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Lobby or Open-Ended?

Well, I got a new computer. One of those Dell XPS's: 1GB Nvidia Geforce (Random numbers) Graphics Card, 4GB of Memory, and much more. But what I was really saying to myself when I was going to sign up for this game was:


1.) Is this game lobby-based (Meaning there are seperate games, and servers) Or is it open-ended (All people on one server, moving around the whole world so much more fun. :D)

2.) How much players are on average?

3.) Are there certain events, such as the Axis taking Saint Lo, etc?

4.) And how much suscription is this game?


I was hoping you veterans can answer this. Thanks.


  • FadeFade Member Posts: 419
    most of this you can find on the main site so ill give a brief overview.

    the game is not lobby based, but instead it is a persitant online
    battlefield.  campaigns are fault until one side meets the winning
    conditions (which has to do with taking over factories and is too
    complicated for you to learn right now).  campaigns usually last
    for about 2 months.  during campagins and the intermissions that
    separate them, a player's stats are recorded and a player can "rank
    up."  once you reach the 5th rank (sargeant for brits) you can use
    all equipment in game.  keep in mind there are separate ranks for
    the airforce, land, and naval compenents of each army.

    there is a training server where stats are not calculated.  on
    this server there are special events (scenarios) on some saturdays that
    are ultra realistic and a load of fun.

    how many players are online at a certain is difficult for me to say as
    for one you can't see everyone on the other side (no names above their
    heads, can't speak to them, etc.).  IMO there is enough people to
    make the battle interesting and the number flucuates as the campaing
    progresses.  right now a new campaign has started so there are a
    lot of players online.

    ww2online: Fader
    EVE: Fader Bane
    proud member of BKB

  • ZephrithZephrith Member Posts: 122

    That was all I was hoping for. This is going to be awesome. See you in the battlefield soon, guys.



    EDIT: Is a joystick recommended in this game? By recommended, I mean, will you have a disadvantage, even on infantry, if you don't have one? Thanks.

  • FadeFade Member Posts: 419
    if you're going to fly you absolutely need a joystick.  its also
    defaulted for guns (anti tank guns and anti air) and tanks. 
    however both you can program to the keyboard (tank is a little
    tricky).  infantry needs no joystick nor should you really use one
    for infantry. 

    if you need help in game look for members of the squad BKB (my
    squad)  they are very helpful as are the vast majority of the
    ww2online players.

    ww2online: Fader
    EVE: Fader Bane
    proud member of BKB

  • kallekkallek Member Posts: 4
    I played the gam for a year before I got myself a joystick. The standard FPS mouse/kbd combo works great (unless you're flying ofcourse). Am currently AWOL from the game because of RL issues, but I am looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
  • VeviVevi Member Posts: 146

    Looking forward to seeing you there.

    Hope your on the Allied side! image



  • PillBoxPillBox Member Posts: 184

    You'll need a joystick for flying. If you have a playstation style joypad, that works great for ground based vehicles.


     If you are going to play Axis, check out We just had a good squad night, up to 67 people where online.

  • BadJasperBadJasper Member Posts: 6

    I played Air Warrior for about 6 years and never thought I'd find another MMOG I would like until this one. You are gonna love it! Definitly get a stick if you are gonna fly!  Also find a Squad to join ASAP. It makes the learning easier and teamwork pays off. Might I suggest the Royal Scots? image Welcome aboard! image




  • briambobriambo Member Posts: 13
    But the action in-game can be quite boring...but it depends on where you are...if you  are in a city that is under constant bombardment or you are attacking a city it is cool...but if you are in a city where the enemy isn't passing through...well it get's quite boring

  • FadeFade Member Posts: 419
    thats why you dont go to a city that isn't under attack.

    ww2online: Fader
    EVE: Fader Bane
    proud member of BKB

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