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Don't waste your money and time on EQ2



  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Originally posted by Moirae
    olddaddy, you've just proved everything I said by your own purposeful lack of understanding. I won't even bother to argue points with you because you won't get it anyway. Or you'll try to turn me into the enemy.

    Then don't argue points, discuss the crafting and economic game, discuss the solo, group, and raid experience, discuss how to intermix PvP and PvE in the same game without seperate servers, discuss zoning vrs a seemless world. That is all I ask. Just stop labelling people trolls. Encourage the free exchange of ideas.....stop trying to shut people up with the same constant accusation of trolling. That does nothing to further the developement of MMORPGs.
  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871

    Originally posted by olddaddy

    Originally posted by Flem

    She called the OP Troll here, so what he is a troll and you would agree if youve read his other posts which are basically the same tune over and over.
    And in another post you 'attacked' Moirae when her response was nothing more than stating that she didnt have EoF but it didnt stop her from having fun.  Tell me how she deserves your rubbish from that post huh???

    When Moirae attacks someone by calling them a troll, she should expect to get attacked in return.

    Sorry bud but you are a walking contradiction.  As i mentioned earlier you attacked her in three other threads and i even gave you an example of one of them, she didnt call anyone a troll there yet you still attacked her for no reason. 

    Moirae is more valuable to the EQ2 forum than you as far as im concerned so why dont you do us a favor and leave us in peace.

  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318
    Thank you Flem. Very much. 

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871

    Originally posted by Moirae
    Thank you Flem. Very much. 

    Anytime image


  • NullapaxNullapax Member Posts: 401
    Samurai does have a couple of points in my opinion.

    I have to agree about the zoneing in cities.
    EQ2 is by far the worst game I've played for trying to get around town.
    And yes the death penalty isn't really a penalty at all but that is how games have gone recently to appeal to the massess ( read "cry babies" image )

    Mainly though I have to disagree.
    Allthough EQ2 is far from perfect it is still one of the best quality MMORPG's on the market and I tend to to re-sub once or twice a year to check out the latest expansions etc.

    If you don't like it then don't play it, but trying to put off first time buyers from what is, overall, an excellent example of the genre is just sad man and makes you look like a petulant kid.

    If you want something to moan about go try DnL image

  • SyriSyri Member UncommonPosts: 230

    Originally posted by Samuraisword
    Some advice for potential customers for this product. This is my advice based on my experience in order to save you the disappointment. EQ2 sucks. It's a raid centric game since the best items are achieved in raid content and they are non tradeable, so anyone who doesn't raid will be a second class citizen. There is way too much zoning. The ciities are bare, I mean empty and void of life. Crafting is way too easy so it's hard to make any profit from the items you make. The PvP is weak, no item looting. There is no significant death penalty making the game way too easy and non challenging. The playerbase is shrinking, more and more people leaving daily so not a game that has a bright future.
    While some good points exist in this post, the tone at which it is presented is questionable. The statements used are brief and lacking any kind of evidence for the areas it is required, for example, the cities are bare, on which server is this? in which time zone? these same questions apply to the quote regarding population also.

    The crafting I think is quite well done in comparison to many games, there are a lot of items that can be created that have a demand, and can be sold at a profit. it is possible to make money, but it could, as with many things, be improved upon also.
    The death penalty is actually quite good i find, it's enough to put you off dieing without cause, as it will slow down your levelling progress slightly and also have a slight impact on the cash with repairs. it could be tweaked a little, but it's far better for the average player than examples where you end up losing all items, and have to run to your corpse to get them back, but your corpse just happens to be in the middle of a dungeon and your group split at the point of death...
    I can't really comment on pvp, having not tried the pvp server.

    overall though, some comments justified, but some suggest either a hint of an attempt to antagonise, or a lack of research into the overall picture for something, instead quoting a small sampling as the entire experience

    Currently playing: Rift

    former player of: DAoC, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, SWG (pre-NGE), WoW, Warhammer online, LotR:O

  • ata23ata23 Member Posts: 94

    I dont like SOE because of SWG but I played EQ2, it is a reaaly good game and it is well balanced. I dont play is now because of lack of time but I really enjojed it espicially PvP servers has so much fun.

    It is ok to pay 15 bucks a mont for this game.

    I am waiting for M rated Age of Conan, maybe Gods Heros or Vanguard.

    Its really good to start a fresh game. I did it at SWG.


