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So I was talking to a friend (who was the first to get me excited abou TC) and he said it would be out in Feb. 07! lol Some people will believe anything!
So, is anyone left in the gaming world who would still trust this company with money for a game? Three unanswered BBB complaints isn't so good... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole even if it did get released in Feb. Maybe if I got to play it first and it was really amazing...maybe.
At the end of December, RR plans to reveal their secret game that's almost ready for testing.
haha let me guess, this 'new mmocenter' secret game thats almost ready for testing will take preorders... well you know the rest of the story.
rofl Oddly enough, I heard they just "POOOF" developed a game in one year too! Oh man, that's rich!
I can't wait to see the amazing game they have developed when they've been working on TC many years again!?
No matter what they put out now, it will flop. Why? Because it will not be the game that was promised to the only people who even gave a crap about this POS company: the pre-order customers. Burn your only fanbase, burn your wallet with 'em. MMOcenter won't be around this time next year.
Rapid Reality really has to bring something very good to the table in order to change my view about them. Not only have they lied to their community several time, they have even started to delete old threads in their forum. Threads where they promised a lot of things... and NO... it wasnt Nathan who made those promises. It was M Ghetti.
Noone at RR takes responsability for this "cover up". They have no administrator for their forums. But I do know they have, as they call it, "secret moderators". Dunno if those mods are from the community or devs though.
yea molok I don't remember Nathen promising anything that wasn't in the original FAQ. Nathen may of exponded a little, but all he did pretty much was answer questions that people asked him based on the FAQ. And, as you said Most of what has been said either was stated by, confirmed, or at least never contrdicted by Ghetti. This whole Nathen over promised excuse is a bunch of crap.
Seeing how things have unfolded I willing to bet the reason Nathen even left is he was unhappy about the engine change, felt that the community should know the truth, and refused to adopt a policy of lies and communication shut down.
Would be interesting to hear Nathans version
Well, now that Nathan, Mark, and Adam are no longer with the company, you only have to deal with CG. You should be able to handle that. :-P
RR is now under new management with a new philosophy. We can all expect to see significant changes by the end of December. You'll all see!
...and all of us who held on to our faith and stayed with RR are going to be rewarded very soon.
The mothership has finally come! Don't drink the koolaid just yet!
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Agreed, no way around that one.
Agreed, no way around that one.
I'd agree with that also, CG turned from supposed gamer (aka: fanbois) to corporate bitch and full on BS'er in record time.
I mean, even TH over at SWG took a little over a year and a half to fall to the darkside, CG went after it with gusto.
Just a tip to the "new management" if it actually exists. Your community rep should be part of the community and not hated or generaly distrusted by it.
Important Information regarding Posting and You
He even admitts to lying to us... Hehe... he got some nerve... Everything about RR sucks... so far. It probably will in the future also. I would love a article about RR's tiny rise and huge fall 2005-2006.
He even admitts to lying to us... Hehe... he got some nerve... Everything about RR sucks... so far. It probably will in the future also. I would love a article about RR's tiny rise and huge fall 2005-2006.
I really enjoyed my "chats" with CG over on the beta forums. He was so easy to pwn
And an article on MMOcenter by MMORPG.COM would be sweet. A nice little expose to go along with the release of the game noone heard of (Africa) and the demise of the game people paid for (The Chronicle). That should be a really nice read.
I am not afraid to admit it. If its a good game I will play it. I just want a good game worth playing. Thats my core interest. The drama just helps pass the time.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
If you check, they have already stated in other threads that the entire site was rolled back about 4 days due to a server crash or some such. The Admin does not "chop" off threads.
This isn't The Chronicle official forums. No "selective" thread removal here.
rofl rofl
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Who's being sour? I was just telling the truth. No harm intended.
If you check, they have already stated in other threads that the entire site was rolled back about 4 days due to a server crash or some such. The Admin does not "chop" off threads.
This isn't The Chronicle official forums. No "selective" thread removal here.
Yeah, we don't do that anymore.
Unless the thread is by a spambot and has porn and drugs in it.
- CaesarsGhost
Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title.
"When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy."
If you check, they have already stated in other threads that the entire site was rolled back about 4 days due to a server crash or some such. The Admin does not "chop" off threads.
This isn't The Chronicle official forums. No "selective" thread removal here.
Yeah, we don't do that anymore.
Unless the thread is by a spambot and has porn and drugs in it.
That sounds good. No more "I dont know WHO removed your thread/post" anymore from you then! Sounds good. Now tell us who the moderators/admins in your forum are please.
Note: Rapid Reality removed whole threads without telling anyone. Not because they where flamefests or broke any rules but because they contained promises Rapid Reality hade made that they couldnt live up to. Of course no fanboi would ever comment on this.
It's almost inevitable that TC would turn out differently because of all that. That's business. All companies make "promises" that they might not end up keeping. I put "promises" in quotations because, in business, promises may have 1001 stipulations that may cause them to be broken.
So, if anything, their removal of the incorrect info was an act of consideration for the community. RR can accurately inform us of the current state of the game and no one gets false hopes. Everyone wins.
A concered Fanboi.