Originally posted by Mr.Blonde Microsoft is making an Xbox exclusive (so far) mmorpg called True Fantasy Live Online, and from what I hear they will be making the headset usable.
I will check it out, but you did notice the word "GOOD" in my post right?!?! I reserve the right to make the decision after I see the game
After testing EQ: Online Adventures, I have found MMOs to be too clunky for consoles. Chat and communication is just too "cumbersome" on a console.
Yes you can hook a keyboard up, but that is still clunky too. Kinda defeatst the purpurose of playing a console. Afterall, if I wanted to play a game with a keyboard, I would just use my computer. Heck, graphics and sound are better that way.
Got two words for you. X-box comunicator. It allows you to talk via or headset, so you don't have to type all the time when playing the game. Which is going to make it the ultimate lazy experance for me, but heh thats another story.
Yes this is the console MMORPG I have been waiting for as well. Unfortunately it has just been delayed again. Winter 2004 release for Japan with the US after that.
Originally posted by MrVice Got two words for you. X-box comunicator. It allows you to talk via or headset, so you don't have to type all the time when playing the game. Which is going to make it the ultimate lazy experance for me, but heh thats another story.
I was thinking about how that could change communication in game. Like how the loudness of the voice of someone is determined by how far the person is physically in the game. Also, if you knock out the chat window from your GUI, it gives you more visual room for the game. I'm sure some lamer would put his mic up to a loudspeaker and play some awful annoying music, such as Justin Timberlake. It's a thought though. I think the MMOG scene along with many other games will be moving to consoles soon. I just know there are quite a bit of diehard "I only want to play games on PC" people.
How do you communicate in a joystick only MMRPG? Sure, current joysticks have far more buttons than they should, but I couldn't image how you must type with one.
-=-=-=-=- Chess the original hardcore PvP game!
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% Test learn what it means here. Yee: Ach: 85% GRE: 65% AFF: 15% Imm 15% Test Click here to learn about it.
-=-=-=-=- Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
i played Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast back when it came out and I had no computer, and that was awesome, but the dreamcast had a keyboard... The emote thingys were way fun to play with, i wish another game would do something like that.
I think it will be easier for the Xbox to make you actually talk then to make you write...(much more roleplaying then writing I think, so they could kill the other RPG on the roleplaying aspect very easily with such a powerfull edge) And they can keep a dumb easy meny for NPCs...althought if a NPCs fight with the group, he might have a few random call from time to time, just not to often, once per 3 minutes, no more, dont want him to spam the players. A NPC fighting against the group can talk a lot more! It is an enemy and the center of interest!
If they put talking in the Xbox in a MMORPG, I think there should be a way for someone that see me for the first time to know which languages I talk, maybe the color of 1 particuliar item or something. I think it would be very easy to make that item blue in the back for french as main language(red for english, yellow for spanish, green for Italians, black for german, white for russian, etc...)and add symbol on it for second language, like there could be a red lion(english) on a blue crest for me, clearly showing I speak french and frenglish at a first glance for someone checking that particuliar item. In my exemple, this should be basic setting for Europeens and North Americans players, but with a little switch easily turn on, there should be an Asian setting and I wont suggest any colors here, I dont know, but guess red should be to china in this setting, for an Asian player this can be nice, but for me the red crescent is english. Maybe someone can be able to self set it to his personnal taste at home, maybe not. For me any non-Europeen language should be brown, which mean, dont even try to understand! Someone that somewhat speak french should have a small blue Lys on his crest, and for others language I wont say anything, I dont know.
In the event someone only speak 1 additionnal language, you can even let the person put the symbol more then once...once mean somewhat of a start, while 2 is can manage, 3 could live with that language if needed(like me I would put 3 red lions), 4 is no accent, as strong as main language. In the event someone is very very very good with more then 2 languages, there could be a surrounding band of the 3rd language and if more then 3, just put a gold thing around. My spanish and my german would lack to much for me to put them and risk confusing folks.
I can only feel the pain of everyone grouped with me trying to understand my frenglish! (if you think it is hard for you to understand asians players, just think between me and them when we both use english...hehehe)
Especially that I play with a lot of folks that live in NYC, my frenglish is going down the shaft with this crude slang! :P
If the Xbox(or a competitor) can make good MMORPG and good RPGs(not like they do now, I mean, I long for the Baldur Gates type on computers, I play Dark Alliance, it is not bad, but it is not what I like) and a few strategy games, there would be no reason for me to buy a new computer so I would gladly pay 1k for a console that meet those requirements, not that I think they would make it that expensive anyway.
I rather buy a new Xbox* every 2 years if they meet with equal or better success my gaming need, but atm, the consoles are WAY behind computers in my gaming tastes.
