit early at lvl 9 but I can return if I want to which is good since I didn't finnish all the quests yet. But after being sent to PoK I had no idea where to go. Since I was a darkelf I decided to go to Neriak. I haven't found any new newbie quests yet. I noticed some new npcs but I haven't checked them out yet. I just hope they have some decent armor quests for us lowbies because armor doesn't come cheap at the Bazaar these days. I saw a piece of crafted armor breastplate selling for 1k plat... I remember when it was 200pp, but that was like 2yrs ago since I played. I have a feeling that I'm going to have along and expensive road to lvl 75 ahead of me...
Yes every class / race has a armor quest. You just have to kill mobs and get drops dont have to buy anything. They all should be easly done at lvl 9 the bp's might be harder like lvl 12. Its also a good way to lvl up to have made alts in past usualy got the armor then stoped playing them lol. Not the greatest gear but good enought to start you out till you get some cash for replacemnts some pieces will even be good enought to last till like 40's. Remember cultural armor is expencive but look for good old fashioned armor. Like if you a plate class look for crusty from velious or chain rygor from vellious that stuff is still good till 60's. Was good enough back in day and good enough now.
Right on Anofalye! Actually all travel accomplished in EQ1 was no one went anywhere without a dr00d. Or you boxed a dr00d as I did. So it cost an extra account and computer, not a cost I and most others are willing to bear anymore. As far as idiots not liking my signature, please, the dr00d was the biggest joke character of almost any game I have ever played. Even a moron could level one easily and even in early EQ. Then you could PL any character with one, so you were just dumb if you took weeks to level in early EQ even. My dr00d died maybe once between level 14 and 45 because of the imbalance caused by SoW, thats sad.
So you cheated and circumvented game design by multiboxing, because you couldn't handle the challenge of playing a single character and relying on it's individual skills. Congrats for you.
Multiboxing is not cheating, only jackasses think it is. Putting up with evil little twits in EQ that think anyone who doesn't play exactly like they do (with no talent or ability because they can't do something as simple as multibox) is why the game sucks. If EQ doesn't suck break one million active players, you have one month to do so to compare even remotely with WoW which has 8 million! Prove the game doesn't endlessly suck by getting some players . You can't because EQ sucks. Hell I could three box better then 99% of the retards could play one character in EQ, the game was boring and easy as all hell.
When they combining servers again? They will have to soon enough because the game has no players due to mismanagement and piss poor game design. Hell even the new servers are empty and SOE and the players left in EQ are none to bright.
The spirit of EQ is within the player. Is the natural joy of virtual challenges, of discovery and social interactions.
EQ has changed.
The development team has changed - this changed the goals and direction of the game - not the spirit.
If the spirit of EQ is dead when you play, look within yourself and not within the game.
I know this sound metaphysical, but it's what I believe. As a long time player of EQ, I look at what it was and what it is to me, and to those who still play beside me and to those who left and many who return, what they say and how they say it.
The Spirit of EQ hasen't changed. Your spirit has.
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
The game has changed. As the dev team changed, as the player base changed, as Sony changed - the game evolved, grew if you would. It's now older. The first years of EQ when the Devs had no idea what would happen, Sony expected the game to die any moment and the players had no idea what they would find inside - this was the Spirit of EQ.
Now, the game is mature. The player base has outside resources to tell them what is where. The Dev team has a solid history to build apon. Sony now knows that they can milk this cow freely.
This is the spirit of EQ.
What I was so facetiously refering to as "the spirit" of EQ was not the game, but the feeling a new player had as they learned to travel through the game, explored it's dungeons and fought it's monsters. This is the spirit of virtual discovery, of challenge that most players seek to relive.
Is it gone? No. IMO. The player has evolved. Has become jaded and seeks ever greater thrills. The old toys no longer entertain. Have they changed? No. You have changed.
and thats it for my psych session.
class again next Friday, bring your homework.
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
I played EQ1 for over 3 years from 1st day of launch and the spirit changed when the direction of the game changed. That became more evident with the release of Planes of Power, a raiding expansion, closely followed by the Dungeons expansion which was a forced grouping expansion and continued from there.
Prior to Planes of Power, EQ1 was all inclusive and welcoming of all playerstyles but their focus became more raiding and more forced grouping along a linear path. It was not like that the first few years where there was equal content for all playerstyles. There was much more freedom then. Hence the spirit died.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
yeah i want to play eq1 but i kinda dont wanna pay ne1 know ne private servers plz tell me if there r none
ill p2p
<a href="http://www.l33tsig.net/" title="L33TSig"><img src="http://www.l33tsig.net/sig/geemanjr.png" alt="geemanjr's L33TSig" /></a>
raiding is number 1, other then that they could just as well take out
all the rest of the places
Simply if you dont have 20 hours a week to play, you dont want to be part of a 50+ person team who must function as 1 unit to accomplish a task. And you dont like to force socialize to advance. EQ is not worth picking up at this point. There are many games out there much more firendly to the starting player and alot more forgiving while trying to learn. However if these goals work into what you are looking for there is still alot to be had from this game and has a strong future for at least a few mors years and will probably be around for another 8 years.