  • KaneKane Member Posts: 780
    I have to say, I may not like the attacks (from any party here...come on, its a GAME) but I do find what Oldy has to say about crafting interesting. I've always been more of an adventurer than a crafter (except in SWG...the manufacturing system really hooked me pre-NGE). I never even considered the OEM levels possible in EQ2. The servers I played on (forgetting the names...) didn't have an obvious crafting community as described, but I must say, a game that DID do something like Old described would be very, very interesting. 

  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Originally posted by Flem


    Sorry bud but you are a walking contradiction.  As i mentioned earlier you attacked her in three other threads and i even gave you an example of one of them, she didnt call anyone a troll there yet you still attacked her for no reason. 

    Moirae is more valuable to the EQ2 forum than you as far as im concerned so why dont you do us a favor and leave us in peace.

    Sorry bud, but I am a constructively bringing points to the table. I have received feedback from numerous players that these ideas that I bring to the table are interesting, and that others would like to see something like these implimented in the games. Right now MMORPG are cut from the same cookie cutter mold. Players experience the same thing over and over again, burnout, and go seeking a game with something different. But they find that the next game is the same cookie cutter mold. Right now Vanguard is in pre-release beta, and in several areas it is following the same cookie cutter path. Some of Vanguard is also new. Products develope based on consumer discussion, otherwise you would still be driving that black Model T. MMORPG developers want to hear that discussion, and shutting that discussion down by not addressing the points and calling people trolls is not helpful.

    Thank you very much for your valuation of my opinions on the EQ 2 forums. Of course you read my posts on the other MMORPG issues, as I asked. Now, constructively discuss the issues/points of those posts, give your reasons that you find my opinion on those points not very valuable. Unless of course, you are a troll. Only a troll would dis someone/something without discussing the reasons, or without reading the game suggestions. Your not a troll are you? Sound familiar....

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871

    Originally posted by olddaddy

    Originally posted by Flem


    Sorry bud but you are a walking contradiction.  As i mentioned earlier you attacked her in three other threads and i even gave you an example of one of them, she didnt call anyone a troll there yet you still attacked her for no reason. 

    Moirae is more valuable to the EQ2 forum than you as far as im concerned so why dont you do us a favor and leave us in peace.

    Thank you very much for your valuation of my opinions on the EQ 2 forums. Of course you read my posts on the other MMORPG issues, as I asked. Now, constructively discuss the issues/points of those posts, give your reasons that you find my opinion on those points not very valuable. Unless of course, you are a troll. Only a troll would dis someone/something without discussing the reasons, or without reading the game suggestions. Your not a troll are you? Sound familiar....

    Now your just trying to pick a fight, and if you are then go for it.  I didnt say anything about your input not being valuable, just said i find someone elses MORE valuable.

    When your not posting attacks or flaming and actually replying to topics you actually sound like you know what your talking about, so why dont you stick to doing that and we can all keep this forum constructive and helpful for those that want advice.

  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619

    EQ2 is a great game and I have played many mmorpg's.  I havent got into crafting yet.  I have a 46 Necro and about 6 other toons. 

    The magic is graphically stunning and the surroundings are beautiful.  There are so many quests to do your quest log fills up fast.

    I have no idea where you got your info from to justify your statements.


  • leahr930leahr930 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the advice, I'll take that into consideration when buying my next game.  

  • DelamekoDelameko Member Posts: 200

    I only agree on two points.  Death penelty needs to be tougher.  But how do they do that without the forums errupting in rage?  Just look at whats happening now with the changes to mit...

    Tradeskills.  I really think they could have done a better job of re-jigging them.  They should have just removed the tedious stuff.

    I don't agree with the other stuff.

    When you raid you get fabled gear.  You need fabled gear to raid.  You don't need fabled gear for anything except raiding or pretending that you're uber - so if you don't raid you don't need fabled gear!
  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Originally posted by Flem

    Originally posted by olddaddy

    Originally posted by Flem


    Sorry bud but you are a walking contradiction.  As i mentioned earlier you attacked her in three other threads and i even gave you an example of one of them, she didnt call anyone a troll there yet you still attacked her for no reason. 

    Moirae is more valuable to the EQ2 forum than you as far as im concerned so why dont you do us a favor and leave us in peace.