- "Coercing? No no, I assure you, they are willing to bring my bags and pay public transportation just to help me, it is true!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Originally posted by Clever_Glove How do you communicate in a joystick only MMRPG? Sure, current joysticks have far more buttons than they should, but I couldn't image how you must type with one.
-=-=-=-=- Chess the original hardcore PvP game! Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% Test learn what it means here. Yee: Ach: 85% GRE: 65% AFF: 15% Imm 15% Test Click here to learn about it.
Total agreement on the chess comment. Also I would definately play an mmorpg on a console, if and only if it was a fun game.....Xaldor
Originally posted by Clever_Glove How do you communicate in a joystick only MMRPG? Sure, current joysticks have far more buttons than they should, but I couldn't image how you must type with one.
-=-=-=-=- Chess the original hardcore PvP game! Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% Test learn what it means here. Yee: Ach: 85% GRE: 65% AFF: 15% Imm 15% Test Click here to learn about it.
Total agreement on the chess comment. Also I would definately play an mmorpg on a console, if and only if it was a fun game.....Xaldor
Chess is the first game based turn PvP(which I love).
First PvP was prolly the guy who is able to defeat another in a jousting or some fight with wooden stuff, where reflex and strenght does matter.
EDIT: Actually, first PvP was prolly some grec wrestling...or something like that.
- "Coercing? No no, I assure you, they are willing to bring my bags and pay public transportation just to help me, it is true!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Originally posted by Anofalye Chess is the first game based turn PvP(which I love).
Go has been reported to have been played as early as 2000 bce (BC). Chess around 600 ce (AD). Backgammon around 1500 bce. Mancala around 1500 bce. So, I know of three popular board games that were played at least a 1000 years before chess. Ok, some of you may never heard of Mancala, but believe me, it is a popular game in a lot of African countries.
Honestly, I'm not here just to prove people wrong. And I have nothing against chess (I actually love the game). It's just when people make statements and present them as facts when they aren't, I feel inclined to say something so that everybody else won't keep perpetuating falsehoods.
Uh what about when two dinasours tried to kill each other or whatever was before that... Anyways Citizen Zero is also on the way for the xbox.
Personally I don't care purely about it being on a console, I don't see why it couldn't be just as fun if the console had a way to update the game that is. But I don't want to have to buy a zillion systems just to play all the awesome games either. My dad always predicted that consoles would die out a long time ago, and I always told him no. I knew why back then, but now I have forgotten and can't see why he wasn't right. I even knew how to operate dos computers as a kid and still liked consoles better for games.
I think it was because consoles were just more user friendly, and you could carry them around and hook them to any tv. Maybe it will happen soon when OS'es are more reliable and Laptops powerful enough to handle the best games.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBABILITY(YOUR STATEMENTS BEING MOTIVATED BY FEAR(I>U)) > .5
Honestly, I'm not here just to prove people wrong. And I have nothing against chess (I actually love the game). It's just when people make statements and present them as facts when they aren't, I feel inclined to say something so that everybody else won't keep perpetuating falsehoods.
Ok I agree, chess may not be the first PvP game. I still believe that it is the greatest game ever made, and I still play chess online at least as much as I play video games...Xaldor
Originally posted by Xaldor Ok I agree, chess may not be the first PvP game.
Ok, let's get back on topic.
Someone mentioned something about a menu system for NPCs. How would you feel if there weren't any NPCs? You could still have monsters, creatures, or what have you that you wouldn't normally converse with anyway. The main problem I have always had with MMORPGs is the distinction between NPCs and players. In this way, you can eliminate that and continue with the voice communication and not have it seem akward.
Ok, let's get back on topic. Agreed... however, obviosly there could be no broad voice chat system. I think that xbox and the like could easily pull this off with a keyboard. I have a steering wheel for my driving games after all.
I'm envisioning a voice chat system where loudness of voice is determined by physical game distance. So, in game, if you are standing right by me, I hear you fine. But, as you travel further in game from me, you will become less audible until you get to a range that I won't hear you at all. Sounds complex compared to a global and team chat system such as what's in Planetside. But I'm sure technology (sound compression) is good enough now or in the near future to pull it off.
Of course I haven't mentioned like throwing in walkie-talkies or cell phones (for something like a cyberpunk game), or some other communication device to be able to talk to friends, clans, and what have ya.
I think a broadvoice chat system could work. Just like any other MMORPG, you could turn off whichever channels you do not want to hear. You could /ignore poeple you don't want to hear.
Even when multiple people are talking at the same time, the XBox could just queue them up and let you choose which ones to listen to. I think it is do able.
