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ATI graphic cards and EQ2 - i Need some free advice~

hawkwindhawkwind Member Posts: 124

For some reason I see ati has a lot of problems with eq2, I realise the game is graphics intense but the list of VPU recovery errors so many people experience is pretty long. ATI did recently inform me that my card is probably broken so I will replace it and see. I wonder if all of the ones complaining have broken cards? A search of the Sony EQ2 forums shows that the ATI VPU errrors go back at least 2 years.

What affordable video card will work reliably in a newer 3.2 Ghz ! GB Ram P4  computer? I can only spend about 150$
and after seeing ATI's products I am wondering about another company. Their support took over a month to resolve the issue, is this typical of video card manufacturers? Incidently, I can run WoW at the highest settings with no crashes at all as well a couple of other games like Silkroad and Ragnarok.

Don't ya eat the yellow snow!


  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318

    Just a suggestion, but why not look into buying an NVIDIA Gefore 7600 or better? EQ2 is designed for those cards and they run fantastic. I got my 7600 online for $150 and that was on a Canadian website (I'm Canadian).

    Forgot to add that I can run the game now on high settings whereas I couldn't before.

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871

    Originally posted by Moirae
    Just a suggestion, but why not look into buying an NVIDIA Gefore 7600 or better? EQ2 is designed for those cards and they run fantastic. I got my 7600 online for $150 and that was on a Canadian website (I'm Canadian).

    Forgot to add that I can run the game now on high settings whereas I couldn't before.

    Second that.
  • boognish75boognish75 Member UncommonPosts: 1,540
    i have a very niceazti card, eq2 doesnt support new ati drivers, i had to use the last driver update and not the newest one and now its smooth sailing.

    playing eq2 and two worlds

  • PlanoMMPlanoMM Member Posts: 1,267

    Originally posted by boognish75
    i have a very niceazti card, eq2 doesnt support new ati drivers, i had to use the last driver update and not the newest one and now its smooth sailing.

    me ati card in me rig is 2 years old and i have no problems whatsoever running EQII.


  • SevenwindSevenwind Member UncommonPosts: 2,188

    I have an ATI card and it runs EQ2 with the latest drivers just fine. I hate the bloat of ATI drivers but it runs fine. Only other thing I can suggest or ask is do you have the latest DirectX 9 redist installed? I know it was a required update for EQ a few months ago so it may help in your EQ2 problem. If you can't download it from Microsoft try someplace like and do a search.

    Other than that there is 3rd party drivers like Omega drivers you might look into. I never had a problem with those in the past.

    .. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-

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  • docminusdocminus Member Posts: 717
    i have an ati X850 pro
    that was about 150$ in april. pretty good card for such a price. no problems with EQ2 other than that i have to start in windowed mode (and i am not sure if it is the card, but who knows) - i can switch to full screen once the game has loaded.


  • BakgrindBakgrind Member UncommonPosts: 423
    Well back when I used to play EQ II I ran it on a 9800 pro card with now problems what so ever.
  • doLL66doLL66 Member Posts: 19

    For what its worth, I use ATI and have no problems at all.  I run EQ 2 on Extreme Performance as I have a pretty sweet notebook and the ATI gives me no problems at all.


    NVIDIA always has good products as well!


    doLL66  image

  • Rayx0rRayx0r Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,902

    I used to be a HUGE ATI fan. I used one for years.  They always seem to have the best benchmarks, typically more affordable.

    problems Ive had with ATI cards is the compatability.  I ran into so many compatability issues with the boards.  I mean theres actually a third party who takes ATI's drivers and tweaks them. 

    Im not sure if its as extreme as it used to be, but I do still see a lot of ATI complaints.  If you look past the ATI benchmarks and look at what a lot of PC games are being designed around, you'll see that nVidia does have the edge there.

    I couldnt suggest going nVidia more. 


    “"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66
    I've always used ATi and its always been fine in EQ2. Currently I have a crossfired x1900/xt setup no problems at all. I would go for a single x1900xt card, can be overclocked to 1950 speeds easily within ati tools if you really wanted to.

  • SamhaelSamhael Member RarePosts: 1,539
    I have an ATI card and the games runs beautifully.  However, I've noticed a couple of minor things like the waypoint paths disappearing/reappearing, the burning tents (with no flames) in the tutorial island, and the-tree-that-burns-that-I-can-only-tell-this-by-the-text in the Seeds of Tunarbos quest.  My wife can see it all just fine. I tried the latest Catalyst drivers but this hasn't made an impact.

  • mikesterbraumikesterbrau Member Posts: 25

       I will chime in and add I started playing the game with a plain Ati 9600 and then later upgraded to a 9800 Pro and have no problems with EQ2.   Last night though one of my guild mates pointed out that my helmet had neat runes on it but I could not see them; well I was sent a screenshot from another computer and could make out the runes.   Oh also they were both AGP cards running in 4x mode.   No problems at any time but I heard that some of the new card models were prone to acting up at certain resolution and performance combo's.


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