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Hardest word to spell.



  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360


    I hate Mary Poppins.

  • KhuzarrzKhuzarrz Member Posts: 578
    Americans seem to have tones of problems spelling 'Ireland'... And EVERYONE has a problem spelling 'dieing' correctly. 'Dying' is the process through which clothes are changed colour. To die (i.e. what happens when you're killed) is 'dieing'... Weird eh...

    Oh, and Defense/Practice/Offense and their multiple spellings... That confuses me always....

  • CowinspaceCowinspace Member Posts: 671
    In purely internet terms people seem to have a real problem with 'the'.


  • HifructoseHifructose Member Posts: 308

    The hardest word to spell is definAtely definItely.

    I consider myself a pretty good speller; especially considering I'm not obssessed with it or grammar, but I had a problem with this for a while, and it seems like a LOT of other people do to.

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,870

    Originally posted by Khuzarrz
    Americans seem to have tones of problems spelling 'Ireland'... And EVERYONE has a problem spelling 'dieing' correctly. 'Dying' is the process through which clothes are changed colour. To die (i.e. what happens when you're killed) is 'dieing'... Weird eh...

    Oh, and Defense/Practice/Offense and their multiple spellings... That confuses me always....

    Oops, sorry but am going to have to correct you as your wrong.



    1. ceasing to live; approaching death; expiring: a dying man.
    2. of, pertaining to, or associated with death: his dying hour.
    3. given, uttered, or manifested just before death: her dying words.
    4. drawing to a close; ending: the dying year.
    5. the act or process of ceasing to live, ending, or drawing to a close.



    1. a coloring material or matter.
    2. a liquid containing coloring matter, for imparting a particular hue to cloth, paper, etc.
    3. color or hue, esp. as produced by dyeing.
    –verb (used with object)
    4. to color or stain; treat with a dye; color (cloth, hair, etc.) with a substance containing coloring matter: to dye a dress green.
    5. to impart (color) by means of a dye: The coloring matter dyed green.
    –verb (used without object)
    6. to impart color, as a dye: This brand dyes well.
    7. to become colored or absorb color when treated with a dye: This cloth dyes easily.

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