Another thought I just had. If the server (or client) also had a decent voice to text system built in, then the chat could come accross as text, but you speak instead of typing to send the chat. That could also work. It wouldn't have to be perfect. Hell, most typing in MMORPGs has mispelled words, crazy abbreviations, nad typos caused by typing fast under duress...
So, I still say, a voice chat system could be done fairly easily.
Ugh no way I want to hear other people's real life voices in-game nor do I want to talk in to a microphone. First of all I would feel idiotic second of all I often play late hours when the rest of my house is asleep... How well will that go off? There is also just no way I could immerse myself in to a typical MMORPG setting with trolls, knights and wizards and then hear a 12 year old whiney voice come out of a 14 foot tall ogre. My whole suspension of disbelief would be destroyed.
Anyway if it's on a console there better be a keyboard and mouse or it better be so amazing I just can't resist it. All things being equal I'd much prefer it on my computer. Of course I dream of the day when PCs are a blend of console and what we see now.... I really need a keyboard and mouse and please, no voice chat!
Hell yes. That is exactly what I am waiting for. A good XBOX MMORPG that takes advantage of the headset. Would be great!
Microsoft is making an Xbox exclusive (so far) mmorpg called True Fantasy Live Online, and from what I hear they will be making the headset usable.
I will check it out, but you did notice the word "GOOD" in my post right?!?! I reserve the right to make the decision after I see the game
After testing EQ: Online Adventures, I have found MMOs to be too clunky for consoles. Chat and communication is just too "cumbersome" on a console.
Yes you can hook a keyboard up, but that is still clunky too. Kinda defeatst the purpurose of playing a console. Afterall, if I wanted to play a game with a keyboard, I would just use my computer. Heck, graphics and sound are better that way.
Got two words for you. X-box comunicator. It allows you to talk via or headset, so you don't have to type all the time when playing the game. Which is going to make it the ultimate lazy experance for me, but heh thats another story.
Vice MAN
Chess the original hardcore PvP game!
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% Test learn what it means here.
Yee: Ach: 85% GRE: 65% AFF: 15% Imm 15% Test Click here to learn about it.
Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
Hope they make it workable.
Last MMO I know of that uses voicebox is planetside and it lags for most so badly in big scale battles.
i played Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast back when it came out and I had no computer, and that was awesome, but the dreamcast had a keyboard... The emote thingys were way fun to play with, i wish another game would do something like that.
I think it will be easier for the Xbox to make you actually talk then to make you write...(much more roleplaying then writing I think, so they could kill the other RPG on the roleplaying aspect very easily with such a powerfull edge) And they can keep a dumb easy meny for NPCs...althought if a NPCs fight with the group, he might have a few random call from time to time, just not to often, once per 3 minutes, no more, dont want him to spam the players. A NPC fighting against the group can talk a lot more!
It is an enemy and the center of interest!
If they put talking in the Xbox in a MMORPG, I think there should be a way for someone that see me for the first time to know which languages I talk, maybe the color of 1 particuliar item or something. I think it would be very easy to make that item blue in the back for french as main language(red for english, yellow for spanish, green for Italians, black for german, white for russian, etc...)and add symbol on it for second language, like there could be a red lion(english) on a blue crest for me, clearly showing I speak french and frenglish at a first glance for someone checking that particuliar item. In my exemple, this should be basic setting for Europeens and North Americans players, but with a little switch easily turn on, there should be an Asian setting and I wont suggest any colors here, I dont know, but guess red should be to china in this setting, for an Asian player this can be nice, but for me the red crescent is english. Maybe someone can be able to self set it to his personnal taste at home, maybe not.
For me any non-Europeen language should be brown, which mean, dont even try to understand! Someone that somewhat speak french should have a small blue Lys on his crest, and for others language I wont say anything, I dont know.
In the event someone only speak 1 additionnal language, you can even let the person put the symbol more then once...once mean somewhat of a start, while 2 is can manage, 3 could live with that language if needed(like me I would put 3 red lions), 4 is no accent, as strong as main language. In the event someone is very very very good with more then 2 languages, there could be a surrounding band of the 3rd language and if more then 3, just put a gold thing around.
My spanish and my german would lack to much for me to put them and risk confusing folks.
I can only feel the pain of everyone grouped with me trying to understand my frenglish!
(if you think it is hard for you to understand asians players, just think between me and them when we both use english...hehehe)
Especially that I play with a lot of folks that live in NYC, my frenglish is going down the shaft with this crude slang! :P
If the Xbox(or a competitor) can make good MMORPG and good RPGs(not like they do now, I mean, I long for the Baldur Gates type on computers, I play Dark Alliance, it is not bad, but it is not what I like) and a few strategy games, there would be no reason for me to buy a new computer so I would gladly pay 1k for a console that meet those requirements, not that I think they would make it that expensive anyway.
