It seems that added some advertisement images of Roma Victor.
the question is, aside from the knowledge its a pretty bad game, Does it make you want to play?
For me, No. it doesn't show ANY gameplay images, in fact, it doesn't even show images that are related to the game. and the words: "Play roman. Play Barabarian" doesn't exactly get my blood boiling either. It seems its more an ad for a poor B-ranked movie then an advertisement for a game.
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Not really, but then I doubt that's the idea. I should hope that no one invests in a time commitment as big as an mmorpg, especially one like this, without researching it first. The ads just exist to make people aware of its existence.
The Maplestory ad didn't make it look that good either, but after reading up on it i decided to try it. That said, I do kind of question if this is the right time for RV to be advertising.
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I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
If you are even slightly observant than you would have noticed that most game ads use artwork rather than screenshots.
But I agree about the tag lines. The tag lines should really be what the game is about, what sets it apart from others. "Play a Roman," or Barbarian is too specific - before I found out about the game I had no interest in either Roman or Barbarian history, or playing a game about them. What I was interested in was an adult MMOG strictly based on a believable virtual world; no Candyland, Carebear or Star Trek crap. The group of people that are specifically interested in Roman history is much smaller than that of those interested in an authentic virtual world. is probably not even the best audience for ads about such an authentic virtual world for mature players. Where would it have an impact on a significant audience of older people interested in experiencing an historically authentic virtual world is the question that needs to be answered.
As far as the tag lines, what is Roma Victor mainly about? Its a virtual world, and not in the sense that most hokey MMOGs refer to themselves as, it really is a virtual world or virtual Earth. Roma Victor should be called a virtual world even before its called an MMOG.
A good tag line for Roma Victor would just be, "Historically Authentic Virtual World!" "Real World Map & Scale"
Or something along the lines of, "Tired of toying with Elves and Laser Guns?" "Grab Your Sword and Live in Ancient Earth!"
Or maybe, "Bored of MMO games?" "Experience a Virtual World!"
Or, "Play MMORPGs as a kid?" "Upgrade to a Virtual World!"
wonder if philjwill, lordbaldur or ExZ would agree with you on that one? not to mention the crucified reticulator.
Hardly adult are they and yet they are among the keenest players of the game.
anyone with screenies of the new interface updates etc please post away i am particularly keen to discover why the guys at RB have decided now is the time for the "big push" on the ad front. Its as if they think that the game is now suddenly ready for the mass market...could have fooled me!!
Well, see, the problem is that you have to play for a long time and learn to love it. This is why they don't have free trials. It apparently takes awhile for you to see that you like it. Of course, you can always buy it and then stick it on a shelf, pull it down whenever a new update hits, and continue to do so until the game is playable for you.( Of course you have to spend the money to buy the game to do this, but what's a little money compared to having a game you'll love someday?) Ask the fanbois, that's what they'll tell ya.
or was it the stealing from the grand huts....
god but I am a banfoy...
Grenkal, who are you on the RV forums or ingame?
you probably base your information on my mIRC antics....
now on-topic, the ads could do with a bit more... attention, maybe reveal something of thez game next time around...
Omg that was like the worst advintisement ever, So what if u can play those?, It wastent even ingame screenies and it still looked shiat
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