Yes the game is REALLY empty, there are less than 100,000, the servers have been consolidated from 2 to 1 . Hey, being a 7 year veteran of EQ I LOVED it, this is not a bash its just a fact, I never thought I would quit. I remember the days of being so scared to run across Dreadlands and hooking a ride with a guild bard to get there, Karnor so many many neat places that are totally vacant. God forbid you solo and die. There are Vet alts and very few real skilled players left of the old. The top guilds are mostly having to compromise players and the alts of the players that are still left, make up some of the players as well. Man, compared to 4 years ago, they would kick your ass for screwing up, yelled at you, you got tells like WTF, when you raided and didnt do things right. Its been a great ride for me but I have moved on to another game that suits me and it was trully hard for me to leave but it got boring, no incentive or adversity.
Honestly, I think the biggggest mistake was building expansions that werent done and turning them out with bugs and unfinished product. NOT rebuilding the already great lands of Norrath that are literaly lonely, we already had and not to the point either where you dont even recognize them like Freeport, add new things to the same places, like dungeons and special content for solo and raiding players. Dreadlands is a VAST wasteland, Frontier Mountains = wasteland, Omen = Wasteland and so many other places where there is noone in the areas. At the very least 3 of the expansions were worthless and noone ever goes to them anymore. They should have forced them to go by rebuilding a bad expansion or revamping the badness of the expansion at least, thats exciting. The one, Legacy, particularly with frogloks was a total waste of money and time for developers. The bottom line is improving what you have, making things better and more challenging or even putting a different spin on players, the ones that only add few attributes to the game, umm mages for one that you NEVER improved much, you made them totally worthless.
Maybe the developers have too many deadlines that they cant or couldnt meet or better yet there arent enough to make things happen. I am a true believer in making do with what you have (if it aiint broke dont fix it) and then adding to it in some form and I am not talking a completely different zone unless its like 1 year apart. What happened here is you made the game way too easy now for everyone in most ways and you went in the wrong direction with this game, you should have put more thought into how to keep the game alive. THE VERY best expansion was PoP, I am sure all of us agree on that. Was a great time, who goes to Vah Shar city, Grimling, who goes to Ssra, really, I mean we used to race/RIP across Scarlet Desert or Mons to get to the Empereor, those were great days. We used to camp in VT at the first blob to beat out another guild, great days. Getting to Plane of Sky and man oh man camping there too because you couldnt make it all in one day. And there are so many more memories of EQ I treasure.
Anyway, I really miss the good ole days but its too much of a time sink and before I left it was alts getting the gear in Time, Anguish, Demi Plane & of course that ever unfinished or broken PR etc. Its just too much of a time sink for me now to wait around for people to log on, to recruit and deal with adequacy.
I play SR now and am very self sufficient in every way and theres lot of real neat stuff to do, whether your a quester, have a job and soon they will have a new expanded area too but they waited a long time before they did it. Yes, yes its simple but there are alot of perks you cant see when you first start. There are still newbies leveling up and they are still adding more servers, so what does that tell ya. Their system works I think but thats me.
Sorry so long winded but I really did love that game.
When the "hottest" servers show a saturday afternoon scan of less than 9 clerics at top level, with correspondingly low numbers of other classes that normally wouldn't be anonymous, you know there's trouble.
I'm a '99 fanboy, too. Just recently paid the two-year sub option.
If you like grinding alone in a grouping game all the way to 75 so you can raid with ever-dwindling numbers, this game is for you.
PoK over the last few months went from 140+ on a freshly combined server (Xegony Zebuxoruk) to 120, 89, 60, and even as low as 32 last week. More server merges aren't going to help - only delay the inevtiable. Sony learned well from Verant: "screw everyone else's ideas, you're in our world and this is the way we're running it."
Note, those same idea-makers are making Vanguard.
WAR, LotRO, AO, GW, EQ, EQ2, AC, AC2, Vanguard, CoH, EVE, HZs, SO, MxO, SWG, DAoC, WoW, WWIIOL
There's a world behind the world, Professor Robinson. Lie once, cheat twice and everything becomes clear. Do not mistake my deception for a character flaw. It is philosophical choice, a profound understanding of the universe. It is a way of life. - Doctor Smith
I quit the game before the new expansion. Even at lvl 70 there was no groups to be had. You're only hope is to lvl to 70-75 solo, then join a raiding guild. The group game is dead. Too bad. It used to be the best.
I'll add this. If you love to raid, then EQ is your game, and its never been better. I think EQ has the best raiding system, yet the worst. The best because you can continue to upgrade your character almost infinetly, and farm lesser mobs that single groups can't even do. The worst because it ruins the group game, and its takes about 5-10 hours a day to do with about 6-9 month investment to be able to "afford" the gear.
lol so true.