    Thank you very much for your valuation of my opinions on the EQ 2 forums. Of course you read my posts on the other MMORPG issues, as I asked. Now, constructively discuss the issues/points of those posts, give your reasons that you find my opinion on those points not very valuable. Unless of course, you are a troll. Only a troll would dis someone/something without discussing the reasons, or without reading the game suggestions. Your not a troll are you? Sound familiar....

    Now your just trying to pick a fight, and if you are then go for it.  I didnt say anything about your input not being valuable, just said i find someone elses MORE valuable.

    When your not posting attacks or flaming and actually replying to topics you actually sound like you know what your talking about, so why dont you stick to doing that and we can all keep this forum constructive and helpful for those that want advice.

    Well, when I read your comment above "why don't you do us all a favor and leave us in peace", combined with the comment Moirae is more valuable to the EQ2 forum then you are", I interpret that as an attack against me that not only is my input not considered valuable, but that you want me off this forum. You tell me what you meant when you made that statement. Review your statement, and you can see how it can be interpreted.

    As for picking a fight, and going for it, I am quite capable of defending myself in these verbal sparing matches and presenting positive feedback on game developement. I am quite used to that on these threads, as, when I criiticise points in gameplay it is not unusual to be labelled a troll and attacked. I take exception to these attacks, whether directed against me, or against another person. I have analyzed a facet of the Age of Conan game, and, from what I can see the developers are going to run into a problem. I am preparing to address this facet in the AoC forums, and I expect to be flamed by the fanbois. I also expect the developers will review the comments and take them into consideration in developement of the game.

    Some on these forums believe that developers do not read these threads. They may be surprised to learn that the SOE and Sigil developers do read these threads, especially in regard to both games. Whereas they are flattered with the threads that say there game is great, they are more interested in the threads which question aspects of the game, and the ensuing discussion. Even threads started by someone that you may consider a troll can become useful to a developer in evaluating what the playerbase is looking for.  

    It may surprise you to know that I have co-developed games, that is where you see these ideas I am presenting coming from. I do not want to shut down threads like this by calling out trolls, I do want players to present and discuss potential concepts. This is called market survey. If you want to see features in a game, discuss them, do not shut the discussion down by intimidating dissent.

  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Originally posted by Delameko

    I only agree on two points.  Death penelty needs to be tougher.  But how do they do that without the forums errupting in rage?  Just look at whats happening now with the changes to mit...

    Tradeskills.  I really think they could have done a better job of re-jigging them.  They should have just removed the tedious stuff.

    I don't agree with the other stuff.

    When you raid you get fabled gear.  You need fabled gear to raid.  You don't need fabled gear for anything except raiding or pretending that you're uber - so if you don't raid you don't need fabled gear!

    Actually, the fabled gear can also be used in the PvP game. PvP players do spend quite a bit of time in the PvE aspects of a game getting the best equipment. that is why I propose merging the raid/PvP aspects of a game into one, and keeping them on the same server as the solo/group aspects. Just a thought to consider....
  • DelamekoDelameko Member Posts: 200

    Originally posted by olddaddy
    Originally posted by Delameko

    I only agree on two points.  Death penelty needs to be tougher.  But how do they do that without the forums errupting in rage?  Just look at whats happening now with the changes to mit...

    Tradeskills.  I really think they could have done a better job of re-jigging them.  They should have just removed the tedious stuff.

    I don't agree with the other stuff.

    When you raid you get fabled gear.  You need fabled gear to raid.  You don't need fabled gear for anything except raiding or pretending that you're uber - so if you don't raid you don't need fabled gear!
    Actually, the fabled gear can also be used in the PvP game. PvP players do spend quite a bit of time in the PvE aspects of a game getting the best equipment. that is why I propose merging the raid/PvP aspects of a game into one, and keeping them on the same server as the solo/group aspects. Just a thought to consider....

    Ah, I don't play PvP, so I didn't think about that.

  • JorevJorev Member Posts: 1,500

    People who said EQ2 has PvP looting are wrong.

    Real PvP allows anything equipped to be able to drop, that does not happen in EQ2. The equipped items are protected and that is carebear. The best items are always equipped and they should be at risk.

    "We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
    Brad McQuaid
    Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
    Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes

  • CelestianCelestian Member UncommonPosts: 1,136

    Originally posted by Jorev
    People who said EQ2 has PvP looting are wrong. Real PvP allows anything equipped to be able to drop, that does not happen in EQ2. The equipped items are protected and that is carebear. The best items are always equipped and they should be at risk.
    There is looting, you lose all the money you had when you die and I believe you get EXP debt also.