I rather buy a new Xbox* every 2 years if they meet with equal or better success my gaming need, but atm, the consoles are WAY behind computers in my gaming tastes.
- "Coercing? No no, I assure you, they are willing to bring my bags and pay public transportation just to help me, it is true!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Total agreement on the chess comment. Also I would definately play an mmorpg on a console, if and only if it was a fun game.....Xaldor
Total agreement on the chess comment. Also I would definately play an mmorpg on a console, if and only if it was a fun game.....Xaldor
Chess is the first game based turn PvP(which I love).
First PvP was prolly the guy who is able to defeat another in a jousting or some fight with wooden stuff, where reflex and strenght does matter.
EDIT: Actually, first PvP was prolly some grec wrestling...or something like that.
- "Coercing? No no, I assure you, they are willing to bring my bags and pay public transportation just to help me, it is true!''
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Honestly, I'm not here just to prove people wrong. And I have nothing against chess (I actually love the game). It's just when people make statements and present them as facts when they aren't, I feel inclined to say something so that everybody else won't keep perpetuating falsehoods.
The biggest problem with a console will always be, for me, input: using a gamepad versus using a mouse/keyboard.
Assuming the game is very good and provided I could feel comfortable with a quality input schema, I'd have no problem playing on a console.
Uh what about when two dinasours tried to kill each other or whatever was before that... Anyways Citizen Zero is also on the way for the xbox.
Personally I don't care purely about it being on a console, I don't see why it couldn't be just as fun if the console had a way to update the game that is. But I don't want to have to buy a zillion systems just to play all the awesome games either. My dad always predicted that consoles would die out a long time ago, and I always told him no. I knew why back then, but now I have forgotten and can't see why he wasn't right. I even knew how to operate dos computers as a kid and still liked consoles better for games.
I think it was because consoles were just more user friendly, and you could carry them around and hook them to any tv. Maybe it will happen soon when OS'es are more reliable and Laptops powerful enough to handle the best games.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBABILITY(YOUR STATEMENTS BEING MOTIVATED BY FEAR(I>U)) > .5
Ok I agree, chess may not be the first PvP game. I still believe that it is the greatest game ever made, and I still play chess online at least as much as I play video games...Xaldor
Someone mentioned something about a menu system for NPCs. How would you feel if there weren't any NPCs? You could still have monsters, creatures, or what have you that you wouldn't normally converse with anyway. The main problem I have always had with MMORPGs is the distinction between NPCs and players. In this way, you can eliminate that and continue with the voice communication and not have it seem akward.
Agreed... however, obviosly there could be no broad voice chat system. I think that xbox and the like could easily pull this off with a keyboard. I have a steering wheel for my driving games after all.
What do you mean by broad voice chat system?
I'm envisioning a voice chat system where loudness of voice is determined by physical game distance. So, in game, if you are standing right by me, I hear you fine. But, as you travel further in game from me, you will become less audible until you get to a range that I won't hear you at all. Sounds complex compared to a global and team chat system such as what's in Planetside. But I'm sure technology (sound compression) is good enough now or in the near future to pull it off.
Of course I haven't mentioned like throwing in walkie-talkies or cell phones (for something like a cyberpunk game), or some other communication device to be able to talk to friends, clans, and what have ya.
I think a broadvoice chat system could work. Just like any other MMORPG, you could turn off whichever channels you do not want to hear. You could /ignore poeple you don't want to hear.
Even when multiple people are talking at the same time, the XBox could just queue them up and let you choose which ones to listen to. I think it is do able.
Sorry, to double post, but...
Another thought I just had. If the server (or client) also had a decent voice to text system built in, then the chat could come accross as text, but you speak instead of typing to send the chat. That could also work. It wouldn't have to be perfect. Hell, most typing in MMORPGs has mispelled words, crazy abbreviations, nad typos caused by typing fast under duress...
So, I still say, a voice chat system could be done fairly easily.
Ugh no way I want to hear other people's real life voices in-game nor do I want to talk in to a microphone. First of all I would feel idiotic second of all I often play late hours when the rest of my house is asleep... How well will that go off? There is also just no way I could immerse myself in to a typical MMORPG setting with trolls, knights and wizards and then hear a 12 year old whiney voice come out of a 14 foot tall ogre. My whole suspension of disbelief would be destroyed.
Anyway if it's on a console there better be a keyboard and mouse or it better be so amazing I just can't resist it. All things being equal I'd much prefer it on my computer. Of course I dream of the day when PCs are a blend of console and what we see now.... I really need a keyboard and mouse and please, no voice chat!