I loved when i first started the game when kunark came out. that was still when the tunnel was still being used and always a happening place. its got a few years in it though i think.
Well to be scarred of running accross a zone you need a few keys factors:
1- It must be possible to accomplish it.
2- It must be in real time and the reaction of your character must be relatively good, without aggravating lag.
3- Death must mean something...debts work for casuals, but for hardcore even XP lost wasn't enough. Lives per month would make any hardcore care about dying...without affecting casuals who can't run out of lives.
4- There must be a good reason to run accross that zone in such a way.
Most MMOs fail in 1 or more aspect to make such a travel dangerous. That's been said, travel as dangerous could be fun, but it may also become tedius (which was 99% of the travel in EQ). In general, if you have the dangerous + tedius or instant teleport, instant teleport require less work and make players more happy and you can get to focus on other aspects of the game. Maybe you can "enforce" travels only sporadically, not always and not on every zone...maybe "teleports" could work, but not inside the X zones of your appropriate level.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Right on Anofalye! Actually all travel accomplished in EQ1 was no one went anywhere without a dr00d. Or you boxed a dr00d as I did. So it cost an extra account and computer, not a cost I and most others are willing to bear anymore.
As far as idiots not liking my signature, please, the dr00d was the biggest joke character of almost any game I have ever played. Even a moron could level one easily and even in early EQ. Then you could PL any character with one, so you were just dumb if you took weeks to level in early EQ even. My dr00d died maybe once between level 14 and 45 because of the imbalance caused by SoW, thats sad.
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
Your alternative to running this, was player support. You either boxed your own teleporter or you were forced (as the game was designed) to find another player who could teleport.
While EQ is a item intensive game, adding in PoK teleporting books, open to any level of player, contributed greatly to the abandonment of many lower level zones. Travel was now instant and easy for any player, no matter what level or how equiped.
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Hi everyone,
Started to play eq on Bristlebane in 99 and Stoped playing eq late in 2004 after the gates of discord expantion.
Started to play wow a few weeks ago and love the soloing. Fast mana regen and hp regen. I was wondering how is the soloing in eq now? like how is the mana regen and hp regent like ? Soloing used to be dreadfull in eq. I heard that the mana regen is faster. Can we now solo all the way up ?
Good thread, I enjoyed reading up on the goings in EQ land and not having to enter my credit card number:) The funny part is (and this is embarrassing but true) I was reading "Jorev's" posts and nodding aling in agreement but somehow mistook his banner or advertisement as a signature. Probably because we all used to have elaborate sigs. Then he says "5I played EQ1 for over 3 years from 1st day of launch and.." and i am thinking wtf?? this is one of the original developers and he is anouncing he played from launch etc..?? Yeah, I would hope he did, I mean it's his game lol...About then I realized my error and lol.:)
My 2cents on this topic for those with stamina Sorry it is way to long winded....insert link isnt workin so cut-n-paste to get there if ya like.
Duiss HunEtte
70 Necromancer
Collander McGovern
70 Warrior
Retired Quellious Player
I just came back to Everquest myself. I was really bored with World of Warcraft. I had to buy the Titanium Pack because my old discs were all scratched and EQ wasn't installed on this computer. I'm just missing two expansions now. I restarted on my old server, Erollisi-Marr(Morrel-Thule). The tutorial zone, the gloomingdeep mines isn't empty at all. It still has some newbies (perhapes twinks?) running around inside. The tutorial is ok, you can get to lvl 11 in there. Afterwords I was sent to Pok, I left a bit early at lvl 9 but I can return if I want to which is good since I didn't finnish all the quests yet. But after being sent to PoK I had no idea where to go. Since I was a darkelf I decided to go to Neriak. I haven't found any new newbie quests yet. I noticed some new npcs but I haven't checked them out yet. I just hope they have some decent armor quests for us lowbies because armor doesn't come cheap at the Bazaar these days. I saw a piece of crafted armor breastplate selling for 1k plat... I remember when it was 200pp, but that was like 2yrs ago since I played. I have a feeling that I'm going to have along and expensive road to lvl 75 ahead of me...
Multiboxing is not cheating, only jackasses think it is. Putting up with evil little twits in EQ that think anyone who doesn't play exactly like they do (with no talent or ability because they can't do something as simple as multibox) is why the game sucks. If EQ doesn't suck break one million active players, you have one month to do so to compare even remotely with WoW which has 8 million! Prove the game doesn't endlessly suck by getting some players . You can't because EQ sucks. Hell I could three box better then 99% of the retards could play one character in EQ, the game was boring and easy as all hell.
When they combining servers again? They will have to soon enough because the game has no players due to mismanagement and piss poor game design. Hell even the new servers are empty and SOE and the players left in EQ are none to bright.