    Only an idiot would make a game where you can loot all items unless the game's drop rates were much higher than any game that's been released to date.

    As to 'carebear', cry me a river tinytoon. Don't cancel your Toontown Adventure account yet!

  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318

    Originally posted by Jorev
    People who said EQ2 has PvP looting are wrong. Real PvP allows anything equipped to be able to drop, that does not happen in EQ2. The equipped items are protected and that is carebear. The best items are always equipped and they should be at risk.
    Lay off the "carebear" comments. maybe I should start calling you a psychopathic killer because you're more concerned with killing everyone in sight and robbing them blind.

    How does that feel?

  • jezvinjezvin Member UncommonPosts: 804
    Played this for awhile, the pvp was very good but the down side just like WOW and all other pve games is when you get to the endgame you need to raid to contend, and I detest raiding so very much.

    I have to say this game has some of the best group pvp that I have ever seen, I love tanks that can acually taunt in pvp.

    I have to say I found this game alot better for pve than wow was, as long as you try to find groups and have fun with other people instead of just trying to solo through the game.

    I think it was well worth it until I got to the raiding, just can't deal with wasting all that time to kill a boss mob or get 1 item for one person out of  20. I play mmorpgs to play against and with people for fun, Raiding is like a job, you sit there and just do what the leader tells you to or you get yelled at, ( even tho i was the leader for most raids I did image)

    in groups people talk and have fun, in raids everyone is quiet and stale

    and real pvp will let people have full looting, although this carebare stuff is the most harcore recent pvp game i could find image

    Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%


  • JorevJorev Member Posts: 1,500

    I never suggested full looting was necessary in order for PvP to be considered real PvP. I know there are many hardcore PvPers who preach that, but I am not one of them.

    However, PvP needs to have significant risk or it becomes a joke, a zergfest where you have nothing or little to lose. By limiting the loot to carried items only, or inferior items, you create a safe environment for PvP which defeats the purpose and reality of real PvP. I can easily not carry any items in my inventory, or coin, and set out to PvP without any risk. That is a flawed design.

    I believe a 1-3 item random item drop of all items equipped, yes including the possibility of the very best items regardless of no drop, attuned etc tags, must exist, in order to keep PvP real. By establishing a safety net and guaranteeing protection of better items, you mock the concept of PvP.


    "We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
    Brad McQuaid
    Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
    Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes

  • erinyserinys Member UncommonPosts: 395
    Well if anyone here doesnt wanna play anymore, send me your buddy key then :)
  • Sh337Sh337 Member UncommonPosts: 55

    Originally posted by erinys
    Well if anyone here doesnt wanna play anymore, send me your buddy key then :)

    You're really desperate... image
  • erinyserinys Member UncommonPosts: 395

    Originally posted by Sh337

    Originally posted by erinys
    Well if anyone here doesnt wanna play anymore, send me your buddy key then :)

    You're really desperate... image

    Well what do you expect :P i ordered the bloody games last monday, 2x with a store claiming they could send out right away, and neither did.. /sigh..

    So now the weekend is here :) and i wanna play, but the trials seems WAY to limited to keep me busy all weekend :)

  • RoinRoin Member RarePosts: 3,444

    Originally posted by Moirae

    Originally posted by Jorev

    People who said EQ2 has PvP looting are wrong.
    Real PvP allows anything equipped to be able to drop, that does not happen in EQ2. The equipped items are protected and that is carebear. The best items are always equipped and they should be at risk.

    Lay off the "carebear" comments. maybe I should start calling you a psychopathic killer because you're more concerned with killing everyone in sight and robbing them blind.

    How does that feel?

    The OP's post was far from trolling.  He took the time to list and even go into a bit of detail about the parts of the game he didn't like.   Just because you are too narrow minded to accept someone elses opinion on  a game you like.   That does not instantly make him and/or her a troll.   Most of the people that even bothered to reply to each of his points.   Basically kept doing the same thing.  Trying to insist that his opinion was wrong.   Which isn't possible.   Because an opinion is just that, an opinion.  Someones personally feelings or thoughts on the matter.   How are you going to tell him what he felt when playing the game is wrong? 

    In War - Victory.
    In Peace - Vigilance.
    In Death - Sacrifice.

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